LOL: I'm really a professional league player

Chapter 148 Ah Shui?He is too pretentious!

Chapter 148 Ah Shui?He is too pretentious! (seeking subscription)

At the end of the game, everyone in iw sat slumped in the battle seats, their eyes glazed over.

Obviously, this was a psychological shadow of being raped. He came to see the world, but his heart was damaged. It was a question mark whether he could play in the Turkish league again, especially the big brothers in the middle lane.

A good game, turned into a mid-lane resurrection simulator.

Black and white picture from beginning to end...

After sitting in the seat for a long time, I realized that there was no one in the opposite seat.

So there is no need to wait for someone to come over to shake hands. Now they should rush back to the player lounge.

Otherwise, you will continue to embarrass yourself under the lights.

So this group of big brothers in Turkey quickly packed up their equipment, and then strode towards the player channel.

"It's beautiful. It seems that the turmoil during this period has not affected the Top Fight team. Even if it is an online game, they still played their style."

"Especially the Dine player, the Zed in his hands has really become a top assassin! Naruto Zed! The statistics after the game are even more exaggerated, 17-0-6!"

"The last time I saw Jie's top performance was eight or nine years ago..."

Guan Zeyuan's words have also been recognized by many people.

After all, Jie is a hero, and the team needs to be stable, and he doesn't like to take risks, so the probability of mid laner Jie's appearance is frighteningly low.

Even if it has been strengthened some time ago, it is still more about showing off its skills in the jungle position.

Of course, there are still relatively few players who can play well in the jungle. Although Sao Fan is doing trouble all day long, the effect of his Zed in the jungle is really quite good.

After all, his style is like this, he can't choose a pig girl, choose a wine barrel to keep him on the road, he just wants to use fancy ones for C.

When he C is not moving, that is when he is not working.

I can indeed see him working hard on C this year, but he really doesn't have the ability...

Back to the topic, no matter what Xiao Xiba thinks, but Lin Fan's manipulation of robbery is too popular.

North American commentary is completely conquered.

"The Dine player also broke the seven-year killing record in the mid-season competition!"

"Fifteen single-player kills in the main race, rewritten to seventeen! Today is really a crazy day, this performance is really wonderful!"

"After explaining today's game, I must stay up all night to watch Taobao's game well."

"After Faker, I saw such a talented mid-laner again. There is no doubt that the strength of LPL has been further strengthened."

Of course it's a bit embarrassing to say that.

Although the North American division is optimistic, they can watch their team's first round of global finals every year.

It's really not a taste in my heart.

"If tsm has an idea, I think we can give it a try, try to get a dine, and offer an annual salary of 300 million. I think it is quite attractive."

The black brother in the commentary seat whispered.

After all, North America is open in U.S. dollars, so if you are willing to pay a high salary, your competitiveness is still very strong.

In the past, there was the most outrageous rumor, that is, the North American division once offered 5000 million US dollars to invite faker.

In the end, it was confirmed that the invitation was real, but the price was not as outrageous as $5000 million, but it was more than $2000 million...

Converting to RMB is a small goal!
The referee at the rear uploaded the game video at this time, and signed his name on the game paper after confirming that there was no problem.

After all, Taosports is an online game. Riot officials will look at the players' first game perspective and analyze the game data to make sure there will be no problems before judging the authenticity of the results.

After the process was over, Luo Sheng pushed open the gate of the base.

"Thank you referee, thank you referee, you have worked so hard, please stay and eat."

The referee also refused with a smile on his face. He came here to supervise, and it would be bad if he stayed to eat.

Seeing that they rejected Luo Sheng, they didn't try to persuade Luo Sheng to stay here.

After waiting for all the referees to leave, he turned around and said to everyone: "It's beautiful! The first game was really good, and everyone is in good shape."

"Well, there is really no pressure in the group stage, and the intensity can only be achieved in the semi-finals." Ah Shui said.

"In the game, the duo will give away the kill. I feel that the pressure will be quite high next time." Lin Fan joked.

"Don't you know that you are invincible in the middle? When I see five heads in your hand, I know the round is over. Isn't that easy?"

"Actually, I can't figure out how they choose their candidates. They still take Verus when they see that we are robbed. Isn't this clear and come to kill?" Mark is also very curious.

In addition to the gap in the performance of the players, the lineup actually accounted for a large proportion of the loss of the game.

