Chapter 160 The defeated t1! (seeking subscription)
When all the skt players appeared on the stage, the camera switched to the empty seats on the other side, and then turned towards the stadium, without switching to the Taobo training room for a long time.

Perhaps this is a silent protest, but it has no effect on the progress of the game, especially since Topbox was planning to abandon the game at the beginning, but was invited back by lck and Riot officials.

He even made a huge concession, agreeing to the request of Taobao to play the game online.

Of course, the lck official is absolutely embarrassed to say these things.

Therefore, only the fists have published the request.

Under such circumstances, the Korean audience put the pressure of public opinion on Riot Games, saying that they really cared too much for the LPL competition area.

It feels like all the rules are made for them.

Even the previous rematch was just for fun.

To avoid further pressure internationally.

When the empty seats appeared on the big screen, the Korean audience began booing non-stop, making the foreign students on the scene extremely angry.

This makes him appear to be in a daze in the mid lane.

Taobo Nakano linkage directly grabbed it.

The result was that the high ground in the middle road plus an incisor tower was pushed down.

The first match between the two sides was more about testing the bottom line, and there were no extra ideas.

Can't move the big move, can't fight in the lane, this is the pitiful place for the functional mid laner.

After all, as long as Kenan on the road doesn't hand in his e skill, no matter how he catches it, he won't be able to catch him to death.

Every time the card raised his hand, Zoe's blood volume dropped by 45 points.

And this hand teleportation to catch people on the road, this is something no one thought of.

After several rounds of selection, the lineup was finally determined.

But in the laning stage, it exceeded everyone's expectations.

Both sides are defending in groups at the first level, and neither intends to invade, so the first level looks relatively calm and very peaceful.

Faker returned to the middle lane, feeling less comfortable in his heart.

Among the crowd, Lin Fan pressed the golden body unhurriedly.

This is Luden's terrifying damage with Dazzling.

The original blood volume of four and a half grids has now dropped to two grids!
Faker looked at the card master who started cutting cards again, and a sense of horror burst out.

After all, teleportation is now in the first 4 minutes, and it really has no other effect except running the line.

However, Lin Fan did not choose to grab the side this time, but went back to the city to update his equipment.

The normal blood exchange is that there is no follow-up after the fight.

Sometimes, the championship lineup does not mean that the players in the five positions are all strong, but they must have their own advantages.

Oner and faker can only keep asking questions.

At this time, teammates rushed forward.

The card hand is holding Luden, Lich, 25-layer killing book, and hat.

"Everyone understands the words of the faker player. As a triple crown champion, he is even called the Great Demon King by lolers all over the world! Yesterday's Zoe gave me the feeling that I was dreaming back to s5, the era of controlling thunder and lightning." Guan Zeyuan Seeing that Miller stopped talking, he quickly picked it up.

I don't know if it's because of his slow reaction or he's lost his mind. Lin Fan threw a yellow card in his face, but he still couldn't react.

The cash machine on the next road, the more you lift it, the more awesome it is, why can't it keep coming down?

But Ah Shui and Lin Fan made a withdrawal and killed each other.

Blue Fang Tao fights: top laner Kenan, play wild horse, mid laner card, bottom lane duo Draven with female tank.

After dying once, you can't turn over completely.

Zeus didn't realize at all that the card master had teleported here.

Under normal circumstances, level [-] and level [-] Q skills can clean up a wave of lines with two Q skills.

Nakano must share the pressure of the bottom lane. If it is not that the roaming ability is relatively strong, it is that the opponent will be defeated in the lane.

So being kicked back by the horse, Lin Fan followed up with the yellow card and knocked Zoe into a daze.

Just touched it from the side all the way.

The main reason is this wave, killing people can directly push down the next tower.

When a card develops in the direction of the second person, no one else will suffer, only the adc.

Opposite is a combination of cards and horses, and he is just the Twilight Protoss.

I didn't expect them to be so polite when they played against skt for the first time.

Hearing the bad news from the top road, and the head was still taken by a card, Faker's face turned black.

It was indeed beyond everyone's expectations to enter the global finals, but in recent years, according to the global finals, the best result achieved is the semi-finals.

The gap between the jungle and the jungle is highlighted.

Lin Fan stayed where he was and let the Ruined King come over. When he was mentally prepared, he evaded the control in a leisurely manner, and had time to light up the team logo.

The card also has to wait until the level is up. Relying on the universal card and the red card, the two skills can easily clear a wave of soldiers.

Although Foyego successfully counter-squated, the combat power of the two sides is not at the same level at all, especially Draven's output explosion at this stage is not comparable to Zeli.

The advantage of zoom is very obvious, that is, it is not easy to die!

Xiaotian saw that the double Cs on the opposite side were disabled, so he rushed into the crowd without saying anything.

Then he was directly scratched to death by a universal card plus a basic attack.

skt tried their best here, but in the end they just replaced a female tank.

