LOL: I'm really a professional league player

Chapter 182 Hanbok Account Banned, and the Epic of Brother Rateu is strengthened!

Chapter 182 Hanbok Account Banned, and the Epic of Brother Rateu is strengthened! (seeking subscription)
Topsports Double C directly responded positively.

0 > 3?

From the perspective of the audience, there are two ways to understand it.

First of all, there are three stars embroidered on faker's clothes, and the existence of the League's Triple Crown, but Satu brother has only been in the industry for more than a year, a young rookie who has just made a name for himself, and has not won any honors.

But in the mid-season game, he directly won the Triple Crown [-]-[-], killing faker, and the zero crown is greater than the triple crown.

It's full of sarcasm, and it's full of aggressiveness from this direction.

In the other direction, the aggressiveness was slightly lower, but Da Fei's face was also swollen.

That is, he didn't win a single round in this series, and in the end, he was still able to speak hard during the interview, abruptly changing from a loser to a winner, as if he was the one who won the victory.

No matter which angle you think about, it's okay, and you responded directly.

Especially before the mid-season match, skt was talking nonsense on twitter. The coach said that all the teams have nothing to eat, and only skt will be the final champion. Directly took away Taobao [-]-[-].

Zhu Dachang: "Hahaha, now you just open your mouth and shut your mouth, do you want to use Hanbok?"

In the second round, he saw that he had chosen a female police officer, and wanted to make a speed push, so he took a hand of Brilliance.

As soon as he thought of his status, he suddenly felt all right. Who in the club would dare to bully him?

After finishing speaking, let’s quickly start the second one. It’s almost time for other teammates to go online to eat recommended resources. If they are shared, the effect will be very poor, especially when Lin Fan starts broadcasting later, everyone will be attracted away.

"Don't let a group of people think that rz are all professional players just because of you!"

"We all won the mid-season championship, what's the matter with indulgence? And I know it well, if it's fatal, at most it will be a swollen mouth."

But Lin Fan still didn't start the broadcast on this day.

"It should be. The two of them must have communicated when sitting together."

"Looking at it this way, Teacher Da Fei is also a pitiful person. He hasn't realized that he has gone down the mountain, and he is still holding on to what he thinks is his last dignity."


For more than three minutes, there was no response.

"Winning a game is a halo. Let's refer to the puppy of S8 domestically. In the case of winning streak all the way, he won the championship of big and small competitions. All the black stuff before will disappear."

"That's right, I died laughing!"

"Da Fei used to be very I don't have the strength to pretend, I can't accept it, Xiba stuff."

Therefore, some people in the Korean forum also ridiculed that Zeus should be careful after returning to the base.

After speaking, everyone else will reply to this question.

A large number of Weibo fans participated in the discussion, and the number of people browsing the topic continued to rise.

Attributing the failure to the failure to toss the coin and failing to get the blue square, he looked like a clown.

Then I spent a whole night, and after editing the clip, I watched it in the morning without any problems, so I asked the staff to post it on the official Weibo.

The main reason is that there are too many people who like to watch this scene, so this one is good.

"Team Top Fight won the championship to celebrate the vlog, and there will be a small easter egg in the follow-up."

"Hahahaha, this assistant made me laugh to death."

The pattern of the mid laners of the two sides competes and judges.

"The main purpose of going to the hospital is to observe. In fact, it doesn't matter whether you go or not. We will return by car early in the morning after we are sure everything is fine."

"It's not bad. I'm in a good state today. Let's see how many points I can get. Now master, let's see if I can touch the grand master."

Not to mention winning the championship, under the current circumstances, any speech against Taobao will be suppressed for no reason.

"Hasn't this kind of thing happened before? Once the domestic team wins the lck team in the world arena, Hanbok will start to make trouble."

The opening is a crit.

When he started the broadcast, everyone could even see the corners of his mouth raised before he spoke.

The barrage on the video is constantly communicating.

"He's alive and well, and he's fine, because we asked about it when we ate hot pot, and he had seafood allergies before, but it was all to an acceptable level."

"However, those were all adjusted after the game. I have paid attention to it later. The overall impact is not great. I feel that I have been discharged from the hospital and returned to the base today."

Mark glanced at it hastily.

"If you want me to say that if there is no chance to play in the sunny day, I suggest switching to eating and broadcasting. As soon as this tonnage comes out, you will know that it is very edible."

The policewoman turned on the seven-key for one second.

It's a pity that the basic attack failed to hit, but was pulled.

"Brother Fan is still resting now, wait for a while to broadcast, and everyone will broadcast in a while. Now the Korean server can't be played, so I will play the national server for a while."

