LOL: I'm really a professional league player

Chapter 17 Fishing in the training match?Retire today!

Chapter 17 Fishing in the training match?Retire today! (ask for a recommendation ticket)

Inside Jingdong Club.

"I feel like Taobo can't give a little pressure?" Hope rubbed his fingers. The second round was opened from the bottom lane, so he won it so easily.

To be honest, the current Ah Shui is equivalent to the original Uzi, and it is the target pursued by many ADCs.

Not only because Ah Shui won the global finals, but also because of his ability to suppress online.

It's just that after leaving ig, it seems that I haven't found a suitable support...

Although he has a great name, he didn't achieve any results.

"The opponent has changed, both the support and the top laner." Toothpaste gnawed on his finger, his voice slightly muffled.

"Dine? Then the strength of the bot lane has gone down again. Isn't the bot lane playing casually?"

"It's normal for Taobo to be in a bad overall state, otherwise we wouldn't have lost five games in a row. We still focus on training now. After all, this is just a training match." Jingdong coach gave Hope a look.

He has been playing professional games for so long, how can he be so happy after winning a training game?Still getting so bloated?

You must know that the king of the training match is tsm, and it is almost invincible in the training match of the global finals.

But what about the race?

Bureaus are regarded as experience babies, and they have not advanced to the quarterfinals so far.

So it’s fine to use the training match as a reference. The main thing is to find your own problems. If you really use this to study your opponent, it’s a stupid behavior.

Hope saw that no one paid attention to him when he mentioned it, but was severely criticized by the coach.

Okay, then in the third game, continue to kill Taobo and get off the road.

Of course, 369 was very moved after listening to their exchange.

After all, he was the top laner of the Taobo team before, but later the coach pointed his nose and scolded that the rebellious period had come, and the jungler Casa, who was still in the team at the time, said that it was so difficult to train a hero in a season?
Confidence is really greatly affected.

I once thought that I was only a second-rate top laner, but I never expected that after leaving Taobo, I would regain my confidence in

The coach is also willing to believe in himself, and let himself choose all heroes.

Now Jingdong also has a record of three wins, ranking fifth in the league.

Compared with Taobo's five-game losing streak at the beginning, it is much better to be the last one at this time.

Life is indeed impermanent.

"Brother Fan, are you nervous about playing this training match?"

"Don't be nervous." Lin Fan shook his head.

"Then why don't you talk? We've been communicating for a long time. If I can get Draven in this round, I'll use Draven. You'd better match me with a hard assistant."

"That's right, Brother Fan needs to communicate more." Wayward's tone of voice clearly felt that he was very excited.

After all, the Duke lost both games. If he can play well and win this game, his status in the coach's heart will also rise.


At this time, Lin Fan's attention was all on the shore of the soil.

That's right, his computer has already opened two interfaces.

One is the PC version of Shitu Zhibin, and the other is the League of Legends client.

So from entering the room until now, they haven't said a word, but because they have lost two rounds before, the atmosphere of the whole team is a bit stiff now, and Lin Fan didn't say a word, which made it even more embarrassing.

In order to ease the awkward atmosphere of the team, Ah Shui wanted Lin Fan to say a few words.

At the same time, Luo Sheng had already come behind Lin Fan.

"Don't be nervous in the training match, it's just a simple fight..."

He couldn't say anything after that, because he saw Lin Fan's monitor.

Other games that are constantly operating!
This is a training match, it's fine if you don't play ranked and play other games all day long, but the training match is still like this, what do you mean?
Are you really challenging my authority?

The current coach is not the kind of S3S4 who helps the team get takeout.

It's really powerful.

Even star players are the same.

For example, the old thief Sima contradicted the coach once and was directly suspended by the club.

When the core interests are endangered, this small gain and loss is nothing.

Just send him to the second team after the training match.

Luo Sheng's face darkened.

Mark has already seen Lin Fan's small movements.

He could only give a thumbs up silently in his heart.

In the training game, he dared to use two things at once, catching fish in front of the coach.

You must be No.1 in the league.

Lin Fan could only shake his head helplessly.

There is no way, the rewards are too rich, and the time is limited, he really has to touch this fish.

There are robots, there are vampires, and there are even heightened consciousnesses and manipulations.

If you choose to give up, you will definitely regret it if you don't do this task.

As both sides are almost ready, the BP session will start soon.

blue parties.

Red party jdg.

Tao Bo has previously removed Jess, Zoe, Crocodile, Aphelios, and Ornn.

Here in, Delevingne was removed, Bobby, Enchantress, Prince, and Jinx stayed up late.

"Coach, what kind of support do I get here?"

Luo Sheng saw that Ah Shui had chosen Ze Li, and wanted him to choose a cat, but he thought that Lin Fan was operating Shutu Zhibin just now, turned his head and glanced at it, but he was still playing, and said angrily.

"You can choose whatever you want."

After today, I will send you away directly!

"it is good."

After hearing this, he locked his head with his backhand.

"It was indeed a wise choice."

Lin Fan nodded. He was indeed very sensible. The other heroes who were brought out to the bottom lane were blasted to death, and the big head might still be able to fight.

"Brother Fan, what are you doing!" Ah Shui's tone of voice had always been very steady, but seeing the great inventor, he couldn't hold back anymore.

"It's okay, my hero is tested and very strong!"

And Jingdong here.

Seeing that the hero named Datou was selected, everyone immediately exploded.

Taobo's lineup is obvious. The top laner is Scissor Girl, the jungler is Viego, the mid laner is Victor, and the AD is Zaun Fireworks. Then this big head must be a support position.

But the big head hero is not very suitable for support no matter how you look at it.

How about just playing around in the training match?
"Dine didn't qualify for the uzi round yesterday? He chose the big head support and was on the hot search."

"Really? Let's cheer up, it might be something new, let's learn it and see if it works." The coach patted Missing on the shoulder.

With the final lock of Kenan on, the lineup became the top laner Kenan, the jungler Lee Sin, the mid laner Jet, and the bottom lane duo Kai'Sa paired with Luo.

"Brother Fan, how can I use Zeli to cooperate with you? This is the first time I have been assisted by a big head."

"Anyway, you don't have to worry, just let me fight and consume. First grab the second, and then fight with the opponent when you grab the second."

"not bad?"

"Yes, the big head support is very strong!"

(End of this chapter)

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