LOL: I'm really a professional league player

Chapter 155 When the mid laner fails, you need ad to c!

Chapter 155 When the mid laner fails, you need ad to c! (seeking subscription)
Sure enough, the one who plays ADC is the ruthless way, otherwise, the line of soldiers and the head are also his.

So Brother Crystal and the puppy quickly reached a consensus on cooperation.

Brother Sutu doesn't talk about martial arts, he kills two sheep with one knife, don't blame the brothers to go to other games to find the venue.

If you are afraid of playing horror games, then you have to experience it.

Then he took a good look at the situation on the field, Brother Crystal couldn't help complaining.

"The tempo is such that I can't keep up with me when I play against him, and now my thinking is even more chaotic."

"I'm convinced, how could they have missed the point? Why can't they guess that there is an invisible wolf? Every time the dead person is not at the scene, that guy is the murderer." The puppy looked at Lin Fan who had yelled at several people in a row, and became more and more nervous. accurate.

"Oh, brother Sutu is hiding too deeply. At that time, the two of you were walking around there, and you would think it was your knife." The old girl said embarrassedly.

"The main reason is that Brother Shutu is too deceptive. I subconsciously think that he is a good person, and he is not at the scene." Xiaolou said.

"Hey, woman!"

Brother Crystal didn't dare to say a word, and silently gave the puppy a thumbs up.

If he dared to continue to criticize his old sister, he would have to sleep on the sofa tonight, or even sleep on the sofa, and be kicked out.

K-dogs are like this. Those who are familiar with him know that they have no status at home.

"Brother Sutu, this big hammer annoys me so much!" After Strawberry was killed by a hammer, she complained directly in the soul area.

"What is your identity?"

"I am the Messenger of Justice!"

"Really, can this knife beat him? If I do, I'll kill him! It's a pity that I don't have a knife with me." The puppy shook his head.

"Turn off the light and he is an invisible wolf again. How can I fight him with a sword? I can't beat him! I guessed that there is an invisible wolf just now. After ruling it out, I feel that the supernatural possibility is very high, but I didn't expect the big hammer Standing next to me is the Invisible Wolf."

Strawberry is very uncomfortable, and this is the first time to participate in this game.

Watching them play before, they didn't speak logic at all, and coming in by themselves must be a blow to dimensionality reduction.

His IQ was completely crushed, but he didn't expect to die before he was able to leave the teacher. Before the knife of justice was cut, he was sent away by the duck.

"Just kidding, brother Shutu is the king of ducks we recognize. As long as he promises you, no one can escape his murderous hands. Even assassins are already terrifying, let alone this three-star invisibility."

"I agree with this very much, the number one duck king in the League of Legends circle!"


At the same time, Lin Fan was looking for the next victim.

The sheriff was voted out, justice was killed by himself, and there was only one pelican left to be reasonable.

But the Pelicans should go alone. Now that there are so many people in a group, there is a high probability that the Pelicans will be knifed by their teammates.

Once the CD is good, go out and get two knives, this round should be won.

It's best to report to the group now.

So he manipulated the duck to find Brother Saint Gun, which turned him into a wolf, and found him with two wolves and two knives, invincible.

Going around to the library, I saw Brother Shengqiang following Longcheng Jingshao and Shenchao.

"How to say? How to say?"

"Well, the three of us have been walking in a group and haven't found any problems. We have done tasks all the way from the bottom of the laboratory..." Before Shenchao could finish his words, he was cut off by Brother Shengqiang.

When Lin Fan saw it, he knew that Brother Holy Gun had understood his hint.

He raised the hammer and dropped it, directly smashing Longcheng Jingshao into meatloaf.

The duck winning screen appears.

"Ah! It's really cool to kill brother Sutu here."

"This stealth wolf is too coquettish. I didn't expect to come in and steal me. At that time, I was like playing a horror game!"

"Indeed, it's haunting and haunting. When the hammer comes down, I'm scared to death. It has the atmosphere of returning to escape from the black and black mental hospital."

"Yes, yes, Brother Sutu's invisibility is too scary."

"It's a little nostalgic, why don't we play a horror game?"

"Okay, are there any fun horror games recently, please recommend them."

"I heard that the mask of the lunar eclipse will be reset, are you interested in recalling it again?"


Listening to their chat, Lin Fan felt that the atmosphere was a bit wrong.

Isn't it geese and ducks?Why inexplicably went to a horror game?
This is an area he has never touched before.

