LOL: I'm really a professional league player

Chapter 165 Resounds throughout Busan!It belongs to the carnival moment of 5 kills!

Chapter 165 Resounds throughout Busan!Carnival moment belonging to Pentakill! (seeking subscription)

Faker looked at the fallen Foego, and hurriedly threw his skills and ran backwards, but for the people who started sprinting, Akali's displacement was exactly the eleventh bus, and when facing the plane, he finally stubborn.

Go forward and make a general attack, put on the red buff to slow down, and then Xiaotian turns a windmill!
These two damages are quite considerable, especially if the follow-up is not over yet.

Faker saw that there was a crocodile behind someone and a horse, and the crocodile was getting closer and closer, and the pressure was getting bigger and bigger!

And the most important point, he has to maintain his form to match up well.

So he didn't hesitate anymore, and directly handed over the flash... Then he fled back to the defense tower.

Then looking at the people who helped the crocodile push the line, his thoughts seemed to return to six or seven years ago.

At that time, I also had such a good partner in the middle.

There must be his figure within three steps in the middle, so that every time I fight, I will have no worries.

But now, now it has completely changed.

A jagged short dagger, plus a long sword.

With this piece of equipment, even if you can't win online, you won't be defeated by a set.

The quality of the doll as a commentator made him hold back his laughter, but it was not difficult to feel the schadenfreude from his tone.

Pop, pop, 15.00% damage increase, Kenan who is full of blood is directly half blood, and then the vulnerable state is triggered!
Zeus was shocked.

"A horse-riding, prehistoric giant crocodile!"

So I came to the bottom lane and took a double kill directly.

Why is this damage so high?
His fingers kept pressing on the flashing screen.

Eat a little more plating, and then you can knock down a tower in the middle lane with one head. At that time, Taobao can invade if he wants to, and the development of the upper and lower lines will be greatly restricted.

"My God, is the damage of the mid laner Alligator so exaggerated?"

"This change of lanes is too timely. Brother Sutu made a dark claw, so you come to the middle lane to give away the head?"

Of course, this is not enough, it is not enough to become a fat crocodile.

Zeus suggested in a low voice: "Brother, why don't you go to the top road? Gwen is developing normally, and the main thing is not to explode. You can develop a wave on the top road.

So the middle road is like walking on thin ice, with a lot of tricks in my mind, but I dare not move.

To a large extent, if the level six crocodile wants to kill the opponent solo, it must rely on the burning of the ultimate move to make up for the damage.

Especially in the 8-minute wave, Akali under the defensive tower was directly killed by the crocodile jumping over the tower!
This is also completely declared, the middle road is blown through.

In less than 14 minutes, all three roads and one tower were lost.

Verus was second!
Kenan down!

As for oner's doubts, I can only watch it in the replay after the game.

The combination of these two zoos is a bit too fierce, so let's avoid it and go for a set of f6.

Don't underestimate the damage of the crocodile's big move, the burning effect is really not low.

Especially when I saw the crocodile go online again, the equipment it released made others a little dizzy.

As long as there is a little bit of aggressiveness, that is, the big crocodile will come up and set it up directly. Not to mention the fact that the two E skills are shifted and the Q skill is rubbed, and Akali's blood volume will be reduced by one-third. .

Seeing the little mouse appearing in the middle, he even laughed outright.

It's only a few minutes!

The main thing is that the damage of the crocodile in this outfit is overflowing. Akali doesn't have enough resistance and HP to take the damage, and she doesn't have enough burst to fight back.

Xiaotian didn't show any cowardice when he saw his elder brother pushing in, and Ah Shui even stepped forward to fight output.

Especially buffed, the proc first provides bonus damage, plus a level-based damage boost.

Brother Chicken!
Faker could only silently lick his wounds under the defensive tower, and then watched enviously as the men and horses escorted the crocodile back to the city.

Just as I was about to fly the crocodile last time, a horse ran out from the side, and the hand that pressed the mouse stopped...

Before that, run back under the tower.

It's a pity that the people behind blocked the retreat with a big move.

The crocodile raised and lowered his knife without blinking his eyes.

So the gap at this time is completely beyond everyone's imagination, it is clearly a massacre falling to one side!

When we met before, I was stunned for a set of seconds, but now that I am a little crispy, isn't the crocodile's damage overflowing?
Attack the crocodile!It's too buggy, a red anger can directly trigger the vulnerable state.

According to the current strength of the middle field on the opposite side, Canyon Herald must be in their pocket.

It just happened to be the node to go back to the city to replenish the equipment. Since the opposite side intends to capture it, it has to run quickly.

