LOL: I'm really a professional league player

Chapter 183 3-thread operation, everyone is stunned!

Chapter 183 Three-thread operation, everyone is stunned! (seeking subscription)
Lin Fan moved a small stool and sat behind Mark.

Rather see what Mark can call four clowns.

After all, Mark belongs to the kind of professional player who works hard, is safe and stable, and gets along with the team like a good old man.

The most important thing is to play so many ranks as a professional player, who hasn't seen it?
It is interesting to be able to be called a clown by Mark. It is not civilized to watch monkeys?
The two big brothers sat behind Mark, and the rest of the team couldn't help leaning over.

After all, there are activities tonight, everyone has a live broadcast task, and the Hanbok is gone, so everyone is waiting on the sidelines.

"Wow, Brother Sutu has appeared on the screen!"

"Just kidding, looking at his expression, it's the first time I've seen Brother Setu angry."

"Mark is too pitiful. One sentence exposed the current situation of the national server. These four people directly proved this point."

"The national server is really smoky! The only mistake made by Mark is that he shouldn't send me, he should just spray AD, what kind of waste is it to play a policewoman and be driven by a wine barrel?"

"Really, if Mark is tougher and goes to the policewoman first, he probably won't be slammed by so many people."

The barrage in the live broadcast room rolled crazily.

"I'm also the first person to see three-threaded operation."

In the end, everyone's attention is not on the soul killing ad, but on switching games back and forth.

The dnf mobs are not very difficult to kill, basically they are the ones with one knife, and a few of them need to be chopped one more time.

Well, the goal of this one is very clear.

It's a pity that Lin Fan's killing intent has been decided, and the two teammates in the top and bottom duo made up for a little damage.

"That's it? This policewoman's level? He killed him in 2 minutes."

"Is this the ability of professional players?"

The bottom lane is aimed at pulling full.

The unknown plane was slaughtered thirteen times in these 27 minutes. If it encountered a demon girl, it would be dead upon meeting, and there was no way to avoid it.

"Hahaha, I think it's quite interesting."

Major anchors and retired professional players all expressed their support for Mark.

For the mid laner, if the Summoner skill can be replaced with Ignite, the chance of single-killing the opponent can increase by 20.00%.

Because they know that there will definitely be a wave of eating craze next.

"The environment in the national server is really bad, so why isn't Tengjing making a move?"

Wengou's situation is quite difficult, and he has been jumped over the tower twice without knowing it.

"There is also good news from Ah Shui. The female police player killed eight times in line and hung up immediately."

I really didn't expect that I could meet this group of pussies in the second hand, and I was so disgusted.

The bonus of the mid-season game has not been eaten, and the enthusiasm of this small wave must be full.

But what's wrong with holding on to the professional players all the time, they are superior to other people, come to disgusting mark.

It seemed that Wengou who was on the road had escaped unharmed, but because Lin Fan kept catching him, the jungler was released and caught them desperately.

"What's the matter with Mark? His whole team has bad dines, and it's normal for the support to be bad along with the mid laner." Zhu Dachang followed Wengou and typed in a weird way.

What has just happened, it's pretty obvious what to do.

"Hahaha, it's really funny, but I still want to say that the unknown plane is dead."

"Weak explosion, weak explosion!"

For a while, uzi, posture, and Rou Kun had a lot of barrage about mark in the live broadcast room.

Thumbs down.

When Lin Fan started the live broadcast and the interface was displayed on the League of Legends client, everyone in the live broadcast room cheered up.

However, as long as you shoot out and wait for the return, it is not difficult in theory, and you can play in the league's free time.

This game has been going on for 7 minutes.

As for Lin Fan, he didn't say anything. He logged into the national server account that he hadn't logged in for a long time. This is also the super number officially given to professional players by lpl. The rank is not high, only platinum one, but the hidden points of this account can be ranked as a master .

"I'm going to rush Wengou first!"

At the same time, Lin Fan's Enchantress had visited the road four times.

Even if Lin Fan didn't choose to take the initiative to push the tower, the end time of this game is relatively fast, at 27 minutes.

At this time, the club Ah Shui had already started shouting.

Everyone who watched was dizzy, unable to react with their eyes and thinking.

The number of page views on the Xiaopo website has exceeded 50.

It is too new for everyone to be successful without doing daily training.

