LOL: I'm really a professional league player

Chapter 139 The official is speeding up the chapter!Brother Suitu, don't worry!

Chapter 139 Officials are speeding up the pace!Brother Suitu, don't worry! (seeking subscription)
"Brother Sutu's Syndra...Although I have seen him many times, I am still very excited to see his supernatural performance again.

As long as the current state can be maintained, I can only say that the future can be expected, the future can be expected! "Guan Zeyuan said.

But the audience at the scene did not pay the bill.

If Baby Miller they say it’s okay, what composition do you care about Zeyuan?

King of poisonous milk, don't make trouble!
You should be crazy and not optimistic, and then let Brother Shuitu slap you in the face.

"Yes, here is also congratulations to Taobo for beating rng [-]-[-] and winning the spring championship.

From the regular season to the playoffs, we can also see that the overall state of Topball is getting better and better. It is actually something that many people expected for them to win this championship. "

"Today's game was also very exciting for everyone, especially in the second round of the game, Akali of Suitu showed a wave of Flying Thor, and accurately found Gala's position in every team battle. "

"That's right, I was stumped by Brother Satu, and now it's really Akali!"

As soon as Miller said this, the atmosphere was full of atmosphere, and everyone laughed.

"Congratulations to Taobo again, for winning the spring championship!"

At this time, there were countless cheers at the scene.

This is a carnival for Topball fans.

From the despair at the beginning of the Spring Split to the moment of winning the championship, everyone has experienced too much.

Finally, when the harvest time comes, you have to celebrate along with it.

The cheers at the scene were louder and louder, and it also infected many neutral audiences, who joined the ranks of celebration together.

"Top fight! Top fight! Top fight!"

"Brother Sutu is awesome! Brother Sutu is awesome!"

At this moment, the scene really became the Satuge Square, and most of the people here stood up!
"Hurry up, hurry up, shake hands with them and finish the interview process quickly, time is money!" Lin Fan urged his teammates, and strode towards the rng battle seats.

The others were still celebrating, and they understood something when they saw Lin Fan's state.

No wonder I kept yelling during the game, push and play, Brother Fan is really anxious to get off work now, especially after the second game dragged on for so long, he was in a hurry to get home.

"Keep up, keep up, hahahaha..." Ah Shui whispered and finally couldn't help laughing out loud.

But when he walked to rng's side, the smile on his face immediately subsided.

If you win, you win, but it's not good to smile and shake hands like this.

Especially Xiaohu's entire face is black.

If the second round barely counted as a pass, the third round was directly crushed.

It's fine to be single-killed once in 3 minutes, and you will die once when you return to the line later, and you will die once when you return to the line.

It is clear that he wants to kill through the middle lane in a single line, instead of bringing up the side lanes like before.

So after the third game, Xiaohu's record was 0-9.

And the time is still short, only playing for 8 minutes, it can be called a resurrection simulator, how could it be possible to have a good face under this situation.

So laughing is still a time of celebration, it is not necessary now.

After the handshake, everyone ran towards the championship trophy.

As for Luo Sheng, the moment he won the game, he was waiting in the backcourt. Seeing everyone running towards the championship trophy, he rushed out of the tunnel in a hurry.

How could we celebrate without him?

Rhubarb and Qingtian followed behind Luo Sheng, slowly moving their left hands in this direction.

Lying down a spring champion made him feel super uncomfortable.

The last thing the entire Top Fighting team wants to win is him.

In the end, not only did he win the championship, but Lin Fan, who grabbed his starting position, went crazy and completely crushed Xiaohu who was facing him.

"Hmph, if it was me, I would kill Xiaohu casually." Thinking of this left hand makes me sore.

Fortunately, both Weibo and have already made quotations. For the summer split, just wait for the summer split and watch me kill you...

Let Taobo know that he regrets it.

I gave up a really strong mid laner, and asked for a rotten fish and rotten shrimp.

However, the others had already thrown themselves into the celebration, and did not notice the abnormal expression on the left hand.

Even if you find out, you won't care.

"Shuai Shuai, champions, we are the champions!"

Everyone formed a circle and raised the championship trophy above their heads. Fireworks were released on the scene, and the flames rushed to the roof.

With background music, everyone dances together.

The hard work in the spring split finally paid off.

It's not easy.

