LOL: I'm really a professional league player

Chapter 136 Yalei!Victor like this?

Chapter 136 Yalei!Victor like this? (seeking subscription)

The big screen quickly played the video shot before the game.

The first one to appear was Xiaohu, and he opened his mouth in front of the camera, which can be regarded as his signature smile.

"The pressure on the batting rate is still quite high. I just hope to be able to stabilize the lane in the middle and bring a wonderful game to the audience."

As soon as this was said, the bullet screens in the live broadcast room were all boring.

The more I get back, the more I can let go of the previous trash talk, and every sentence I say is classic, now everyone encourages each other, let's make a fool of myself!

Seeing this trash talk makes everyone drowsy, so it's better not to talk about it.

It may be more enjoyable to start the game directly.

But at this time, Brother Soltu appeared on the big screen.

"It's nothing, play rng casually, it's not even as difficult as me playing dragonfly, and it's over [-]-[-] quickly, so I can go back and lead Tuzhibin to open up wasteland and make it to the rankings."

A very simple sentence, but it detonated the venue and doubled the barrage in the live broadcast room.

mad! ! !
This tone of voice is absolutely confident.

"Such a strong personality charm, I think the last sentence is even more lore, I really like Brother Shutu more and more."

"Others: Hope to give the audience a good game.

Brother Sutu: The opposite side is full of rubbish. "

"I live in Bengbu. These two levels of reverse position are too handsome. The ones who dare to talk trash directly are warriors. I remember the last one was uzi. You were the runner-up at the age of 17, and Yu Wenbo was the champion."

"Brother Sutu's words are full of effect no matter whether he wins or loses. If he wins, he is domineering and confident, but if he loses, he will frantically whip his corpse."

"As a fan of Sutuzhibin, I cried to death when I heard Sutuzhibin."

"Isn't today the time for Brother Satu to open up wasteland?"

"I was still broadcasting Shidozhihama live in the club this morning, and I was terrified watching it... I can only say when is it cold in Shidozhihama?"

"No wonder I said here that I am rushing back to open up wasteland. This time I am really rushing."

"Unless it's three to zero, it'll be eight or nine o'clock."

"Let me just put my words here. Brother Sutu is in a hurry to go back to open up wasteland. Today's game is in full swing! Showing his true strength, Hu Da Lao was forced to be violently beaten."

There was a crazy discussion in the live broadcast room.

Apart from other things, Soltu brother is still the number one when he thinks about other games when playing games.

The last shot was given to Xiaotian.

"Wei is stronger. His jungle thinking is too clear. I just rely on us to carry in the mid lane. The jungler can only make a living by hugging the mid laner's thigh."

"Brother Sutu is too strong, rng has no advantage at all."

"The gap in the middle lane is too big, there is no need to talk about this at all."

In the end, Xiaotian, the pothead, smiled at the camera.

"Fuck, the pattern has opened up! For the first time, I feel that Xiaotian's words are not yin and yang, but what he said is the truth."

"One thing to say, at the beginning of the sixth game of the regular season, Xiaotian opened up a new world. The middle lane can be so C!"

"doinb refuses to accept, criticizes hand refuses to accept..."

"So the two of them didn't appear on the final stage at all, and they didn't even have the qualification to shoot videos with their left hands."

"It's true what you said. The left hand is clearly a player of the Top Fight team, but he didn't have a part in the trash talk before the game? It's a bit messy when the sun comes out."

"Hahaha, I'm smiling, but he did all of this by himself, but there is one thing he has experienced that we can't experience. You laughed with your left hand and didn't play, and he laughed and criticized you for playing less."


Then the director didn't cut the camera back to the commentary booth.

Switch directly to the battle seat.

The three commentators on the stage were still bragging, and the big screen had switched to the bp interface.

From the first game, it was obvious that both sides were well prepared.

After continuous BP and selection, the heroes of both sides were determined one by one.

The final lineup is determined.

Blue Fang Tao fights: top laner Gnar, jungler Viego, mid laner Victor, bottom lane duo Lucian and Nami.

Red square rng: top laner Jess, jungler, mid laner Clockwork, bottom lane duo Zeli and Cat.

The lineups on both sides are actually similar, especially in the middle, the confrontation does not seem to be so high, and it is biased towards development.

According to the rhythm point, Taobo focuses on the bottom lane, and rng focuses on the top lane. If Jess is selected for the top lane, it must be to establish an advantage.

Substantial resources must be invested.

"Good audience friends, the game will start soon."

Seeing the coaches of both sides walk to the center of the stage to shake hands, Wawa said hastily.

"Let's see if it will be the same as Brother Suitu said, playing rng is as easy as playing." Guan Zeyuan whispered bb at the side at this time.

