LOL: I'm really a professional league player

Chapter 177 What should I do next?Confused skt!

Chapter 177 What Should I Do Next?Confused skt! (seeking subscription)
The situation on the field is already torture for skt.

As soon as the middle lane was solo killed, Enchantress' vision disappeared on the small map, and Gnar played more aggressively.

Zeus's scalp felt numb when he saw it, and he quickly controlled his male gun to retreat.

The Enchantress on the opposite side has developed so well, if caught by the opposite side with a set of skills half blood, with this Gnar, even if he flashes, it will be difficult to escape.

At the end of the last round, I was reprimanded by the coach because I was caught dead, so this round can't happen again.

Even if you get slapped on by the opposite Gnar, you should be counseled or you must be counseled.

The gap in the middle is here, what can he do?

The team you choose can only be borne by yourself.

In fact, Lin Fan didn't waste too much time, but returned to the city to update his equipment again. He was still not satisfied with killing the Tsar with a big move. At that time, when he could do it with three small skills, he could go out of the mountain .

Seven-and-a-half minutes, three heads, a layer of Tapi, and a 62-knife make-up.

The development does go beyond the timeline, there are missing chapters in hand, plus the blasting wand, the killing ring.

Although the three small skills can't kill people in seconds, hitting the body is not much different from death.


When Faker returned to the middle, the pawn line had already been eaten up by the defensive tower.

Oner did not choose to make up the line, but wandered in the bottom lane, wanting to see if he could have a chance to play a wave.

He really caught him. Ah Shui pretends to be aggressive every day, and he will talk about it when he gets high.

However, the combat power of the bottom lane combination in the early stage is indeed exaggerated, and Zeli's current damage is completely scraping.

Ah Shui forcibly changed Mark's head, which was still Zeli's head, and assisting in changing the ADC must have been earned by Taobao.

In less than 8 minutes, there were three heads in each of Topsport's double C.

It's hard to imagine what skt will face next.

Xiaotian smiled while brushing wild, oner I have two big daddies, what do you use to fight with me?

At this moment, Lin Fan's voice was heard.

"After brushing F6, Xiaotian and I will go up, this wave can overtake the male gun."

With such a big advantage in the middle lane, it doesn't make much sense to continue to catch the czar and kill him. Only the top lane is still developing peacefully on the field. It's time to kill this male gun.

Zeus, as the big brother of skt, has been targeted tactically. He has played so many rounds, but Jess has never let him go.

For those who cannot be dealt with, it is the best choice to honestly ban them.

Because of Lin Fan's existence, Luo Sheng's opposing coach would definitely target a mid laner, and Lin Fan's hero pool was deep enough, so he wasn't afraid at all.

So in bp, the thinking can be more open, and not limited.

Many people said that White Crescent's bp has been enhanced at an epic level. At least every time the lineup is selected, it will not feel like losing. If it doesn't work, it can maintain a [-]-[-] split.

In fact, I have been right all along, a good lineup is the first step to win the game.

Although a blindly selected lineup can crush you with hard power, it consumes a lot of energy beyond imagination, because as long as you are not careful, you may collapse.

So the game bp is really important. For a club with ambitions to win the championship, the coach really can't be found casually.

Eight minutes and 37 seconds.

The witch's W skill crosses the wall and appears behind the first tower on the road.

Seeing the enchantress, Zeus put on a mask of pain.

They have already stayed under the defense tower, but they are still being targeted by the opposite side.

There is no way to do this. After thinking about it for a while, I can only shoot at Yao Ji's face, and hit two head-on.

But in the next second, he realized how wrong he was.

Qre triggers the damage of the two marks and the electrocution. The male gun with three-quarters of the original blood volume is instantly killed by this set.


This mid-season game was definitely the time when he cursed the most.

Every time the screen goes black, he has to say a few words of greeting.

"The damage of this enchantress is too high!"

Faker, who made up the knife in the middle, turned black when he heard this.

Isn't this just talking about the problem in the middle?

"Steady!" Oner said quickly when he saw that the atmosphere in the team was not right.

But with such a big disadvantage, it is not easy to stabilize it.

Because the damage of the two is not at the same level for a long time.

When Emperor Shurima reached the sixth level, the enchantress' level had already reached the eighth level.

If Faker hadn't reacted quickly just now, and a small drift avoided the e-skill of the enchantress, he would have to go back to the spring to take a bath now.

