LOL: I'm really a professional league player

Chapter 161 It's Not Me!It's too late!

Chapter 161 It's Not Me!It's too late! (seeking subscription)
At the moment of winning the game, Ah Shui jumped up from his position excitedly.

"It's cool, this game feels like returning to the spring of 19..."

To a certain extent, the current Taobao team is even stronger than the ig in [-] years.

The mid laner has always raised the upper limit of the team, and rookie's status has been declining every year since 18 years.

And Fan Ge's performance in the game gave him the feeling that he has surpassed Rookie in 18 years.

Therefore, the rhythm and operation of the entire team is full.

Whether it is jungle, top lane, or even bottom lane, as long as there is no problem in the lane, wait a few minutes, and the mid laner will come to help establish an advantage.

With such a mid laner as a teammate, is it uncomfortable to play this game?

In every game, I don’t think that I can live comfortably in the middle lane. Once I have an advantage, I will roam the whole map to help.

Of course, the most powerful point is that you can guarantee your own development while roaming!

Then the flash will not be played...

The sound is also very rhythmic, one after another, it sounds quite exciting.

But the opponent is the SKT team, which has always been a nightmare in the LPL division. So far, the domestic team's winning rate against SKT is still frighteningly low.

Of course, there are still some who can't believe it. They would rather think that skt is playing fake matches, and then make a good fortune.

Wanting to stand up, but not quite standing up.

The time in the training room is spent playing other games for entertainment.

Perhaps only after the fourth championship of lpl, everyone will completely end the panic about the lck division.

Of course, those who said these words were all loyal fans of SKT.

Self-hypnosis has reached an unimaginable level.

The two players caps and dine can operate properly under such a high latency, largely because they chose to train on the Korean server.

"Today's game is a real shame to me! The shame is full from the beginning to the end. Since when has our e-sports in the Republic of Korea been inferior to China?"

Forcefully pull the mouse out of the chassis interface.

"I'm dying of laughing. Is it true that some people believe that SKT can do it?"

And this team has blocked the first championship of the lpl division many times.

The next day, someone posted on Weibo, saying that Lin Fan was not doing his job properly and wanted to teach him badly.

Otherwise, it would be easy to defeat the card during the laning stage, at least it would not let him roam so easily.

"I observed it, and the strength of Skt is really not weak. It is definitely ranked first in the mid-season competition. As long as you play hard, Taobo really can't handle it!"

I don't know when Gumayusi will be able to adjust his state back.

"However, as a professional player, the moment you can't win the game, the value is gone, so what Topsports does is really wise."

Good adc, how come the whole person changes during the mid-season game.

Since Riot allows online matches, Topbox must bear the network delay of not being on-site, instead of letting everyone accept the 35ping delay uniformly.

I clenched my fist hard, no, in fact, I was able to react to many situations during the laning, but the ping was too high, which made me feel like I was stuck, so I couldn't operate it.

Xiaotian gave a big hug directly.

"Handsome and handsome, the Taobo team atmosphere is full!"

Zeus stared closely at Faker's back...

The more top players, the more unacceptable...

Of course, this also has a lot to do with the Fange card supporting the bottom lane.

This harmonious picture caused the barrage in the live broadcast room to roll wildly.

For professional players, fans have always been a group that does more harm than good...

Even if we lose to skt next, the public opinion after the game will not be too explosive, and everyone can accept it.

This MSI always feels that the championship does not belong to him.

Ah Shui wanted to continue playing at first, but was too scared to play.

Already adapted to the delay of Hanbok.

After all, since the mid-season, they have never let everyone down.

It's really hard for him to understand...

"Faker is so stupid! Zoe not only has no line rights when facing cards, but is also solo killed? How does this work?"

The Busan E-sports Stadium is not too big, but it is not too small. After all, it can accommodate more than 3000 people watching games in the stadium.

Fortunately, today's game went as smoothly as expected, and there were no problems, and it was easily won.

25ping is a gap of 0.025 seconds!Such a big gap made it impossible for me to perform well.

But in the live broadcast room in South Korea, it was not like this, all the trolls came out, at this moment, there was a feeling that if you don't troll skt, you won't give up if you don't troll faker.

skt didn't give the slightest pressure the whole time.