"Topbo's bot lane duo has all fit together. There are not many players in the world who can beat Ah Shui and Mark. Do you expect a good performance from a blame monster?"

When the small plane comes out, it has to return to the spring water.

Although Snake Girl has been developing, but the top and bottom lanes have collapsed, and Lin Fan has made a killing book early, and the team battles in the middle and late stages are still crushing.

The middle lane is successfully liberated, so you can find trouble in the bottom lane.

"Hahaha, Ah Shui is enforcing justice, I'm dying of laughter."

It's okay to be caught and broken.

"Brother Sutu is also very serious. It's the first time I've seen him speed up so fast. Before playing solo queue, he always kills through the middle lane first, and then pushes down the tower."

"The top laner on the opposite side seems to be Wengou, let me go to his live broadcast room to see."

So not only the top laner will bring teleportation, but the mid laner will also bring it.

"Teacher Da Fei's screen refresh seems to be the same."

The female police player is the main output, the deputy c of the unknown plane is yin and yang, and the middle and top lanes are single-player.

"Brother Sutu's popularity is so good, and the Top team won the mid-season championship. I can't accept being bullied by the champion's support. Go to other anchors' live broadcast rooms to check it out."

"I saw him spraying so hard, I really thought he had two brushes."

"The environment of the national server really needs to be rectified. We should start from the source. If we can grasp it as if we were scratching the skin, the environment of the national server would have improved a long time ago."

"As expected of Brother Sutu, I still have time to watch Sutu Zhibin, plus the schedule of Genting Games."

Not to mention that during the waiting period, two books could be wiped out, and the team that shot out also came back, completing a seamless connection.

Thinking about it this way, these four clowns still have a little effect, at least they have brought out Brother Shutu's hidden skills.

The reason is simple, this is the first time a professional player like him has encountered it.

The policewoman below and the blind monk jungler's tone is slightly restrained.

Wengou probably saw someone reveal Mark's identity in the live broadcast room.

Many people were in tears watching it, mainly because their dynamic vision was not good enough and they couldn't stand this kind of high-intensity switching.

As soon as Lin Fan started broadcasting, the popularity of the live broadcast exceeded 400 million.

There is no other way to say this round, it is to end quickly, so I directly took out the enchantress who is extremely lethal in the early and mid-term.

I really didn't expect that the two-line operation of Brother Suitu produced by the previous up master really happened.

Guys, everyone is surprised that they can still paint pictures.

"So it is with these teammates that Mark will not be bullied."

Ah Shui next to him was even more immersive, eager to go up and chop off the heads of these people.

"Then let's see Brother Suitu perform this one."

"The good news is that there is no conflict with the professional league..."

This game even lasted 21 minutes. At the moment of the settlement interface, Mark finally calmed down.

The League of Legends and others here lead the bandits on the coast of the land to rob the main city, and then xxxz's dnf ghost swordsman clears the time, not to mention the mowing game dnf is still very cool.

"On the number, on the number, on the number~" Ah Shui shouted.

"Are you two idiots?"

Unless there is a specific lineup, heroes who always want to be together will choose to bring those functional summoner skills.

While talking, he cut back and fired a weak explosion at the body of the unknown plane.

In professional leagues, a little bit of damage is often almost ignited, but considering the problem of changing lanes in the middle and late stages, just a legend is not enough.

The barrage in the live broadcast room was densely packed.

"One Wengou, one unknown plane..."

But considering that he is a professional player, it would be very serious if he spat with players in the game.

Level [-], directly touched the bottom road.

Stepping on the face qea combined with the electrocution can easily complete the tower jumping and killing!

And the vast majority of people are now fans, and when they lose a key game, they will turn into ghosts.

"Isn't this a report?"

As the system prompts, Lin Fan's side is also lined up.

Once you get the advantage, the ability to end the game is also very strong.

Under normal circumstances, he wouldn't be too ruthless in the laning, but this time there was a reason for it. The enchantress got stuck at the second level. In the last game, she didn't explain her combo and ignited her set to chase A, and easily completed a solo kill.

The group of fans in the live broadcast room were not idle, and started to attack Wengou. As for the remaining three people, they couldn't find out their identities, so they could only add friends first, and then scolded them.

"The pressure from the opponent is a bit low. Maybe he didn't get the jungle position, maybe he has a stronger offensive ability if he gets the jungle position?"

