LOL: I'm really a professional league player

Chapter 156 Discovery of skt! Dine's hidden hero!

Chapter 156 Discovery of skt! Dine's hidden hero! (seeking subscription)

With Ah Shui here, Lin Fan was not so afraid at last.

Anyway, throw all the headphones, mouse, and keyboard to Ah Shui.

Just hide behind and stretch out your head silently.

By the way, I can also observe the progress of the puppy. I thought this guy was so ruthless, and everyone went to play horror games, but I was scared to scream when I went up the stairs for a long time.

"Hey hey hey...that's it! I want to laugh."

Completely forgot, the scene where he just jumped up in fright from his position.

After all, watching others suffer is much happier than suffering yourself. If you laugh, you will be called a giggle, and with a sharp mouth, if you say that he can lay eggs, many people will believe it.

Shout out good Kun!
Of course, the Internet has memories. The scene just now has been recorded by everyone, especially the jumping off the spot, which is regarded as a classic.

It turns out Brother Sutu still has such a side.

Mask of Lunar Eclipse is a scary game, but the early animations are good, mainly in the second half, especially when a doll falls from the elevator, even Ah Shui was taken aback.

The main previous horror factors have been paved, just waiting for this wave to scare everyone.

Even though Lin Fan didn't wear earphones and hid behind to watch, he shrugged his shoulders and yelled out.


"Her numb kiss!"

Ah Shui couldn't hold back this wave, and cursed loudly.

This wave of Taobao double c was double-killed by the falling baby.

Lin Fan, who was more than 1 meters tall, was so frightened that he hugged Ah Shui directly. How funny this scene could be.

The audience in the same live broadcast room also watched the immersive game screen, and they were also taken aback, their scalps were numb.

Grass!Super exaggerated horror game!
But seeing the scene under the camera, he couldn't help laughing out loud.

Brother Sutu is really timid, but AD's ability to resist pressure is relatively strong.

After all, Ah Shui has played all the way here, but he was slightly taken aback by his micro-expression. This is the first time he has no expression to control it, so he knows how terrifying this wave is.

"His numb kiss!" Lin Fan cursed again after Ah Shui's words, and then he stabilized his heartbeat.

Little Baga is really disgusting, this game is anti-human, and he really understands his mentality.

I thought there was something terrifying, but it turned out that there was no such thing, and there would never be a high-energy place, so he just stiffened up, confused people, and frightened people to death.

No wonder it's a niche game.

"Let's rest, let's rest, I can't stand it anymore." Ah Shui said to Lin Fan after a while.

"Okay..." Lin Fan still had lingering fears. It was already one o'clock now, so it was time to rest.

As for Puppy and Brother Crystal, the two brothers slipped away at 12:30, and they looked a little terrified of being frightened.

I really didn't expect them to do such a stupid thing that hurts one thousand enemies and eight hundred self-damages.

Ah Shui returned to his seat, ready to do two strokes to ease his mood.

It turned out that Lin Fan was still sitting there motionless.

"Brother Fan, don't you go back to the dormitory first?"

"I'll sit for a while, my feet...the feet are soft..."

At this time, the barrage in the live broadcast room was rolling wildly.

"Hahahahaha, I'm dying of laughter. When I was playing the game earlier, I thought it was all a normal reaction, but I can't stop listening to Brother Suitu's words."

"I feel that there are many professional players who are like Brother Sutu. They look like a tough guy, but in fact they dare not play horror games."

"Stay typical, theshy! I'm afraid!"

"Brother Sutu: My feet are weak."

"Then I have to touch it to see if it's really soft or fake."

Then the audience in the live broadcast room saw an unprecedented scene.

Lin Fan boarded the Hanbok at this time!

Then click Find Game.

There are already many professional players in Hanbok, and with the current mid-season season, there are still many people queuing even at 01:30 in the morning.

Of course, this has nothing to do with him. Lin Fan's rank has dropped to Platinum.

I haven't played for more than three months, and my points have long since disappeared.

At most, Platinum can now match some players who have one or two diamonds.

After all, the current elo allocation mechanism has not been changed.

When the hidden score matching is really changed, the master's hidden score can match the master's players.

So up here, there is no suspense to kill indiscriminately!

Even when he was in high spirits, he even took out the mid laner Kalista.

The single kill was completed in 2 minutes.

Teleport from the opposite side and kill again.