The moment Taobo won the game, the live broadcast room was full of harmony.

This team has become a nightmare for many league fans.

But this time against skt...

"Brother Sutu's status as a team pet is completely real."

It wasn't until the jungler next to him touched his shoulder that he slowly recovered.

"The fight is awesome! Brother Sutu is awesome!"

As a Triple Crown Champion and recognized as the world's number one mid laner, it was hard for him to accept the scene in front of him.

Although there were relatively few foreign students who came to watch the competition, they did display amazing energy at this moment.

"Faker is really stupid, I feel disgusted when I see his face."

Not long ago, watching him play a horror game made me unable to bear it.

Faker picked up the device and walked towards the player channel.

Faker looked at the percentage of damage, without saying a word, silently packed the equipment, no one knew what he was thinking.

"...Don't mess with it, this style of painting is a bit annoying, brother Sutu should be an absolute team leader!"

"It's just winning a fake match. Seeing how happy they are, Xiba and the Top Fight team really think they won today by relying on their strength."

But the competition is not over yet... If you can win a round later, you can say that if you really can't do it in the knockout round, you can be regarded as a name for yourself.

The competition still focuses on advancing to the semi-finals. There is no difference between the first place in the group and the third or fourth place. The real confrontation is yet to come.

Of course, there have been some slight changes in recent years, but when things get really big, they are still basically on the side of the players.

As for the fans who came all the way to support SKT, hearing this was like adding fuel to the fire.

It's beyond everyone's imagination to be able to do this...

After all, the bottom lane is still relatively stable, relying on other lanes, you can still mix when playing in a team.

"makes sense……"

If he continues to play games with Lin Fan in the future, he may only have League of Legends on his career computer.

After seeing it, Ah Shui felt a little moved and followed.

If he loses the duel and he doesn't play well in the bottom lane, it goes without saying that Lin Fan will definitely be flushed.

But the previous rhythm has always been quite big, as long as the game is over, the support will inevitably be rushed.

Under normal circumstances, he would definitely gain a laning advantage, not what he is doing now.

Could it be that because of the confrontation in the lck competition area before, he was very adaptable to that kind of rhythm confrontation, so he didn't expose his own strength.

"After playing two fake games, you've made a lot of money, right? If you don't get your reputation back, it's almost impossible to cheat your investment."

I said that I was comfortable, so I broke through the next route.

This has a huge impact on the player's operation.

"SKT and the others are ruining Korean e-sports! This team shouldn't be in the MSI!"

"Last year, dk lost a global finals championship, and this year he will lose the mid-season championship from him..."

He is very clear about his fans, although it is said on Weibo that he does not quarrel with anyone.

And he is in South Korea, and the network delay of the base is within 10 ping, so it is impossible to adjust to 35 ping now.

And now...

He fell ill in the bottom lane, and was killed by the line in the game.

Letting the opponent frantically bring up the rhythm, coupled with the protruding damage ratio, is already rubbing him on the ground.

If this is the case, then the future of skt...

Of course, e-sports clubs don't think so.

Linglong Tower, if it hadn't been for a strong kill by jumping over the tower in the next lane, and one head was replaced, Taobao could even get a zero seal.

This is the quality and ability that one wants to be a top mid laner.

Of course, they still don't know how to play suona...

So he is very sad now, feeling that the future is a bit bleak.

"Is this the SKT team we are familiar with? They actually lost two games in the mid-season match? I don't understand!"

"If it was Ah Shui, the dude on the left wouldn't have played five games in a row, and he would have been fired long ago."

The moment he won the championship in the Spring Split, the domestic media also pushed him to the top. After enjoying that moment, he was extremely fascinated by that feeling.

After all, the Korean-phobia at that time was caused by skt. From another perspective, it is faker's dominance over the alliance.

Fortunately, Brother Fan didn't take it to heart, otherwise it would be very embarrassing to play together.

Already felt the pressure from the opponent during the game.

The start of 2-2...the impact is not big, just need to fight back in the second round.

In addition to the name of the Triple Crown, faker in the middle is actually not strong enough for him to engage in high-intensity confrontation.

