LOL: I'm really a professional league player

Chapter 175 The gap is still huge, the retreating zeus

Chapter 175 The Gap Is Still Huge, Zeus Retires (Subscribe)

Watching the replay of the four-pack, two-catch and dead-bottom duo just now, the puppy slowly calmed down, took the bath towel on his body, and wiped his still wet hair.

"If I was Gumayusi in that wave just now, I wouldn't be completely stupid. According to the normal game situation, Taobao's mid-field rhythm will have to wait until after the sixth level of noc."

"But now it's four packs and two packs in less than 4 minutes. No one can react. I really didn't expect it, especially Ryze. His mana is in the early [-]s. He just cleared the line of soldiers. It's obviously a return. Chengbu gave the state of Goddess Tears, but just went to the bottom lane to catch a wave."

"Gumayusi's mentality is definitely exploding now."

"The main reason is that Ah Shui is the second-choice Delevingne. He took the policewoman line first and didn't have an advantage. Ah Shui's Delevingne is hard to fight, really hard to fight." As he spoke, he laughed even more.

"Prince Ning is such a brat, I remembered that he didn't give me five kills back then."

Seeing the policewoman and Delevingne in line, the puppy thought of the match between Wayne and Delevingne.

As the bottom lane duo returned to the city to update their equipment, Xiaogou also made a concluding speech here.

"Ah Shui is shining directly here, the long sword has an extra pair of straw sandals, and the female policeman only has two long swords here, plus the state of the lane just now, I think the pressure of skt's bottom lane is a bit unbearable. "

But the big move was activated, and he had already driven to the back of the defensive tower on the bottom road, directly blocking the road.

"Yes, there is no way for skt to deal with a Ryze who has exploded in development, and their lineup has no one who can go head-to-head with Ryze."

This set of skills dropped two-thirds of the bloody Fyego!

But when he reacted and signaled, it was already too late, especially when Lin Fan chose to drive around to Triangle Grass from the rear, and then rely on the No. [-] bus to intercept Kenan.

This is how he won the previous games, so he doesn't need to seek changes.

Because usually when you lose a game, everyone will only hate iron and steel, and will not launch a crazy attack on the club after the player. Of course, the management understands everything except the rng club.

"Dine is my teammate..."

The situation was so difficult that he didn't know what to do.

The paws in his hand turned extremely fast, and they knocked on Foyego's celestial cap one by one, giving him the feeling of having his head cut open on the spot.

Especially after Nightmare reaches level six, it is easy to get a backhand.

"Has no one noticed that the faker card is empty?"

Faker yelled frantically in the voice.

"Ryze! Ryze!"

Skt couldn't think of a solution, and the situation on the field was temporarily firmly controlled by Taobo.

"The most annoying ones are those, those who don't know it and still like to pretend."

Then switch the perspective to the middle.

There are two big daddies in the middle and bottom lanes. In this case, he just needs to ensure that he does not die. In team battles, he runs to the front to take damage and let the big daddy output. The game is easy to win.

More importantly, faker didn't dare to show up.

Just like the competition in the LPL division, once the advantage of the team turns into a disadvantage, the barrage in the live broadcast room will start a crazy greeting.

Titan made a big move to lock the head, and Gumayusi's policewoman was rushed to the sky in the next second.

Afterwards, Ah Shui also got the second head he had been thinking about, and he happily raised another wave of money.

Delevingne and Ryze output crazily, each winning double kills and triple kills.

But the Ruined King is now in the bottom lane.

In particular, Gwen started the sprint with a backhand.

Although Kenan has an advantage on the road, it is almost impossible to cooperate with him to kill Gwen.

In this case Zeus is very fierce.

No one saw it for a long time, and under pressure skt made a move that shocked everyone.

Topsport's economic lead has been pulled to [-].

When there was only the last trace of blood left in the base, Zeus directly pressed the button to exit the game.

Everyone in Skt can only hide in front of the Highland Tower.

As long as the online skills are given, you can kill them directly.

To play out the functionality of the card, rely on greater mobility to help teammates build an advantage, but in this situation, they can't move even if they are directly pressed in the middle.

But even that is useless!

In 4 minutes, a tower in the middle was pushed down, and Taobo began to put pressure on the top road.

Cannon cars are not allowed to eat, right?
Damn you!
Ryze, who came out from behind, raised his hand with a qwqeq to hit a control effect, and the subsequent damage has caught up in a short time.

