LOL: I'm really a professional league player

Chapter 162 Participate in the next suit team day

Chapter 162 Participate in the next suit team day (seeking subscription)

With the end of the match day on the second day of the test match, Topbo's record has become four bars and zero, ranking No.1 in the test match. In fact, the form of qualifying is already very clear.

Especially the winning opponents are g2 and skt. Even if they lose in the next game, they can still maintain eight wins and two losses. In this case, they are either the first in the group or the second in the group.

The pressure on the opponents they faced was not that great.

It will be easier to advance to the finals. The less things you use, the more stable you will be in the finals.

Even in the following matchups, try out new tactics and a new hero system. After all, Brother Shutu showed his mid laner Yongen some time ago, so try his strength.

Coupled with the fact that today's game was won so beautifully, there are not a few people discussing it on major domestic platforms.

"This year's Top Fight is really fierce. Fuck me, I'm really stunned. Follow the current rhythm, and the future of Top Fight can be expected, okay?"

"In fact, I really don't like the word that the future can be expected. I prefer to live in the present, but the strength demonstrated by TopBot at this time makes me believe in this word!"

"The answers to the mid-term exam are very good. In this case, I have expectations for the final exam."

"I looked at the Korean forum, everything exploded. They celebrated in advance before the game started, but they were beaten in the face by the speed of light."

Make an agreement with everyone, as long as tomorrow's game is not lost, I will broadcast live with everyone according to today's time.

Until the last moment of the game, no one knew what was going on.

Watching a page of svp mentality explode.

It is impossible for faker to fall in the the bayonet fight will still be in the next semi-finals. "

Similarly, at this point in time, countless accounts that have been sealed for a long time have logged in one after another.

Perhaps Brother Sutu, who is at his peak, does not have such a strong personality, and everyone will not become his fans...

According to the previous management, there will be a microblog forum after the game.

Fortunately, there are more activities now, and it takes a little time to upgrade or upgrade faster.

However, if there were not so many stubbles, Brother Satu's character design would not be so full, nor would it bring so much joy to everyone.

Dead pigs are not afraid of boiling water.

So even if Lin Fan's proficiency of each hero is full, he can't do one against five. The best way to win the game is to play a team.

A player who can play and walk in the middle is self-evident for the improvement of the team.

Anyway, I don't have much time, so it's good to play dnf.

As a professional League player, in fact, the biggest audience in the live broadcast room is League of Legends fans.

"Indeed, so far there have been no rounds of three or 10 minutes. I remember the longest delay was 27 minutes. I am really looking forward to it."

Ordinary people usually feel stuck when they are in their eighties or nineties, and they have a pause when walking.

"SKT was blasted, and faker was also attacked by many people. It is estimated that all the black fans have come out."

It is impossible for Skt to lose this game and not qualify for the semi-finals.

Once attacked, the players who played dnf were all dead fat nerds, wearing torn sneakers and sloppy clothes.

In fact, this is what many people have experienced.

After doing the mission, the whole two hours really passed quickly.

Lin Fan only glanced at the barrage for a while, and found that the direction of their discussion had been skewed.

Therefore, the speed of competing for barrage is still much faster than theirs.

"So there is no need to celebrate in advance now."

After more than ten years of development, the studio has become more and more mature. In addition, there are many casual players who move bricks, and the income can be regarded as good after a day of brushing.

After all, I haven't played for more than three years, and the overall changes are still quite big, and it still takes a little time to adapt.

I don't know how many levels I have reached now. After abandoning the pit in [-], I haven't played for a long time.

Many people saw it and were really touched.

The real score of high and low has to be the next BO5 link.

"I'm coming!"

"The mid-season game is actually worth celebrating, only the final moment of winning the championship."

If you can still play the game normally with 140ping, then congratulations, you belong to the unresponsive column.

"Brother Sutu's card master is still trustworthy, so it's no problem, lpl's last card!"

I feel that his experience is really not comparable to these little guys in the league.

It seems that in order to retain players, Tencent has worked hard in recent years.

A xx thing that has been labeled as zero bars, five zero bars, six bars, can catch you to death and get up if you go online, what are you people doing?Started to squirt.

