LOL: I'm really a professional league player

Chapter 173 All eyes are on, the mid-season finale!

Chapter 173 All eyes are on, the mid-season finale! (seeking subscription)
Guo Hao pushed open the door of the training room and kept moving his hands, feeling a little nervous.

Weibo has been hotly searched, and it seems that there is nothing wrong with it. Another very important point is that Jingdong and Weibo are both interested in the left hand.

In addition, the prices offered by the two clubs are similar, and and Taobo cooperated last season.

So it is more inclined to Jingdong, so in the first half a month, this deal was reached, and the left hand officially transferred to Jingdong.

Obviously Weibo has a high demand for mid laners.

Since the left hand was eliminated by Lin Fan, it is not impossible to dig the wall directly in one step.

"Where's that bastard on Weibo? Where's that bastard? Dare to poach someone from our club? Can't even abide by the club's bottom line?" Guo Hao took a breath as soon as he came in, and then output.


Zoom quickly gnawed off the chicken leg on his hand.

The grilled chicken legs and mixed ones have two flavors. The meat is tender and juicy, and the spicy feeling rushes directly to the top of the head, but there is too little to eat.

The vast majority of Weibo's funds are invested in theshy, and even the left hand is searched and searched.

A game ended within 8 minutes.

After this, the tension of tomorrow's game disappeared.

"Do you say that the situation is reversed, and the club said it would not sign a few days before the transfer period?"

Guo Hao and Luo Sheng figured out what was going on, and then scratched their heads embarrassingly.

"But if it were me, I would run over as soon as possible. Brother Sutu is a big treasure."

Under the introduction of the host, everyone in Skt walked into the game with their heads held high.

"Hahaha, this picture is coming!"

It is indeed well adjusted, showing the background of a strong team. Miller raised his glasses.

Ever since S8 won the championship, in this kind of global competition, there has been no time to admit defeat.

In the semi-finals, from that state, I have almost adapted, and now is the time to really play.

After closing the door, the two smiled.

"You have to play your own game, theshy is so united."

Looking at it like this, Brother Tu still attaches great importance to the game rate in the afternoon.

"Nobody wants to poach me?"

Today, for the first time, Lin Fan did not enter the land of the land, or other games.


It is true that Lin Fan broadcasts live every day. How can any coach shout during his live broadcast, isn't this setting himself on fire?
At that time, audiences across the country will know that there are many small tricks on Weibo, and this will not be worth the candle.

Seeing Guo Hao, he shouted loudly.

At least from the MSI, Topsports has always been in the leading position, easily crushing skt in both games.

The head coach's bp is full of answers!The dishes are outrageous!Strongly request, the head coach dismisses get out of class, and the assistant coach Hou Ye takes the stage!
Of course, some people developed their minds and fantasized about Lin Fan going to Weibo.

"Fuck, I heard that Zeng Tao is going to poach Lin Fan?" Luo Sheng, who got the news one step later, hastily kicked the door of the training room open.

"Weibo is rotten to the bone, the coach is rotten, the mid lane is rotten, and the jungler is also rotten."

One 0-1, the other 0-2.

"Look at Abin, playing like him can survive this pair of midfielders."

"Actually, I think it's good to maintain this state. When Lin Fan trains well, he may not be able to perform at this level in the competition." Luo Sheng shook his head.

"The next thing is, the last game of the mid-season game. How do you feel?" Luo Sheng, who got up early in the morning, was already waiting for everyone in the cafeteria.

"Afraid of a hammer, Weibo doesn't talk about martial arts anymore, so what about the live broadcast!"

"Trouble me all day, why don't you train hard?"

"I believe everyone has been looking forward to today's game for a long time. In fact, I was thinking about today's game last night." The baby is not as playful as before today.

"But this scene is really funny."

However, Ah Shui and Mark are still immersed in the laning.

"Where it is rare is not at all, okay. The spring finals are busy opening up wasteland. At that time, I was scared terribly."

Many league fans in the live broadcast room finally felt a little more comfortable.

Without saying a word, all the audience in the live broadcast room also noticed a trace of dignified expression.

"It's live, it's live..." Seeing that the manager and the coach were speaking so freely, Lin Fan hurriedly stopped him.