At this moment, the cheers on the scene even reached the peak.

"Top fight! Top fight! Top fight!"

Lin Fan looked at Luo Xin who was standing beside him and waved his hand quickly.

Luo Xin was very surprised, she had already given Taobo time to celebrate, what did Brother Sutu mean by calling him at this time.

Lean here carefully.

"Why haven't you interviewed yet?"


"Do you want an interview now?" Luo Xin scratched her head and asked softly. "Isn't this your time to celebrate?"

"The celebration is over. I'll wait for you to come up to host the interview. After the end, I will go back to the club to rest. I am a little tired after playing three rounds and want to go back quickly."

Luo Xin seemed to think of something, subconsciously smiled.

"Okay, got it, got it."

So he directly picked up the card in his hand and walked from the side to the center.

"Congratulations to Tobo for winning the spring competition. Next will be the awarding session. As the champion, you will receive a reward of 200 million RMB."

As soon as the voice fell, the staff behind also handed the bonus card to Luo Sheng.

The league bonus is nothing to the team, because it is not high at all.

The club can even distribute all the winnings to the players.

Because the club's income has never been league bonuses, but traffic popularity and sponsor investment.

After all, the general annual salary of top professional players is more than 1000 million, and it is conservative to add up to 5000 million for five players.

200 million can't even pay the annual salary of five people.

Luo Sheng Machinery's lifting is a process, and he is used to it, and the championship treatment is like this.

Everyone stood in a row and took a group photo with the award medals.

The next step is the more important FMVP selection process.

In fact, for many people, this link is not necessary at all.

Because they have already determined who the FMVP in their hearts is.

Before Luo Xin could ask, everyone shouted frantically below: "Brother Sutu! MVP! Brother Sutu MVP!"

At the beginning, Ah Shui's popularity was really high, but after this period of time, Lin Fan would definitely be able to maintain a level with Ah Shui, not to mention surpassing.

Although there was a water ghost sister who wanted to fish in troubled waters, she was still covered up by the noise.

"It seems that you have already predicted what I'm going to say, so let's see if the final result is what you think!"

Luo Xin put down the card in his hand, and at this moment, a glare flashed on the big screen behind him.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Fan's photo appeared.

On his left are the statistics of the playoffs, each of which is very exaggerated, completely surpassing other mid laners.

"That's right, it's the same as what you shouted, it's our brother Sutu!" Luo Xin stretched out his left hand and moved towards Lin Fan's position, and then the light immediately shone over.

At this moment, shouts of MVP came and went throughout the scene.

Lin Fan stood in the center, although he was indeed in a hurry to get off work, but hearing the cheers for him from the audience, at this moment he was really excited and his scalp was numb.

Is this the feeling of thousands of people shouting?
One thing to say, it's cool.

But I was in a hurry to get off work and rush back to open up wasteland...

This is the first day, step by step slowly.

According to the normal rhythm, it will open at five o'clock.

Until now, even the fifth day has not been opened, hurry up!

The audience in the audience tried their best to call out Lin Fan's ID.

Luo Xin stood aside, letting Lin Fan enjoy this moment.

I know you are in a hurry, but please take it easy.

It seems that Wang Laoer can't control her at all, and he is still so naughty.

After about two minutes, the cheering became a little quieter, and Luo Xin picked up the microphone.

"Congratulations to Brother Satu for becoming the most valuable player in the Spring Split."

Ever since he got the nickname Brother Shutu, neither the commentator nor the host liked calling Lin Fan's ID.

The reason is actually very simple. The pronunciation is dan, which is not comfortable, and everyone still likes to speak with low energy.

It was okay to shout like this before, but Brother Sutu is now a blood mother c, so it is a bit inappropriate to shout like this again.

It just so happens that now there is another nickname that is more suitable, so everyone likes to be called Brother Soltu, which is actually quite good.

"Won the spring championship, how do you feel now?"

"Well, this result is not surprising, because the overall strength of our team is stronger than rng, but the process did not go too smoothly, so I am still very excited, especially when the game is won."

"And as the first championship in my career, I believe it will be difficult for me to forget this day."

He speaks very fast, like catching a train.

After listening to Lin Fan's words, Ah Shui couldn't hold back at all.

"Hahahaha..." Covering his mouth on the side, he laughed wildly.

At this moment, Luo Xin knew that there must be something else to say.