From everyone's point of view, it's fine for him to perform badly alone and not train. As long as he can win the game, there is nothing to say, but he is a bit of a loser when he pulls himself, and the team develops in a wrong direction. Lin Fan must bear the brunt of it.

I have been blasted twice, but the first time was fine, after all, it is generally accepted that cards cannot beat Yasuo.

In the past, who would have believed that a player could contradict a coach?
That is to say, these competition areas are dominated by player traffic, and coaches are nothing at all.

Can't beat the line at all.

Although before the game, I felt that there was no problem for them to win the game.

"Until now, nothing new has been released. This is the best proof. I understand everything. There is no need to say anything more."

"Let's play a match-fixing match. I hope that these orders will not be accepted in the next match."

"In the competition held in China, the slogan said that we want to win the championship, but in the result of the competition, we were defeated by g2 and Taobao?"

Dine... very strong.

It's also normal to beat it.

Even if he wants to play other games in the future, he has to play them in private, and it really can't be broadcast live.

After the whole game, skt was the one who was beaten, and there was not even the slightest disturbance.

On the contrary, the more fans the better, these are all money!
So after making such a fuss, Luo Sheng found Ah Shui the next day and had a chat.

"Strong! Brother Fan!"

"Actually, with Ah Shui around, I believe even more that the team leader is Ah Shui."

How can a team celebrate without them?

However, it must be enough to seize this time to adjust well.

"Team Xiba SKT, I saw Taobo's mid laner put on an expression on our faces, it really made me mad!"

Many people even think that if ig's opponent was not kt but skt, they would have been eliminated in the quarterfinals...

Because as long as he admits it, the title of number one in the world does not belong to him anymore!
This is not what faker wants, what he wants is the eyes of the world on him.

Instead of sitting in a dingy position like this...

As a professional player, if you don't even have the heart to win the championship, and it's just for money, it's better to go to other competition regions. The prices offered by lpl and lcs are high, and the status in the team is beyond imagination.

I also thought that I had signed a contract with SKT for so long, and the sadness was all over my whole body. Now I can't run even if I want to. I was completely deceived by this false name, and I can't get off this thief ship.

"Come on, let's fight! Brother Sutu will take Ah Shui to charge again!"

Take the recent period of time as an example, his fans are really brave enough to go to Brother Fan's live broadcast room to make trouble.

I can't wait to send all the horses of skt away happily.

I can only silently write down a sum to skt.

There is no way for his own honor, he has to give everything to fight for it!

The opposite side is full of cards. In this case, there is no advantage in the middle lane.

"Card teaching, on-site card teaching!"

So even after experiencing the first year of e-sports, there are still fears.

After adapting, the final victory belongs to skt!Belongs to t1!belongs to him!

Thinking of this, faker directly magnified this sense.

The skt people sitting in the preparation seats silently looked at the monitors, and listened to the cheers of the Taobo fans, their expressions became even more gloomy.

How should I put it, I feel that the next game will not lose.

But the second time he took Zoe, he didn't have the line right in the early stage, and was even hit with the flash skill.

Not only this game, but the last loss to g2 was also due to network delay.

As for the audience at the scene, they were all dead faces, especially when they heard someone shouting in the arena!
"tes is awesome! tes is awesome!"

At this time, the entire arena is full of support in Chinese.

It is absolutely impossible for the opposite side to have such a big advantage!
It's all about competition and rules.

"Oner doesn't have Xiaohei's cleverness at all. As long as he stays in the middle lane and squats back, he will blow up the middle and wild after a successful wave!"

If Brother Fan has any is that he is a bit too careless, and sometimes he really can't believe that he is a professional player in the league.

When the others saw it, they hugged him quickly.

But Faker didn't want to admit it.

Thinking a little too far, Zeus began to feel a little melancholy, walking on the player's aisle, his footsteps were a little flimsy, but every step he stepped on exhausted all his strength.

The distance of more than 200 meters made Zeus sweat profusely...

ps: I checked my whole body. There is no new injury on my grandmother. It is an old injury from before. The chest and ribs are not completely healed. I went home early, otherwise my mother would not know what to do in that situation.

Grandma has been hospitalized for the past few days, so I can’t guarantee updates, so try to keep updating.

(End of this chapter)

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