With blood remaining, he didn't dare to stay under the defensive tower at all, and quickly pressed the return button to return to the city.

The natural defense tower has been eaten with another layer of plating.

The reason why I didn't choose to eat more was because I saw Xiaotian invaded and ran into Oner's fist sister head-on.

A girl who likes boxing, a drunkard alone still can't handle the violent output, so Black Rose must come over to educate her.

Oner glanced at the small map, and found that the enchantress was gone, and he knew that he had come to support him, so he dared to continue to spend with this drunkard.

Going around has already exhausted him physically and mentally, so he must slip away.

But Xiaotian obviously didn't intend to let him go.

Go up to intercept and keep people!
The bewitching girl in the rear was thousands of miles away, so wr forced her face towards her.

qe easily hit sister fist!
As the enchantress continued to deal damage, Sister Fist's HP was emptied in an instant!


The five enchantresses with their heads in their hands are already unstoppable!
The blue buff in the jungle was given to Lin Fan.

And grab it directly.

Zeus started to support the wild area from the front, and when he saw the demon girl coming, he quickly changed his route and ran towards his second tower, but he was still intercepted.

With a big belly, the wine barrel grinned and shouted.

Zeus immediately refused.

But being forcibly hit, he couldn't refuse and didn't want to enjoy it, so he could only accept the explosion damage and return to the spring water.

Very coherent, the time to kill Wei was continued with the male gun, and a double kill was done.

The enchantress with six heads, just looking at it makes people despair.

Although zoom couldn't participate, he happily ate two layers of tapas.

It doesn't matter if there is a head or not, it is already very comfortable to eat tapi on the road.

Topball then immediately switched to Canyon Herald.

Easily won the canyon pioneer, and the rhythm has been firmly controlled by Taobo.

Many viewers in the domestic live broadcast room even started to celebrate the victory.

Until now, they really couldn't think of how to lose the game.

The enchantress with six heads!

The equipment has been updated again, and Lu Denga's murder book is inflated to the extreme. No kidding, there is indeed this capital. Whoever comes and who dies is fine.

Everyone also started joking, which one of the lucky ones will write a strong stroke in this newly released murder book?
Judging from this situation, there is a high probability that the golden crispy chicken in the middle road will be murdered first.

Sure enough, when they met in the middle lane this time, Lin Fan didn't give him a good look, and stepped on his W big move QE.

The Tsar was drifting in the air, and after taking this explosion damage, he fell down in the middle.

The ten-story murder book successfully turned the pages.

The Busan E-Sports Stadium sighed one after another, as if mourning for the fall of the Demon King.

The three commentators in the commentary booth have long since lost the energy and spirit of the first commentary.

"Dine... is definitely the most surprising player in the mid-season. His dominance is unimaginable to Smecta."

"Yeah, it's fair to say he killed the game.

The depth of his hero pool, I feel, far exceeds that of faker players. "Then he let out a long sigh of relief.

"Perhaps we should really admit that the era of fakers has completely passed, and now it is the generation of young players, such as the mid laner showmaker of the DK team."

The audience at the scene nodded in agreement when they heard this.

"If the showmaker is here, how could he be so arrogant!"

"What I'm saying is, no matter how difficult it is for the Tsar to beat the enchantress, the showmaker can only be stable online, and it is absolutely impossible to be beaten like this."


Immediately after the discussion, it seems to have forgotten that the champion of the lck spring split is skt.

As long as dk comes up, he will definitely be able to fight hard and show off the glory of the Republic of Korea.

At 13 minutes, Yao Ji suddenly cast a cold arrow to the bottom lane, easily won a double kill, and successfully completed Super God by the way.

The murder book even reached the 22nd floor. Just looking at it makes people feel scalp numb. The gap is so huge that it is unacceptable.

But the rhythm is still going on, and after the double kill, the next tower is easily pushed down.

Then turn to the Xiaolong Pit and start moving the dragon.

Although the first little dragon is Fenglong, at this stage, relying on Fenglong to run the line can make the advantage even bigger.

Up until now, everyone in skt is in a daze, and they are all playing games by instinct. As for any game ideas, there is no idea at all, and they are just waiting for the end of the game in a daze.