As for hanging up the phone, it is even more unacceptable. Who can stand up to suspensions and salary penalties?

Compared with Wengou, the main output target of this weapon is still the unknown plane in the lower lane.

At the same time, there are some up masters who can catch hot spots, and at this time, they quickly edited the previous video and uploaded it to Xiaopozhan, or other short video platforms.

But this kind of lens flickers back and forth, just thinking about it can tell how difficult it is.

"Damn it, Brother Sutu, please accept my knee!"

"I can only say hello, isn't mark the epitome of us ordinary people? There is a lot of blame in the game, but there is no way to vent it."

"If something doesn't go your way, you start spraying people, how do you play?"

While speaking, he pressed Find Game.

The next thing that surprised everyone even more was that Lin Fan actually cut the dnf here, while controlling the ghost swordsman to spawn monsters, while squatting in the bottom lane to prepare for justice.

He even sat down directly.

As soon as you meet the adc, you will be given a second by the enchantress, there is no way.

At the same time, Lin Fan switched back from dnf, saw the unknown plane coming up, stepped on his feet easily, sent him back to the spring, and then switched back at the speed of light.

After a brief selection, both sides also entered the image reading interface, first looking at the ID of the opposite side.

"Go together, go together..."

"I really think it's normal for Mark to operate like that, and he immediately admitted that he made a mistake. Can this be sprayed by these four people for more than 20 minutes?"

Not as aggressive as before.

Mark couldn't bear it several times, and wanted to unfold the keyboard and start spraying.

Also in these two events, mark national service time completed fermentation.

"I don't understand, what level are these passers-by? Going against professional players like this."

The four of them output to the mark for a full 13 minutes.

"I don't think these are enough!"

The live broadcast room is also constantly flashing, and the content changes within a second. The first second is League of Legends and the next second is dnf. The most exaggerated thing is that the operation is still coherent. Here, the monsters have just been cut and moved forward. Take two steps and switch to League of Legends, step forward to deal damage and then return to dnf...

"My hands are a little itchy today. I want to play two ranks. If I can't play in the Korean server, I will play the national server."

"Genting Game Global Finals seems to start in these two days, right?"

The small plane also noticed it, and quickly hid under the defense tower.

For a while, everyone will not be bored after watching it.

Not only did he not restrain himself, but he made even worse ridicule.

"If the game computer can be installed on the computer, I believe this screen will definitely appear."

"The cs crocodile on the road is Wengou. I didn't see it from the first perspective, so I'm fighting here, right?"

Coupled with just winning the championship, the number of fans in the league has increased at an unimaginable speed.

Angrily, he frantically marked his jungler and the Snake Girl in the middle on the small map.

"Damn it, just came out of Wengou's live broadcast room, that's called an arrogant, crazy person in the live broadcast room."

"Big brother is angry!"

"It's easy to kill! These people really don't know the heights of the sky and the earth."

Lin Fan wants to engage in top lane and bottom lane ADCs earlier, so in the middle lane, he can only say sorry to the snake girl on the opposite side.

"Tencent really didn't handle the national server well. Professional players were blocked outside and had nowhere to train at home."

"The environment of the national server really stinks!"

In this case, there is a chance to get these people.

Originally, I was very happy today, and I won the mid-season championship and prepared to do activities in the evening.

"It's okay to have conflicts. You can't give up now that you've made it to the finals, right? I don't think there's any problem with letting Qingtian play as a mid laner. Another point is that Taobao hasn't won its first victory in six seasons."

"Alas, I found that my two-lane operation is not difficult at all. It just so happens that there is a sea of ​​land here, and this time is more suitable. You can even play with brushing books and grabbing land."

It is very appropriate to light up a weak burst.

It turns out that Brother Sutu can really do this kind of thing?Just want to do it or not.

And it has to bear the double blow of Teemo and Weak Explosion.

By the way, the dungeon is opened, and the computer directly opens the application three times.

I can only bite the bullet and play forcibly.

An extremely arrogant voice also came out from the live broadcast room.

"No wonder, the mid-season champion Mark is indeed qualified to say that the national server is not as good as the Korean server~"

"If I could play in the Korean server, I would definitely not play in the national server."

All of a sudden, these four players were wanted by major anchors and professional players.

Once you see it, you must target it!

Step into the point where everyone shouts and beats.

(End of this chapter)

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