And at the beginning, she called herself to come over for an interview, which proved this point. Although she guessed what it was, the show would only be effective if the contestants said it.

"As my first championship, it is indeed an unforgettable experience. I believe this is a different experience for Brother Satu."

"Ah Shui, seeing your smile on your face, it seems that you are also very happy after winning the championship."

At first, Ah Shui was eating melons beside him, just watching the performance, and never thought that Luo Xin would suddenly cue him.

The language has not been organized for the first time.

"Yes, I'm really happy. It's the first time I won the spring championship trophy in Topsports. If I have the chance, I want to win the mid-season championship, because this is blank in my career, so I am very happy."

"You played the second game for 31 minutes, and the third game ended in only 8 minutes. What adjustments did you make during this time? I believe everyone is also very curious."

"Well, actually, there aren't too many adjustments, the main reason is that Brother Satu kept thinking about it during the game."

"He kept urging us to push quickly, so we pushed very fast. After gaining the advantage, we didn't develop it, so we kept pushing towers."

"The reason is actually very simple. I believe everyone has guessed it. The main reason is that Brother Satu wanted to rush back to open up wasteland. The 31 minutes of the second game was a bit beyond his plan, so the third game wanted to make up for this time.

After gaining the advantage, we kept pushing as a group... 8 minutes plus 31 minutes, an average of 24 minutes per game, which is actually not bad. "

"Look at the anxious look of Brother Shutu, so hurry up with the interview, let him go and let him get off work earlier... Hahahaha." Ah Shui finally took the microphone, and couldn't help laughing out loud at the end.

The audience at the scene also laughed.

The barrage in the live broadcast room was even more frantic.

"When I saw Syndra pushing crazily by herself, I had already guessed Brother Setu's thoughts."

"Who isn't? He's in a hurry, and he can't wait to end the game immediately."

"That's Syndra. It's really not necessarily possible to finish it in 8 minutes with other heroes."

"It's kind of funny, winning so fast is just to play other games."

After Ah Shui finished speaking, Luo Xin picked up the microphone in his hand with a smile on his face.

"Actually, Brother Sutu also urged me to move on to the next session just now. It can be seen that he is really in a hurry and is in a hurry to get off work."

"As I said before, the day of the finals and the land reclamation collision of Sutuzhihama S2 meant that RNG was unlucky, and it was indeed unlucky in terms of the results."

"It's quite miserable. Brother Sutu has fired all three rounds! It didn't save any face. After a simple statistics, Xiaohu's performance of 0-23-2 Class A war criminals."

As soon as Luo Xin said this, the audience laughed even louder.

"Looking at how pitiful Brother Sutu is, why don't the authorities step up their efforts? Slow down a bit."

"Hahaha, I'm tired of laughing, but I also really want to watch the live broadcast of Brother Soltu's return to the club, so I hope it will be faster."

"Hahaha, it's the carry finals, it's time to let Brother Suitu relax and go back to Suitu."

Well, the next process is going very quickly.

Everyone knows that Brother Sutu is in a hurry to get off work!
Originally, it took half an hour to procrastinate, but it ended up being completed in 15 minutes.

As soon as he was done, Lin Fan rushed into the waiting room with the trophy on his shoulders, picked up the things, and immediately boarded the shore of Shitu.

Take a look at the leaderboard first. Brave Lao Ye already has [-] forces.

Calculated in this way, less than nine hours, at least eight yuan of fifth-level land.

What the hell, the gap between these three or four hours is really too big.

In this way, his level is at least fifteen.

And I am only level nine, the gap is a bit big.

According to the normal rhythm, at the eleventh level, you can hit five.

After all, Gui Lu's active tactics of land reclamation are not very stable, and it happens that he can be on the bus for a whole day, and he happens to live broadcast land reclamation at the club.

I will stay up tonight and chase after the whole night.

Otherwise, the gap with them is too big, and I feel a little uncomfortable.

So when he arrived at the base, Lin Fan rushed towards the training room without even eating.

Taking this into consideration, the club postponed the planned celebration banquet until tomorrow night.

After all, the celebration banquet without the biggest hero is meaningless.

Others don't have any comments.

Big brother took us to win the game, what happened to him having a good day?
Ah Shui even ordered a lot of takeaways and fed them one by one.

(End of this chapter)

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