Zoom on the road is even more decisive and directly returns to the city.

"The last person who played games like this was a Brazilian, but he just squatted in the autistic grass for 3 minutes, the zoom was even worse, and he ran off the line."

In the next second, Asibah rose and fell in the entire stadium.

"The lineup of White Crescent is too good, especially this Ryze."

Accompanied by the Highland Tower Crystal, and then to the Front Fang Tower, the base.

No one can resist the temptation of the cannon.

The better Ryze was, the harder it was for them to watch.

The poor little mouse had no choice but to abandon the tower and escape.

Faker looked at the yellow card he was cutting, thought for a while and still fainted Ryze.

I didn't see SKT breaking the game, and the Korean fans at the scene were a little excited.

Faker thought about it and kept going to the bottom lane to see if he could rush to the bottom lane and save a wave.

"But the Duke is really such a good top laner, why doesn't JD not want it?"

Skt can actually exit the game directly.

Seeing Gwen approaching, Zeus sneered.

The jungler had long been invisible on the map, and with the aggressive Kenan, he didn't even believe that the jungler on the other side had no idea.

And standing next to the cannon cart, he made it clear that as long as zoom catches up to eat the cannon cart, he will come to the set directly, which can be regarded as paving the way for a solo kill after reaching level six.

Coupled with the current equipment beyond the timeline, if faker dares to go forward like before, with a set of skills, the next wave will directly jump over the tower!
So here it is necessary for faker to have a clear understanding of the positioning of his own cards.

Nightmare opened up, and at this moment the skt middle-field team paused.

The hero Fiego is really rubbish!

But in the next second, it was dark in Summoner's Canyon.

However, at 9 minutes there seemed to be a turning point.

"Indeed, Brother Sutu once said that he prefers roaming rather than laning. This game really perfectly demonstrated this characteristic! The upper and lower lanes each have a wave of rhythm."

Discussions about this scene in the live broadcast room seemed very joyful because of the great advantages now.

There was no rhythm at all in the early stage.


The pawn line has always been pushed, and his cards can only be used as a prison in the middle.

The permanent damage of the explosion of the E skill starts to sputter continuously.

"It's beautiful, the time to catch the time point card is great, Brother Sutu's Ryze is also very good, so the two heads are in their hands, and Kenan's flash is knocked out again, next Zeus must not dare to press zoom like that anymore, I feel that the situation has been revived."

After Lin Fan successfully captured Kenan, he returned to the middle route and began to clear the pawn line, and then went to fight the refreshed blue buff. This time, he really didn't have to worry about mana consumption.


Although the card is constantly pulling himself, but the thinking of other people in skt is very clear.

It was clear that this head was intended to be surrendered.

Faker glanced at the situation in the bottom lane, carefully controlled the cards and went back to the middle lane.

However, this kind of mood is changeable, which is present in every competition area, not unique to a certain area.

One step outside is a horror story.

Delevingne's big move is even more full!
This sudden attack made everyone on skt panic.

They wanted to fight back, but the electric mouse didn't even make a big move.

"The two waves of rhythm in the first 6 minutes, I feel that skt has been stunned, and I can't react."

I envy the opponent's jungle time every day.

The sound of Tuan Mie lingered in their earphones.

It's okay to be invincible in the middle lane, but the top lane is not that strong, but you know how to win the game, so you just double row with the defense tower, what should you do if you don't go anywhere?
Dalu would rather be crushed with a knife than give away his head.

As soon as the control time of the yellow card was over, Ryze threw an E skill forward and easily took away Viego.

Fiego seized the opportunity of Ryze to clean up the pawn line, and went around to the rear to force it!

At this moment, the five people of Skt were exposed to the firepower of Taobao!
Ryze likes the part of standing together in a group the most.

In addition, the ability to push the line is full.

Step forward and raise your hand for a basic attack.

Like to bully the Duke, don't you?

What are they doing? The lineup they chose won't be able to play games, right?

But at this moment, the danger signal hit him directly in the face!

Then the four of them took advantage of the situation and pushed a wave of bot lanes. As soon as the canyon pioneer was summoned, they took down the bot lane tower.

No way, it's really not easy to do it.

I found that Ryze had already run to the bottom lane, and there was Nightmare following beside him...

It's not painful or itchy, but it has a layer of passivity, and walks forward by the way, trying to maintain a pursuit route.

Especially the slippery single on the opposite side, who has not given any chance so far.