Time passed bit by bit, and Lin Fan, who was sitting in his seat, also turned off the live broadcast.

The closer the game is, the more uncertain everyone will be.

lpl official commentary live room.

"No distribution at all! The Everlasting Tribulation Branch...?"

"Yes, it's impossible for Sao Fan to do this. There is a high probability that he won't be able to find a job next season. Even if he is a jungler, he has to make room for the online team. This kind of player doesn't care about his online teammates at all. How can he play like this?"

Although this looks rather lazy and doesn't look like a professional player at all, it is the best situation to be able to win the game all the time.

The Great Demon King has been silent for too long, and it's time to show his fangs on the world stage.

He just turned on the live broadcast and closed his eyes under the camera to rest.

He didn't care that the sides of his mouth were covered with peppers, he just wiped it with his hand.Then asked the question: "What's the situation?"

I can feel the confidence in them.

And it is impossible for Lin Fan to go to Weibo in that situation.

"I can only say two words, really good, whether it is a professional player or a coach."

There are a lot of discussion posts on Weibo Tieba...

"IG is the real disgusting one. A few days before the transfer period, they said they would not sign, but their performance in v5 in the spring split was actually not bad. There should be hope for this year's finals."

At that point, as the room was established, the referees began to pull people in. After a while, the room was full of people.

Early the next morning, Lin Fan opened the curtains, and the sun directly shone in, warming his body. Today is a rare fine weather.

Guo Hao then ran to Lin Fan's side in two or three steps.

"Xiao Tiancai is back, but if you watch the game, there must be him within a thousand yards of the middle lane, ready to support at any time!"

"One thing to say is that the picture is so beautiful. If you get an advantage in the middle lane, you can help build an advantage in the top lane."

"Ahem, I'm nervous, I'm nervous, I'm fine, I'll have a call with the manager of Weibo later."

He is bound to win this trophy.

"However, the Top Fight team is very adaptable from the beginning to the end. I'm not worried about the state of Top Fight at all. To put it bluntly, Top Fight is in a state where it doesn't know how to lose." Miller kept talking. Both are very confident.

"Won't you be cpued? Are you sure you won't be cpued?"

Dine's performance was really good before, but that's just because he hasn't gotten used to it yet.

As soon as this was said, it was also approved by many people in the live broadcast room.


"Because of this 5000 million transfer, QG paid a lot of money to buy the puppy."

"No way? I panic when you say that."

"I'm used to it. Brother Sutu must know it in his heart, so he will relax before the game. But now there is a problem. He doesn't play in the league or other games. Does he feel a little stressed?"

"Puppy wind reviews are persecuted, and ig wind reviews are persecuted."

"Close your eyes and rest your mind, it was really rare in previous games."

"Hahaha, I'm numb from laughing, isn't the white crescent too real?"

It seems that taking away g2 [-]-[-] gave them back a lot of confidence.

Looking at it this way, the laning fight in the bottom lane was extremely intense.

"Fuck, I thought I was the only one like this, and I'm a little scared too..."

Listening to everyone cheering, the corners of Faker's mouth slowly rose, and the moment he stepped into the battle seat, he glanced at the championship trophy placed in the center of the stage.

He could only squat nervously in the official live broadcast room.

Some worry, what will happen.

"Zeng Tao was terrible when he played in the league, and he kept playing snakes on the road. Now that he is a coach, BP doesn't understand it. He still wants to poach people, right?"

I didn't play any games all morning, which made everyone very uncomfortable.

Isn't it just a temptation to poach someone in private this time?

Pushing open the door, Ah Shui and Mark were walking towards the cafeteria with their arms around their eyes.

In particular, some fans of the Weibo team strongly agree with what White Crescent said in a hurry.

"Calm down, calm down... Although the person who pulls me is the coach of the Weibo team, they are the branch of Eternal Tribulation."

It turns out that frogs are such a thing!
Still too nervous...

"No, when the time comes, Brother Sutu will go up and down to support his father, right? Sister Zombie and Sister Shuigui rush together, who can stand it?"


And there is still a salary cap in the 13th season, next year only a few teams can afford tens of millions of players.

