LOL: I'm really a professional league player

Chapter 149 Rematch disturbance! 9-0 qualified!

Chapter 149 Rematch disturbance! 9-0 qualified! (seeking subscription)
Topsports beat iw in the first match of the mid-season competition, which in everyone's opinion is a result that they will not be able to beat in the next match.

But for the previous four games, this one seemed too crushing. After all, the score was 29 to [-], so it was known that this was a massacre.

Even if there is still a game to come, the number of people in China who continue to watch it will drop by half in an instant.

The Taobao matches are over, what are you still staying here to watch?Are the remaining chickens pecking at each other?That's not insulting everyone's eyes.

It's better to go to Channel [-], where there are still girls who can be seductive, their legs are very white, Huya's ability to insert edges is still very good, and the scale is just right.

Otherwise, the guests invited by Channel [-] would not have covered their crotch.

There are still a small number of people who are currently in the sage time, so they hang out on Weibo, brag with everyone, and praise how exaggerated the ability of Taobao's first game is.

Not all the fans on the Internet are fans of Taobao. After all, there are so many domestic teams, and it is easy to feel jealous after seeing them.

I just like to jump out and sing against everyone.

"Isn't it just to play against the Turkish team? What's so good in the small fish pond? If it's not a big victory to win the game, there is no point in going to the mid-season match today."

"Little Heizi jumped out again? Taobo really didn't intend to go. Didn't the previous Weibo post a notice, and they all chose to abandon the game. In the end, didn't the Riot company beg to go back?"

"Little Heizi, are you angry? Top Fight was begged by the organizer to go back. Didn't you read it on Twitter? That low-key look, and finally even allowed to participate in the competition online."

"Looking at the empty match seats, I think it's quite funny, but it's all done by Xiao Xiba."

"Did we say that these are little blacks? I just hope that everyone will not be too optimistic. After all, iw is only a Turkish team. It is really not a strong team, so there is no need to be too happy."

"This is quite reasonable. After all, the intensity of the game is not high. It would be funny if the rest of the games were lost."

"Didn't you watch the post-match interview? At that time, everyone's expressions didn't change after winning the game. In fact, they took it for granted for Top Fight.

It wasn't until Aunt Yu Shuang came in for an interview that the whole atmosphere turned cold. "

"Brother Sutu: Ah Shui is too pretentious!"

"Ah Shui: Brother Suitu played me before!"

Not to mention that there is indeed a lack of reasonable communication on the Internet, and they can quarrel all at once with their own opinions.

But now it is softer, and the smell of gunpowder is not so strong.

"Actually, all kinds of big celebrations are unnecessary before winning the championship. RNG beat SSG in the group stage, but didn't SSG win the championship that year? Just won the group stage, not the final."

In fact, this is quite reasonable.

Many people who celebrated together also calmed down.

Winning the game is indeed something to be happy about, but no matter what, it's just a group match, and the first win is just one point.

After we eliminated skt, it's not too late to celebrate after winning the championship.

So many people calmed down, and the public opinion did not completely fall to one side after the game.

After all, there are too many previous examples, such as ig, which even solved skt within 6 minutes.

This is a victory beyond imagination!

Everyone thought that the mid-season championship was secure, but the one who had the last laugh that year was indeed G2, who performed so-so in the group stage.

Such a reversal is really unexpected.

There have been precedents...

Fast forward to May 5th.

Taobo easily won three consecutive victories in the group stage, and the current record has reached three bars and zero.

Today, according to the schedule, all Group B games will be played.

In other words, Top Fight will play a total of three games today.

For the fans, this is really good news. It is a visual feast. After the group stage, the confrontation match will be interesting.

Now the three major leagues are separated. Simply put, the game is not too much to watch, and it is unilateral.

It is worth mentioning that the skt bot lane duo was killed by the line again.

The game is a win, but the bottom lane is indeed a loss.

This made everyone doubt the strength of lck's bot lane for a while.

It's interesting to say one thing.

And everyone also specially made some videos to make it funny.

But everyone's good mood disappeared when the game started today.

Baby Miller announced something to everyone with serious expressions.

"By comparing the video of the Taobao game, Riot Games found that the online and offline network delays did not meet the standard requirements...