As soon as the words came out, Wawa and Miller gave him a thumbs up.

It’s fine to do it before the competition, but you can also start to do it during the competition.

This live broadcast room has become chaotic.

"It's not appropriate for Guan Zeyuan to perform gong at this time, is it?"

"Damn it..."

"Brother Sutu's current state, he was suddenly manipulated by God Guan. This Victor shouldn't be crazy and give it away for nothing, right?"

"Fuck, maybe it's really possible."

"I saw you talking like this and I was flustered, but when I opened the coast of Sutu, I immediately calmed down. Brother Sutu is protected by a mysterious oriental power, and Guan Zeyuan's efforts may not be able to threaten him. "

For Xiaohu, Lin Fan has always been very familiar with it. He will punch hard against the players he has beaten before, and he will be wretched to the end if he can't beat him.

The starting point of this game is to tell Lin Fan, don't try to kill me alone this time, I will definitely stay in front of the defense tower and not go anywhere.

The summoner skills of both sides are the same, teleportation plus flash.

However, teleportation in this version can be replaced with igniting and sprinting, but for the consideration of mid-to-late team play, bringing teleportation can relieve team pressure.

Victor is a typical development hero. Once the equipment is formed, the two skills can clean up the crispy skin, and the ultimate move can divide the battlefield.

Zeli is easily restricted by Viktor in mid-to-late teamfights.

Victor made a big move, and Gala didn't dare to move forward at all.

So this hero mainly restrains Zeli.

In addition, Xiaohu chose the clockwork. If there is no good opportunity in this round, Lin Fan doesn't plan to play too aggressively. He just needs to ensure his development and create an environment for Foyego to harvest during team battles.

As for the bottom lane matchup, of course Luna has the advantage.

The Duke on the road can resist the pressure.

Overall, the lineup of Taobao is better.

But this is something that rng can't help.

If you want to limit your opponent, you have to lose something.

There is no such thing as restricting the opponent, but still being able to choose a super good lineup.

Of course, if the coach on the opposite side is an idiot, there is no way to take Conte's position and be Conte.

Sometimes I can indeed see a lot of such situations, watching everyone scolding people.

Lin Fan quickly bought the go-ahead outfit, and did not choose the corruption potion but Dolan's two reds.

Victor's mana consumption is not that high, and it is completely enough to go back to do the lost chapters in the transition.

As the minions came online, Lin Fan's Victor and Xiaohu's Clockwork began to mess around in the middle lane.

In the middle lane, the details are all about the details, and every opportunity to exchange blood must be seized.

Victor has multiple shields, and Clockwork has shields too.

It can block a wave of damage at the first time, and the clockwork relies on passive a, the passive damage is very exaggerated.

Although Xiaohu thinks that he can stabilize his growth in the middle lane, he is really not cowardly.

So the two sides have been looking for opportunities to engage each other.

In the end, it was Lin Fan who pulled better, stole a basic attack, tricked the clockwork shield and pulled back.

But this exchange of blood did not have much impact on the game in the middle.

It is impossible to kill solo in the future.

It's just that he can grab the second level first, and see if Xiaohu will give him a chance later.

But when Xiaohu saw this situation, he immediately retreated, resolutely not giving him any chance.

But when he retreated, he was still slipped by Victor's E skill.

Since he couldn't kill alone, it didn't affect Lin Fan calling Xiaotian to catch him.

"Xiaotian came over to catch the three wolves immediately after brushing."

"Okay, Brother Fan, I'll be right over." Hearing Lin Fan's words, Xiao Tian quickly responded.

Hearing Nakano's conversation, Ah Shui immediately stopped pressing forward.

He has now formed a conditioned reflex, at least the Nakano brothers can't be dragged down when they make trouble.

Xiaohu retreated to the back, his eyes lit up when he saw Victor was about to raise his hand to make up the knife.

Go up to Q and give yourself a shield with a backhand, followed by a general attack and A.

Then the small move turned away Victor's E skill, and this wave of blood exchange made a small profit.

Xiaohu is also very happy in his heart.

It is still no problem to get the clockwork to fight the opposite Victor. He can advance and attack, retreat and defend. Just now it can be regarded as a show of glory.

Not that there is no way at all.

Lin Fan stepped back and started taking drugs.

Seeing Victor's cowardice, Xiaohu's confidence here has greatly increased.

The opposite party exposed two points from drinking the medicine. He was afraid that the jungler would catch him, which meant that the jungler was not in the middle.

The position began to be radical.

It seems that his training during this period of time is still fruitful, and winning Rookie earlier is also the best proof.

It's really not much worse than Brother Tu, and the opponent is still confident in playing other games before the game.

