LOL: I'm really a professional league player

Chapter 135 What do you like about Brother Sutu?Of course it's a Jedi random killing!

Chapter 135 What do you like about Brother Sutu?Of course it's a Jedi random killing! (seeking subscription)
At 07:30 in the morning, under Luo Sheng's kind call, all the team members got up and went to the cafeteria to have breakfast.

With a glance, I found that these contestants were all in high spirits. It was obvious that they had raised their spirits enough to prepare for today's competition, but when they came to Lin Fan and looked at his frowning, Luo Sheng's My heart creaked.

In such a crucial game, the role of the middle lane can be imagined. If something happens, it will be troublesome. He quickly asked, "What's wrong? Lin Fan."

Others' attention was also attracted by Luo Sheng's words.

"Creating wasteland today! When we land at 04:30 noon, we will go up at around [-]:[-], and it will take a long time to get a mobile phone in the middle of a round. It would be great if you are allowed to bring your mobile phone up during the game."

"Brothers, we have to finish the afternoon game quickly, and it's best to finish it before seven o'clock."


Looking at Lin Fan who was fiddling with his mobile phone back and forth, Luo Sheng didn't know what to say for a while.

At least he is still thinking about the land of the land, so there must be no pressure in the finals.

After breakfast, everyone started the warm-up session.

Three hours of training before the game, the time is almost right to go to lunch, take a short break at noon, and then take the bus to the stadium.

The time is not tight. After arriving at the venue and waiting for a while, you can almost prepare for the game.

Lin Fan still started the live broadcast today, not for anything else but for those fans who are still fighting on the edge of the land.

As for the alliance fans, they are really confused at this time.

Brother, you have a game this afternoon.

You started live broadcasting Satohama in the morning, what are you doing!

An ominous premonition lingered in my heart.

"Okay! Brother Sutu returned to his original heart."

"This landing is a bit bad. There are no fifth-level lands around."

"Quick pump, quick pump!"

One of the most important things about s2 is to draw cards.

The first few cards that must be drawn are Guilu, Daguo, and Dalu.

Since there are very few people playing Pang Tong's Shubu now, as long as Pang Tong has it, he doesn't need to be full red.

These draw cards are all for conquest season service.

The five teams in the main city and the three core teams are slowly accumulated every season.

After Lin Fan finished handling some small things, he rubbed his hands together and started to draw cards.

I remember the first time I played, s2 conquered the card pack, Guilu came out in the first round, and then I used it directly to open up wasteland.

Reasonably, luck is better now. There is a high probability that the first round will be shipped. If I remember correctly last time, five out of five out of [-] out. Today, six or seven out of [-] out of [-], right?
So I opened the card pack and started drawing directly.

The first shot turned red!
Question marks kept popping up in the live broadcast room.

How come five out of the first round of what?

Can only expect the first five to be rubbish.

But no matter how garbage, it will be useful...

Guo Jia!

Guo Jia's words are okay, Wei Zhi generally doesn't form a group, mainly because the big dog will be stronger in other groups.

For example, the dog knife is a must-have military weapon for civilians.

But now that there is an extra long battle, Wei Zhi still has the opportunity to appear in the fifth team in the main city. Manhong not only dominates the battlefield, but it is also a T1+ lineup.

Don't worry about continuing to smoke.

The next three rounds didn't come out, and the fifth round glowed red again.


The card contains the general with the highest amount of gold: Oni Lu!

It is said that his IQ is not high, but his panel can be as high as 3.01, coupled with instant group tactics, and reducing the enemy's output, he is destined to be the strongest physical output general in the country. No card can replace his status, even heavy Qun Yuan Shao, who was praised by everyone after doing it, is actually a lower-level substitute.

Seeing this card, Lin Fan frantically punched and shouted like that video.

It is said that the probability of getting a card is high.

Full of European style!

"Convinced, this time I am really convinced, Brother Sutu has never lost in the card draw."

"Five shots and two fives, they are still the core, Gui Lu and Da Guo, what will happen next? He won't be full of red right away?"

Of course, such outrageous things still did not happen.

The remaining fifteen rounds were all drawn.

The five-star generals in the S1 conquest card pack are all out, not only that, but there are two more ghosts.

This card draw is very smooth, twenty shots and two red ghosts!

Seeing that I still have 18 jade left, it should be no problem to draw three more Gui Lu when the general trend of the world starts, right?

By the way, mink millions of dollars are drawn...

At least Lin Fan felt very hopeful.

