LOL: I'm really a professional league player

Chapter 185 Genting finals start! The 1-1 God is here!

Chapter 185 Genting finals start! The 1-1 God is here!

6 month 3 number.

It seemed calm during the offseason but not so peaceful.

Posts on Weibo Post Bar follow one another.

"Brother Sutu is going to the Global Finals of Game of Thrones this afternoon, is anyone going to study together?"

"I can only say no to study, I just want to have fun."

"Is there anyone else who thinks that Brother Soltu can advance to the finals as I do?"

"It must be a bit difficult to advance, right? I re-watched the competition in China, and the main thing is dog luck. This dog luck is too good, and the current competition system is to avoid dog luck and speak with strength."

"I also feel the same way. The reason for the three consecutive rounds is that the luck component is too high. Now there are no players eliminated in this competition system. If you want to advance, you have to go out. After all, Brother Sutu is a professional player in the league. The understanding of Genting Game is definitely not as good as others .”

"It's hard to understand, why do you have such a prejudice against Brother Soltu? You said that he will definitely lose if he is bad before he loses the game, but he didn't lose in the end.

"Group A is ready, Brother Sutu will be the No. [-] seed and represent China in the competition!"

The contestant hurriedly tapped on the public screen to signal that he was ready.

According to the rules, there are five rounds to be played. Counting some intermission time, there are no more than five hours.

Age is not a problem, body appearance is...

After achieving good results, there are many women with ulterior motives sticking to their bodies, and at this age, they are easily impulsive, and they fall into the trap when they can't restrain themselves.

"Dine, the No. [-] seed in the Chinese division, is actually a professional player in the LPL division, and just won the mid-season championship."

05:30 Log in to the game server on time, find the room and join in.

This is a very exaggerated figure.

"Brother Tian is not in the right state recently, is it possible that he is in a relationship?" Mark asked jokingly.

Tobo base.

"Although I can broadcast live, it seems that I can't communicate with everyone or watch barrage."

As time passed, the desire to watch the game became stronger.

After all, if you are a professional player with a nickname from another game, it is definitely not much better.

After hearing this, Xiaotian hesitated a little, after all, he is going to chase after Letme's ex-girlfriend next, and it doesn't sound too good to say it.

"Why haven't you started yet?"

This transformation is brought about by a champion.

"Ha ha……"

For example, the faker big devil next door is now called Teacher Da Fei in China.

The barrage in the live broadcast room is constantly scrolling.

"But I'm not a stingy person. If I can win the championship, Wallace can go and eat as much as he wants, and he can order a menu."

"Brother Sutu's live broadcast room is open, but there is no one there!"

"Okay, my time is almost here, I will go to the competition first."

"Oh my god, Johnson, do you trust him that much?"

In e-sports, it is wrong to lose breath, it is so realistic.

But before it even started, it was already reaching 1000 million people.

After all, there are relatively few bets like commentary.

"Then we have to check even more. You also know that our identities are easy to attract people. You know, if you are cheated by a bad woman, you will be cheated. Maybe you will lose your job." Lin Fan was half joking and half serious. Said.

"I think so too, almost."

It's not unreasonable to be able to play it on the top road.

"If we really win the championship, I believe...the main topic in the next one or two months will be the blossoming of Satuge."

However, after being discussed like this, many people in the country who didn't know that Lin Fan had a Genting Game match tomorrow wrote it down at this time to see if there was any time later, and went to have a look in the afternoon.

But what hasn't changed is everyone's expectations for the game.

As for whether Lin Fan can advance to the next level, foreign countries have a [-]-[-] split.

After all, if you want to become a world champion, the effort you put in is naturally unimaginable. How can you have time to think about such things as Genting Game?

"Mike, then you are guessing subjectively, but it's interesting in this way, your donkey face is sure!" Johnson said proudly.

"Come on, Brother Yunding! After today's fight, you will be Brother Yunding!" Ah Shui raised his hand and gave a thumbs up, and Lin Fan returned a thumbs up.

"Even if 32 people come out, there is a guarantee of two thousand dollars, and there is enough money to treat the brothers to dinner."

The six o'clock game had to be played half an hour earlier, so Lin Fan went to the cafeteria for dinner before five o'clock.