But as soon as he came out of the middle, the crocodile kept nibbling on the defensive tower, which made Oner a little bit unbearable.

The game didn't go well at all.

The crocodile that activated its ultimate move swung its terrifying giant axe, causing bloody sprays to spread among the crowd.

Even if it is him, Dolan Shield is the first choice when playing Akali. After all, how can he give the nurse an injection without a protective cover?
Doran's Shield is the toughest form of protection.

However, because the damage was too high, the person was killed before he could make a move.

Taobo didn't take the Highland Tower seriously at all.

A cannon soldier who entered the tower was just killed after taking damage from the defensive tower, and just now in order to make up for the knife, he used his skills indiscriminately and threw it to the melee soldier behind him. Feeling a little annoyed.

Are you going to retire long ago?
After playing professionally for so many years, he has seen too many talented mid laners. The last one who made him doubt his life was Showmaker.

The blood volume plummeted!
There is no way to trigger a strong attack in an instant, it's just such an exaggeration, raise your hand, a general attack and then a Q skill, and you can easily complete a single kill.

grab it!


Faker looked at the crocodile holding the big axe, and was even more frightened in his heart.

As for the team voice, it is even more polarized.

This dine didn't get the card master, and within 10 minutes, there was such a bloodbath.

Although I had prepared in my heart, it was still hard to accept when I saw it.

Looking at these small moves on Akali's line, I also know that faker is afraid of being beaten, so it would be good to use Doran's shield in front?It's really courageous to have to read the whole little yellow book.

In 10 minutes, a tower in the middle road was broken.

Whoever grinds against you in the later stage will rely on the strength of the early stage to kill!

Next, I wandered around the wild area of ​​Skt, and after returning, I ate Xiaotian's two groups of wild monsters.

What about the crocodile?This is the number one question before them.

At this time, Lin Fan also made the Claw of the Dark Walker and returned to the middle lane.


After thinking about it, the canyon pioneer was still not used, and the two of them made a long journey towards the road.

In this way, Ah Shui ate two layers of plating without stress, and then went home to update his equipment.

I'm afraid that if I don't pay attention, I will go back to the spring to take a bath.

He could only turn his head and walk towards the upper half area.

Can't figure out how to break it.

Because once the opponent can bite him first with W, the damage is enough to kill him directly.

On the whole, there is a little crack in the top lane, and there are big advantages in other routes.

"But then again, if Dine chooses Dark Claw as a build item, there will be no front row for Top Fight. As far as the lineup is concerned, the more you drag back, the lower your error tolerance will be."

"I don't know, but it's really hard for me to play in the middle..." Hearing the voice from the team's voice, Faker replied subconsciously, because his attention is not on this at all.

Only then did he return to the city contentedly, took out the second piece of equipment, and it was ruined!
In twelve minutes, he led the men and horses down the road.

The Ruined King still wanted to escape, but was directly held back by Aphelios.

"Torbo's crocodile mid laner actually has a saying. The top laner Dianzi and the mid laner Akali are destined to have no front row. They are all crispy crocodiles one at a time."

"It's really been a one-sided massacre."

The duo from the lower lane saw it, and ran towards the second tower without saying a word.

In 6 minutes, the explosive crocodile rose to six.

So when Lin Fan took out the sawtooth dagger, Faker couldn't stay in the middle.

But as soon as he showed his head, he was knocked unconscious by the big crocodile with an axe!

To put it bluntly, even if the crocodile stood up and asked him to play a set, and then pulled it back and played again, he couldn't beat it.

The first e skill forced out the faker's e skill, but the second e skill followed up, and then immediately activated the big move, and his body size increased a lot!

This is still not pushed by the canyon pioneer.

Faker looked at the lost blood and could only scratch his head, anxious!He is really in a hurry!

Double kill.

Not to mention the crispy skin, even the big meat can be killed for you.

"Laughing to death, is this what the two sides agreed?"

Why are you so arrogant?I didn't take myself seriously several times.

It can be seen that the crocodile walked straight towards the wall of f6 after eating the coating, and crashed into it with a rampage.

Ah Xiba!
He knew that the other side was messing around in his wild area, but he couldn't do anything about it.

Taking two heads in the middle, the advantage is so big and the meat is still out, this is playing with a hammer.

As for the commentators in each competition area, they also began to talk about this famous scene.


These minion lines are actually minor problems. The important thing is not to let the crocodile eat too much plating.

Faker has actually sensed the danger.

Xiaotian summoned the canyon pioneer and successfully ate the plated tail.

