LOL: I'm really a professional league player

Chapter 18 Damn, the big head hurts so much?

Chapter 18 Damn, the big head hurts so much? (ask for a recommendation ticket)

Very strong?

Ah Shui could only show a wry smile, how could a hero like Datou be a support material.

Even in the bronze rank, no one uses big heads to assist.

Brother Fan's choice of this hero at this time really made him feel unconfident.

I don't know how to cooperate with him when I take Zeli.

If it weren't for this training match, it would probably be sprayed right now.

But the choice has already been chosen, so you can only accept your fate.

"The bottom duo on the opposite side is very aggressive. Try not to touch them in the early stage. Zeli is too weak without equipment."

Kai'Sa and Luo are also considered a classic combination. As long as Luo's grand debut is successfully lifted, Kai'Sa can play two layers of passive without pressure.

This damage is terrible, at least in the early stage, Zeli can't compare with Kasha.

Ah Shui still doesn't have much confidence in assisting Datou.

As for Xiaotian, he didn't get involved in the communication between the two of them at all.

Instead, he said to his left hand: "I'll hit three groups of wild monsters straight away. You can try to consume the HP of the plane and see if you can get a chance."

The mid laners on both sides tend to farm, and the damage in the early stage is very low, but as long as it can help Victor get a kill or get an assist, and speed up the speed of his purification skills, then this advantage will be very large.

As for the next road, there is no idea of ​​​​coming down at all.

They have already chosen the big head support, and it must be tortured to come to the bottom lane.

It is estimated that this round is another ten-minute round.

"Should I grab the lane first?"

Ah Shui saw that the big head went straight to the bottom lane, and it seemed that he had no intention of helping the jungler to become popular.

"Don't grab it, I'll go to the bottom lane and place two forts and then come over."

Putting two turrets first can not only grab the vision, but also grab two after helping the jungler to get red. It will be very comfortable to be able to summon the turrets to fight online.

"Then let me follow you."

Ah Shui controlled Zeli and followed.

If my bot lane duo on the opposite side is in the bot lane, it is very likely to catch the big head. In the best case, teach a dodge to escape, or send out the first blood.

"Okay, it's best if you come down with me."

In fact, the Jingdong Xialu duo really came over, mainly because it is not clear what is the use of choosing this big head.

So take up the position first when you come to the next road, and if you come to plant a fort, then clear it for him.

The two sides of this insertion really met.

If all the forts are inserted, the opponent will definitely not be able to fight, but they are not stupid, how can they fight to the end with the forts.

So Lin Fan just sent a signal to Ah Shui to retreat with him.

Ah Shui didn't intend to fight here.

However, Lin Fan still inserted a fort, the reason is very simple is to play passively with a dozen wages.

Two strokes of Fort a can be 40 yuan.

In the early stage, the blood volume of the turret can withstand three basic attacks. If one person is allowed to go to a, it can cost 60 yuan.

According to the normal situation, it is obvious that A will be assisted here and then given over to ADC.

Sure enough, that's what Luo did. After all, a small fort costs five yuan anyway, so Lin Fan only stole 40 yuan.

But I still made money after going back and forth.

I ordered my own 40 yuan.

"It's safe to say ... the economy is ahead."

"Brother Fan, your turret hasn't been plugged in, is it a failure of the routine, how can we fight in the next lane?"

"It's okay, just play normally."

Jingdong Club.

"Let me just choose a big head. If you want to say something special, it is his fort. It should be Zyra's routine. When Zyra comes down to plant flowers, he will set up the fort." Missing still smiled very proudly.

"That's it! If the fort is not done well, wouldn't it be meaningless to choose the big head? This round should be stable."

"Don't worry about it, the AD on the opposite side is Ah Shui. What if you get hammered later, the top adc is still very strong with a support." Hearing Hope's words, Missing next to him said.

"But the support has to be fun too. Isn't it foolish to use the big head? Once he releases the fort, Ah Shui may not even be able to mend the knife. After all, he is playing Zeli."

"That's what you said."

Big head support, no matter how you think about it, it is very unreliable.

Lin Fan placed the fort where the red buff was born according to the old rules, and quickly helped Xiaotian hit it.

Both bot lanes quickly came to the line.

"You just need to clean up the soldiers line, I'll fight them to consume."

"That's fine, don't stand too far ahead and you'll be in trouble if you get charged." Looking at the big head who had already fought with melee soldiers, Ah Shui frowned unobtrusively, but then he relaxed his brows quickly.

"Fuck, there's something wrong with Brother Fan's big head, why is the first-level damage so high?"


"You hit so fiercely even without setting it up as a cannon?" Seeing that the big head kept leaning forward, Missing couldn't bear it at all, and carried it over after a grand debut.

As a result, the big head made a small move to the side and successfully dodged.

With a backhand, two turrets were placed behind Luo's back, blocking the retreat route.

As soon as the turret hit the ground, it began to spray on Luo's body crazily.

Coupled with the gifted comet, Luo's blood volume dropped by more than 100 points in a few seconds, and Lin Fan was still stealing damage from the side.

Although the general attack of the big head is not high, it touches more than 80 points in two hits.

Luo's blood volume dropped by two hundred as soon as he met him.

Missing was numb, but fortunately, Kai'Sa quickly stepped forward, so Lin Fan didn't follow up with her.

The good thing is that the assistant has three bottles of medicine, and he gritted his teeth and drank one.

"The big head's turret is too disgusting, isn't it? I sprayed at least a hundred points of blood just now, and the big head is still stealing damage from the side."

"Let's step back, there's no way to compete with them for second place, and he can't even compete with the fort."

"That's right, let them push it. As long as I push it, I can come over and grab it. After brushing the toad, I will come over."

Although the second-level blind monk did not slow down, his ability to catch people was still very strong.

The main reason is that as soon as Luo Shengda enters the stage, he can immediately follow up with his W skill, and then chase after him.

Coupled with the extremely powerful Q skill, as long as the opponent doesn't notice it, the head is basically there.

If the blind monk chooses blue to open, he will usually go to the red buff to brush and then catch people, so if he catches it at this time, he can directly hit the opponent by surprise.

"Okay." The voice of the movie watcher sounded in the training room, which made Missing, who was a little nervous, relax a little.

After all, at first I thought it was easy to hit the big head, but as soon as we met, I lost more than one-third of my blood volume. Whoever changed it would not be confused.

But if the jungler came over, the situation would be different.

As long as the opponent pushes faster, the sooner he will die.

These two turrets are completely life-threatening notes.

After stabilizing, he manipulated Luo to stand behind, waiting for his blood to slowly recover.

After listening to Ah Shui's words, Luo Sheng, who had a dark face, came over curiously.

(End of this chapter)

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