"I really didn't expect that he would be able to get to this point, brother Shutu's understanding of the game is really much higher than those of us.

As soon as the screen in the live broadcast room changed, what appeared was the image reading interface of the eight contestants.

"I heard rumors, mainly cooperation, and he is my former teammate, so he shouldn't do these things, right?"

"I also understand why the score has not improved recently, and the game is not good. I still don't understand these cards well, and the mechanism research is not very good. I only play according to the formula."

"Didn't there be an uproar some time ago, the breakup problem, and the reason behind it, don't you know?" As a front-line player who eats melons, Rhubarb is quite familiar with gossip among professional players.

In the final analysis, the xinxing still belongs to the kind of children.

From this point on, it would be good if he could stop the loss in time, but if he couldn't... his entire career would be ruined.

The people of the Alliance call Brother Sutu, these three words are full of irony.

It's hard to say if it's the influence of Lin Fan alone, but it can indeed be seen that the influence of Genting Game is constantly rising, and it is really possible to have a professional league in the future...

"Shenchao can be regarded as a veteran chess king. It's a pity to retire like this. Anyway, he and Brother Sutu often play, so I believe it's okay to ask for a hand or two."

There is a topic to talk about, especially after winning the mid-season championship, what everyone thinks of Lin Fan is pleasing to the eye.

The official live broadcast room at this time.

"Although he is the No. [-] seed, I am not optimistic about him. In addition to this competition system, the difficulty of promotion has increased. The two-day competition has reduced luck to the extreme.

"That's right, it's true, he is Dine, a real Dine player, you can still see his face when the game starts."

"That's why I'm still more optimistic about Brother Shutu. He has absolutely no problem in advancing. He has a deep understanding of the game and dares to play lineups that everyone dare not play in the game. It's outrageous that Star Boundary Shooting can eat chicken."

"I think what Shenchao said is quite fair. From my point of view, Shuai Tuge is indeed like this. It's really not what everyone said, relying on dog luck to advance all the way to the championship. He must have strength."

The game started, and the first round of Group A officially started.

He almost pressed the four big characters of not doing business properly on his forehead.

"I've been telling you about Brother Sutu before, believe first and then doubt! So I believe he will definitely be able to advance to the finals and win the championship!"

If he can regain his place in the global finals and win the championship, he will still be the big devil...

I really didn't expect Xiaotian to have such a hobby.

At the same time, the referee in the room signaled that the game is about to start, are you ready?

"You may or may not know..."

The good ones are all English letters and I don’t know any of them.

First of all, it is the No. [-] seed in the Chinese division, but it also has the status of the League of Legends world champion, which is difficult to understand.

As for the commentators in other divisions, they also expressed their views at this time.

"Brother Fan, if you win the championship with 15 US dollars and 100 million income, damn it, isn't that too cool? You can also earn extra money in other games while playing professionally."

"Go, go, can you fall in love? You haven't written your horoscope yet."

"I won't invite you to dinner and go to the hospital to lie down overnight, right? This will cause my brothers to go to the hospital with you. My suggestion is that you invite everyone."

"Dine player can become the No. [-] seed in China, so I absolutely believe in his strength. I can give him the ticket. If I can't advance, I will kiss the donkey's ass!"

The formation and positioning of troops is really too strong. I really went back to study his first-person perspective for a long time, and now I can count as some gains. "Shen Chao, as an invited guest, said while sitting in the commentary seat.

If you don’t eat now, you have to wait until almost twelve o’clock. If you eat at night, it’s not easy to digest, and it’s not good for your body.

"That's up to you to decide, but my suggestion is to observe again..."

Xiaotian nodded.

"Even if you say that, I won't change my opinion. If you kiss the donkey's butt, then I will kiss the donkey's face!"

In this regard, other professional players cannot compare.

And the proportion of players who switch from Genting Game official to Genting Game is increasing.

"Huh?" Xiaotian was obviously absent-minded.

In the past, the popularity of Genting Game Global Finals could exceed 800 million, thank God.

Looking at it this way, Abin is still a clear stream in the professional league.

Before the game even started, the whole atmosphere was very hot.