Therefore, it was decided to replay the previous game, and Topbo's current record is still 0-0. "

As soon as the baby words came out, the barrage in the live broadcast room immediately exploded.

What do you mean?
What the hell does this whole thing mean?
Are you aiming at it?

At this time, the official Weibo of the domestic fist has silently released an announcement.

"Three days have passed since the 2022 mid-season championship game. After conducting a larger technical assessment of the competition and training environment, we found that there is a difference between the delays presented in all game logs and the experience in Busan.



In this regard, we apologize to the players, teams and fans, and promise to continue to cooperate with the players, monitor the game environment, and make a commitment to maintaining the fairness of the game. "

In fact, Topbo was notified today and is discussing with everyone the time for the rematch.

The attitude of the fist is still very good.

In addition, this is indeed an online game, the pin value is not easy to control at the beginning, and I am not that experienced.

After all, there has never been an online team before.

Negligence is justified.

The good thing is that Riot is also apologizing as soon as possible, and then looking for a remedy.

After all, Top Fight chose to give up the game at the beginning.

If Topbo chooses to put down the burden at this time, it will be troublesome.

This attitude was so good that even Lin Song, head of Riot China, came over to apologize.

Reaching out without hitting the smiling face, Taobo was very sad to hear the news, but finally accepted it.

Everyone even raised the question of whether the three rematch games can be played in NO.13.

The main thing is that Lin Fan will participate in the Genting Game China Qualifiers next.

Everyone didn't want Lin Fan to abstain. They wanted to see a professional player in the League go to the Genting Game to make things happen and turn the world upside down.

It's very interesting to think about it. As for playing six rounds a day, to be honest, the intensity of these three teams is really not high. If you really count it, it's the same as playing six rounds of rank. There is not much pressure.

Even Luo Sheng felt that the rematch was a good thing.

This way Lin Fan can play a few more games...

It was proposed that all NO.13 be played, and the fist company also seemed very happy.

In this way, the game can be better arranged, so that there will be no three back-to-back games, and there will be a little rest time.

Of course, playing six games in a row in a day is a bit exaggerated.

So Riot also asked again and again, and only after confirming that it was possible did they reschedule the match.

But fans of these internal news must not know, so they scolded vigorously.

The number of comments on the official Weibo below exceeded [-] in an instant.

The main reason is that the three-game winning streak at the beginning turned into zero bars and zeros, which is actually a bit difficult to accept psychologically.

At this time, Taobo's official Weibo also issued a notice.

To put it simply, I accepted the rematch, and the attitude of the fist is really good, so I persuaded the fans not to get too excited.

Of course, it is still of little use, and the official Weibo and official Twitter of the fist are all rushed.

As for Xiao Xiba and the others, they just watched the fun from the sidelines, taking pleasure in other people's misfortune.

In the case of a rematch, all previous data will not be counted.

This kind of killing record that has not been broken for seven years has returned.

Seventeen kills is equivalent to nothing.

I believe that Dine's mentality exploded, right?
Will he still be able to kill seventeen in the next game?This definitely won't work!

Maybe today's mentality exploded, his performance was abnormal, and he couldn't even advance to the competition.Then this is funny, so these Xiao Xiba started to cheer for these wild card teams at the moment of the game.

You can feel their voices are about to shout from across the screen.

"Hehe, let's just gloat."

"One thing to say, I feel that we are similar, right?"

"Damn, why do you only touch Han Za on the Internet? Why can't I meet in real life? If you meet Bang Bang, I will teach you how to be a man!"

"Let me get out of Li Zhongke, and I will pay you 250 yuan to cancel my nationality."

"I hate you traitors the most, anyway, I support domestic players unconditionally! You can't be bullied if you go outside to participate in the competition!"

And at this time, Chinese came out from the small seats at the scene!

"Tao Bo, come on!"

"Tao Bo, come on!"

After all, there was no SKT match today, and a small group of international students finally grabbed tickets.

Even though Topball is held online, they also came to the Busan E-Sports Stadium to cheer for Topball.

"Rush rush!"

"Smash them."

Accompanied by the sound of cheering, the barrage in the live broadcast room rolled crazily.

The doll Miller was also very moved.

It has been a long time since I experienced such a feeling.

"Tobo is not a born king, but they have a blood that never bows their heads, and we are the same, come on, Taobo!" Miller said with a long sigh of relief.

