LOL: I'm really a professional league player

Chapter 166 The goal has always been the championship!never change!

Chapter 166 All along, the goal is to be the champion!never change! (seeking subscription)

A large number of passers-by viewers in China, seeing the scene of the crocodile killing five, became fans all the more.

This scene is too shocking, too much adrenaline secretion.

Brother Sutu scored a pentakill when facing skt.

This is not an ordinary team. For the domestic audience, this victory and the five-kill crocodile are of great significance.

Although the lpl division has won three global finals championships, but in the true sense of winning the nightmare team of skt, so far only s5's edg.

At this time, the double play in the confrontation match, and still crushed by a large score, is undoubtedly exciting under this situation.

The barrage in the live broadcast room was even more frantic.

"Crazy killing, Brother Sutu is crazy killing!"

"With a record of 13-0-2, skt will be delirious after being fucked!"

In addition, seeing the excitement of the foreign students at the scene, the two commentators on the stage wanted to make people sick.

The speed at which Aphelios took shape was inherently slow, especially since the game only lasted 7 minutes.

"The three teams that won the championship all succeeded in winning the championship with the help of Korean aid..."

Lin Fan didn't answer this question directly, but instead praised Faker.

So the relationship between the players and the management is actually quite good, without so many twists and turns.

When this topic is mentioned, everyone can't help drooling.

Xia An perfectly translated Lin Fan's words.

"Look at the battle seats. None of these five players moved their butts. It seems that they haven't recovered from the loss just now."

"Didn't you just form a group two days ago?"

It also put a lot of pressure on me in the game, and he is a very strong opponent.

As for the results obtained now, they are actually nothing, what is the first place in the competition, all the goals are for the final championship.

Of course, no one can tell who is right and who is wrong, and maybe only the person concerned knows what is going on.

"Top Fight just won against SKT!"

Even if the process was not so smooth, the result was good and the experience was good in retrospect.

There has been no interview before, what does it mean to be interviewed suddenly now?
"Our interpreter has also arrived."

"This Pentakill is too cool, isn't it? Brother Fan is awesome!"

The Taobao lineup is quite suitable, but the best result is only the semi-finals.

As for Team Top Fight, everyone stood up from their seats the moment they won the match.

So how much to sign actually depends on the conscience of the club.

The lpl official has always considered this issue, so Xia An has been asked to wait at Taobo's side.

Unexpectedly, after the competition ended, they decided to interview Lin Fan.

"Is there any interview going on? If there is no interview, I plan to go to the cafeteria to eat something to fill my belly." Ah Shui said.

Finally, deny this point from the style, justified.

"Do you still engage in such targeting?"

We talk about the past, we talk about the present.

Damn, so strong why not Korean?

In the past, when laning on Twitter, the lck division often liked to mention this.

"Well... First of all, the faker player is indeed a unique legend in the League of Legends field, and the honor of the Triple Crown has not yet been surpassed by anyone.

As for the scene at the Busan E-sports Arena, the commentator from the lck division said after a long time: "After Taobao swung the crocodile to the middle, it really disrupted the arrangement of the T1 team... This is a tactical failure, I can only say Taobo is better prepared."

"However, this brother Tu is too sloppy. It's not as good as Brother Sutu. I still prefer the nickname Brother Sutu."

All rounds have been blown up, is it ashamed to say that Lin Fan has the shadow of a faker?

"Then call out the coach and the manager."

Listening to the Korean audience at the scene, their teeth itch.

If lck has the ability, he will send all the Korean aid back, or keep them.

What's interesting is that the opponent is still skt.

Xia An also greeted Lin Fan excitedly when he saw Lin Fan.

"Sister Yu Shuang is right, Brother Tu looks handsome up close."

"Damn it, I've forgotten all about it. I didn't pay much attention to the follow-up group B, the loser's group and so on after the rate of brother entered the final. Have all eight players been selected?"

Then that game set a record of 1557.

After all, the 500 million salary of the left hand can be paid out this year, and it is not difficult to see from this that the economic strength is strong (many people are stupid with money).

He can only vent his anger on skt who just lost the game.

With the support of the head office, the profit requirement is actually not high, and if it is not enough, you can ask for support.

Countless viewers in the country silently stopped typing on the keyboard after hearing this.

"It's not... It seems that it was arranged from the beginning."

Yalei, is this really what a professional player can say?The more the comparison, the more I feel that the left hand is not good enough.