The fun people expressed their opinions one after another. Some wanted to see Lin Fan overturn in the game of Genting, but more still wanted to see him win the championship.

Said that the rest of the team couldn't help laughing.

As for the official live broadcast room, the barrage began to roll up in large numbers.

"Mozi? Damn, is there an 11-year difference between the two of you? If I remember correctly, you are in [-], right? Mozi is an old woman. It's not bad, but I think it's good if you can accept it. Yes." Ah Shui showed a shocked expression, at least he couldn't accept such a big age difference.

Many league fans saw Lin Fan playing Shutuzhihama before, they all frowned and forcibly held back not to drop.

"Ya Lei! Just Wallace? Is this KFC high or low? Do you think it's Xiao Tian?" Zoom raised his eyebrows.

Now he is the No. [-] seed all the way up, can this not be favored? "

"I'm more inclined to lead the local brother to win the championship. Then he is the only professional player who can win the championship as a deputy. He is not the domestic champion but the world champion!"

It can only be better towards your own dog luck.

"I went to watch the games he played. How should I put it, I always feel that luck is greater than strength, and the current competition system is to reduce the influence of luck and reflect the strength. In this case, it will be more difficult for him to advance. Imagine big."

"That's right, I'm sure the Dine players won't let me down, just like when I watched the mid-season finals two days ago!"

"Fuck, do you really have a date? Who is it? Do we know each other? Maybe I can give you some advice." Rhubarb picked up a small bench and started eating melons.

Probably because of the No. [-] seed, there are no other Chinese players in this group.

Lin Fan was also lost in thought at this time.

It's really too much for Ah Shui to stay in the hospital without eating seafood.

"My God! Is it true? Just now I wanted to say that the No. [-] seed in China may be a fan of Dine. In fact, I am also a fan of his, because the performance in the mid-season game was too exaggerated. The one-handed demon girl is almost a fan of Dine. The faker player's butt was crushed!"

"Brother Sutu would be very happy if he could listen to Shenchao's words now. I am very happy listening to it."

"In that case, it's better to come and see Shenchao blowing a wave of Brother Sutu, it's cool."

"Hahaha, did you make a bet with someone during the mid-season game, saying that if faker can't win the championship, you will kiss the donkey's ass?"

He glanced at the players squatting in the room.

This is the finals, there are so many good players.

After all, Game of Thrones relies on its own true level, unlike League of Legends, which is still uncertain.

I don't have any other messy ideas, and I rely on my own little hands to solve my physical needs.

So I think he will be eliminated..."

After all, it is scheduled at six o'clock in the evening, and most people are off work at this time, so they have some free time.

Ah Shui and the others ate together.

"My good guy, Shenchao, has such a clear understanding? It's rare. I just watched him speak hard in the live broadcast room before."

But now everyone can cheerfully call Brother Shutu.

How should I put it, the vast majority of professional players are now in junior high school and didn't go to high school.

This led to the fact that the competition hadn't started yet, whether it was the official live broadcast room or Lin Fan's live broadcast room, the popularity was exploding.

"Besides, isn't it good to play games? Find some other games to play when you have nothing to do, and you don't have to coax the girls. Look at Ah Shui, it's too troublesome to hold the phone in your hand when it's time to eat." Lin Fan stuffed a piece of chicken chop into his mouth in twos and twos to finish it.

"If it's Mozi, it's not impossible, Auntie, I don't want to work hard!"

"It can't be the ex-girlfriend of the top order [-]-[-]?"

"Have you heard of Mozi?"

"It is indeed a formula person. Since the beginning of using formulas, my personal level has been declining. It is not like before that I was able to research so many routines, but now I can't."

Everyone was shocked, after waiting for so long, it finally started!

"According to the normal rhythm, we still have to give priority to the attack speed, and see where Brother Suitu goes in."

"Okay, turn around and the attack speed is just at the bottom position, and now you can catch up with the opportunity to grab it." Seeing the screen that entered, Shenchao immediately brought his own game ideas into it.

After all, in the current version, any lineup needs attack speed, and getting attack speed points is half eaten.

As a master of one bar and one bar, Lin Fan naturally grabbed the attack speed!
(End of this chapter)

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