LOL: I'm really a professional league player

Chapter 174 Battle skt!Championship!

Chapter 174 Battle skt!Championship fight! (seeking subscription)

In the mid-season finals, the official commentary lineup sent by lpl is also the top in the league.

Doll Miller plus Guan Zeyuan.

The three brothers talked non-stop in the live broadcast room.

With them, even before the game started, the audience in the live broadcast room didn't feel bored, but found it interesting.

Mainly what they talk about is what people like to hear.

Watching the game time getting closer and closer, the three of them involuntarily increased their volume.

"A good final will start soon. I believe everyone has been looking forward to today's game for a long time."

Wawa then said with a smile: "I very much agree with Miller's point of view. We have also seen the performance of Taobao in the spring split and the mid-season split. In terms of statistics alone, they have won a full 22 consecutive victories. Domination of the game, beyond imagination."

"So today I will make a bold prediction, let's say [-]-[-]! Tobo won the game [-]-[-]."

From the perspective of the lineup, the first level of Taobao is a little stronger, and the hook of Titan is extremely lethal, and it can be killed if it is hooked.

From the viewer's point of view, Top Fight's previous fights were a little different from before.

"They will definitely fight for the rhythm in the early stage. We just need to be steady and don't give a chance. Ah Shui, you play slowly in front and stack up the passive one. When I get the full power of the line, I will come down to help you withdraw money."

Doll Miller Guan Zeyuan three people are very excited.

Where is the high-spiritedness of the world's number one ADC?
The entire forum is full of characters that everyone shouts and beats.

"My opinion is the same as that of the baby, Taobao won the game [-]-[-], the mid-season game is far from their top line, this championship is just the beginning!

The first three hands of the game were [-]-[-] on both sides.

Only red can make such bp...

The Top Fight team is expected to win the championship this year, and after winning the championship, there will be an extra two-time champion player, jackeylove.

I'm in a cocoon.

After all, you will not be afraid of crocodiles on the road, and even smile when you see this hero.

Morgana Policewoman This is the most classic bottom lane combination. Although the offensiveness is not as good as the Brilliant Policewoman, its life-saving ability is full.

Top Fight is also banned in the middle lane, compressing the hero pool in the middle lane, Zoe Tsar has all been banned.

Win the next unfavorable game first, then the next game will be easier to play.

skt took the card master first in the fourth hand.

"Gwen? Gwen is really good. Even though zooming on the road is still resistant to pressure, but there is no Jess on the opposite side of Gwen, then only Kenan is the first choice. The pressure is not so great. You can also find him when you are in a team. Opportunity to cut the back row."

The performance of the mid-season game is well understood.

"What about the crocodile? Although Brother Satu selected the crocodile and got pentakills in that match, I think this hero should be easier to deal with."

After pushing a wave of soldiers, Ryze's mana was no longer enough, so he retreated back to the defense tower and then went around in a circle and went down the road.

If he fails to win the championship today, he will be the one to be liquidated.

Then he helped get off the road and took a hand of the policewoman.

As long as the opposite side gets a hook, it will be violently hacked to death.

If you want to win this game, you will be more dependent on the performance of the players.

Follow this rhythm and you will catch the opposite side.

Fortunately, Tobo chose the front and successfully won the priority to choose the side.

As a result, he glanced at the small map, and Taobo didn't choose to press.

As for the split in the final, it is also decided by flipping a coin.

The blue amount of the same card is not very healthy, and the line of troops is being cleaned up under the defensive tower.

The ability of Ryze's ultimate move up to level six is ​​still relatively weak, and it is still far behind compared to cards.

Blue Fang Tao fights for a hero.

They just thought that in the case of playing cards, there is a high probability that TopBot will play Galio.

"Xiaotian, just keep swiping, and you can almost lean on the next road when you wait for an opportunity."

Obviously, skt didn't expect that the four or five hands of Taobao would produce heroes like this.

In this game, the heroes who fight each other in the middle are depth.

After all, the damage of cards is still inferior to Ryze, and one more point, Ryze is a very solid Fatan.

Although he can lead people, who would let him lead in the early stage?
So skt has to rely on the middle lane to bring up the rhythm first. If it doesn't bring it up, the pressure will be particularly great when the team fights in the mid-term.

Especially for the strong teams, generally getting the blue side can determine the victory of the game.

