LOL: I'm really a professional league player

Chapter 138 Brother Sutu is in a hurry to get off work!

Chapter 138 Brother Sutu is in a hurry to get off work! (seeking subscription)

"Tao Bo's state is still hot! It's unstoppable. It's another hearty victory. It leads rng by a big score. At the final settlement, the economic gap even reached [-]." After the game ended, the baby calmed down a little. Feeling.

"That's right, Victor played really well, and his post-match statistics were 14-0-6. It's really hard to believe that he hasn't trained well for more than two months..." Guan Ze Yuan shook his head while talking, which obviously exceeded his understanding.

The barrage in the live broadcast room was even more frantic.

Especially in the mid-lane wave, Victor was in charge, standing in front of the rng highland tower to make up the knife.

This scene was too shocking. Victor, who didn't flash, faced the four enemies, not only didn't show any fear, but made up the knife openly.

The four of rng were so scared that they didn't dare to move, including a combination of a centaur and a cat.

These two guys went in with a big move, and then kept up with the clockwork's big move, Victor would definitely die!
But they missed this great opportunity.

Suddenly at this time, the big screen gave the players a channel.

You could see Lin Fan trotting all the way towards the lounge, while Ah Shui and the others looked at each other in confusion.

"Brother Sutu is so ruthless, is it urgent? You want to solve it quickly and go to the bathroom?"

"Damn it, what you're saying is really possible. Skt was fucked 1557 by ig before, because theshy ate indiscriminately and ruined his stomach."

"This kind of rapid running... It's really like rushing to the toilet."

Under normal circumstances, after the game is over, the director will not show the camera in the direction of the lounge.

At most, let everyone see the picture of everyone celebrating after winning the game.

But this time it really aroused everyone's curiosity.

I want to know why Lin Fan runs so fast.

The director took a closer look and found that Lin Fan was not running towards the toilet. Since this was the case, he didn't choose to cut the camera and followed him all the way.

Therefore, under the big screen, he could clearly see Lin Fan trotting all the way, returned to the lounge, pushed open the door, simply said hello to White Crescent, and then sat down at his seat and took out the phone on the table.

Go crazy!
"Could it be? Could it be? Are you rushing back to play with the land of the land?"

"Is there even a need to say that? I already guessed it when I saw Brother Suitu take out his phone."

"It's not unfair that rng was smashed to pieces. Brother Sutu said it earlier, and he wants to rush back to play Sutu Zhibin."

"Hahaha, according to the previous rhythm, Taobao has not been in a hurry, and today's game obviously feels like it has been pushing."

"Hahaha, I laughed so hard. I wouldn't be surprised if the finals end within 10 minutes. It's RNG's bad luck. The day of the finals happens to be the time when Brother Rateu is opening up wasteland."

At this time, the director moved the side camera so that he could see it more clearly.

The screen displayed on the mobile phone is the shore of the land.

And the fingers moved wildly, and began to operate non-stop.

Seeing this scene, White Crescent not only did not express that, but called out to pour a glass of water with his left hand, and then handed it to Lin Fan.

"Oh my god, brother Sutu is full of status in Taobao, and the team dominates. Even the coach has to look at his face."

"Nonsense, other teams are already sour. If there is a player like Brother Suitu, shouldn't this be an ancestor?"

"As long as you can win the game, then your ancestors are not wrong! If you can't win the game, you can only be humiliated severely! It's like criticizing hands, you can only pour water next to the drinking fountain."

"It's a good thing. Actually, I'm okay watching Brother Sutu playing Sutu Zhibin, but I'm stuck in Bengbu when I see the critics getting up to pour water."

"More than 4000 million star players poured water all over. This glass of water is worth thousands of gold."

Now that the footage of the Taobo lounge was given, the director decided to cover the rain and dew, and cut the footage to rng.

In the first game, the score fell behind, and I could see the rng players bowing their heads one by one, only Tabe kept pointing at something, and with the notebook in his hand, he could clearly feel the pressure in the whole lounge .

If they want to be bad, that's fine, but rng came here to win the championship, and they really don't want to just give up.

But Tao Bo's middle road is too exaggerated, and I really don't know how to limit it.

Looking at the atmosphere in the rng lounge, the hearts of their fans kept jumping, hurry!

If possible, I can't wait to go up and kill Brother Sutu solo!
Without Brother Rateu, rng can win today's game...

It's a pity that I don't have this opportunity, and the moment I go up, I will be suppressed by the security guards.

