LOL: I'm really a professional league player

Chapter 127 Forehand and backhand education! 3 to 0 to advance to the final!

Chapter 127 Forehand and backhand education!Three to zero to advance to the final! (seeking subscription)

A tower in the middle road was destroyed, rng lost a large circle of vision, the wild area was invaded wildly, and there was no place for wei to develop at all.

As for going to the lane, the upper, middle, lower towers were all demolished, and the laning ended early, and he couldn't do anything as a jungler.

As the game time came to 7 minutes, with the help of the ice girl to turn the line back and forth, all rng's outer towers were pushed down without knowing it.

The score of the two sides is even more leading by a big score of 14-3.

The map on rng's side is even more pitch black, and people don't know where they will suddenly appear. A good game has become a horror game.

Top Fight is not in a hurry when they have an advantage, after all, this is their best matchup.

In the next 3 minutes, the fuss began to revolve around Dalong.

With the birth of Dalong, everyone in Topbo disappeared in the middle.

In this case, rng can only hold a group and lean towards the big dragon pit.

To them, a loss of Baron is not much different from the end of the game.

All the outer towers have been lost, and the next step in Taobao is to take the big dragon to the high ground.

As soon as I checked my vision, I saw Lucian was hunting river crabs, and his E skill was used up!
Although the others don't know where they are, this is an excellent opportunity for rng.

If you can kill Lucian Taobo in seconds, at least you won't open the dragon.

They can even use one less output bit to complete the comeback.

After all, the aftershock ice girl is a tool man's way of playing, so how much damage can it do?

Xiaohu quickly manipulated Yao Ji to jump on her face, and the others quickly followed.

But at this moment, a crampon protruded from the corner of the wall!
He rushed directly into the middle of the remaining four of RNG.

The W skill Ring of Frost is activated!
The four people who were walking forward paused, and the ice veins emerging from the ground froze them firmly!

Under the big screen, Lissandra raised her hand and released a big move towards Verus.

At the moment of touching, Verus, who still had about two-thirds of his blood volume, plummeted to less than one-third.

As soon as the Q skill was shot, it made up for the last damage and emptied all of Verus' blood.

Before Gala could react, he realized that his screen had gone black again!


When an ice girl can kill someone, the game is over.

At the same time, the giant bear falls from the sky, and the AOE damage is full at the moment of landing.

As Verus fell to the ground, the Ice Maiden's passive was triggered, driving the fallen enemies, and exploding in the center of this range!

Even though Xiao Ming has already put on a shield, there is supplementary damage from the bear and the damage from the ice girl in front of him is splashed.

The blood volume was directly blown out!
Double kill!

The exact same plot happened again, and the fan mother was expelled.

Explode again in this range.

The blind monk hurriedly kicked the bear away.

I want to cooperate with Jian Ji to deal with the ice girl.

But Lin Fan turned on the stopwatch directly to avoid this round of damage.

Xiaohu was beaten to a pulp, so he quickly activated the second stage W to come back.

But this time when he came back, he was taken away by a q skill of Lin Fan who had finished his golden body.

Triple kill!

The ice girl's passivity reappeared on the field.

Not only that, the weapon master Lucian also killed him.

Their purpose is simple, to keep people.

In the current situation, Lin Fan could have five kills.

Team Top Fight's voice exploded even more.

"Brother Fan has five kills!"

"Five kills, five kills, five kills..." Zoom shouted and flashed in with an E skill that stunned Jian Ji.

Ah Shui seized this opportunity to make up for a set of damage, and reckoned that it was almost time to stop.

Jian Ji was directly killed by the bomb.

Quadra kill!

Four kills!

Seeing this, the fans of Top Fight even jumped up from their positions.

"Five Kills! Brother Rateu!"


At this time, many people waved the flags in their hands.

If you look closely, you can see that this is a photo of Lifeline...

As for the above, there are the words apex super fun.

After all, Lin Fan's fans are quite diverse.

In the past, fans of Glory of Kings went to the scene to cheer, but now fans of various games come.

Although some people couldn't understand the game, they knew that Brother Shuitu was cheering for Lin Fan and joined the team one after another.

Although wei really didn't want to give this pentakill, but the blind monk ran two steps and couldn't get out.

Mainly it was linked to deceleration.

Lin Fan just chased forward two steps and finished with a Q skill.

Penta kill!

The sound effect of the pentakill and the photo album are all over the canyon, and the tone is even more shocking.

"Brother Rate Tu~"

"My God!"

"The Ice Maiden's damage is too exaggerated. When she enters the arena, she immediately detonates Verus and immediately kills Verus. Afterwards, she even got five kills. Oh my God!"

The doll's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Li Tuge took out the Ice Girl and won five kills on the field. I can only say...too strong!"

"The timing of the entry was perfect, and I controlled four people when I entered."