It was Mark's first live broadcast in a long time, especially watching the dense barrage, he was a little nervous.

"Hahaha, but it feels okay on a sunny day. I think he is Olaf, and these heroes have a good record."


"Indeed, we squatted at the entrance of the Topball base, and a bus took all the professional players back to the base."

Unless when faker really realizes this.

This made everyone wait a little anxiously.

Gouba skt and Gouba faker are all baskets.

Everyone was confused and didn't figure out what was going on, so the video was transferred to the hot pot restaurant.

As a result, before the live broadcast, a Hanbok waited outside and began to ban the super accounts of professional LPL players.

The small expression immediately became serious.

Each contestant showed a face in the video.

"Unfortunately, it would be great if the basic attack came out." While talking, he was typing on the public screen.

This is just the last struggle of those who descended from the mountain.

The first game of the live broadcast was quite smooth, and the final record was 11-1-1, leading his teammates to successfully win the game.


"How is Ah Shui doing now?"

Many people woke up early in the morning and clicked in after seeing this.

After reading the reaction, move it back, since the traffic on both sides can also make a lot of money, at least the person who ate the crab first now has more than [-] fans on station b.

From here, he has actually expressed his point of view, and the impact of ping is still there.

"Hahaha, Ah Shui is really laughing to death, you have to eat or die, right?"

The four words of people in the national server seemed to detonate four teammates.

But the barrage basically didn't ask him, but asked why Lin Fan hadn't broadcast live yet.

The final interview session ended in a hurry.

The 35ping issue was mentioned, although he did not directly say that it would affect his own operation, but the reporter asked later whether it was because of the ping value that the game was lost.

"What the hell are you doing? You're not clear-headed, are you?"

Guo Haocai specifically called a cameraman to take the video.

Harvested laughter.

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.

"I don't know about the others, but Brother Soltu's epic enhancement is fine, anyway, he never ranks."

In the second half, many people even typed in the video barrage, and the world's No. [-] mid laner!

At this moment, the camera zoomed in and focused on Lin Fan's face.


"Yes." Ah Shui nodded vigorously.

Mark responded first and started the live broadcast on Douyu.

This still looks quite funny, and the amnesia ability is full.

Although the steak coach is not very good at bp, he has never output against the wind, nor does he do so much fancy work.

Also in this hot pot room, the atmosphere of Team Top Fight is also extremely hot.

"I can only say that it is Yu Wenbo, okay!"

"Personally, it doesn't have any impact."

"Then what should we do now? There is no place to train."

As soon as the recommendation on the home page was given, 200 to [-] viewers entered the Kung Fu live broadcast room in a short while, and the popularity easily exceeded [-] million.

The first one must be C. As for the best C to assist, it must be Pike.

But Zeus didn't know what state of mind he was in, and gave the completely opposite answer.

Having just won the mid-season championship, the Top Fight Club also let the players rub the iron, seize the opportunity to live broadcast it well, and manage their own popularity.

"Recently, it's not just us, other teams seem to be unable to play Hanbok."

"Didn't you pull it out and kill it casually?"

Brother Sutu won the championship, why don't we have a live broadcast and chat with everyone?

"Fuck, you are allergic to seafood and still eat so hard?" Lin Fan was stunned.

But this leader... None of them want to be the leader.

But as soon as the duel came into contact, SKT was double-killed and changed [-]-[-] to [-]-[-].

Uchiha Amizu is really not joking, no wonder he can be a traitor and be so cruel to himself.

Simply put, ping is a good fig leaf.

"The only thing I can't live up to is food. I'll just go to the hospital and lie down overnight."

"Hahaha, Brother Fan's epic enhancement, I found that you guys are playing some very novel things in the live broadcast room."

"Isn't it disgusting to go up and send it off?"

"His numb kiss, rush me to the hospital..." Ah Shui shouted from his seat.

Although the crocodile on the road was not at the first scene, but seeing so many people besieging the support, he got involved without saying a word.

Lin Fan also knew that he would eat up the resources as soon as he went up, so he chose to wait for his teammates to go up one by one and eat up the resources before starting the broadcast.

In order to maintain the state, we can only return to the national server to play.

"People nowadays can still talk about Korean and national clothes?"

At least according to the interview, he doesn't have the heart, and he still can't accept the defeat of the game.

In the blink of an eye, all four of them sprayed marks.

The policewoman went up to eat a set of skills from the wine barrel, and lit it to expose the vision of the blind monk.

There are also some good people who moved this video to the Korean forum and let these Koreans see their reactions.

The second one to be liquidated by everyone is the faker.

"His numb kiss, quickly sent me to the hospital, feeling coming, feeling coming, a little seafood allergy."