"There is indeed something to what I said before, but now that Xiye is so broken, lpl has no last card until Brother Suitu appears."

After the game, according to the usual practice, a bunch of people squatted in the studio, waiting for Lin Fan to start the broadcast.

Lin Fan directly rejected this.

Each point has a lead of one and a half pieces of equipment, and it is very easy to play in a team.

But before that, the game can no longer be abandoned.

It would be great if there was a team that could discover his potential at that time, sign him out, maybe they can keep training and keep the whole person in peak condition.

Some people do everything well in laning, but they are fierce, but they are stuck on gold and platinum.

"The situation of the match is really clear now, we don't have much pressure to advance to the first place in the group, but the next highlight is the semi-finals.

"Just watch the excitement. Once the Taobao loses the game, Brother Sutu will end up no better than Faker."

Anyway, everyone knows that I am afraid of playing horror games, so it doesn't matter, just make it bad.

After all, dnf used to be the white moonlight of many people.

My feeling in the lane with faker is that his reaction speed is a bit slow, a little slow, and he probably hasn't adapted to the ping value yet. "

"Brother Sutu!"

In the past when Taobao won the game, everyone discussed it in the live broadcast room, and Brother Shuitu would not respond at all, but today he suddenly responded, and he didn't react for a while.

Lin Fan's words made many people in the studio start thinking...

Lin Fan glanced at the barrage and said casually.

In this case, skills that can be avoided at all may not be able to dodge, and the impact on the situation is indeed relatively large.

s11 won the championship in the lpl division, and s12 continued to win the championship under the leadership of Brother Satu.

The barrage in the live broadcast room was rolling crazily, Fen Fen wanted to pull Lin Fan in to form a team.

It's just a pity that Brother Rateu's peak period was wasted like this.

Don't look at it as just a little difference, but the reaction speed is a world of difference.

It's just a pity that due to lack of money, he couldn't afford a suit, so he couldn't get into the eight hundred warriors.

"Brother Sutu will indeed want to help his teammates establish an advantage at the first time when he has a huge advantage. When he walks away, it is the moment to establish a team advantage."

"If I remember correctly, it was the 95th version, and the highest level was 84. If you play according to the situation, [-] is actually pretty good."

If there is a chance, on April 26 next year, participating in the wave can be regarded as fulfilling a dream at that time.

"Bo1 rollover is a very normal thing, and there is a little high ping, which requires more reaction from the players.

The counterattack just now is enough, there is no need to continue.

Similarly, other roads also have problems. If you can be caught to death all the time, you have to reflect on yourself.

In this case, scoring can become a very simple matter.

This will give people a more stable feeling.

"At least two awakenings, if not for these two awakenings, people will be dizzy, the mission will keep going."

Of course, if the response speed is fast enough, the impact will be relatively small... For example, Zeus, these ping values ​​are not important to him at all, and he can also react.

No matter what the situation is, the skills can be thoroughly understood.

"It looks like it's been a long time since I've been on it, right? Only level 84?"

"If you play dnf, it is still very easy to graduate from zero krypton, but it is quite difficult to build."

The overall situation has improved, and knowing when to do what you should do is much better than staying online all the time.

Originally, he could use the skill to dodge with flash, but if he failed to dodge, he could only accept the ending of death.

Every time after a fight, looking at his record of ten or so bars, all his teammates have negative records, he can only curse secretly for not being worthy of winning, and then start the next round, and enter another cycle.

It is really not advisable to start celebrating now, and then mock Xiao Xiba, so what is the difference between them and them?

The barrage in the live broadcast room became more intense.

Open the DNF downloaded before, and log into the QQ account skillfully.

As soon as Lin Fan said these words, the barrage in the live broadcast room stopped immediately, which was unexpected to them.

"Actually, I knew the game was over when I saw Brother Soltu start to walk away."

The average reaction speed of professional players is 140 milliseconds, which is equivalent to 0.14 seconds. The time is only so short, and almost [-]% of the time is wasted.

There is nothing wrong with that.

"Hi, everyone." Lin Fan greeted everyone.

