Chapter 176 Asiba!money back! (seeking subscription)

Zeus is out of the game!

Seeing this scene, the barrage in the official live broadcast room rolled wildly.

"It's over, Zeus' mentality exploded, did he start to retreat in the first game?"

"If it were me, I wouldn't be able to stand it! Choose the policewoman first in the bottom lane, the opponent looks down on the backhand and pulls out Draven. If you don't hit the advantage, you will be caught and collapsed, and the cards in the middle lane can be used to magnify! Four teammates with two side effects, how does this work?"

"Hahaha, I'm dying of laughter, why are these words so vivid."

"If you switch to theshy, Zeus will have a chance to win, but Zoom is an old fritter, don't even think about taking a head on my head, don't even think about it."

"Indeed, I'm here to send Jiang. On the road, this Kenan is fat. If you enter a group and enter a big move, Draven will definitely be second."

"You guys are really all black, and even black doesn't make sense. Theshy's Gwen has the highest winning rate in LPL."

"Zoom is also a top laner from the era of theshy, and his ability to resist pressure is naturally full. Zeus is really not as strong as theshy."

"Brother Sutu played Ryze beautifully. Faker's signature card master didn't make any sound when he was beaten. He was suppressed in front of the defense tower from beginning to end, unable to do anything."

"Isn't it better to wait until the game is over before retiring? Don't be so anxious."


It seems that Delevingne, who played last, gave skt a headache.

Taobo locked Gnar in the third hand, which confirmed that the barrel was a jungler, but it didn't matter.

skt's four or five hands locked Nanqiang and Wei.

After all, besides being a jungler, the hero of the wine barrel is only so-so on the road.

"I'm used to it. Every year, the blue side has the advantage, but in the game, the blue side doesn't get the advantage in the lane, and it will be troublesome to grab the dragon."

"It can be seen that they are in a very good mood now."

"Yeah, there is a saying about the selection of this middle-field combination. The cards have no effect at all, and they were overwhelmed from the beginning to the end. This game also ended within 10 minutes. The gap is too big."

With the later development, Kalista will definitely not be able to move in the opposite mid laner, and the bottom lane will not be easy to get over the tower.

Sure enough, using the Tsar can trick his Calista out.

"Well, this is indeed the case, but if someone said that this time, I feel very stable in my heart." Wawa said with a smile.

"Yes, I look forward to a better performance from Taobao in the second game."

One voice brought two, and then a group.

After all, the main problem with zeus being caught was Ryze in the middle.

Two people sang oboe in the commentary booth.

"Well, it's true that the opponent's face-to-face ability is relatively poor, but the roaming support is exaggerated. Otherwise, there will be no seven rounds of cards in the confrontation match, so we will play against them online."


"Then take a compromise number, 1100, I think it's quite appropriate."

Angry SKT fans saw this scene and shouted at the Busan eSports Arena.

This bodes well for everyone.

"I think it can be counted as a wave."

"The layout is small, I think it can be 443!"

The coach's words echoed throughout the lounge.

But rubbing his hands back and forth all the time revealed that his confidence was not that sufficient.

As former teammates, one of the things many people like to do most is to step on Ah Shui and then raise theshy.


He had already thought about it in the waiting room last time. The main reason why he gave the opportunity was that the female policeman's hands were too long. If she pushed the line in and got an advantage, it would be easy to be caught by the opponent.

They came to watch skt win the championship, not to watch skt get beaten by Taobao.

On the other side, Team Top Fight just celebrated briefly after winning the game.

The idea is very simple. At the beginning, I wanted to choose Spider Crazy to Overcome the Tower, but the situation was not quite right, so I had to go out of Weilai to observe, and the lock was still invincible.

If it weren't for the card's weak line-up ability, Ryze would have been blown away.

Now it's just a third of the win, and two more rounds, and it's time to really celebrate.

After the first round of bp is over, the czar will be directly locked in the first round.


A sister.

On the big screen, Draven was removed as soon as Skt came.

"However, in this round, the red side may have to choose tactics. After all, the advantage of the blue side in this version is too great." Guan Zeyuan said.

But the wine barrel that came suddenly from the side bumped into it with a big belly, and the enchantress decisively flashed Wea from behind and electrocuted, easily accepting the Tsar's head.

In addition, there is indeed a gap in strength between the two sides, and it is too difficult to stabilize in this situation.

If you want to win the game, it really depends on the performance of the players.

no way.