"rng doesn't have to fight anymore."

The ice girl's five kills have completely wiped out rng's hope of making a comeback.

"The equipment is so good, and the killing book is full now, it's hard to imagine how rng will fight next, but the moment he came in, Verus was instantly killed."

"The five kills are really shocking. I really didn't expect the process of the game to be like this."

"This is Brother Shutu, no matter what hero he takes out, he will perform top-notch." Tong Xi shook his head.

"That's right, so I'm really looking forward to Taobo's game, basically watching every game."

"If Brother Sutu can maintain this state, his future career will be very exciting."

"In fact, his current career is already very exciting." Tong Xi said with a smile.

"But, professional player like him is still the first lpl."


"Hahaha, Brother Fan is so handsome."

"It's better that you seduced me. When I saw your rng side, I was anxious, which made me steal to the back row so easily."

"The five kills in the back were also taken with your help, I just made up for the damage in the back."

"Anyway, the rate is awesome, I only recognize your ice girl, okay, the number one ice girl in lpl!"

"I really can't speak, this is clearly the No. [-] mid laner in LPL."

"Shh, if you continue talking, you two will be washed away."

"I'm afraid he's a hammer. I've always been so fast-paced, and I won't hang them." Ah Shui said.

"Don't be poor, fight the big dragon, fight the big dragon, the wave is over."

"Okay, see if you can give me a pentakill when you push the high ground."

"Try it, Lucian should have a chance."

rng was wiped out by the group, and it was not difficult for Tao to control this big dragon, and he won it easily.

Seeing this scene, the three commentators in the commentary booth also changed the topic back to the game.

"Tobo easily controlled Dalong here, rng's current situation is already very difficult."

As a commentator, of course, you can't just stand on the sidelines, especially in this kind of important game, the number of fans on both sides is scary, if you say something wrong, today's Weibo will be flushed.

After winning the big dragon, go home to update the status and replenish equipment. The weapon master goes on the road with a single belt. After the equipment leads, Jian Ji is actually very difficult to fight.

Although Abin wanted to go up and operate it, he knew that as long as he dared to go up, he would pay for nothing.

As for the front, it was even more uncomfortable. With a line of soldiers coming in, rng could only keep retreating backwards.

Once the crystal is dropped, Jian Ji can only go back.

When I was on the road, I was easily pushed away by zoom.

Everyone in rng retreated in front of the front tooth tower.

Tao Bo was not in a hurry, he waited for the two lines of super soldiers to come over, and then changed lanes to go down.

The two lines of highlands are gone, and if the third line is returned, the pressure on the pawn line will be particularly high, but rng dare not come out at all.

As long as you come out, you will be opened by the ice girl.

Hide in the front tooth tower and wait for the opposite side to push in.

As soon as the three-way high ground was broken, Taobo began to put pressure on the front teeth.

Lin Fan seized the opportunity to flash into the arena.

I didn't want to control many people, I just wanted to get rid of one first.

So the ultimate move was thrown directly at the blind monk standing in the front.

Ah Shui took a look, and stepped forward with a silky dance step, Q tap W tap to complete the kill.

Watching the double C sprint, Xiaotian was not to be outdone, and made a big move to dominate the world.

The front tooth tower is directly invalid.

Even if there is a blind monk, the army will be defeated like a mountain, not to mention without the blind monk, the combat effectiveness of the two sides will not be at the same level for a long time.

In this case, the team members died one after another.


Ah Shui let out a long sigh.

"There is no pentakill, and there is no face in it."

"If this is a double-five kill, they are probably in a hurry."

"That's right."

RNG's base exploded immediately, and the game time was fixed at 27 minutes and 34 seconds.

Topball won the first round of the upper bracket.

"Congratulations Taobo!"

"Yes, their mid-field cooperation in this round is really impressive, and they played well and even scored pentakills!"

"I hope that rng can quickly adjust its state to meet the next game."

After a short break, the two teams returned to the battle seats.

However, judging from the expressions on both sides, rng's pressure is obviously much greater.

It seems that the violent beating in the first game had a relatively large impact on the players.

And in this round rng's lineup has also undergone tremendous changes.

The aggressive enchantress is gone, and Xiaohu is replaced by the ice girl.

But Lin Fan took out the Enchantress in this round.

There is quite a feeling that you can't play the enchantress last time, and I will teach you.

Everyone immediately became interested when they saw it. The teaching bureau of the two sides exchanging heroes, is it intended to teach forehand and backhand?

Soon the lineups of both sides were determined.

Blue Fang Taobo: top laner Gnar, play wild horse, mid lane Enchantress, bottom lane duo Ze Li and cat.

Red square rng: top laner Jess, jungler Blind Monk, mid laner Ice Girl, bottom lane duo Aphelios and Lulu.

Rng's idea is to copy the style of play of the previous game, and support the big brothers who are in the upper and lower lanes.