With the end of the picture reading, the first round of the mid-season finals officially begins!
They have played against each other twice in the confrontation match, and they know the opponent's skills quite well, so they didn't choose to invade at the first level, they looked at each other across the center line, and danced with each other.

The only player in Taobo who used the crocodile to play exaggerated data is the middle laner.

Gumayusi had already thought about the way out.

You can say that faker is in the second half of his career.

"But Xiaotian's nightmare, I can only talk about his performance in this game." Guan Zeyuan said.

As for the policewoman, winning or losing the game doesn't matter much.

"Of course, if the opponent gives a chance, you can kill it or you have to kill it."

After all, the aggressive performance during this period of time feels a bit exaggerated.

But this is also normal. The mid-field combination of Ryze and Nightmare uses the head to play aggressively.

The Titan flashed close to his face and tricked out Morgana's gray shield. The E skill combined with the Nightmare E skill directly broke the shield!
This wave is not as simple as just killing one person, but all of them!
Lin Fan grabbed Morgana with his backhand, Xiao Tian gave the policewoman a shot, then turned his head to output Morgana.

As for the card roaming, it is really not that simple when facing Ryze, especially after level [-], the line of soldiers can't push Ryze at all.

I believe that in this season, Team Top Fight will create even more excellent results. "Miller's tone is full of passion.

But next, Ruiz's movements directly made his scalp tingle.

"Replace ban with robbery!"

zoom A smile appeared on that chubby face.

But the position of the skt station is well prepared, and Morgana has not yet learned skills, so it is not false at all.

"I thought it would be after the sixth level, but I didn't expect to start four packs and two packs at the fourth level."


As for skt one, everyone frowned.

Then this move of the crocodile must be aimed at the middle.

It's very annoying, but there is no way but the jungler can only make up for Foyego.

This action is very deceptive.

Otherwise, it is difficult to understand why the crocodile was banned.

Coach Skt walked straight to the backstage lounge after choosing the hero.

Although Ryze's mana is not enough, at least he can throw an ew's control!
As for the audience at the scene, they wailed even more: "Gumayusi Smecta, hurry up and find that Ryze is here!"

So leave the suspense in the second round.

As for Delevingne in the bottom lane, he can kill everyone in skt three times, which is a disadvantage in the lineup.

"Don't worry, if the other party gives me a chance, I will definitely go up and kill him twice."

Seeing Kenan as a hero, Zeus felt uncomfortable.

On the opposite side, this one should be more aggressive.

As the background music sounded, the screen officially switched to the bp interface.

Since Brother Fan has spoken, please be steady.

Shout out loud in the studio.

Red square skt: top laner Kenan, jungler Fyego, mid laner card, bottom lane duo of policewoman with Morgana.

Unfortunately, the picture they were expecting did not appear. Ryze and Nightmare successfully circled to the rear, forming a perfect four pack two!

As long as the assistant's reaction is fast enough and can keep up with the shield when facing control skills, the policewoman will be difficult to kill.

As long as you can pull up the rhythm of the female policeman's tower push, you can quickly expand your advantage.

"The duke on the road is a stable group. There is nothing to say. He must know how to fight Kenan, and he knows how to fight."

When the skt bottom lane duo found Ryze and Nightmare behind them, they couldn't run anymore.

In fact, Taobo also discussed it here, and felt that there is still a possibility of this, in order to avoid being targeted.

But it never occurred to him that Taobo did the opposite and took the nightmare. As long as Taobo moved first, the card's ultimate move would be useless, and flying recklessly would only send him away.

It seems that going on the road has given Brother Sutu a great sense of security.

The advantage of the blue side is still too great!
Why can't the fist be balanced now?Otherwise, you won't be cheated.

Even if they played a full five rounds, Taobo could take advantage of the blue side's advantage in three rounds and win the game.

After all, he was beaten so badly in the last game, and his heart was full of shadows.

The two sides transitioned smoothly to the line.

skt continued to target the middle lane, removing Syndra and Enchantress.

"Hahaha, baby, you are really brave. I am indeed very optimistic about Taobao, but I will predict [-] to [-] here." Guan Zeyuan thought for a while, and he thought it would be more appropriate to say it this way.

Coach Skt felt that his move was perfect.

"Xiba!" Gumayusi yelled, but it couldn't change anything.

Adjust your mood and start directing players to ban selection.

"Tao Bo is a nightmare...I can only say no, just take it first."

If you lose, you can't blame him, shaking a wave of cleverness.