If not, then you can only continue to draw krypton gold.

Netease, you don't want everyone to know that the probability of you is so low and scary, right?

"Fuck, dog luck!"

At this time, the brave official drew a reminder from Lu Bu in the sky.

Lin Fan complained subconsciously.

Twenty draws can produce Lu Bu, all of which are dog cares.

Completely forget that he has just released three cards.

Such behavior also aroused public outrage!
"All the envious halazi flowed down."

"Brother Sutu's magic hand is too outrageous. Do game manufacturers squat in the live broadcast room and adjust the probability directly when they are ready to draw?"

"That's right, I feel more and more that this is the case."

"If you want me to tell you if it's dog luck, go to pick up the box and see if the csgo box can be shipped. If this can be shipped, then I will take it."

"Ahem, I read today's card draw and I can only say that I was too small before. If Brother Sutu helps me draw boxes, we will get [-] points, [-] points, Brother Sutu [-] points, and me [-]."

"Sure enough, the difference between people playing the same game is as big as that between humans and dogs!"

"I drew the card, and the dog shook his head when he heard it."

People are in good spirits on happy occasions, since there are two red ghosts, it is not justified if they are not used to open up wasteland.

At that time, when the battle report is released, everyone will know that they have drawn three Lv Bu after seeing the two reds. Who can compare with this European spirit?

Regardless of whether he has money or not, Sutuzhibin's favorite is Biouqi.

It is not uncommon for a monthly card party to install zero krypton, and a set of monthly cards is not uncommon, because the depth of the card pool does not match the amount of krypton gold.

Looking at how you can pay so much for your monthly card, it feels like Europe.

With Gui Lu, this land reclamation is really comfortable.

S2 is dimensionality reduction strike.

Coupled with the decentralization of Zhang Ji, the ghost Lu Zhang Ji and Sun Quan would be massacred as soon as they came out.

But Lin Fan still likes Zhen Luo more, not for other reasons, he has skin and hair, why should he stare at the bad old man?

The rhythm control is still very good, step by step.

Hit five with Zhu Jun, and you can hit three directly when you hit level five.

Immediately afterwards, the main city was upgraded to level 6.5 [-]c, and the commander's hall was opened. If there is a striker, you can go to Sun Yu for a transition, and it will be very smooth to open the fourth.

Anyway, it is a high-end game, after reading the strategy for a few days, the speed of getting started is still very fast.

After all, I have a certain degree in my heart, and I don't know what kind of rhythm is most suitable.

It's a pity that the happy game time passed quickly.

Luo Sheng gently came to Lin Fan's side, patted his shoulder, and signaled that he would go to the arena next.

You can only say hello to the audience and then download it.

But after such a fork, Topbo fans panicked.

It's fine if you don't practice, but when you are about to play a game, you will broadcast live to open up wasteland. This behavior is too grassy...

Sometimes I really don't know what Brother Sutu is thinking.

I just hope that the next state can still be maintained well, and it has not changed because of this episode.

The same is true for White Crescent, why do you let Brother Tutu like this, it's time to show the authority of the coach.

As Topball arrived at the arena, there was still an hour before the official competition.

After all, it was the finals of the spring competition, and the official also held a small event here.

Allow players to interact with fans.

There were hosts and cameramen to record it, and the atmosphere in the live broadcast room was so lively before the game started.

For this, Luo Sheng was actually protesting. After all, this was not good for the players, and there were even other accidents.

After all, it's the final.

I can only stare from the sidelines, and rush up immediately if something goes wrong.

But the officials are not stupid, and they didn't let everyone come up, but in the form of lottery.

Unexpectedly, there were more people looking for Lin Fan to take pictures than Ah Shui.

It is true that Lin Fan's performance in the past two months has conquered the audience too much. Coupled with the off-court fans, the number of fans is not less than that of Ah Shui, and even one more session.

After taking pictures, follow the staff into the venue.

At this time, the host below began to interview fans.

"I'm a fan of Brother Satu, and today is the final, so I'm here to support Brother Satu."

"Then why did you fall in love with Brother Sutu?"

"Brother Sutu shot too hard when he hit the ground. What impressed me the most was that he picked up a gun at the hydropower station and shot three, and then the [-]th kill was so powerful that it really got my point! I've been in love with him since then, he's so handsome..."

"Ah?" The host at the scene was confused.

She could understand all the words she said, but she didn't understand what they meant when they were stringed together completely.

What is this talking about?

How come it has nothing to do with League of Legends?