This picture also reminds everyone of the original nickname of Demon Fairy.

The moment the blood came out, good news came from Taobo off the road.

Since the opponent has the Czar of Calista Conte's style of play, then trick him into taking it.

As soon as the words came out, Wawa murmured: "The first game was played in 8 minutes. Wouldn't the better performance be 67 [-]... or even [-]?"

"Yes, I think Kalista's effect is still very good, and the online suppression is full." Guan Zeyuan said.

Maybe the big brother Rou Kun has always played in that way silently, and fans don't like to fight for east and west.

In the second round, skt removed two ADs, Lucian and Aphelios.

Seeing this scene, the coach nodded with great satisfaction. You can't be emotional when playing games, you have to rely on your brain to play.


"First of all, the middle and field of the two sides are almost the same. The lineup of skt didn't come out at all, and the rhythm of Taobao flew up, and a wave of mass destruction easily took away skt."

In less than 4 minutes, three heads were sent out, and the whole venue was filled with a depressing atmosphere.

"Little Heizi, all of them are little Heizi."

The restrictions on adc are very large, no matter what hero the opponent chooses, there is room to play.

"I've done it. Senior Colonel Guan has done it again. Tobo has stabilized. I didn't send Xiaotian's Nightmare in the last round, and the key big move in the last wave is due to the senior colonel."

Coach Skt is also planning to give Taobo a trick here.

"It's just one thing to say so much. In addition to the technical skills, the game also needs to be competitive with the tactical bp. Which side is more prepared will be able to win."

It can also be seen from the camera that everyone in the Top Fight team has a very relaxed expression.

"After all, I left an impression. I used to fight with Kalista when I played the Tsar. Not only skt, everyone thought that I, Kalista, came to the Tsar of Conte."

With a flick of mark's beautiful e skill, he cooperated with Ah Shui Kalista to fully insert the spear, and easily won the double kill.

"That's right, I won the next round first, so the pressure is naturally much less. If I win this round, I will have three match points, so I think it will be more stable." Miller said after taking Wawa's words.

Without Jess, I don't plan to take Kenan again in this round, the effect is really bad.

And Calista just happens to be a very good Conte, and now there is Thresh, that is to die if he controls it.

"I don't know what the ingredients are upstairs, but after watching the first game, it's true that you can still say that."

Double kill.

It's very easy, stepping on the face qre combined with the damage of electric shock kills in one second.

But the biggest problem now is that they have to take advantage of the lane on the road.

Seeing this hero, Coach Skt felt something was wrong.

"The damage doesn't seem to be lower than 1557, right?"

The plot is exactly the same, the difference is that this time it is the wine barrel that flashes.

They want to be the best professional players in the lck division, and I believe that their performance in the second game will not disappoint everyone.

"Losing the game is actually not a matter of strength. The main reason is that the red side is not good at bp. The opponent also guessed our thoughts. This time we are on the blue side. Look at the tactics to win, as long as we win the game on the red side, this time the champion must be us!"

"Congratulations to Taobao for the first victory!"

The czar, the hero, fights demons because it is too difficult.


After all, as long as the cat-possessed hero dies, where can the wandering cat go?

Half of the blood volume of the two-level czar was consumed, squatting under the defensive tower and silently licking his wounds.

Coupled with the fact that he was blown up in the middle, skt has the advantage in this round!

Zeus pouted while watching this scene.

"Ahem, cough, exaggeration, exaggeration."

"Indeed, especially the combo skills of Ryze and Nightmare. Once the ultimate move is activated, the opponent has no reaction at all, and is directly wiped out by the group."

Zeus nodded, although he was complaining frantically, but he didn't show it on his face.

Obviously, the middle and lower lanes are completely restrained, this bp is a mess.


As soon as the words fell, Taobo immediately locked Calista!
"Take it!" Coach Skt also showed a sinister smile after seeing it.

Among ig's tridents, top lane and bottom lane have the most topics, and the fans are also the most difficult to deal with.

"Next, we need to play with more details. Be careful when zeus is facing the lane. Don't be so murderous. You have to retreat immediately when you hear the signal from your teammates."

The sixth-level enchantress directly attacked the czar under the defense tower.

Looking at his own black and white screen, faker's mind is cold.

"The card didn't play a role. My problem is bigger. I think playing dine, the hero of the card is really not suitable, and I have to use other."

The moment they met was when a line of blood was emptied.

