LOL: I'm really a professional league player

Chapter 137 They are all trash!

Chapter 137 They are all trash! (seeking subscription)
Xiaohu knew that the middle lane would definitely be difficult for him in the future.

The reason is very simple. Victor went to the road to collect a head. Now there are three heads in his hand, and he can evolve the e skill with the last knife. To put it nicely, he will not be able to go anywhere except the defense tower, and he will directly become an earthbound spirit. .

The E skill on the opposite side is boosted, and a wave of soldiers is cleared up.

And clockwork's early clearing of the pawn line is too slow, and Victor can go to support at any time if he doesn't want to line up.

This is a good day for his teammates!
To put it bluntly, the opponent wants to play in the middle lane, and with such a developed Victor qer, he can go back to the spring to take a bath.

When I was at the base, I could take a shower while playing games, but now it was a game, Xiaohu didn't have that kind of thought, at least he didn't have Brother Zaozi's leisure time.

Seeing Victor on the opposite side return to the middle lane, Xiaohu could only retreat cautiously.

But facing the most vicious boss on the field at this time, Clockwork seemed too weak.

After scraping the two E skills, the blood volume is less than one-third.

Xiaohu complained frantically in his heart: How is this a laning?This is torture!
But what he didn't expect the most was that if he chose Victor, Tao Bo would really be able to save his money. How could this help?

The most angry thing really made them help, this crazy complaint, and was irritated by the laser again.

He quickly set up a shield for himself, but the first-level E skill, this shield is pitifully thin, and still deducted about a hundred points of HP.

Xiaohu twisted his face and grinned.

Looking at his blood volume, he already had an ominous feeling.

"They're all junk!"

Victor roared in a low voice, raised the scepter in his hand and shouted.

A thundercloud was directly summoned in the middle.

Chaos storm!

With a set of combo skills, Xiaohu was so aggrieved that he couldn't make any resistance.

The main reason is that there is no flash, he can't go out by the No. [-] bus.

After being electrocuted twice in a row by the ultimate move, the blood volume of the clockwork was emptied in this way.

Very frustrating.

But there is no way.

The opponent is leading in equipment and level, what should I use to fight?
As for the wave of soldiers that came later, Victor just used his e skill to nourish it, followed by two basic attacks, and it was easily cleaned up.

Then go directly to the bottom lane. His blood volume is very healthy and there is still a little mana left. In this wave, we can try to see if there is a chance for the bottom lane.

Xiaotian didn't have a chance to show himself in the wave just now, so he quickly followed Lin Fan's footsteps.

"Too Fight Nakano Linkage is coming again, catch up and down again!"

"It's hard to imagine how the hero Victor can complete the card..."

"Topsports has worked out a feasible system after this period of time."

But there was a little tiger who sent a signal frantically, and the two roads up and down were connected with yo-yos.

Originally on the road, wei planned to come over to help bin cross a tower, but when he saw the signal, he gave up due to the pressure from the opposing midfielder.

But this is also rewarding, directly mobilizing the dragon, and even preventing Gala from developing.

Seeing that it was almost the same, Lin Fan returned to the middle lane again, and dealt with the pushed pawn line again.

Xiaohu didn't dare to make any extra moves.

After all, Xiaolong had just finished fighting. If Foyego was around here, he would die if he dared to go out.

Even if Victor doesn't have a big move, the damage of his small skills is already ridiculously high, and he just needs someone to make up for the damage.

Afterwards, Lin Fan returned to the city and directly synthesized the missing chapters from the Little Yellow Book, and added the Explosive Wand.

This damage has already reached the point of exaggeration.

The commentators on the field kept saying that Victor was going to eat people, but it was normal that Taobo's economic lead was all in the middle.

After all, all the heads of Taobo are on his side.

rng didn't sit still, and in 9 minutes, the people chose to catch the first big move!

The cat gets on the car, the man and horse's big move starts to sprint, and the final chapter of the cat's magic book forms a combo.

Ah Shui knew very well that if he could use his ult to reach him, he would die, so he flashed and ran away the moment he rushed over.

Mark can only give a big backhand, it doesn't make sense for him to run again, it's better to sell it directly.

Nami's head was given to Ze Li, which gave RNG fans a little confidence.

No matter how developed the hero Zeli is, she can take over the game.

But at this time, another bad news came from the middle.

Rng grabs it, and Taobo hits it directly.

A clockwork head is not worth much, but this plating is still worth a lot.

As soon as the line of soldiers entered the tower, Viego walked out from behind without any concealment.