"Fuck, I don't know what's going on with Brother Suitu for a while."

"I was so scared that I screamed in the first second, and came to the canyon to kill randomly in the next second?"

"I figured out how to get Brother Satu to play Summoner's Canyon, so I let him play horror games! You see, he doesn't dare to go to the dormitory to sleep now, so he can only play games here while waiting for Ah Shui."

"Hahaha, have you learned White Crescent Moon, invite me to play together."

"Brother Shaotu really completed the excess training today."

The barrage in the live broadcast room is very joyful.

The main reason is that today's show is full of effects.

Let’s not talk about the rate of brother Goose and Duck killing two sheep with one knife, and then turned into a massacre, and then he was encouraged to play horror games, scaring him like a little wife.

Let everyone see this side.

As a result, I didn't expect that there would be extra training in the second half.

Play Summoner's Rift!

The mid laner Kalista blasted the opposite czar.

It really satisfies the long-awaited live broadcast of the alliance.

The process looks pretty cool.

In less than 5 minutes, the other side was killed four times by the rate soil brother, the good guy died once a minute...

Is the mid laner Kalista so strong?

"There is one thing to say, the left hand was killed by Kalista, the leader of the Tutu, and I think the feasibility of the mid laner Kalista is still very high."

"The hero Tsar will collapse immediately when he encounters it. Kalista's damage in the early stage is too high, and it is difficult for the Tsar to be stable in the laning phase."

The audience in the live broadcast room are still discussing, Lin Fan has already completed the super god silently.

Seeing this, everyone felt that the little bit of worry before was completely unnecessary.

Brother Sutu is still in full condition now!
Just sit and wait for the MSI to blow up Faker.

Hope to win the championship this year...

In 15 minutes, the opposite side surrendered on time.

It's too exaggerated to be unable to complete the Super God's Kalista equipment, coupled with the high damage, no one can handle it.

The rest of the time was for Lin Fan to perform alone.

In this case, the opponent has no tendency to be masochistic, and decisively chooses to surrender.

This is where the high and low segments differ.

People with low ranks will be ridiculed by everyone and don't know where to surrender, but in fact they play the game very purely, and there is no utilitarianism.

To win is to win, to lose is to lose, and you will not choose to surrender.

In this case, there will be a chance for a comeback.

Because the dominant side played relatively turbulently, and then sent a large wave back.

Therefore, the headwind game can often be encountered when the tier is relatively low, and the high tier will be clicked in 15 minutes or 10 minutes... because everyone simply feels that there is no chance.

As for Ah Shui's game progress, he has just switched to the middle lane.

Lin Fan has already started the second game.

This time, he also took out the very popular Yoneen mid laner.

Everyone has seen Calista before, but Yong En, a big hero, has never seen Lin Fan use it.

Are you training new heroes?
The mid laner Yongen is available, but in this version, it doesn't feel so satisfying. It depends on the opponent's hero to choose.

The opposite of this is Brilliance, and it is still very easy for Yongen to beat Brilliance.

At least there is always an advantage when the equipment is not up on the opposite side, and it is still very easy to fight.

But what everyone didn't expect was that in the third and a half minutes of the game, Yongen, who had reached level three, directly crippled the opponent's Guanghui with a set of skills, and then ignited the set and chased him all the way.

After taking the first blood easily, everyone realized that something was wrong at this time.

This level of proficiency doesn't seem like training a hero at all, but it's used directly.

How deep is Brother Sutu's hero pool?
Everyone couldn't help but made a question mark.

I didn't expect that even Yongen's proficiency is so high. Although the skills are relatively simple, but just went up to fight a set in the wave just now, and he was sure to be able to kill Guanghui. If he didn't know Yongen's damage very well, he wouldn't be like this at all. Do.

Anyway, no one thought it could be done at the time, not even the Guanghui players, so they were directly tricked and sent back to the spring.

The hero Yong En has a very strong carry game ability.

Therefore, it took less than 10 minutes to push the first tower in the middle, and in [-] minutes, he summoned the canyon pioneer to push down the second hit in the middle, knocking down the high ground and winning a double kill.

In this case, it is exactly the same as the previous game, 15 minutes on time.

After two rounds in a row, Lin Fan stretched himself.

Then take a look at Ah Shui. At this stage, it has reached a fever pitch, and the two sides are fighting fiercely.

By this time, it is no longer the adc that can decide the outcome.

Because it will be seconds when you come out...