This game will make you regret it.

Lin Fan watched the movement of the clockwork, and understood that Xiaohu had been fooled.

But this is also normal, after all, the lineup was selected to fight Taobao with the intention of focusing on the bottom lane.

Coupled with the fact that the hero Fyego is the main brush, and he has to ensure his own development before arresting him, Xiaohu naturally doesn't feel that the opponent is mad and wild and comes to arrest him before he finishes brushing.

At three minutes and four seconds, the third-level Viego was already in place on the wall behind the red square f6.

Seeing the unnoticed clockwork, Lin Fan already knew that this wave was done.

When Xiaotian saw it, he turned on the E skill and rushed out from behind.

Lin Fan looked at the clockwork and pressed forward without any fear.

It is impossible to replace yourself on the opposite side with this amount of blood.

And with Fyego on our side, it is conservatively estimated that the position of the troops is in the blue buff.

Even if the support from the opposite side comes over, this time is enough to kill the clockwork twice.

Xiaohu looked at Foego who suddenly appeared from behind, his expression changed drastically.

Xiaotianhou defends calmly and first Q, hits the general attack with a knife, hangs the red buff to slow down.

Lin Fan qa made up for the damage.

At this moment, Xiaohu was directly hit by mixed doubles, without any temper at all.

The most important thing is that the opponent didn't turn in the skill, but he flashed it, and the opponent flashed now or died.

The whole Xiaohu didn't know if he was going to use his skills or not.

Finally, after thinking about it, I still want to live.

The desire to survive is too strong.

But in the end, he was stunned by Fiego's flash W, and then Victor's position was in place, and he was controlled to death.

Xiaotian saw the timing and retracted the knife precisely, and gave the head to Lin Fan.

First blood.

400 yuan in the bag.

Another beautiful start.

Xiaohu's complexion changed, and he flashed that he had handed over but the person disappeared.

The clockwork is not flashing, and the pressure on the next lane will be terrifying.

What was even more uncomfortable was that Victor had a flash on the opposite side.

Seeing the situation in the middle lane, Wei knew that there was no chance, so he hurried to the bottom lane to see if there was a chance.

But Taobo's bottom lane duo retreated immediately.

In addition, the rng bottom duo has no ability to keep people.

Even if the people and horses sprint, they will not be able to kick out if the distance is wrong.

In this case, rng can only change the target to the middle lane again, no matter what you say, it can force Victor's flash, otherwise this kind of inequality will put a lot of pressure on Xiaohu.

However, Taobo's mid-field rhythm is faster than rng's.

Lin Fan went home here and took out the little yellow book and added the ring to kill.

Immediately press the pawn line into the middle.

Xiaotian squatted in the grass in the middle of the road, he knew that people and horses would definitely come.

The distance between the middle and the field is very close, and in this case Lin Fan can catch up with the skills immediately.

Not only that, Nami is also here!
Sure enough, Nakano assistant linkage.

The support on the opposite side is a cat. This is the case. The bot line advances to the mark and can roam around at will.

When wei stepped into Foyego's hunting circle, he was destined not to return.

W bit directly, Nami immediately followed the control, and then Lin Fan stood up.

The damage of the three people was fully absorbed.

The details of mark and Xiaotian give way, and the killing ring is directly stacked on two layers.

Wei people numb.

He just wanted to come to the middle to relieve Xiaohu's pressure.

But I didn't expect that not only did not relieve, but also sent myself in.

Ah Lei!
The worst part is that Nami is here.

Zhonglu protects the father, right?

Isn't Lucian in the bottom lane worth investing resources in?Stocking, right?

This is another familiar rhythm of Taobo, starting with two heads in the middle.

"Does Victor always fight like this? The Taobao tactics are executed so thoroughly." Guan Zeyuan was taken aback.

"Actually, it's okay. Victor's equipment is really good." Miller said.

"..." Xiaohu looked at the fallen people and horses, and didn't know what to say.

Forget it, the opponent is so fat, and he didn't flash, so he stayed in the middle lane and was wretched.

A big move in the later stage can also help the team win the game.

There are so many people to help, and it's hard not to remember the other side.

It's really enviable... Even Victor will come and arrest people by force.

But when Xiaohu was wretched under the defense tower.

Bad news came on the road.

At five and a half minutes, Fiego cooperated with Victor to catch.

Three Guarantees forcibly overstepped Jess.

The bad news is that Victor took the head again, and he has already killed a lot. What's more terrible is that the killing ring has silently stacked to the fourth floor.

At this time, Xiaohu was a little speechless.

If they can't move their wretched opponents, they will catch them.

Tobo Nakano is simply a hooligan!
(End of this chapter)

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