Due to the adjustment of the competition system, the first Top Fight vs. PSG!

This is a team from the Southeast Asia Division, actually the group from Taiwan's LMS.

Nothing else but a lot of bullshit.

In this round, Lin Fan directly chose the male sword.

When seeing this hero, everyone knew that Taobo really didn't intend to laugh and laugh with the opponent.

In the first game, I planned to make a splash.

Bay has experienced Lin Fan's strength before, so he took the clockwork in this round and made up his mind to develop well under the defensive tower.

Resolutely don't give any chance, develop a big move in the middle and late stage to save the world...

I have to say that many mid laners are very superstitious about the hero Clockwork.

Once you can't beat the opponent, you want to use the clockwork to be wretched.

The main reason is that this hero is not weak in laning, can't kill others, and others can't kill her.

Equipped with one big move to destroy the world!Absolute guarantee in the future.

Seeing this hero, Xiaotian smiled and said, "This guy must have never seen what happened to the springs before."

After speaking, he took out his men, and if he didn't let Clockwork die eight times in this round, it would be meaningless to choose his men.

As a result, this goal was achieved for Bay when the game went on for twelve minutes.

Died eight times in twelve minutes, and the whole person was delirious.

As for Lin Fan's male sword, he holds six heads in his hand. After making Tiamat, he can use his w skill to fully clear the line.

Another round of elusive assassins.

This one is even scarier than the previous robbery!
PSG is clearly playing League of Legends, but now it has become a horror game.

Especially the adc in the bottom lane, he went out to eat a minion, and he disappeared without even seeing the health bar.

He froze for a moment in fright.

Originally, I thought it was a rematch, and I had a chance to win the first place in the group, but under the current situation, not only was the mentality of everyone in the Top Fight team not affected, but they fought harder. Could it be that they became the punching bag of the opponent?
In the entire Busan e-sports stadium, only the sound of cheering was left.

As for some Xiao Xiba, they couldn't bear to leave the venue early.

Top Fight feels even more ruthless!

Xiba, why hasn't his mentality been affected in any way?

At this time, shouldn't you complain wildly and cry out for injustice?
They don't understand what's wrong.

Isn't it a serious thing to cancel the rematch results?

The game time came to 27 minutes, and the male knife took two heads with one big move, and the number of kills reached nineteen!
"Beautiful! Brother Sutu not only broke the kill record in this game, but even added two more! Nineteen kills in a single game!" Waowa shouted happily.

What about a rematch?Strong strength is the last word, not afraid of targeting.

In the end, at 27 and a half minutes, the psg base was flatly pushed away by Taobao.

"Brother Tu is still Brother Tu! There is probably no one in the middle that is more convex than him."

"Does it make sense? The rematch still brings back the data."

"Hahaha, the mid-season competition has been held for four days, and Topball won its first victory on the fourth day."

The moment he won the game, the barrage in the live broadcast room skyrocketed.

Just one word, cool.

It can be seen that Taobao has not been affected in any way.

Don't worry too much about the next game.

Today simply won six consecutive victories, counting the previous nine bars and zero group first qualifying.

In the second game against iw, it was easily rejected in 8 minutes.

The third game against red took a little longer, but it ended in 23 minutes.

The data is back to 3-0 a day ago...

The first round is over, and the second round begins after a short break.

In the beginning, everyone was really taken aback. The main reason was that there was a wave in the middle lane. In the early stage, Lin Fan was caught three times and one was caught to death.

Xiao Xiba, who had calmed down originally, started screaming again at this time.

The speed of changing faces is still very fast.

Lin Fan seized the opportunity to complete a solo kill in the middle, 0-1 solo kill 1-0...

The situation in the middle was reversed again, the start was only delayed a little bit, but nothing changed, and the game was won in 27 minutes.

As for the iw and red in the back, it really can't make any waves.

Tactical reserves and personal strength are indeed poor.

To put it bluntly, if you send five heads to the front, neither of these two teams can win.

Then everyone found out that three extra games were added after the originally scheduled game. Theoretically, it was 09 o'clock, but in fact, it was only 30:[-] after all the games were played, a full hour and a half earlier...

In the end, Topball still advanced to the match with a score of 6-0.

(End of this chapter)

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