"His numb kiss!"

Ah Shui looked at his black and white screen and cursed angrily.

"Up vote, up vote."

Although he was not the one who initiated the surrender, he directly agreed.

The 34-minute team wipeout was enough for the opponent to push the base away.

"Brother Shuizi, have you gone back? Anyway, if the mark is not here, it will be difficult for you to score. If you lose a few more rounds, you will not be able to rank."


Then Ah Shui rolled his eyes.

"Aren't you still afraid now?"

"Just kidding, it's been over for so long and I'm afraid of a hammer, but it's too late now, it would be nice to go back and rest early and continue training tomorrow."

"If you have enough energy, you will be able to play well in the game the day after tomorrow."

"That's right." Ah Shui nodded in agreement, then turned off her computer.

After Lin Fan saw it, he also greeted everyone and downloaded it.

During this period of time, B has silently watched a lot of videos of Lin Fan being scared.

With Jiahui's solo killing of lpl players, they also knew that this scare video would definitely grab the market.

Especially the first-hand ones, so I worked overtime to get them out.

But I didn't expect that there are too many old sixth...

You know it's two o'clock in the morning.

And the live broadcast screen appeared more than one o'clock, that is to say, the editing started at the first time throughout the night.

The clip's up master competes for traffic and wants to be the first to eat crabs.

But the audience didn't care so much, and they clicked in after seeing the frightening headline of Brother Suitu.

"At the scene, I still couldn't help laughing after watching it again."

"I really didn't expect Brother Sutu to take off on the spot in fright."

"The most troublesome thing is that I dare not go back to the dormitory alone, so I just played two League of Legends and waited for Ah Shui."

"Is there Yong En in Brother Sutu's hero pool? I think it looks very strong."

"The main reason is that the tier is relatively low. I just checked, and the Platinum Diamond tier is simply not enough to kill."

"Although the division is relatively low, it can be seen that the operation and damage calculation are top-notch. I think Yong En's proficiency is not low, and he can definitely use it in the game."

"I think so too."

"Brother Sutu's hero pool is really not known by anyone, and he can't see it at all."

Meanwhile, the Skt base.

Lin Fan's Hanbok account has been followed by them all the time.

For an extremely long period of time, there was no ranking record, and today I checked it as usual.

I thought this query would return nothing today.

Unexpectedly, there were two more game records.

Data analyst double hole zoom.

This guy is playing ranked!
Could it be that it's because there is going to be a confrontation match soon?Looking for status in advance?

In this case, these two mid laners have deep research significance.

Calista, and Yone.

There is a high probability that the hero Yone does not need to be practiced, but this move of Kalista is so exaggerated against the Czar, it is possible that he trained it specifically to target the Czar of Faker.

Maybe you can use this hand to fight a wave.

Coaches also strongly agree with analysts.

For the player Dine, he has never believed in any training, in fact he must be training secretly.

I finally caught him today. This time, I undoubtedly forgot to switch accounts, and immediately logged off after I found out.

Fortunately, I have been paying attention during this time, otherwise I missed the key information of Calista.

During the competition stage, you can pretend not to know, wait until the semi-finals or even the finals, and use a small tactic to get a crucial point.

This is your team's mistake...

The right time, place and people are all on our side. Isn't it safe for this mid-season game?
Thinking of the coach laughing wildly, I look forward to the match more and more.

Open the document and look at the schedule.

Very good, the fifth game on the second day of the game was against Tao Bo.

Then he could press Taobo hard and rub against the ground.

It's time to prove the strength of the lck division with audiences all over the world.

Last year's champion was just because edg had better luck.

If it wasn't for dk to eliminate them and let them enter the finals, it is guaranteed that this champion will belong to the lck division.

I really don't know why a team with insufficient ability insists on grabbing this spot...

Thinking of this, Skt's coach became angry instantly.

If faker can win the S11 championship, he will be a living fossil of e-sports and return to the top, and the economic value it will bring is immeasurable.

Even Korean e-sports can flourish.

It's a great thing that benefits the country and the people, why doesn't DK understand this truth?
Originally, it was a point to stop, and I had to not talk about martial arts.

The legend of the four crowns is gone...

You also lost the champion that should have belonged to the lck division.

What a disgrace to Korean e-sports!Especially this kid Xu Xiu!There is no big picture!Do you want to destroy Korean e-sports?
(End of this chapter)

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