Even if some lineups are strong and face each other, it is very difficult to fight.

Therefore, the coaching level must be high, and he must be able to understand the version thoroughly, instead of just moving around with three tricks and no flexibility.

Luo Sheng can be regarded as a good one among domestic coaches.

Although people often say that he is a fool, in fact, compared with other stinky fish and rotten shrimps, he is not so smart.

At least he won't choose a lineup that makes players uncomfortable.

The previous three-six-nine is actually limited by the hero pool, and the depth of the player's hero pool has always affected the coach's bp.

The two complement each other. The reason why Luo Sheng did a good job in bp during this period of time is because of the sea of ​​heroes in the middle lane.

It is difficult to deal with one out, and the opponent has to spend a lot of effort to think of ways to limit it.

But even if the laning ability of the card master is not strong, his mid laner still can't beat it. How can this be justified?
"There shouldn't be an interview session in our offline competition, right?"

"It seems that there is, do you want to interview online?" Mark said.

"This is the first Seventeen Kills of Brother Fan, I think I will definitely interview, and it's actually okay to interview online." Ah Shui said.

"The South Korean side said that the interview connection is too time-consuming. They want to play according to the game process, so they don't interview." Luo Sheng took out his phone and saw such a message, and said to everyone.

"Tch, if you don't interview, then don't interview. We all want to be interviewed." Xiaotian was speechless. I really didn't expect that post-match interviews would be treated differently, right?

Why didn't you consider the normal operation of the game when you interviewed Faker earlier?
"It doesn't have much impact, and I wasted a lot of time in the interview. If South Korea wants to interview me, they have to think of a reason to refuse."

The interviews over there were all insincere, on the surface they were laughing and joking with you, but in their hearts they wanted to die.

Wouldn't it be more interesting to mess around with Aunt Yu Shuang, or to learn two more poses with Luo Xin?
"Eat and eat. I haven't eaten after waiting for so long. I seriously suspect that he has arranged to target us." Zoom rubbed his stomach and felt a little hungry. If he continued to be hungry, he would probably lose five or six catties.

"However... the lpl official will come to interview us, Lin Fan, you should prepare."


At this time, the well-known Aunt Yu Shuang walked in.

"Hahaha, first of all, congratulations on your first victory."

"Brother Tu is really invincible today." Yu Shuang looked at Lin Fan with a smile.

For fans of the league, the nickname Brother Rateu is a bit ridiculous, after all, it has a certain negative impact.

So there are really a large group of people who don't like the nickname Brother Rateu.

However, the rate of soil is indeed a bit deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and it is quite difficult to change it for a while.

It can only be changed slowly with the help of homophony.

Coupled with Lin Fan's outstanding output in every game, Brother Tu was born slowly.

Of course, it's just a lot of internal circulation among League of Legends fans.

As a professional player, it is normal to have five or six nicknames.

For example, Yu Wenbo, Ah Shui is more well-known, followed by Bingbing, besides Jack Ai, Brother Shuizi.

The ones with a little negative impact are Q Hot Dance, the sudden death of AD, Song Wenbo, the urine emperor...

It depends on personal preference, but basically you know who you are talking about when you see other names.

Now Brother Tu has also become Lin Fan's second nickname. There are also a small number of people who call him Brother Invincible. The reason is very simple. Photic is e-sports Xiao Yan, and Lin Fan is e-sports Lin Fan. Even the name is exactly the same. That is the existence of invincibility.

But when the photic character design collapsed, Niu Zixiao became his exclusive.

I have to say that netizens still have a good hand in picking nicknames.

You can think of anything messy.

When Yu Shuang said this, it was full of ridicule, and she mainly stared at her lower body.

"Hello, Aunt Yu Shuang, hello, Aunt Yu Shuang." Lin Fan responded immediately.

"I don't think it's a problem for Ah Shui to call me aunt... But you and I are both born in the 90s."

"Xiao Ming is the same age as me, so he can call you Auntie and me."

At this time, the barrage in the live broadcast room was rolling wildly.

"It's over, it's over, Yu Shuang just rolled her eyes."

"Brother Invincible has something, I can only say something."

"Guan Zeyuan is on his way with his knife in hand."

"One thing to say, Brother Sutu is actually quite funny, don't think he is actually a funny boy despite his aloofness."