Hey, why isn't a mid laner of this level belonging to their team?

Otherwise, the one who is downcast now is Team Top Fight.

But I don't know what is said behind the tabe.

All the players stood up, high-fived each other, and felt that the momentum and confidence had returned. Sure enough, this old player is still trustworthy as a coach, and has a strong ability to adjust the mentality of the players.

Brother Sutu's previous performance was very fiery, but he just went to the waiting room for a while to fix Sutuzhihama, and then cooled down his fiery hand, maybe rng really has a chance to win.

The next step is to let them hear the fans cheering and know that the fans are still cheering for them!Believe they can do it!
After the club's long-term operation, it has to be said that a large number of rng fans have been CPU.

After a short break, the two teams returned to the battle seats.

"We also know from the picture in the lounge just now that rng has regained its strength, and the second move should be to attack Taobo."

"If this round of Taobao wins and holds three match points, the advantage will be frightening. If rng wins, both sides will return to the same starting line."

"So the second game is a crucial game for both sides!"

"Let's see how they perform."

During the interval between the three commentators' speeches, the two sides had already completed bp.

The blue square rng removed Fox, Syndra, and Gnar.

Red Taobo is to remove Jess, Viego, and Ryze.

Then start grabbing heroes according to your lineup.

Soon the lineups on both sides will be determined.

rng: Top laner Qing Gangying, jungler Lee Sin, mid laner Galio, bottom lane duo Aphelios plus a female tank.

Top Fight: The top laner is Barrel, the jungler is playing, the mid laner is Akali, and the bottom lane duo is Xia and Titan.

This match did not appear to be one-sided like the previous one, but it was very anxious.

It is obvious that rng has adjusted its mentality back, and has not been greatly affected by losing the game in the first game and not coming out in the second game.

After all, I have seen the game between Taobao and v5. Akali took a lot of kills and took over the entire game in the early stage, so rng did a very good job in this round.

As long as Xiaohu's blood volume drops to one-third, he will disappear in the middle, and Lin Fan will not be given a chance.

In addition, Akali is really too weak in the early stage, so she has to wait until she levels up.

Xiaohu even gave up a wave of pawns and let Akali eat a layer of plating. He roamed at level [-] and caught it, helping Gala get Xia's head.

The situation in the bottom lane was reversed, and rng temporarily took the lead.

Xiao Tian wanted to retaliate and catch Lu Qinggangying.

However, Abin's operation was full in this wave, even if he was killed, he still used the defense tower to force two replacements, and in addition, the TP line did not have any losses, so this wave not only did not lose but also made money.

rng's early start is the best since these few games.

Three to one heads lead by two, and the economy leads by [-].

Seeing this, the excited fans kept waving the flags in their hands.

Attacks on Lin Fan also began to appear in the live broadcast room.

"I really don't know what he's pretending to be. He won the first game, and he actually trotted to play Sotsunohama? Didn't you forget that he was still in the game?"

"There is a gap in the middle lane, and Galio is doing things like crazy. Akali knows how to make up for it. Do you have a hammer?"

"Abin Qinggang Yingfei, when teaming up with Galio, he can directly destroy the Taobao formation. You like to pretend, don't you? After the game, go play the land of the land?"

"G, right? As long as rng slowly rolls the advantage, Taobao is gone."

With the scrolling barrage, it was impossible to tell what the composition of these people in the live broadcast room was.

Does Taobao have more fans, or does rng have more fans.

But what we can know is that when which side has the advantage, the number of attacks will be significantly reduced.

Then the two sides have their own rhythm.

However, the fight has been very stalemate, but Akali has not made a sound until now.

Until 14 minutes, Galio swam up and followed behind Akali.

Qing Gangying made a big move against the wine barrel.

Galio on the river is ready to take off.

Lin Fan hung up an E skill, activated the E skill at the moment of take-off and followed it together

Zoom raised his hand and made a big move to blow Qinggangying away.

But it was directly hit by Galio when he landed.

Xiaohu saw Akali following from behind, so he quickly charged up W to taunt.

But Lin Fan changed direction in the air, and slashed at Qinggang Shadow with his ultimate move, the damage of his Q skill followed, and a basic attack triggered electrocution!
Qinggangying's blood volume dropped rapidly.

Abin was taken aback.

Originally, this wave was to cooperate with Galio to kill the barrel.

But I didn't expect Akali to hitch a ride and follow her.