Then help the team win the game.

This idea is really good, but the reality is really cruel.

The ice girl in the middle of them can't get the line right!
After being pressed under the defensive tower for 3 minutes, the enchantress helped the team control two river crabs.

The Wei people were dumbfounded.

Ah Lei!
How come Brother Hu can't beat Yao Ji!

In 5 minutes, the sprinting men and horses went around to the rear and kicked the ice girl back.

The enchantress is on the chain, and the W skill continues to follow.

The follow-up two-stage one skill triggers the Q skill imprint, clearing the remaining blood of the ice girl.

First blood!

A blood eruption.

Tabe's face in the background changed.

The enchantress took first blood, how does the ice girl fight online?
You are at a disadvantage when you come up to the line, isn't it more difficult to fight now?
What happened next was exactly as Tabe expected.

After Lin Fan went back to update his equipment, sister Yi Yi's power was officially displayed.

Consuming one-third of the blood volume ahead, Xiaohu has already sensed the crisis and hid under the defense tower.

But as the line of soldiers advanced, Yao Ji directly stepped on her face qr and used the electric shock E skill to finish, and she just carried the defensive tower twice to fully maximize the damage, and directly completed a solo kill.

At this moment, the official broadcast room directly exploded.

"Sure enough, forehand and backhand education!"

"You can tell by looking at the outfits of both sides, how can the enchantress use magic resistance?"

"Here comes Brother Sutu, if you don't kill twenty of them, I don't quite agree."

"It's an exaggeration of ten. Twenty is completely used as an adult machine. Although Xiaohu is good, he can't do it."

But now that he was caught once and killed the ice girl solo, it was almost useless.

It is almost impossible to roam around. At most, he will act as a toolman during team battles to see if he can catch the enchantress.

Xiaohu was also very desperate looking at his black and white screen.

No matter what the outcome of today's game is.

But after being taught forehand and backhand, the rhythm after the game will not be less.

Are young people nowadays so ruthless?

Xiaohu felt that his body was a little stiff.

But what made him stiff was still behind.

When the horse reaches the sixth level, another kick...

The screen went black again.

The tactics of this round of Taobao are very clear, unlimited raising demon girls!

Let him take over the game in about 10 minutes and directly dominate the game.

In 9 minutes, Yao Ji, who had updated her equipment again, sneaked onto the road.

Abin didn't realize that he was being targeted.

Little Gnar jumped in the face directly and hit the general worker, and the demon girl behind him showed a set of skills to clear Jess' blood volume.

Abin was startled, what kind of injury is this?

Click the tab key to see.

Lu Benwei's echo was impressively lying in the enchantress' equipment column.

Damn it, more than nine minutes Luden?

Why are you so fat?

But looking at Lu Xiaohu's miserable appearance, it seems that Yao Ji's equipment is quite reasonable.

In [-] minutes, a tower in the middle of rng was pushed down, and the economic gap between the two sides reached [-], which was not that big compared to the previous round.

But this one has a fatal point, the enchantress is really too fat.


The murder book was silently stacked up to twelve layers, and each layer had Xiaohu's name on it.

This is the second game, although rng is behind but has been looking for opportunities.

Wei grabbed it forcefully, but the enchantress was squatting down the road.

The blind monk who came out was force-fed to death by the enchantress with a set of three small skills.

The rest of the rng bot lane duo could not escape death.

Starting from this wave, rng completely lost the chance to come back.

Seeing Yao Ji killing non-stop on the sideline, Xiaohu despaired for a while.

The better Lin Fan played in this round, the greater the pressure on him.

Taobo chose to move the dragon in 21 minutes, and rng came to the dragon pit to fight to the death.

But in the face of the high output of the enchantress and the chaotic formation of troops, there is absolutely no way.


In 23 minutes, he rushed straight to the high ground with the dragon buff.

Surrounded by five people, Enchantress killed Aphelios instantly, even with Lulu's protection, it was useless.

As for the other teammates, they followed up immediately, without giving rng any chance, and took them away in a wave.

Two to zero, Taobo won the match point!


There is no doubt that rng is under a lot of pressure right now.

It is unimaginable how difficult it is to win three rounds in a row.

In this year's playoffs, only Taobo has completed the two-chasing three.

Even their fans don't have the confidence at this stage.

The result was indeed as expected.

Rng collapsed in the third game. Except for the top lane, which was playing normally, all kinds of deformed operations in other lanes were played.

It took only 21 minutes to end the third game.

Three to zero!
Top Fight beat rng!

"Congratulations Taobo!"

"Congratulations to Topball for advancing to the final!"

"They are in really good form now. They easily defeated rng [-]-[-], especially Brother Rateu, who is the MVP of three rounds again!"

The baby nodded frantically at the side: "Yes, it's really too strong!"

(End of this chapter)

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