The damage of Kenan and Centaur is still too thin, and the damage will be slightly insufficient. In this case, cards are needed to supplement the damage, especially after updating the equipment.

From the perspective of God, the people and horses have silently circled to the rear.

Whether it's taking kills or getting assists, the benefits are extremely high.

And the victim of the last wave is the faker player.

"Xiba..." Zeus cursed angrily, but when he saw the card master appearing from the front, he knew that there was no room for manipulation.

Even if skt wants to target it, they can find it immediately.

There is indeed no problem with Faker's judgment, he was indeed dead after being fainted.

Playing so smoothly made Lin Fan change his thinking about outfitting.

After all, the economy of the pawn line and the defensive tower is there, without the extra supplement of heads, the opposing players will not be overwhelmed.

Compared with the scene, it was still a lot slower. At this time, Taobo had already moved Jess, Male Gun, and Calista.

The lineups on both sides have their own priorities, the most important thing is that skt has got the desired mid-lane.

At least everyone thinks that the pressure on Zoe in the early stage of the card will be very high, at least not so comfortable.

It is also a good thing for everyone, to be able to watch 1 minute more of the tortured scene of skt.

People and horses have come to the middle road for a few laps, and this time they directly caught me to death. What are you doing?

Give the middle lane a comfortable laning environment as much as possible.

Kill him solo and a jungler come over to mix in something, isn't it 200 yuan for a first blood assist?Is it important for Brother Fan to kill his opponent solo?
But the other side handed in a flash, and in this situation Lin Fan didn't want to hand in a flash, mainly because it wasn't necessary.

Then Lin Fan didn't think so much, he used his E skill to passively attack again, cut the yellow card in seconds and played a set of combo damage with the universal card, and lost a lot of blood.

It was very easy for the card to line up in the middle lane. Not only was he able to stabilize his blood volume, but he did not lose when he pushed the line. More importantly, Zoe's blood volume continued to drop...

The freshly released murder book has four more layers.

Zeus directly black screen, without any operation.

"Every year it is said that he is no good, but every year's performance is very exaggerated..."

This is too despised him!
I have to grab this card today, if I don't get him all zero bars, the game won't be over!

"Fuck, Brother Fan's injuries are so exaggerated!" Ah Shui looked at Ze Li's body with sympathetic eyes.

Going up is to chop people and eat meat!
Mark understood Ah Shui's thoughts very well. He flashed Q to take the big move and then E, and controlled Zoe to death. Delevingne triggered a critical strike with three swords and easily killed Zoe.

Zoe stepped forward to pull the q skill, and gave the card the position to follow up.

He was the one who was beaten the most...

Could it be that he deserved to die as he told Sword Demon?Then being targeted by Nakano on the opposite side?
Xiaotian ate 200 yuan in extra money, and he was still happy in his heart. When he went back, he got a real eye patch, which was inserted directly near the middle road.

They are still very calm. Before the game is over, they don't know which side is the winner. There is really no need to charge first, after all, this is skt's home court.

Subsequent triggering of the passive will be even more painful!

Taobo's goal here is quite clear. Without any hesitation, he backhanded and chose Draven first. The tone of this hero's selection in the middle is actually set.

The designer's design for the hero card is still very reasonable.

So Taobo directly played cards in the middle.

Simply put, faint and die.

Especially since my mid laner and bottom laner are so strong, as long as I don't give any chances during the laning stage, I can win by waiting for the team.

How much Gwen wants to suppress Kenan is actually very unrealistic. No matter how you say, one long-range and one close-combat, it is on the bright side.

But Lin Fan didn't give him this chance, the pawns entered and disappeared in the middle.

Where did the card go, they really can't make a judgment casually.

But with these two waves, the pressure on Skt has increased a bit.

In the previous games, the disadvantages of the bottom lane were the top lane and the middle lane, but now they are inferior across the board, and the situation has become very difficult.

With Lin Fan in place, Xiaotian started directly from the rear.

"I believe that today's game, everyone has been looking forward to it since the beginning of the mid-season. The blue Fang Taobo will face the red team T1 today, and Dine and Faker are also the two best-performing mid-season players at this stage. Single player." Miller said excitedly.

Immediately afterwards, I made up the little yellow book and straw sandals, and then immediately tp the defense tower and went on the road.

For a while, whether to push the line or exchange blood has become a problem.

Oner intends to brush a group of wild monsters near the middle road first, and then go around and catch another hit.

Zoom has figured out this matter thoroughly, so the number of his deaths has always been very small.

On skt's side are Enchantress, Syndra, and Lucian.

Since there is no trace of the card on the mini-map, there is a high probability that he went back to the city to update his equipment, and went online on foot. In this case, he only lost a few minions, but gained an extra TP, which is actually quite profitable.

The rebroadcasted screen finally reached the bp interface!

Faker cut the main perspective from the middle to observe other teammates, especially wanting to see where the Ruined King is now.

oner just moved down from the top lane.