He has no skills at hand, so he can only run in the direction of Galio.

But Lin Fan's movements are faster, w Xiazheng hits Qinggangying with a Q skill again, and kills with the second-stage ultimate move!

As for the fallen Galio, he also could not escape death.

Double kill.

From this wave, rng fans feel that something is not quite right.

Brother Sutu won two kills in a row. This feels like a carry game.

Xiaohu on the same battle bench changed color slightly.

This time, two heads were taken, and Akali on the opposite side was about to kill someone.

Abin didn't have the feeling of laughing and joking before, he was very aware of the terror dominance brought by the top laner.

After all, the last time he hit it with a hammer, not only did he not receive Victor's head, but he was instantly killed by a set of skills. It has only been more than ten minutes, which is called profound.

Wouldn't it appear that I kicked it up, but was given a second by Akali instead?
After thinking about that scene, Abin felt that he couldn't accept it.

At 17 minutes, the two sides began a team battle around the fire dragon.

Both sides of this dragon do not want to let go, and both have reasons for not letting go.

rng has Qinggangying and Aphelios, and the two big daddies must have no problem outputting here.

And Akali Topbo has the ability to steal the back row, as long as Aphelios is stolen, this wave of team battles can still be fought.

Xiaotian immediately cleared the way and rushed out.

Lin Fan came into the arena with a push stick and hung up Aphelios!

At the moment it was hung up, Aphelios had been sentenced to death.

The Xia formation opened, and Xiao Ming was in a panic. Seeing Akali bouncing back and forth, he quickly threw a big move.

But Lin Fan has been watching him all the time, he swung his hand with his big move and cut it out, and used his Q skill with his backhand to clear Aphelios' HP.

As for the Qinggang Shadow that came in, it was already blown away.

If the output is one-sided, the damage of both sides is not at the same level.

As for Galio who landed, he hastily handed over his flash and pulled it away.

But in the current situation, it really depends on whether Taobo will let you go.

Centaur and Akali are in the front, and the rear is chasing.

In the end, this wave of fighting was one for four, and the wave was a complete victory. Not only did Xiaolong be controlled, but the economy was completely overtaken.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

The Taobo fans at the scene screamed after seeing this scene.

It was too depressing to look at from the front.

The first game was a complete victory, and I thought the second game could be easily won.

Unexpectedly, the start was actually a disadvantage.

Well, I found an opportunity before Brother Suitu and squeezed the score to death.

Coupled with the harvest of two heads, it played a huge role in this wave of team battles, and it was actually lost in the first second.

It can only be said that it is very important!

Lin Fan also knew that this meant he had to give Aphelios a second in the team battle.

That's why I chose to push the stick instead of the night harvester.

The entry of the pushing stick is a strong boost for Akali.

Otherwise, there was no such a good opportunity to directly kill Aphelios just now.

In 27 minutes, the two sides competed around the third dragon.

Everyone is very cautious, this wave is not just the third little dragon, but also related to the big dragon.

Having learned from the previous wave, this time, Abin did not choose to enter the field.

Ke Taobo was quite decisive.

The titans locked their heads, and the men and horses made a big move to attack.

Lin Fan's e can be hung on the female tank next to him, and after activation, he rushed towards Aphelios with his big move.

Stick to your face again!

Gala yelled in fright: "Akali is here, Akali is here!"

Xiao Ming immediately pointed out that it was a pity that Akali could not be seen when Xia came out, and Aphelios was knocked into the air, and became Akali's target in the air.

And with the update of equipment, Lin Fans second he is more relaxed.

One hit kills, exactly the same plot as before.

But this time it's different, Ah Shui's equipment has been updated, and his damage has been maximized.

With a knife in hand, he directly wiped out rng in a wave.

Even the little dragon stopped hitting and ran directly to the big dragon.

The moment Dalong took it down, everything was settled.

In 31 minutes, the rng base exploded!

Top fight is [-]-[-], with three match points in hand.

In the third round, Lin Fan took out Syndra and completed a solo kill in 3 minutes.

Due to too much pressure, rng also received bad news from the middle lane, and the operation was deformed all of a sudden, and it began to play poorly.

The third game was even shorter than the first game.

He didn't last for 10 minutes, and was directly pushed flat by Taobao in 8 minutes.

Syndra even played a superb record in this round.

Many people joked that Brother Sutu was really in a hurry to get off work.

(End of this chapter)

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