After all, you are the jungler, so what is the use of your broken clockwork?
Even with a backhanded big move, Viego's blood bar only dropped by a little more than one bar.

And Victor will blow up people with one big move.

For tower jumping skills, it really can't be saved.

However, Xiaotian was still afraid that the head would be snatched by the big move, so he jumped directly outside the defense tower with a big move.

Victor's killing ring has two more layers.

The bad news from the middle lane made rng's joy of just getting a kill in the bottom lane dissipate immediately.

Victor with five heads, who can handle it?

Suddenly the pressure is scary.

As for Lin Fan, he ate the coating as if no one else was there.

Xiaotian controls Foyego to go to the canyon vanguard.

"Brother Fan, you've been bullied in the next lane!" Ah Shui could only ask for help.

"When I come over in the next wave, I'll have Luden's after I finish my tapi."

Rng's team voice is also constantly communicating.

Victor's pressure was too great.

They must find a way to deal with it, kill Victor at least once, and break the development rhythm.

"We can only wait for my next big move. Xiao Ming and I will come together and the control of the two of us should be able to control him to death." Wei said.

"Okay, he's very fragile. Although he's developed well, we can kill him if we find a chance."

"But his middle lane is a two-person lane, and Fiego spends all day wandering around the middle lane..." After Xiaohu finished speaking, he felt a little wronged.

"It's too fast for him to react."


Lin Fan went back to the city to finish his equipment, cleared a wave of lines in the middle lane, and started to go down the lane when he saw the time of the ultimate move.

Ah Shui seeks support in the middle, as the big daddy, how could he not give this face.

No, just go down the road when the cooldown of the big move is about to end.

As a result, on the road, he bumped into a man with a cat head-on.

Without further ado, just open it up.

The movement on the other side clearly shows that they want to catch themselves.

However, the cooling time of Centaur's ultimate move is longer than his own, and the two of them are not threatening.

And the big move is about to cool down, and both of them have a chance to kill.

The Q skill gained an acceleration and chased two steps forward.

The blood volume of these two small skill troops is less than a quarter.

Xiao Ming was so frightened that he launched a big move, trying to persuade Lin Fan to leave.

But looking at the two-second cooldown of the big move, how could this make them go away.

Flash to avoid the cat's big move, and turn on the big move once the cooldown is over.

The terrifying thunder and lightning took away the troops!

Victor has already dominated the game, and as for the free cats, the ending is even more doomed.

Double kill.

The audience in the stadium screamed wildly.

The cat on the bottom road is not there, so I naturally plan to jump over the tower directly.

Galazeli ran very fast, because he knew he would die if he didn't leave...

"Victor's injuries are terrible!" the doll in the commentary shouted loudly.

"It's a bit of a coincidence that Brother Sutu's big move was just a little bit off the cooldown, but he ran into people on the road, bought one and got one free, and got a cat fast food."

"If the clockwork is still there, there is still a chance to run, and it is still impossible to kill. The main reason is that the cooldown of the centaur's ultimate move is too long. The cooldown is 140 seconds, and Victor is 120 seconds."

A 20-second cooldown in a game makes a world of difference.

The skills of supporting Liqin girl are very good.

But it is because the cooling time of the ultimate move is too long. After a wave of team battles, the ultimate move has not been cooled down. In addition, it is easy to empty the big move. In this case, the probability of appearance is low. Scary low.

It has been a long time since I saw Qin Nu support in the game.

"I don't understand, I really don't understand Brother Sutu's game ideas, I usually run straight away when encountering such a situation, he is better to go up and kill!"

"The main thing is that the equipment is good. At this stage, with Luden, he is really not afraid of anything."

"One thing I hope everyone can remember is that Brother Sutu didn't practice...even before the game, he even broadcasted Sutuzhihama live for a while."

"White Crescent is really blind. Why didn't he discover such a strong mid laner before? He missed the peak period of Brother Satu for nothing."

"How strong is it at its peak? My God, s11 Taobao has a chance to win the championship, no matter how bad it is, it will be the top four."

"Is it possible that the left hand has already achieved his goal? After reaching the semi-finals, he can choose to play poorly?"

"Damn it, everything you said is right. The left hand has achieved the goal of life. If you get to the semi-finals, you will be successful, and you will have no regrets in your career. So find the joy of life."

"Hey, my little brother has nowhere to show off, how can he find a warm home every time?"


Victor, who is close to the god, at this point in the game, everyone's scalps are numb and their minds are confused.

