LOL: I'm really a professional league player

Chapter 19 Luo Sheng: So I'm a Clown!

Chapter 19 Luo Sheng: So I'm a Clown! (ask for a recommendation ticket)
Luo Sheng observed the situation on the bot lane.

The frown that was furrowed gradually relaxed again.

The support on both sides fought each other, and Luo on the opposite side was beaten unilaterally. The current situation is that the bottom lane has successfully seized the opportunity, and it is definitely no problem to grab the second.

But this is just the beginning, how to turn this advantage into a winning situation?
Luo Sheng watched intently, not noticing that his previous anger had slowly disappeared.

Lin Fan didn't make any rash moves here, he still stood around his two forts, and without the E skill, his fighting ability was still very weak.

They have already obtained the right to line, and wait until the second wave of pawns are on the line. After all, the opponent is not stupid. How could they jump on the face to take damage from the fort after suffering a loss once.

And missing retreated to the rear, focusing on his own blind monk's jungle clearing route.

Immediately afterwards, like a hunter, he kept observing the movements of the big head, looking for flaws.

"Brother Fan, go to the river to take a look." Ah Shui said to Lin Fan, he didn't feel safe when the soldiers were about to push over.

"It's okay, the two of us can fight. He Daoyan doesn't need to do it. It's useless to catch the blind monk of the second level without the red buff."


Ah Shui nodded. The main reason for this game is that Lin Fan chose the big head as a support. He has never cooperated with the big head since the day he played the game. To be honest, he still feels a little guilty.

But from the communication just now, Brother Fan has realized the blind monk, so he has confidence in not doing it.

In addition to the wave at the first level, it can be seen that the big head damage is there, so there is a chance to operate.

With the continuous bombing of the two small forts, the blood volume of the front row soldiers of the second wave of soldiers quickly bottomed out.

On the other side, inside the JD base.

"Go up and seduce them, they are going to reach the second wave soon, and they will definitely fight when they come up."

After watching the film, the two groups of wild monsters are approaching the bottom road. At this time, they have entered the bottom river. If both Datou and Zeli move forward, they can be directly intercepted.

Missing, after getting the hint from the jungler, manipulated Luo to start walking from the side, putting pressure on the side.

In fact, this action is already obvious.

The jungler is behind him, otherwise normal players will choose to retreat when they are about to reach the second level on the opposite side.

No matter how you say it, you can't beat the first level and the second level, no matter how strong the hero is.

But this was obviously exactly what Lin Fan wanted.

The jungler is not here to help you gank, but to help us.

Before intentionally or unintentionally, I walked to the wall below, and inserted an ornament eye in the third grass.

Seeing Luo pressing in, he raised his hand to release the E skill, and then immediately put down the third fort.

Luo's target at the beginning was the big head, and he was lured to the wall below. Facing the thrown grenade, he wanted to hide but there was no room to hide.

Straightforwardly, he was stunned in place.

At the same time, the three turrets turned their guns in an instant, and the three laser cannons went towards the stunned Luo.

Without any hesitation, Lin Fan directly put on the ignition.

Missing looked at the fire above his head, and his heart was shocked.

He came here to seduce, not to give away the head.

However, only the big one's damage should not directly give him a second. Although the blood volume is dropping rapidly now, it is all bearable.

Seeing that Zeli was still a little far away from where she was, without damage as a follow-up supplement, she should not die.

But he didn't expect that after the dizziness ended, his blood volume was less than [-] points.

This damage is a bit higher than expected.

There is no e skill at the first level, and nearly [-] points of blood have been lost with just two small forts and basic attacks.

Now with the e skill, when the energy cannon can be triggered, the full blood is actually the kill line when combined with igniting the full blood, not to mention that Luo only drank a bottle of medicine and the blood line is not completely full.

Lin Fan went up here and clicked the general attack again, the blood line was directly below fifty points, forcing a missing flash.

Ah Shui also didn't expect that Luo, who had a very healthy blood volume, was almost about to be killed directly.

Seeing the blind monk showing his head in the bottom lane, the finger that was about to touch the flash stopped immediately.

He has some hesitation.

Lin Fan was originally waiting for Ah Shui to go up and take this head away.

In the end, there was no movement here, and he couldn't accept just letting it go on the opposite side like this, so he just followed up with a flash.

At the moment when Luo was about to make his grand debut, a basic attack A came out, and the damage of the subsequent ignited ignited and ignited emptied Luo's remaining HP.

Missing froze here for a moment.

The location where he flashed was the grass, so the other side wouldn't have planted eyes in the grass, right?

It's too outrageous. Instead of inserting the vision into the river, it's actually thrown directly into the grass on the opposite line?
How confident is this?Are you sure you can force me into this bush to hide from sight?

But thinking that the big head seemed to be leaning towards the grass intentionally or unintentionally just now, could it be that he had calculated that he would call the jungler to come down and catch him, and then seduce him?

No way, if this is the case, what a terrifying person he is, he can actually see three steps after taking one step!
It should all be a coincidence.

Kanavi, who just showed up, was a little speechless, he was here to let them seduce.

But his own assistant seduced him and was directly given by the opponent!

If he has level three, it's not impossible to force it, but now AD is only level one, and he only has two levels.

The opposite duo has reached the second level.

If this is a hard hit, it is no different from giving away.

But as a jungler, it is a very risky thing to choose to catch people in the early stage...

Originally, Xiaotian planned to go to the middle lane to cooperate with the left hand, but when he saw the blind monk appearing in the bottom lane through his vision, he turned his head and went directly to the upper half of the wild area on the red side. Is it better to catch people online?
If you go to the lane like the opponent's jungler and get nothing, it's not a huge loss.

Of course, I was shocked when I left...

And he muttered in a low voice: "Is the big head support really so powerful?"

He had just brushed the blue buff, and there was a kill on the line.

And Luo Sheng, who had been watching behind Ah Shui, was stunned.

Because everything I have seen in front of me is really too ups and downs.

First, he won the first level exchange and got the line right, and then he saw the big guy start messing around, putting a hole in the grass.

Did you get it wrong about how precious a ward is in the early lane?Just wasting it in the undergrowth like this?
But it turned out that precisely because of this critical eye position, he did not lose his vision in the follow-up pursuit, and then completed the kill.

The most terrible thing is that Ah Shui's Zeli didn't go up to touch Luo from the beginning to the end. This is a solo kill!
Is it still that Lin Fan?Is the big head support so strong?
He hurriedly turned his head to look at Lin Fan, but this time he felt dizzy.

Because he saw that the monitor was no longer on the League of Legends screen, and switched back to the land of the land!
(End of this chapter)

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