It made him feel very comfortable.

Can't tolerate the slightest joke.

"Didn't you watch the documentary released on Weibo? What did the richest man say? It's impossible for him to choose heroes like Zhumei to help others online."

These interesting things that happened tonight also aroused a lot of discussion in the early hours of the morning.

"I know that Weibo people are full of bad things. I just didn't expect him to be so ruthless, right?"

"I think it's a horrible thing for Brother Suitu to go to Weibo. Sao fans won't care about him at all. How can he get up in the middle lane?"

"Ah Shui's current experience is so happy, theshy can experience it anytime."

Most of them have to cut down on food and clothing to reduce extra expenses.

"Actually, normal transfers between teams are okay, but I think it's a bit disgusting to poach people in private."

It’s useless for you to deal with those. Lin Fan dug it out with his own efforts. After showing his strength, the club raised his annual salary twice in a row, and also made a guarantee in private. As long as he can win the global finals, there will be extra bonuses award.

After breakfast, everyone returned to their positions, started training, and warmed up their hands.


"There is one thing to say, the fans of Brother Soltu are the most difficult to serve. You will be criticized if you play other games before the game, and you will be criticized if you don't play other games."

"I feel so too."

"Come on, come on! I'm afraid of you? Your numb kiss, go down, go down, go straight up, go straight up."

"it is good……"

It's not just right to broadcast live, it directly shows the attitude of Team Top Fight.

"It's a big oolong."

At 03:30 in the afternoon, the official staff entered the training room, and everyone in Topbo also logged into the competition uniform.

At least for now, nothing is going to change.

"I remember that year, there was a sky-high transfer fee of 5000 million, but it was later confirmed that they were the same person. This was entirely a personal plan."

Then just wait for the game to start.

As for the barrage in the live broadcast room, it started rolling crazily.

"Puppy's transfer is actually normal. At that time, the royal family and omg were the same boss. It really wasn't a sudden transfer. There is still a long time to warm up."

Both brothers were crushed under the defense tower...

While eating breakfast, they exchanged ideas about today's game.

"It seems that Brother Sutu is not heartless."

"It's pretty good, the weather is so good today, I feel something good is going to happen."

The importance of the final is not at the same level as the previous match.

"Well, if I have a chance to have a drink with Zeng Tao, it's better to call pdd, we old guys haven't seen each other for a long time." Luo Sheng waved his hands and slowly moved towards the door.

Rhubarb was quite curious, so he poked his head to look at the record of the bottom lane duo.

"I don't know it. If it was like five or six years ago, I think it would be no problem to play like this, but now he "" has no dominance in the wild area."

" are right to say that, but I rejected it."

I had an idea before, but this step has completely dispelled the follow-up worries.

Lin Fan's microblog here definitely can't offer a suitable price.

As for the base.

Soon the official live broadcast room has switched to the live video.

And the sound of cheering on the scene was full.

"Weibo has fallen out, saying that the Weibo coach is openly poaching people during your live broadcast." Guo Hao said quickly.

"That's right, SKT's performance in the semifinals was already exaggerated, and it can be seen that they are working hard to adjust their state in the mid-season.

"Theshy's best solution is to transfer to Taobao..."

"Lin Fan's game talent is good. The previous incident of Glory of Kings is now the Eternal Tribulation."

No kidding, once you win the mid-season championship, your net worth will approach 2000 million...

The coach of Weibo e-sports Eternal Tribulation just poached himself.

"But Weibo's coach is really good. At that time, pdd retired, and ig took Weibo's coach as his successor, and ended up playing snakes on the road."

It is a reversal from the previous situation, not thinking about how to win, but thinking about the circumstances under which to lose.

"Morning, Brother Fan."

"Yes, especially those who ran away without saying hello, leaving the club in a daze."

"One thing to say, I think Miller is right."

"In this situation, unless there is a problem with the jungler, if Xiaotian gives him a chance, Taobao will definitely win!"

"That said, it's the first time I have such strong confidence in a global competition."

"Ya Lei, there are so many rhythms in the past two days, are they all fake? If you say that brother Su Tu didn't train well, then it's crap, why are you all fans today? Where are the little black fans?"

(End of this chapter)

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