Seeing the policewoman, Taobo thought for a while, and pulled out the combination of Delevingne and Titan with his backhand.

Ryze is mainly played in conjunction with Nightmare. When Nightmare uses his big move, Ryze can be dark under the light. It is super easy to use when fighting in a group.

It is indeed a good thing to bring the honors of the two divisions closer.

There is not so much to say about the lineup between the middle card and Ryze.

"There is a high probability that there is any restraint?"

Therefore, this female policeman is still strongly requested by him. With Morgana or Fan Mom in the bottom lane, no matter how fierce the opponent is, it is impossible to kill online, right?

"It's also to prevent Zeus from taking this hero, no problem."

And Nightmare successfully reunited with Ryze in the wild.

It sounded like he was supporting skt, plus he has the attribute of poisonous milk, if Topbo wins the game easily, he will also have a part in the credit.

Therefore, the coach of skt has been complaining frantically in his heart.

The lpl division has already won three global finals championships.

This wave of Nakano is level [-]!
"It's coming! I really didn't expect the rhythm of Taobao."

As soon as the nightmare's ultimate move was activated, a group of people ran to the opponent's face.

But compared with the lck division, in addition to the gap in the number of champions, the number of championships won by the players is far less than that of the lck division.

It doesn't say who has an absolute advantage.

Blue Fang Tao fights: top laner Gwen, jungler Nightmare, mid laner Ryze, bottom lane duo Draven with Titans.

Topsports naturally chose the blue side with the version advantage.

Four or five hands directly take Ryze and Nightmare.

In order to ensure the advantage of the top lane, Skt really let the top lane take Kenan again.

So according to the current rhythm, the first six or seven minutes of the two sides should not be ahead.

Gumayusi well...

The lineups of both sides are determined.

So keep the strongest card in the world in one hand, and prepare to play Nightmare in the fifth hand, so that a big move can be abolished.


Coach skt can only hope for a wave of rhythm linkage at level six.

"In the first hand, I think the cards and Viego are both good choices. Let's see how Taobao chooses."

It doesn't feel as aggressive as before.

The opposite side just doesn't follow the routine, so what can we do?

Faced with such a bot lane, skt took Morgana backhand.

"Top Bowl is mainly aimed at the top lane. Zeus really deserves to be the first top laner in lck. He plays very spiritually. I think this bp is still very good."

"Then will skt have nightmares? This way, it can target Galio, so that's why the fifth-hand Kante is left on the jungler."

"Does zoom not care about him?" Ah Shui asked.

The blue side is better at bp and can win the lineup more comfortably.

"Maybe I want to help faker to play another hero. This hero is easy to be crocodile Conte?"

The Class A war criminal of the SKT team.

Faker just wants to spend more money passively, and help his teammates after six.

"Okay." Ah Guo stepped back a little.

The main one is caught off guard.

Doll Miller gave him two thumbs up.

If there is no good opportunity, then slowly stack passively. It is Morgana, even if she is hooked, it is not easy to kill.

Then he glanced at the official referee.

"This pawn line was still controlled by Jackeylove in front of the defense tower, and the timing was very good."

"Okay, be careful!"

"For Xiaotian, I think a centaur is more suitable for him."

I don't quite understand, is this discriminating against the lck division?
Why are referees from other regions local?
And South Korea will send an official referee to hold a game?This faction sent four more.

Soon the first round of both sides ended.

Skt has very low requirements for the bottom lane, as long as there is no accident, it will be fine.

Among other things, relying on this policewoman, Gumayusi should not be blown up online.

Topsports has a clear division of labor among the four.

Because once a strong hero is selected for the bottom lane, the mid lane will be more inclined to support.

But the honor of his Triple Crown is so far unattainable by lpl players.

First move the crocodile away.

Of course, skt is similar here, and Verego is also inclined to swipe. As for whether he can do things, it depends on whether he can give him an opportunity online.

Originally, oner planned to come down to catch a wave in three and a half minutes.

"The card is still not banned."

"Actually, there is Galio on the field. I don't think skt is a very good pick, but Faker's cards are also a signature."

There is no other way, so I can only choose to go back and continue brushing.

The duo kills the policewoman, and Nakano outputs Morgana.

Ah Shui took the first blood, and Lin Fan followed up with a basic attack to take Morgana's head.

The skt duo sent back to the spring water to take a bath!

Uzi, who was still wearing a bath towel, watched the live broadcast and yelled nice!

(End of this chapter)

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