With a professional smirk.

"Hahaha, I believe Brother Sutu..."

After hearing this, the barrage in the live broadcast room rolled wildly.

"Just ask the host if he is dizzy?"

"This fan is too real, I'm not a league fan."

"I can only say that the program is full of effects. The most unexpected player in the professional league is the rate of Tuge, and the surprising fan base is the rate of Tuge's fan base."

"Those who come from the south to the north, those who go east to west, no matter what game they play, as long as we support Tuge, we are good brothers."

At this time, the host also hurriedly found the next player for an interview.

"I like how Brother Sutu looks like he plays Sutuzhihama every day, and he likes to teach us how to play. There are very few anchors like Sutuzhihama like this."

"Glory of the King is playing well. Glory of the King believes in the strong, and the leader of the game kills professional players. In addition, the heroes he uses are also my favorites, so I deliberately found him in the live broadcast room and started to pay attention."


Not only did the host faint now, so many people in the live broadcast room had to wonder if they had entered the wrong live broadcast room.

Why did you ask three or four questions in a row, all of which were mixed in by other games?
Where have League of Legends fans gone?

"I'm not his game fan... I'm a Yan fan, good-looking is justice!"

No one knew what the host had experienced during the three-minute interview, but the look of despair in her eyes was no less than that of the host who interviewed Brother Qian Qian back then.

Thinking of this, many people remembered that classic sentence in their ears.

"rnm money back!"

Fortunately, it became normal after that, and the host slowly recovered his spirit.

She now understands that it's best to ask Ah Shui's fans, and when she sees a dine sign in her hand, it's best to stay away, because you don't know what will be said after the interview.

Not to mention, this link really made the live broadcast room a lot more active, and the popularity increased by several million, and the barrage kept swiping, densely packed.

As for the fans who arrived at the scene, there were many exaggerations, and they were all heads.

After all, both teams are considered to be operational teams, and the number of fans is at the forefront of the league.

In addition, this is the final of the spring competition, and the contest of the winner's group has a lot of topics, and the attention is full.

As for the commentary lineup is even more luxurious.

The golden combination plus Colonel Guan, the atmosphere group is full, there are active atmosphere, there are full output commentary, and there is also the king of poisonous milk.

These three can be regarded as old partners, as soon as they came in, they began to enliven the atmosphere of the scene.

As the director turned off the lights, the big screen in front of him began to flicker continuously.

The team logos of the two teams were displayed on the two monitors.

At the same time, the camera was shown on the battle seat.

Luo Xin was ready.

"I would like to invite our top team: top laner zoom, jungler Tian, ​​mid laner dine, adc jackeylove, support mark, coach Crescent!"

"I invite our rng team: top laner bin, jungler wei, mid laner Xiaohu, ad gala, support Ming, coach tabe!"

Under Luo Xin's introduction, the two teams entered the preparation seats in an orderly manner and began to adjust the equipment.

The scene immediately burst into cheers.

After waiting for so long, the final is finally about to begin.

"One thing to say is that I think it's very interesting for the two teams to fight. I wonder if rng can seize this opportunity?"

"Brother Sutu also broadcasted the live broadcast of Sutu Zhihama in the morning. This is because he didn't take the game seriously at all. I think there is a chance."

"Indeed, I also think the chances are quite great..."

"You guys think too much, don't you? With Brother Suitu's state, it's no problem to beat two little tigers."

"Brother Shitu never trained for what he should do before. Xiaohu couldn't even beat him. Now he just keeps it as it is. Why do you think Xiaohu can beat him? You people are very strange."

"Yes, as long as Taobao has not lost, I will always believe in Brother Suitu."

"I remember that I should have said it earlier, right? For Brother Sutu, you must believe first and then doubt it."

Before the game started, there was a lot of noise below.

And the camera switches to the commentary seat under Luo Xin's posture.

If you play awkwardly a lot, everyone will get used to it, and you will find it very good-looking and addictive. After all, these poses have never been seen or tried.

At least it won't be like the beginning, wanting to switch channels immediately and run away.

"The two teams are preparing, I believe everyone has been looking forward to it for a long time, and both sides have something to say before the game." Miller raised his glasses and said.

As an old audience, when you hear Miller say this, you will understand what it is.

The most indispensable part of the finals is the pre-match trash talk!
I don't know what kind of tricks the trash talk of their two teams will play.

After all, the two sides played against each other before the final.

There's definitely a lot to be said going into the finals.

(End of this chapter)

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