With this ward and the accessory ward inserted by myself, the defense will be full immediately!

When the Lich makes it, it will be waqa in seconds...

If you are fainted by the opponent, you will die!

What's even more uncomfortable is that the bottom lane has been killed by the line again.

Suddenly teleported and caught, I really couldn't react for a while.

In the past few minutes, I really didn't do anything except clear the jungle.

But to end the game, skt really doesn't need to be sentimental.

If you want to lie down, it is actually a simple matter, as long as you die a few times less, don't fight against your father, you would rather make up the knife behind dozens of knives, and don't be madly killed by the opponent.

Zeus has always wanted to kill solo, but has never had a chance.

In the early stage, facing powerful mid-laner heroes and powerful players, I still have no idea how well I can play.

You can't tp minions, but you can tp defensive towers.

In addition, there are too many controls, Gumayusi didn't even hand over the flash, and the person has already returned to the spring...

"Wait, brother Sutu will press faker to the ground and beat him later, and I hope you can laugh at that time."

But it's hard to escape if you don't faint.

It can only be said that the state has recovered, not a return to the peak.

So when the running horse appeared from the side, Faker was in despair.

This is indeed the case in terms of results.

In fact, everyone's first feeling should be a wave, but Topbo chose to play it safe here.

Oner also felt that the big brother's attitude towards him was a little cold, and he was indeed caught by the jungler, so he had to show Xiuxiu's sense of presence next.

Xiaotian had been waiting on the side for a long time. The reason why he didn't do anything was because Lin Fan said earlier that he could kill alone, so Xiaotian didn't move.

But at the first time, he didn't choose to do it.

There is nothing to say, the necessary equipment for playing cards, the killing ring.

But...he overlooked one point, the early stage was too weak, many people died before reaching level six.

Coupled with the junglers, they kept appearing on the side, silently putting pressure on Faker.

Oner was annoyed when he saw it.

It's a pity that it was clearly seen by the field of vision.

To die!

Everyone in skt is still persisting, but it is only a matter of time before they lose.

Anyway, it was given by Brother Fan, so there is no problem at all with Brother Fan.

Isn't this letting yourself go in the direction of Luden?

How could it be possible to bear it in this situation?
Faker had to exchange blood for this wave, so he used his e skill to throw it out. It's a pity that the hypnotic bubble was dodged, but fortunately, the backhand's Q skill was pulled and he hit it successfully.

It's him that the sword is not old.

Being able to stabilize and not give the opponent an advantage is actually a rare ability.

In this case, the opportunity to travel can be created.

When the card was pushing the tower, a wild card was hung on Zoe and Zeli, and when the two heroes were half-blooded, they even had the idea of ​​​​surrendering directly.

"Dine gave people the impression that they were able to do things with ease in the group stage. After yesterday's two games, they didn't fully display their strength. I don't know what the situation will be like today."

Pushing back with one foot, Ze Li was kicked to death directly...

The counter position is also reserved for faker.

When the cards bloomed, Ah Shui also managed to catch Zoe in the middle.

Skt's goal is very clear, and it doesn't give Lin Fan room to play.

As a hero, Zoe, relying on the Q skill in the middle lane, there are really few who can push the line with him.

When people come over, they can easily handle Zoe.

Enchantress, Syndra's pressure in the early stage is exaggerated enough. Although Faker's current laning skills are very good, the hero pool is still quite limited.

But when Zoe was retreating, Lin Fan kept launching basic attacks.

At least skt should consider the issue of tp when jumping over the tower to kill.

Draven is not like a normal adc.

No, as the time came to 13 minutes and 47 seconds, Lin Fan caught Ze Li directly, and landed a set in seconds!

Tao Bo still didn't produce anything, it was still the same move as before.

With a yellow card, Zeli's blood volume was almost lost by half.

Red square skt: top laner Gwen, jungler Fyego, mid laner Zoe, bottom lane duo Zeli and Lulu.

There is no exception here on skt.

At 11 minutes and 53 seconds, Lin Fan once again set his target on the bottom lane after cooling down his ultimate move.

Overall, it's not too bad, and it can be seen from this that faker's touch with Zoe is really hot.

Here in the lpl official live broadcast room, it is Guan Zeyuan, Miller, and Rita who are the commentators for this match.

He had no choice but to avoid the subsequent attack and pursuit of the troops without flashing.

Fyego finally came to the middle, but Oner didn't dare to move his brother's line. He just ate two soldiers who were about to be wiped out by the defensive tower. Seeing the lighted teleportation, he hurriedly left the middle.

At 8 minutes and 37 seconds, Skt ushered in a wave of big explosions!

Almost without any hesitation, he directly handed over Flash.

The scene is one-sided.

The three commentators talked back and forth.

After the passion, SKT was left with only an empty base, plus five corpses that fell to the ground after being unable to bear the damage.


The sound effects spread throughout the venue.

Tao Bo won the game easily without any effort.

(End of this chapter)

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