After exchanging a few words with Xia An, the interview with lck came in.

At least when this news broke out, everyone discussed it for more than two months.

"Which cafeteria are you going to? Let's go to the hot pot restaurant next door. I haven't had hot pot for a long time."

It can be said to dominate the entire mid-season!
Think optimistically, the champion has arrived!
Take it easy, there is an 80.00% chance of winning this mid-season game.

The equipment is not very complete yet, so I pushed it all the way up, which is really not a pleasure.

Li Zhengxian did not expect Lin Fan to answer like this.

And Xia An is the young lady who won the EDG championship last year and seamlessly speaks Chinese, English and Korean.

After all, the duration of this game is too short compared to the 10-minute games that usually take two or three minutes.

Especially Brother Sutu, it is no exaggeration to say that he is a regular hexagonal fighter.

"It's not fun, and I didn't kill a few." Ah Shui was quite depressed.

"Ah Lei, is the mid laner crocodile so fierce? It feels like if one W goes down, the blood volume will be disabled!"

If this one uses Delevingne, this advantage will be cool, and the collector who triggers a critical strike with a knife is a head.

"Our players must adjust their status back in the next game. In addition, we need to have better tactical arrangements. This is also a test for the coaching staff."

It can't help but make people feel a little desperate.

Otherwise the price will be higher.

"Top two to zero t1!"

"Genting Game turns out to be the protection of cards!"

Especially compared to the mid laner of the former Top Fighter, reaching the semi-finals is considered a victory.

But although the process was relatively smooth, the result was bad, and it would be a pity for everyone. "

But if there is official intervention, these things are still easy to dispose of, as long as the price is right.

There are a lot of topics to discuss.

As Kung Fu master Ma Baoguo said, click as far as you want, as long as you want it.

"The hostess of the interview is really good looking, pretty."

However, this year, Brother Soltu suddenly emerged, which gave everyone a lot of hope for a while.

"an nyeong ha se yo..."

"The changes in the lpl division in the past few years are indeed quite big. Of course, this is related to the fact that many Korean players have joined in the lck division, which has greatly improved their competition intensity..."

It is estimated that they did not expect to lose so badly in the two games.

Even have the courage to fight back.

But think about it from another angle, can you say that the team that won the championship is the Chinese team?Is it the lpl team?Yes, it is the honor of the competition area.

"Where is Brother Dong from before? Why is everything gone? Doesn't it mean that Taobo will show his true colors after meeting SKT in the confrontation match? Why is he getting stronger and stronger now?"

"Damn it, it's no wonder Brother Shuitu has such a good face! It turns out that Goddess Luck is smiling!"

"Hi everyone, I'm Lee Jung Hyun. First of all, I would like to thank Dine contestants for accepting our interview."

And from the moment I became a professional player, my goal has always been to be the champion, the spring champion, the mid-season champion, the summer champion, the global finals has never changed. "

Lin Fan restrained his expression, picked up the microphone and pondered for a while.

"Han Za came out and shouted. Now that the Internet is harmonious, I don't know who to fight."

Judging from the data of the double C in the spring game, it can definitely be called the strongest double C in China.

"Understood, let's get a card master before the lottery draw."

So I think that what a person can do depends entirely on whether his heart is firm enough.

rng points at the sword every year, and breaks his own sword every year.

But after all, there are only a small number of people with strong strength in the whole Chinese class.

The Busan E-Sports Arena became extremely quiet at this moment.

There is no Korean translation for Top Fight, after all, there are no Koreans in the entire base.

Of course, you are willing to spend money, which is necessary to become a traffic club.

Xia An immediately translated after hearing it.

"You guys are all fake fans, isn't this a good arrangement? Forget it? Tomorrow is the final of Genting Games in China! If Taobao is scheduled to compete tomorrow, Brother Sutu will definitely not be able to participate in the final."

"Yes, the current result is also the second place in the group. In fact, it is quite good. As long as you can advance to the first and second place, there is no difference. As for the opponent is relatively weak, you can just seize this opportunity to adjust."

"Huh? lck will interview us?"

"If the group is first, it will be the game the day after tomorrow. Holy crap, is there any problem with this schedule? The final day after tomorrow? Isn't this full of back-to-back strength?"

How should I put it, most of the people in China are heavy hot pot lovers. If there is any conflict, there is nothing that Haidilao can't solve. If there is, then another meal.

"Lee Jung Hyun is really good-looking, but I still like Kim Soo Hyun more, big is justice!"