One thing to say, he swipes the short video to watch ghost movies, he always scrolls down to comment and only looks at half of the small screen, and he still looks at it out of the corner of his eye.

Fortunately, there are no good ghost movies in the domestic environment, otherwise we would not be able to produce a few, and it is estimated that we will be scared into dogs every year.

As for the foreign ones, I dare not watch even one. They say that the Grudge is terrible, so they have no intention of searching for it.

This is the fear that stems from the depths of the soul, and the scalp tingles when hearing the background music.

Horror game?
I have never played a full game so far.

At that time, he also laughed the loudest when he saw a professional player being solo killed by Jiahui, but he didn't dare to really play.

The only one with a scary face in the game library is actually Little Nightmare...

When playing, the screen should be adjusted to the brightest.

When being chased and beaten by the chef, he kept screaming and running.

So Lin Fan couldn't get involved in the topic they were talking about.

And still trembling aside, don't cue him, don't!
But the more you are afraid of something, the more it will come. The main direction of discussion here is to target him.

So no matter whether he speaks or not, the topic will always be brought to him.

More and more viewers have also discovered this clue.

"Hahaha, Brother Sutu was originally afraid of playing horror games!"

"No way?"

"Look at this expression, this look of wanting to strike up a conversation but not daring to strike up a conversation."

"I found out a long time ago. He said that Lin Weixiang was solo killed by Jiahui. I could feel that he was just bluffing. I can be 100% sure that he has never played Hong Kong Strange Record!"

"You guys are too slow to shoot after the fact. I encouraged Xiao Zao to let Brother Su Tu play a horror game."

"Okay, okay, these are really good. Brother Sutu has been a little relaxed and happy recently. These days, when he is relaxed, he tends to decline. It's time to make a big news."


"Brother Fan, do you want to fix it? Actually, I haven't played with the mask of the lunar eclipse, but I heard from Xiaolou that it's scary, so I think I can try it." The puppy's voice sounded in the voice.


"Let's kill geese and ducks first and unite."

"Brother Fan, are you afraid? People who have never dared to play my horror games want to play it. I heard that the content in it is very exciting."

"Can... broadcast it?"

"It's definitely going to be broadcast after it's been reviewed. I'm talking about horror."

"Come on, let's go play together. I just checked the ratings, and the ratings are very high. I've played so many horror games, but I haven't played Mask of Zero Eclipse. Experience the experience."

"Catching ghosts with a camera is still as cool as ever." Longcheng Jingshao joined in.

Originally, I confessed directly, and there was nothing wrong with the follow-up, but Xiaozao said that you are not afraid, are you?
Everyone is talking about it, how can this be cowardly.

As soon as the link comes, it has been opened.

Not to mention, the game screen looks very warm in the past.


A lot of question marks were swiped in the live broadcast room.

To be honest, fewer people play horror games.

Seeing other people playing is still more.

Many people have never even heard of this game.

At first glance at the cover, you can indeed think of it as another game.

Like following a wave...

But considering that it is a Japanese-style horror game, it seems to be justifiable to make it like this.

But for those who have played and understood this game, besides the horror, the ending is more warm and touching...

For the first time, Lin Fan felt that the network speed of the base was too fast, which was not a good thing. It took five to six minutes to complete the work, and it took no more than 6 minutes from downloading to installation.

The moment I opened the game, I was already scared.

As for the difficulty, I thought about it and chose easy.

Games must be developed step by step, especially horror games, how can you eat fat in one go?Is this the truth?Not because of fear.

Then I clicked to start the game, the screen went black, and I started to introduce the background of the story. The set time was 1980...

As soon as I entered, there was a small candle light, followed by human voices.

After a storyline, Xiao Gaoneng came.

The background music of the game has also changed significantly.


Lin Fan had predicted something was wrong in advance, and quickly switched the screen to the live broadcast interface.

Look outside to see what the barrage is saying for any hints.

The result is a lot of hahahaha.

"Such native songs are really scary."

"It's exposed, it turns out Brother Sutu is really afraid of playing horror games."

"This is just the beginning! Are you scared like this?"

"It's nothing, it's actually just a simple memory..."

"I really thought Brother Sutu could play any game well, but I didn't expect horror games to be an unknown field for him."

Lin Fan waited for his heartbeat to gradually stabilize before cutting back.

But he lowered his head and glanced slowly with his eyes.

Sure enough, it was just a simple memory, and then the teaching operation began.

But with this background music, it really makes people's scalp numb.

But after all, everything was acceptable at first.

Following the process, after taking the key, the dissonant tones are all added together, making it extremely permeating.