Oner saw that the middle lane was solo killed, but he didn't dare to say anything, and quickly controlled Foyego to run towards the middle lane.

To put it simply, if you want damage or no damage, you need resistance or no resistance. No matter from which side, you can't beat the crocodile.

"The main reason is that the wave of solo kills at level [-] has too much influence! If you go according to the normal development, Akali can only resist the pressure online. After level [-], you can slowly fight against the crocodile, but now it collapsed directly. .”

Even though we know that you are miserable now, we really don't mind making you miserable!

Originally, I wanted to go to the road to find you, but it is better for you to come directly to your door.

Because you don't know at all whether Top Fight is going up or down, let alone the first tower in the middle, it must be stable for at least 15 minutes, instead of being unplugged in 9 or [-] minutes.

massacre!Really worthy of being a desert butcher!
"After the game, I really suggest that the SKT club should find a psychotherapist for the players."

I, Kenan, have longer hands and it's not easy for him to kill me. When the time comes, just pull out the backhand big move, so that I can be more stable, and I can find a chance to catch him later. "

Attacking the crocodile's e skill with two shifts and dark claws, what does Akali use to run?

Coupled with the equipment of the Claw of the Dark Walker, it is a combination of two swords!The follow-up supplement is broken, the single-line single-belt ability is full, and the four big daddy.

Akali's record became 0-4, and the crocodile ate the head and came to 8-0, which just completed the super god.

As for Akali, Thresh has long been unable to move in the crowd.

Their laning pressure in the bottom lane is also very high. At this time, they have finished drinking the medicine and have half of their blood left.

The people and horses walked straight forward, and this action made it clear that they wanted to be escorted by the side.

Under the pressure of the Red Angry Crocodile, Akali could only use the Xia Formation, but his position was a little bit in front of the defensive tower, but the Crocodile was acting as the center, and kept using big moves to burn.

The economy here is 3000 yuan behind, not to mention the small soldiers.

Faker looked at his black-and-white screen, and felt that his mentality fluctuated less this time when he was solo-killed.

League of Legends designer, take a good look at what you have designed?
"Brother Sutu's equipment is too luxurious. With this equipment for more than four minutes, I feel that faker in this game may have an unforgettable experience..." Wang Duoduo gasped as he spoke, and he put himself Substituted in, the scalp tingled.

With Dark Claw and Defeat, you can kill three of them!It's that scary!
At 17 minutes, Skt wanted to defend the high ground, but Lin Fan, who had a stopwatch, was not afraid at all, and rushed to the front.

Apart from anything else, the E skill opens the upper body of the Claw of the Dark Walker!W bit the little mouse with one hand.

By the way, send a signal to the bottom lane, let them pay attention, don't be stolen by crocodiles and centaurs.

But the control time of [-] seconds is enough to make this little mouse die three times.

"One thing to say is that this version of attacking the crocodile is really much stronger than the conqueror. As long as you do it, no one can run away."


Even the hand holding the mouse burst out with blue veins.

Lin Fan ate a lot.

"Xiba! How long has this guy been in the middle lane?" Oner couldn't help complaining.

There is laughter and laughter here at Taobo, but there is dead silence here at Skt.

When you are happy, it is time to make your teammates happy.

This situation on the court is a bit like the feeling of the king entering the bronze and silver.

"It's all a piece of meat on the chopping board!"

Five layers of plating, plus a blood tower.

The doll thinks there is nothing wrong with this outfit.

"Indeed, but I think Brother Sutu has the confidence to play like this, so he must have the confidence to end the game quickly."


Faker agreed in a low voice, and then controlled Akali to go up.

Does this mean... just getting used to it?
Maybe this is your level?

The fourth-level Akali is free meat in front of the sixth-level crocodile.

In addition, Xiazheng is about to disappear, and it is also very dangerous to continue to stay here.

And the talent brought by Brother Shutu, didn't he make it clear from the beginning that he planned to play in the early stage?
The storm rune really fits the crocodile.

As the big ax wielded by the crocodile turned, the blood volume of the electric mouse bottomed out, and a basic attack followed to complete a single kill!

But today, it seems that the Dao heart is not stable.

Lin Fan turned his head, turned the ax lightly, and the two heads were taken away again!
At this time, the passionate prompt sound resounded throughout the Busan e-sports stadium.

Penta kill!

Amidst the blushing cheers from the foreign students, Tobo pushed forward!
Pushed down skt's base at 17 minutes and 54 seconds.

A very short game, not even 10 minutes.

(End of this chapter)

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