"Indeed, if you watch his live broadcast, especially iwanna live broadcast, even professional players are tortured in a bad way."

"Isn't it just pure reaction? Brother Suitu's reaction speed, this game is too simple, right?"

"That's iwanna who wants to die, it's quite interesting."

In the training room, everyone greeted and joked with each other for a few rounds, and immediately got to the point.

"First of all, congratulations to Taobo for winning its first victory. May I ask how you all feel?"

"Very good, maybe we adjusted better." Xiaotian who was standing next to him said.

"It's all very happy."

"It's been a long time since I played Worlds, and it feels really good to win the first game."

Face-to-face interviews like this kind of big link are actually very fun. It is very interesting for the audience to listen to each other in a few sentences.

But this kind of thing is really a waste of time. Except after the big game, at most two people are invited to go up in the regular season, and one is usually invited. After all, it takes at least 10 minutes to complete the interview process.

For the full game schedule, there is really not enough time in this case.

"Here I have a question to ask Brother Tu. It has been more than three months since I returned to the mid laner position. After playing so many games, how does it feel to get in touch with my teammates? What is your impression of everyone? , each of us can say it in a few words."

As soon as this question was asked, other people listened with pricked ears, because the question was very interesting, and everyone also wanted to know what kind of sense Lin Fan had towards him.

"Zoom, he seems to have a sense of security. He is also like this when playing in a team. He is at the forefront and works very hard. He trains until late every day before returning to the dormitory. He is a very trustworthy teammate. "

"The sense of security is indeed very stable." Yu Shuang nodded.

"Then what about Xiao Tian?"

"Xiaotian doesn't talk much when he is playing games, but he is very reliable in his work. When I call him to come over the tower, he will come as soon as possible. He is very trustworthy."

"Does Xiaotian talk less? But I can't tell."

"Hehehe..." Hearing Yu Shuang's words, Xiaotian scratched his head in embarrassment.

He's just getting a little pissed off, it's really not a lot of talking.

"The next thing is Ah Shui. You have assisted him before. I believe you have more intuitive feelings."

Ah Shui stared straight at Lin Fan, he had a bad feeling that Brother Fan was going to make trouble.

"Ah Shui, I knew it when I was assisting him. He is really pretending. He always likes to rush to the front by himself, and then be caught to death by a bunch of people on the opposite side."

"Chain reaction, the whole support is uncomfortable, so send it along with me, because I have been scolded a lot before this."

As soon as these words were said, the barrage in the live broadcast room scrolled quickly.

"Cup? I, Yu Wenbo, have no opponent."

"Children's warning! If you fill a cup in front of me, we will also refund."

"However, what Brother Shuitu said is quite correct. Ah Shui just likes to pretend. Didn't he just pretend to be a wave in the game just now, and then sent himself away."

"Look at Mark's expression...he's holding back his laughter."

At the same time, the brother cameraman next to him took a picture of the players on the side.

Xiaotian was the first one who couldn't help laughing out loud, followed by zoom, and mark, as Ah Shui's assistant mother, at least at this time had to hold back and stand on the same front.

But Lin Fan's description was too apt, in the end he couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Ah Shui rolled his eyes, and then his eyes kept rolling. He wanted to find a place in the next interview and work hard.

"Okay, but Ah Shui's character design has always been like this. Yu Wenbo's cup has been searched on the Internet. I believe that as the team's mid laner, the description of Brother Sutu must be more appropriate."


"Mark is actually very active. The atmosphere in the team is responsible. The cooperation with Ah Shui is actually very good. I think it is much better than what I did at the beginning."

"Hmm..." Ah Shui nodded.

This is true. In the first few games of the Spring Split, playing in the bottom lane was torture.

If you can't get on him, you can't get on him.

mark these are indeed very well done.

But in the back, after playing two doubles with Fan Ge, I found that his support is actually not bad.

The robot and the big head are absolutely unique assistance.

Why didn't you say it in the previous game!
"I suspect that Brother Fan deliberately played me in the previous game!" Ah Shui seized the opportunity to fight back.

After a while, the training room was filled with everyone's laughter.

ps: In the countryside, codewords on mobile phones... With your understanding, we can only guarantee the [-]-character update first, and wait until the update can be resumed. I will add a wave of updates first. If I can’t add updates now, I won’t ask for a monthly pass.

(End of this chapter)

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