All Korean audiences clenched their fists at this time, and whether they can fight back depends on whether this wave can end Ryze.

"Zeus is stupid now. If he doesn't eat, he doesn't eat, and he just runs away. This is a bit messy."

Gumayusi looked at the Ryze and Nightmare that came out, and Axi felt in his heart.

"This kind of top laner has a sense of security. If you can't beat those fancy ones, you can't beat them. If you have a clear understanding of yourself, wouldn't it be good?"

But Lin Fan raised his hand without any hesitation, just a set of unexplained combos, qeqwqeq!

Anyway, for this cannon cart, if the opposite side wants to come up to eat, they must pay a price.

But Ryze's ultimate move has already lit up a halo next to skt.

Nightmare clearly frightened Fiego, but the follow-up did not deal damage, but just chased forward.

It's a hard loss!
Here at the official lck commentary seat, Smecta Smecta has been shouting.

"Damn, I'm crying to death, Zoom has endured so much for the victory of the game."

However, Ryze's next big move still has a 3-minute cooldown, and he still has to wait to set a rhythm.

So this speed is simply not what Zeus can run next.

As for Lin Fan, after completing the Killing Ring with Tears of the Goddess, he also added a little yellow book, and as the level increased, the skills began to show their power.

Faker can only choose to go to jail in the middle.

For skt, this situation is really not right.

Seeing this scene in the official live broadcast room, the barrage scrolled crazily.

The blue damage from the explosion kept popping out above Foyego's head.

Oner scanned the field, took a look, and honestly returned to the wild area to brush his wild.

After clearing the line of soldiers, lean on the vanguard.

As the tone kept rising, one knew they were also in a hurry.

They started yelling!

The middle lane returned to the lane, and Lin Fan had completely controlled the lane.

Nightmare's big move is activated, and skt's vision is lost.

But the next scene directly made him complain.

Now that you catch it, you can kill it directly.

And due to the advantage of the bottom lane, Skt dare not move Xiaolong here.

For a while, it was unclear whether it was the fan team or the fan results.

Even though Zeus struggled frantically, he couldn't get rid of the end of death.

Zoom has always been very clear about his positioning.

Especially as time passed minute by minute, and it was going to be six soon.

Didn't it mean that the status has been recovered? Why was it broken like this?
After that, Lin Fan ate two layers of tapas here, and took out Yongshuang after returning to the city.

Ryze flicked his skills casually, relying on the effect of the magic surge of the E skill, more than 100 mana plus two basic attacks could clear a wave of soldiers.

Now with the Tears of the Goddess, plus the mana that slowly stacks up from talents, it is not as lacking in mana as it was at the beginning of the laning.

He still has a clear understanding of his cards.


This situation can only make Ryze eat less money as much as possible...

This wave of fighting has been decided.

Combo!Entering in the dark under the lamp!

In 15 minutes, Skt had already lost three outer towers. In addition, the canyon pioneer was gone. In this case, the second tower in the middle road could not defend.

Naturally, Lin Fan had no intention of going to jail with him.

Lost the only capital to fight back.

The skt bottom duo quickly retreated.

The head was given to Lin Fan's Ryze.

Nightmare flew in from a distance, chased and continued to chop.

But Taobo's actions here are even faster.

Pushing the line of soldiers, they disappeared in the middle route.

After landing, a lot of skills were thrown towards his face. At this stage, the position of this equipment hit him has long been incomprehensible, and the damage overflowed!
It was easy, and he was crushed.

Now that the control is full, it becomes easier to catch people.

After completing the achievement of Big Kill, the sound effect resounded throughout the Busan e-sports stadium.

Take the Canyon Herald easily.

This is not what they intended to choose the card in the first place.

With this wave of soldiers approaching the city, coupled with the group's destruction...

The Taobao team feels a bit impeccable.

Kenan went on the road to control the line of soldiers. Since he couldn't kill the opponent alone, he should try his best to make the opponent lose his soldiers.

Follow up with eq to finish.

Faker turned on his big move to see where Ryze is.

Five and a half minutes.

However, the middle lane continued to put pressure on faker's pawn line, and the card's ultimate move could not be used.

After all, I didn't have a chance to see it all the way.

So the safest thing is to go home directly, just to be able to produce equipment.

On the big screen, the prompt subtitles are displayed clearly.

Domestic audiences were delighted to see this scene.

"Hahaha, Zeus didn't smash Faker's head?"

ps: Ask for a monthly pass at the end of the month.

(End of this chapter)

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