"One thing to say is that today's game was really cool to watch, especially the moment when the lck division broke the defense."

After Lin Fan greeted everyone, he turned off the live broadcast.

Brother Sutu can maintain this mentality, even if the state declines, I believe he can quickly adjust back.

There are a lot of mid laners who only know how to play their own online when they have an advantage, and have no intention of helping other laners. As a result, their teammates are caught and killed by the mid lane that they collapsed, and then the advantage turns into a disadvantage...

Then began to explore slowly.

"Zero krypton equipment is normal, and I abandoned the game in [-]. Games and entertainment are fine. There is really no need to spend so much money."

But this is also normal, the slower the level is opened, the longer everyone will play.

Thinking about it from this direction, it is quite a comfortable thing.

Being able to completely eliminate him is something worth celebrating.

"Today is really too strong, kill faker!"

"Okay, let's see which game to favor next."

The signal from the teammate is just like a fake, there is no response until the click is dead, only two words of evaluation, blind man.

Team games are like this, five people doing well is far more useful than fighting alone.

"That's right, the LPL competition area really needs to have this tradition. After all, it is the competition area that is the best at playing cards. Card masters can't even get out. To me, it's a bit outrageous, but you have changed the situation."

Seeing so many people calling him Jiahui in the live broadcast room, Ah Lei!Although I know that she has a good figure, but I really can't play, and if I don't do it, I will be killed directly.

And also vented their firepower on skt.

Winning the game is indeed something worth celebrating, but in the final analysis, this game is only a small round of the confrontation match, and it really has little impact on the situation.

In this case, the mid laner started to spray people.

The dominant player forgot that the core of the game is the team, and it's not very useful for him to play comfortably in one line.

Swipe the book and feel the thrill of the ghost swordsman's combo.

At around 09:30, a light came on in the live broadcast room, the barrage scrolled more violently, and the number of popularity continued to rise.

League of Legends is a game that is boring to play. It really doesn’t improve. Sometimes watching more videos to analyze and analyze the thinking of the game can really greatly improve the horizons. The concept of the game is actually more useful than practicing skills.

On that day, Lin Fan really fantasized about wearing a suit and going to an Internet cafe to play DNF.

Someone really made a special adjustment, edited and posted what Lin Fan said today.

The longer the network delay, the higher the requirements for the player's response.


The bullet screens rushed past one after another.

This is the rhythm of Lin Fan's exclusive belt game, and everyone is not surprised.

"Brother Sutu, why are you pretending to be rubbish? You don't even want to give it to me."

"It's the competition stage now, so I won't play horror games anymore. I will be so scared that I dare not go back to the dormitory to sleep. If my state is affected, it will be difficult to play the next competition."

Xiao Xiba and the others should have a deep impression now.

This is an unbelievable thing in the eyes of others, but in Lin Fan's live broadcast room, everyone has gotten used to it.

It is easier to explain, when the lower the ping, you can feel the card, which means the faster the personal response speed!

That's why some people are obviously very good at playing, but they can still get big points.

"I really like this kind of mid laner. If I meet that one in the rankings, it will definitely be a harmonious match."

And it can also be seen from this that Brother Soltu is not the kind of player who will be proud after winning the game and hearing everyone's praise.

Everything has pros and cons.

And in terms of combat effectiveness, the combat effectiveness of Alliance fans is full, far stronger than other games.

Everyone wants to interact with Brother Soltu.

Then I checked the information, the good guys are all 110-level versions now.

Everyone has not been slowed down, and after hearing this, they broke their power in a second.

Damn, Brother Sutu is really good at everything, but not doing his job properly. If he can train well, there is no need to worry about winning or losing.

After all, the network delay consumes 0.025s more.

Just watching a black screen, the popularity of the live broadcast exceeded 300 million.

As for the audience in the live broadcast room, they kept asking questions when they saw this scene.

Every word spoken is a classic.

Perhaps this is the open-mindedness that a truly strong person should have, and he will not overly care about every gain or loss.

Otherwise, it would not be said that failure is always implemented in life, this is life.

It even converted a large number of passerby fans into fans.

(End of this chapter)

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