At this time, the club's official Weibo also released a post-match celebration video.

On this day, no viewer could leave imp's live broadcast room.

As for Topsports head office, everyone's faces were crooked when they saw the topics on Weibo. It was really a wise choice to enter e-sports at that time.

Although he retired, he inherited the tradition of Samsung.

"Is it true that you were admitted to the hospital after eating spicy seafood?"

Plus a lot of what the coach said in the interview.

Mark clicked on the dialogue and just wanted to say something, but the policewoman started to spout.

And at this time, the barrage appeared in front of the high-energy!
Everyone was taken aback, and they were very curious about what would happen next. Could it be that Ah Shui called him to the hospital at this time?
Lin Fan's voice came out in the video.

"For example, Roaring Emperor asked me what was my evaluation of Faker.

However, the duo did not sit together, Ah Shui sat next to Lin Fan, and Mark sat in the middle of the crowd.

But everyone has finished eating, so it doesn't matter if you send Ah Shui to the hospital at this time.

In order to avoid such a day, you have to win all the next games. If you really wait until the day when you can't do anything about the game, you should really retire. "

I can say a lot of defense, even if it is extremely aggressive, domestic fans will say that I am genuine, and they will not think that there is a problem with what I said, this is the aura of winning the game.

After all, the popularity is high now, and the traffic team must operate well.

As for the next day, more anchors began to sharply comment on Faker's interview.

After reading this passage, many people no longer care whether Da Fei has a tough mouth, and whether Skt made excuses for the game.

"Damn it, my saliva is drooling, what they eat is really delicious."

But for a while, the ban on the Hanbok account did affect the entire lpl.

The unbearable mark can only reply to this.

Successfully changed from the original big devil to the current Da Fei.

"Calculate the time, if you are celebrating, it should be this time to post on Weibo."

After queuing for about 8 minutes, Mark finally entered the game.

"Brother Sutu is really sober. As a professional player, only by winning the game can he bring a halo to him. The moment he loses the game, he must be prepared to be sprayed."

"It can be seen that Ah Shui still loves him even more."

The altitude occupied by Brother Sutu is far higher than that of Dafei, and he is no longer a mid laner at the same level.

The atmosphere was extremely hot, especially when the camera caught Duke and Sunny. These two little fat guys just gnawed, and the food was delicious.

"Why do people in the national uniform not know what level they are?"

"Damn it, what the hell is going on? Is the scale of the Korean division so small?"

In the end, everyone didn't bother to toss back and forth, and stayed in the hospital with Ah Shui all night, and returned to the club together after confirming that there was no problem the next morning.

"Brother Shutu, who is sober in the world, the power to speak all depends on his strength. There is a saying that even if Brother Shutu pointed at Dafei's nose and scolded him, I thought it was acceptable, but it was a little more publicized."

And also specially used individuals, which actually has a certain gap.

"That's his character. You won't forget the news that he went to the hospital after eating spicy seafood, right?"

"Hello everyone, hello everyone."

"It's normal that his professional attitude is very good, but when he loses a game, he can't say some things like he won a game..."

As long as there is someone who says they have a certain influence at the time, their pressure in South Korea will be reduced a lot, and many Koreans will focus on Riot Games as their main target.

In this situation, Mark saw that the opposite duo chose to retreat, so he rushed forward and wanted to forcibly kill Calista on the opposite side.

Of course, the most ruthless group leader is Douyu anchor imp.

All accounts logged in from domestic IP addresses were banned, and domestic professional players had no place to train for a while.

"Awesome!" Lin Fan gave Ah Shui a thumbs up.

Since then, skt will no longer be everyone's confidant.

In addition, AD chose Delevingne first, so it is very suitable to play Pike, pull it over and kill directly.

The first three levels still got suppression, but after the jungler touched it, the situation was not right.

Realizing that he has gone down the mountain, he has to go back up the mountain with the mentality of an apprentice if he wants to get back to the top.

In such a comparison, everyone sees the steak much more pleasing to the eye.

Unknown aircraft: "Don't take the national server, how much is your Korean server score? You are the most brute when I have so many queues"

Zeus saw that there was no way to freeze here, so he took the initiative to stand up and reply.

"In exchange for Ah Shui, the wine barrel e-shine is only good for eating poop."

"His numb kiss, what kind of cs are these four people!" Ah Shui, who was watching Mark from the side, couldn't help cursing.

"What's wrong?" Lin Fan asked after hearing Ah Shui's voice.

Hearing his elder brother's voice, Mark finally calmed down.

"It's okay, I met four clowns."

(End of this chapter)

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