Without intuitive horror, this is Japanese horror.

According to the normal process, it should take five or six minutes to play here, but Lin Fan played for a full 6 minutes...

Every step is afraid that a ghost will suddenly poke out from the corridor.

He was always on tenterhooks, and his little face was pale.

Seeing that there was no sound, Xiaotian poked his head over curiously, and then immediately took it back.

When it comes to horror games, he is also cowardly, and really dare not help the middle lane build an advantage.

In the past, players would still feel safe because of the presence of Jin Gong.

From Brother Fan's expression, he knew that he couldn't give him a sense of security. If he leaned over there, it would be a scare.

The barrage in the live broadcast room is also crazy.

"The picture is getting weirder!"

"San is crazy!"

"If I take this, I feel that I'm going to have a high performance next time."

"I feel the same."

In fact, Lin Fan had already noticed it.

The key is going to open the door, what is behind the door?
Yalei, if a ghost appears, even if he is mentally prepared.


Lin Fan was ready to open the door to go to hell, but suddenly a person appeared behind him, this is not following the routine!
He was so scared that he jumped up from where he was.


Looking at the scene in front of them, everyone looked a little unreal. Brother Shutu killed all directions in the game, but he couldn't move in the horror game.

In fact, the courageous ones are still a minority.

Many viewers in the live broadcast room silently opened the barrage.

Their little hearts can't bear it a little bit.

But he still has the ability to laugh at Hahaha.

After all, there is a barrage, and there are so many people in the live broadcast room that once the barrage opens, they can't see anything.

"Ahem, Yuan Xiang looks quite pretty." After being taken aback, Lin Fan's words trembled.

"Let's take a look at the progress of the others."

He took out his phone and went to Station B and Huya for a walk.

The puppy dawdled, just got the key and was about to open the door.

On the other hand, Brother Jing rushed forward. If his eyes didn't fall off, it would be enough to prove his courage.

"Hahaha, these two brothers are not much better."

"The puppies were trembling with fright."

"Brother Crystal is a little faster than me, but not much faster. I'll chase after him." Lin Fan put away his phone, and then controlled the protagonist to run forward.

Yalei, there is another door ahead.

This is really a bit overwhelming.

How come there are so many doors in the prologue?

Take a deep breath and prepare to open the door.

Finally, it was time to use the key to open the door. When the key was pressed, the door was not pushed open directly, but a cutscene.

Lin Fan's entire face turned pale, and he was a little panicked now.

Especially as the camera extended to the back, a nurse lady appeared, turning her head to this side, and her face became distorted directly.

In the next second, the heroine quickly opened the door and rushed in.

Squatting down and covering his head, Lin Fan relaxed a little.

A cutscene is nothing.

"Let's rely on..."

In the next second, the female ghost with messy hair began to stare at the squatting heroine.

This time Lin Fan couldn't hold back anymore.

I jumped up from my seat in fright, and threw off the earphones.

Cardiac arrest at this second.

How is this game like the movie?

Immersive experience of the movie plot, right?
Ah Lei!
The cover is so rustic, is it so hard at the beginning?Read the comments, it will be even scarier later.

With a warm ending, the process is so emotional?
The original barrage in the live broadcast room paused for a moment, and after this second, it started to scroll crazily.

"I can't hold back anymore, Brother Sutu."

"I didn't want to laugh at first, but you made too much noise."

"This is just the beginning. Wherever it goes, it will be more exciting and exciting later."

"Made, I don't even dare to play the zero series of games, Brother Sutu is really a warrior..."

The others in the training room were also taken aback when they saw Lin Fan jumping up suddenly.

"What's the matter, Brother Fan?" Ah Shui asked curiously.

"Do you want to know?"

Ah Shui nodded.

"Play it again, experience it and you will know why." Lin Fan pointed at the computer, whispering like a devil.

Ah Shui saw the style of the game, isn't it just a horror game?As for what?

Didn't I pass the customs easily in the "Strange Hong Kong Records"?
"Afraid of a hammer!"

Ah Shui was also polite and sat down on the seat to restart the game.

Lin Fan hid behind, poking his head secretly to watch.

This scene is a typical dish and loves to play.

I've played the cutscenes, and saw that there was already resistance, but I was not frightened and screamed frantically.

Ah Shui's face just trembled slightly, and there was no venting of emotions. It can be felt that the resistance is quite strong...

"When the mid laner fails, AD is needed to carry!" Lin Fan said to the camera.

(End of this chapter)

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