As soon as one side chooses the Tsar, and seeing Kalista on the opposite side, they feel that they should use Kalista to counter the Tsar of Conte.

Because he had already written the script, but Taobo just didn't follow his script.

With Kalista on the opposite side, the outcome has already been determined.

"The blue side was really easy to do when it was in bp, but it still feels like a deformed version."

"Ashiba, refund the money!"

No matter how clear the mind is, it's hard to stay steady, especially the higher the level, the more uncomfortable it is. After all, the damage from the Czar is too soft, and it's just a matter of seconds for the enchantress to step on her face.

Directly target them in the bot lane, and give the bot lane heroes to ban, and Taobao can't fight.

In this wave, he was on the fifth floor, and BP directly played against the opponent. When the jungler came out, how would he play Top Fight?
The blue side is so invincible, the last move was because Taobo was on the blue side, so bp was not easy to do.

In this case, you will show your face less, and generally you will not participate in the quarrel.

Similarly, the barrage in the live broadcast room was constantly swiping.

"However, if faker is going to be beaten three times in a row by the local brother, his mentality will not explode, right? It's not good to retire after the game."

"Niu Pi, it's the mid-season game now, why is it a game between Top Fight and SKT, why can't I find the WBG team? Which of the above is theshy?"

"Professional leagues have been developed for so long, the gap between professional players is really not as big as imagined."

"The opponent really thought you were mid laner Kalista."

Taobo's thinking here is also very clear, you can take any top laner except Jess, if you can c, then your top laner is really awesome.

According to this situation, the feeling of the second game is very wrong.

"I think it's okay." Faker nodded.

If it is determined to be on the road, you can use the sword girl to come up and chop directly.

"Let them take a break and play the second game in a better state. Now I believe they are also under a lot of pressure."

Although the operation has dropped a lot, the understanding of heroes is still there.

This round is easy to handle...

So Toppo locked Thresh in the fourth hand.

"Tsar... The hero Tsar is a mid laner that is often used in the lck division. The advantage is stability. I think it's okay. What they need now is to stabilize the mid lane and find opportunities in the mid-to-late game."

Faker was also embarrassed when he heard Zeus being scolded all the time.

This time the enchantress returns to the city, isn't it just a corpse to meet at the sixth level next wave?

Among other things, Gumayusi is still the best ADC to play, at least it feels easy to beat him.

In the second and third moves that followed, Zeli and the cat were won, and the bot lane transitioned to the later stage, directly invincible.

The barrage in the live broadcast room was noisy, anyway, the game is like this, as long as the topic of the top laner is mentioned, theshy will definitely appear on the scene, especially the adc of the Taobao team is Ah Shui.

What's more, the opposite side is in the bottom lane duo, which is really weak to say nothing.

Pushing the line is not easy to play, and not pushing the line is not easy to play. It is a real dilemma.

"Cheating two ban positions is still very good. This wave of blood earns, the opposite is Zelijia cat, our Shadow Island combination, why not just smash it in this bot lane?" Ah Shui said arrogantly.

After being stepped on twice by the enchantress, the wine barrel appeared next to him.

As for Tao Bo's second-hand out of the wine barrel, they didn't care too much here.

And the fifth move of Taobao is to choose the enchantress in seconds!
The most classic mother beats her son.

So far, no adc has been released, so the opponent will not shake Kalista to the bottom lane, right?
Instant scalp numbness!

Although the five players of Skt were beaten a bit confused, their mentality was absolutely clear, and the coach began to enlighten the players when they returned to the waiting room.

He felt a little too taken for granted.

If you can't beat it, send it directly to the ban position.

"If you mention 443 again, the child will call the police."

If I could realize my own reaction sooner and give the signal in advance, I should not have been caught so many times.

He understood very well how terrifying the two bewitching girls with their heads in their hands were at the time of 6 minutes.

The teleported Tsar just ate two waves of minions.

"Topbo also has a very good mid laner, Czar Konte."

Instantly let the barrage brush more.

After a short break, skt returned to the scene, and Tobo entered the training room.

When the hero Enchantress was chosen, the coach of skt immediately put on a black face.

Luo Sheng's face was crooked when he saw it.

ps: I saw that the monthly pass is [-].

After lying down all afternoon, I felt that my neck was much better, so I updated it with [-] words, and I feel too sorry if I don’t write something.

I got up and wrote it. The pain was still a little bit, but it was acceptable.

Thank you for your support, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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