How is this fixed?

Originally wanted to catch a wave, but ran into Victor before he was in position.

The guy on the other side is really fierce.

If you see people, you will kill them.

Horror damage doesn't make sense at all.

What was even more exasperating was that Victor's words kept lingering in his ears.

It's all junk...

The collateral reaction of Nosuke being killed was that the next tower in the bottom lane was directly pushed down.

Although Ah Shui didn't gain any heads in this wave, he made a lot of money.

One blood tower plus five plating layers, full of food!
That's called a smile, and he went back and made a strong wind, and even had money to mend his shoes.

Originally, he wanted to come to the middle lane to rub the coating, but fortunately Xiaotian quickly summoned the vanguard and let Lin Fan eat it first.

Although it is divided in half, it is better than four people coming to divide.

Now that the vanguards have been summoned, and the duo has come to the middle, the four of them must be trying to force the high ground.

With the laser strafing and Luciana's beautiful big move, rng retreated to the high ground without saying a word.

The opposite side is too scary. The skills seem to be free of money.

Coupled with the canyon pioneer, the second tower in the middle road really can't defend.

In less than 4 minutes, the two outer towers in the middle road were broken.

Go back and deal with the second dragon.

It is worth mentioning that Victor was standing in front of the rng highland tower to clear the line of soldiers. Although the four rng were eager to try, no one dared to do it after all.

This scene is called a world famous painting by everyone!

The barrage in the live broadcast room was rolling like crazy.

"After the puppy left rng, everyone was bloodless. Did the four of them have no idea when they saw Victor here?"

"I've been scared out of my wits by Brother Sutu. You asked Hu Daluo if he dared to take a step up? He didn't dare!"

"Although Xiaowei is eager to try, Xiaohu must be telling him not to."

"Brother Sutu is really confident."

After all, from the perspective of God, everyone saw that there was no one behind him.

But in the face of so many people, he didn't hesitate to stand here to clear the line.

This wave is different from the previous wave. There are a lot of people, but Victor is not dodging.

In this situation, if rng is reckless, it might really succeed. Kill Victor once, and the bounty is given to Zeli, maybe it can really turn things around.

But this is also a point for rng to consider.

Victor didn't flash, what is he doing here alone?

How many people are squatting behind him?
The more I think about it, the more afraid I become.

Maybe it's just a bait to lure people out and kill them.

If this is done by the other side, there will be no high ground in the middle, they dare not bet, and no one dares to stand up and say with a pat on the chest, rush out and kill Victor, if something goes wrong, he will be blamed.

So it was doomed that after Xiaolong was killed, he could only look at Victor's back and regret.

"It's stupid, how dare the other side!"

"Brother Sutu's thinking, I really can't understand..." Xiaohu sighed.

Indeed, if he could understand it, he wouldn't be beaten up like this now, with a pitiful nose and swollen face.

The complete failure of this wave of psychological games was also a heavy blow to rng.

The 1000 yuan was gone like this, and the hope of making a comeback seemed to disappear like this.

Hearing everyone's remorseful words, Abin could only shake his head silently.

If he had just been here, he would have managed so much and just hit it with a hammer.

At 17 minutes, Jess, who hit Victor's face with a hammer, was melted directly...

The teammates who followed behind rushed back to the spring one after another.

"Why is Nami Foego here?"

Xiaohu asked in a low voice, but got no answer from his teammates.

Now it has turned into a one-sided massacre.

Taobo's kills were only one short of breaking through twenty, and rng, apart from taking a support kill in the bot lane, has still had no results so far.

The huge gap of 19-1 has already given them a sense of powerlessness.

Although there is no economic difference, but conservatively estimated from the equipment, it was pulled to [-] or even [-].

After all, Victor's murder book on the [-]th floor, Luden, Shadow Flame and the big hat.

With so much money, Xiaohu doesn't know how to make up for it. Could it be that he stole like Han?I want to steal it, but I don't know where to start...

Seeing Tao Bo approaching with the big dragon buff, rng chose to fight to the death, and the horse rushed in with the cat and the wind-up ball, trying to hit a wave of miracles.

Unfortunately, he was interrupted by Victor the moment he entered.

In an instant!

Only the ponytail was seen, and then there was a corpse.

Xiao Ming's cat landed on the ground and looked at the crowd shivering in bewilderment.

In the end, this wave of team battles was completely defeated.

At the end of the game, the record is 26-1.

Such a huge gap made the audience wonder, is this really the strength of the final?
(End of this chapter)

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