"What kind of questions are they asking in the lck division? It's inexplicable."

The premise is that Taobo can maintain this state in the next game.

At a glance, he knew that this was a one-sided situation, and he was killed directly.

"But don't you want to eat the hot pot? What does Brother Fan say?"

For example, qg bought the puppy from omg for 2000 million at a huge price at that time.

At the end, Li Zhengxian also asked Lin Fan about his next goal.

This is the result of the competition that just ended.

Lin Fan's answer is that he personally likes to play cards, and thinks that card masters have higher gambling luck and are likely to bring good luck.

Secondly, as a mid laner in the lpl division, my style is actually very different from his.

Zhizhen Huazi Are you kidding me?

South Korea didn't hear the answer they wanted, and instead they were tricked.

They didn't expect that a contestant named Dine would be so hot inside...

But it's a pity that the Galaxy Battleship in the dream fell apart because of the Nakano break, otherwise QG would have a great chance of winning the championship that year.

At this time, Luo Sheng hastily pushed open the door of the training room.

But now the performance in the mid-season competition did not disappoint everyone. This way to the semi-finals has opened up a lot of other teams.

"It's ok, anyway, I don't really want to eat in the canteen today, so eat more meat." Lin Fan replied with a smile.

For example, why do you always choose the card master.

He was stunned for a moment, then smiled and asked a few more questions.

"Brother Sutu enjoys six months of spray-free rights with me."

I made a secret decision in my heart, no matter how Brother Shutu will perform in the future, the height of this sentence is different from other professional players in lpl.

Of course, there are many people in China who like to talk about the Korean double c...

After all, Team Top Fight is different from other teams.

What impressed Ah Shui the most was that brother shy had a bad stomach, and he kept shouting in the team voice to hurry up and push.

Of course, the country is considered a small fight, and the real strength has to be seen in the international arena.

"Dine must be taken seriously. Don't give him too much room to play. Looking at his playing state, I seem to see the shadow of Faker back then."

I thought lck didn't plan to do an interview here.

"Huh? I don't believe Yu Shuang would say that?" Lin Fan shook his head.

"One thing to say, attacking the crocodile is indeed strong, but it's not that outrageous. Unless your ID is dine, it takes 14 minutes for a two-piece suit to achieve such an effect."

Since the Taobao game ended relatively early, neither of them ranked too high in terms of average output, but other statistics were in the top three ranks in their positions.


As soon as this was said, the barrage frantically swiped up.

Perhaps Topsports can really fulfill the expectation of winning the championship in the all-China class.

"It's cool, it's cool. I thought that this game could be won, but I didn't expect to win so quickly."

"Brother Sutu is really humble!"

How should I put it, Guo Hao dug it back from top to bottom.

"The pattern, the pattern has opened again."

Although the current game is lost, but the mouth is still not down.

Smile at each other.

"There is an interview on lck. They have invited Lin Fan. Sit in your seat and wait for a while. Let's wait for their video connection."

Most of the domestic people think this way. Of course, it would be even happier if an all-Chinese class can win the championship.

Although it was revealed in s4s5 that the puppy's transfer fee was 5000 million, but that was not the salary he got, but more like liquidated damages.

A knife for a kid.

Not to mention, as soon as this was said, the foreign students were indeed silenced, but they recovered quickly, because they now have hope.

Until now, anyone who wants to black faker will mention 1557.

"First of all, congratulations on getting the No.1 result in the match and advancing to the finals. The record is even more luxurious ten consecutive victories. Everyone says that you have the shadow of a faker. What do you think of this?"

I am a mid laner who relies more on my teammates. Without the help of my teammates, I would not be able to play so smoothly.

This is the official intervention of lpl.

This really happened in the [-] midseason game.

"The birth of the lpl gambling monster begins with the card master..."

"Dine crocodile five kills dry broken skt, all kinds of fancy single kill faker, zeus."

Of course, if Haidilao's service is not so enthusiastic, I believe the business will be better.

"Goal is the champion. Humans are such wonderful animals. When your goals are clear enough, you can often unleash your potential beyond your imagination. When you surrender first and give up first, you may even lose your usual [-]%. Ten out of ten levels can't be played.

"The pattern has always been quite high!"

"But there is one thing to say, if you quit Sui Tu Zhi Bin, your words will be more powerful!"

"The atmosphere was in place, but I couldn't hold back after seeing what you said."


(End of this chapter)

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