In the early 15 minutes, Keria attached herself to Sister Quan and directed her teammates to start making eyes

The next second, the Enchantress came out of the shadows, easily killed Wei with a set of skills, and then set her sights on the walking cat.

This ending is naturally very beautiful, wild auxiliary linkage, one dies one get away.

"The Enchantress is too exaggerated now..."

"I can't go out anymore, I can only defend under the Highland Tower."

"Let's wait a little longer by relying on the Highland Tower. The enchantress has no room to play in the later stage."

Everyone understands the truth, but can this situation really be delayed?

The oner who said this didn't believe it, faker didn't believe it, and Zeus, who was on the road, didn't believe it either.

At this time, he has already stepped into a slow death, and even the time of death cannot be controlled by himself, it depends on the face of the other side.

Super god sound effects kept ringing in the Busan e-sports stadium, one sound after another, and the little expressions of the fans became more and more ugly.

Most of the people who can laugh at this stage are foreign students and fans of other teams who like to watch the excitement.

After all, after skt won the championship in the spring competition, their fans were very arrogant, and being beaten like this can be regarded as backlash.

The worse the loss, the louder they laughed.

Awesome, tes!Keep playing hard and don't give them face.

The two brothers Gumayusi and Faker have been nailed to the pillar of shame.

A [-] AD was killed by the wild card team.

The other one was not much better. The demon king who was praised by everyone was revived and wanted to live out his fourth life, but all the rounds were blown up.

Right now, I'm just watching the excitement. At this stage, no one can really believe that skt can make the second chase the third, right?
With such a big gap in strength, the rounds all ended in 10 minutes.

Talking about 10 minutes seems to have raised their strength.

Still have to be more rigorous, the base was pushed flat in seventeen and eight minutes.

It is hard to imagine that such a team can make two chase three.

At least not with them.

It would be too idealistic if it could be done.

If he really wants to run for president in the future, what about giving him this vote?

In 18 minutes, the middle and lower highland towers of Skt were broken.

The enchantress jumped in the face a thousand yards away, stepped on the male spear and shield bow, and pulled Miss Fist back by the way.

Set fire to drop it in seconds, and start a new round of attack.

Originally, he wanted to pull back to update his equipment, and then wait to move the big dragon, but the opposite party directly killed Miss Fist and started to speed up. This must give him this face.

Organize a wave of soldiers to advance to the front tooth tower.

When the middle and bottom lanes converged, a wave of offense was launched under Gnar's entry.

The damage of the two sides was not at the same level at all, and with the lack of people on SKT's side, only one Thresh was killed, and a wave of group destruction was completed!
Now no one could stop Taobo's advancing rhythm.

Everyone has turned into a demolition machine.

Top Fight was another round of dominance, destroying skt's base and their confidence.

They are three full match points behind, so they have no hope of winning at all.


"Hehehe, Taobo has won another round! Leading two to zero." Mi Le and Guan Zeyuan looked excited.

"Don't we need to..." Before Guan Zeyuan finished speaking, his mouth was directly covered by the two brothers of the baby Miller.

"Don't make a fuss, don't make a fuss, just watch the game quietly."

"Yes, yes, you can't talk about these things, let us both."

Listening to the words in the commentary, the barrage in the live broadcast room started to scroll crazily.

"If you die from laughing, just interrupt the spellcasting, right?"

"There is a saying that Xiaotian played so well today, Guan Zeyuan contributed a lot."

"According to this momentum, there is no problem in winning [-]-[-] easily, right? Whoever agrees and whoever opposes."

"At least through these two games, I can only say that White Crescent gives me the feeling of two words, unfamiliar! Ah Lei, the tactics can be arranged so well."

"Finally, don't call bp stupid when watching the Taobao game."

As for the coach of skt who was watching the game in the background, he was going to cry over him stupidly.

He knocked hard on the table, and with a bang, his whole hand turned red.

The opposite side is too dirty, it is completely tactical fraud.

It's really hard to accept.

Being in the blue side didn't gain an advantage, and didn't win the game that deserved to be won. Tobo will go to the blue side next, what should the BP do with this tactic?
Skt's coach is numb and doesn't know what to do.

What will kkoma do at this time?How will he choose to break the game?Change this situation?
There is no advantage from players to bp.

What to do, what to do?

This coach's mind was extremely chaotic, and he fell into deep thinking, at least in this situation, Miss Wu!

I really need my sister to help him...

(End of this chapter)

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