LOL: I'm really a professional league player

Chapter 186 Johnson: Today is your lucky day!Go dine!

Chapter 186 Johnson: Today is your lucky day!Go dine! (seeking subscription)
"Okay, I think the wave of rate local songs has basically got the points, here it depends on how the cards are coming." Shenchao was not surprised when he saw this scene.

Because everyone is used to it, this is the real god of one bar and one bar. There are so many games, big and small, so far Brother Shutu has never lost because of grabbing equipment.

The audience in Lin Fan's studio kept swiping exclamation marks.

It's just a pity that you can only watch the first-person view in this live broadcast room, and there is no way to interact. After all, the competition level is different.

"If you have attack speed, you can play Adventure Xia with a winning streak. The first round is not difficult."

"Indeed, but the number of times Brother Sutu plays Adventurer is still relatively small, mainly because there are more people playing."

"So what about the global finals? When it's time to tidy up, he must work hard. In the global finals, I will call him the strongest."

"Domestic competitions are different. There's no need for extra work. We were the champions last year. I think it's necessary to win two consecutive championships in the division."

"Our league fans come here to watch the fun, it doesn't matter if Brother Satu wins the championship or not."

"According to you, it doesn't matter if the League of Legends wins the championship or not?"

Although Mike agreed very much in his heart, he still insisted on speaking hard.

"Hahahaha, domestic random killings are the same as random killings in the global finals."

Basically, there is no threat. Next, we must focus on the losing streak players. Generally, when the losing streak reaches 7, the blood volume of the population is unhealthy, and there will be big waves. At that time, exerting strength will have a relatively large impact on the situation.

Johnson could only turn his head and pretend not to see it.

However, this spider card comes a lot, and if the spider has the opportunity to catch up to three, it can be a vice c.

"Unbelievable! 2-2 Samsung Leopard Girl? My God."

"However, Ninety-Five Phantom Fighting is still very powerful. It feels like the two of them will be in the final round."

The expression of My Paradise under the lens is very interesting.

"It depends on whether Dine can produce three-star spiders and two-star dragon girls. Otherwise, there is a high probability that they will only be in the top two. Xia, who is a big success, probably won't be able to beat her, so she can only wait."

k3soju's expression became ferocious.

From the second game, everyone has also noticed this.

"It depends on what Hex gave. The hot shelling and the three-star small cannon can lock a wave, but now they have blocked a lot of small cannons, which is a bit troublesome..."

From start to finish, one win and one loss, the economy exploded.

But unexpectedly, the three-star leopard girl appeared in the second stage of the second bar.

But as the battle interface appeared, Leopard Girl directly crucified the opposite Xia!The most important thing is that the dragon girl stands in the middle, and no one can stop the leopard girl along the way.

"Then these troubles, one win and one loss, the economy is a bit crashed, but I believe he can handle it well."

At the end, a group of people besieged the only remaining two-star dragon girl!
When the spider had only a trace of blood left, it was successfully nursed back by the nurse.

"The basic blood volume is eight, and the dragon girl has two populations. The blood volume is just 22 drops." Shenchao shouted very excitedly.

In the third round, the wild monsters showed their fists...

"Steady, steady! Let's kill one cause first in the World Championship!"

But before the draft, he managed to win again, but the opponent he met was weak...

"I feel that Brother Suitu is a bit difficult."

But Lin Fan's economy is enough to force him to pull nine when he comes back, and continue to speed up!
5-6, only one spider three-star, and there are six shape-changers, three jade dragons, and five-fee cards with nurses as support.

Once targeted, this risk is magnified.

However, there is a family of ten people, ninety-five, ghost fighting, two-star Yasuo, two-star Bud, and two-star nanny. The fighting power is extremely strong, and it is also successful at this stage.

"Johnson, what did I say? He's starting to reveal his original strength now." Mike touched the "brother" next to him, and kept raising his eyebrows.

"It's so fierce, it's the head start. This is Brother Sutu."

"This should have nothing to do with game talent. It's mainly about game understanding. That wave is very important. The Leopard girl cut off Xia alone, and the nanny gave her a sip of milk, otherwise she couldn't take it away. It was just right."

In the first round of wild monsters, Shen, Yongen, Gnar, plus three yuan and a dismantling were exploded.

6-1 Lin Fan still has 84 blood points and is in the absolute lead.

"Hahaha, Johnson, look, Dine League of Legends is really strong, and the playability is far inferior to other players following the change of lineup in the later stage." Mike's face was full of smiles.

Dine won the championship in the Chinese competition area, and it is more of a capital insider. After all, professional players have entered the Genting competition, there must be something to talk about.

Immediately after taking the damage, he turned into a leopard form, went up and gnawed Xia to death three or two times, this excellent performance directly solved the main output of the opponent.

Walk directly towards the bottom corner, and raise your hand to attack the crow next to it.

The fans in the live broadcast room were noisy, and Lin Fan's wild monsters were also finished.

The side that got the advantage began to mock people.

It's too uncomfortable.

Holding back a smile, he calmly talked to everyone.

"Not out!"

There are eight games to follow.

"Okay, Brother Sutu is very stable now. This lineup will definitely have the top two. If you can eat chicken, it depends on the two-star Dragon Girl and the three-star Spider." Shenchao looked at the big screen and said.

"This switch! Brother Sutu is top-notch, 6-6... If the 22 points of blood can be sent away in one wave, it will be revitalized. Dragon Girl has a chance of two stars, and is waiting for Spider Three Stars to eat."

In this kind of global finals, it will definitely show its true colors.

In other words, following this rhythm, regardless of the issue of winning streak or not, there are 2 yuan for 2-20.

"This one, Leopard Girl, should be very smooth, a bit strong, and the economy is too good. When fighting the wild monsters in the second round, at least 50 yuan, the fault tolerance is very high."

Adventurer Xia, the most difficult player on the field, is gone, and the remaining Fighting Nine Five is actually a toy. As long as you have two stars, you can win this one, and you can find it for 30 yuan!
With the release of the two-star dragon girl, it is basically locked to eat chicken.

Samsung Leopard Girl!

This remark made many people agree.

20 yuan is now only one piece left.

In the stage of choosing Hex, Lin Fan already had five Leopard Girls, Vampires and Scorpions.

This look almost didn't make him laugh to death, but as a commentator, he has the professionalism he should have.

Lin Fan's hand speed here is very fast. In the final stage, he relied on the remaining four yuan to attract the population, used Gnar in one hand, and gathered two shape changers.

And here is the No. [-] seed in South Korea, and Shenchao focused on him.

"I think a normal person should be. Wouldn't it be more enjoyable for Brother Satu to win the championship and live a life by the way? What is the reason for not winning the championship?"

"My Paradise is a bit uncomfortable. There is no economy, and there is no way to grab equipment." Shenchao saw that Lin Fan's three-star leopard girl had already agreed to the top two, but observed the other players.

Group A has their No. 3 seed My Paradise, who bragged for a long time that he is the son of Genting, and won this round casually.

This also made other players breathe a sigh of relief.

Hex chose the dd block.

In addition, there is 16 yuan, that is, as long as you win this wave, you can eat two yuan in interest in the next wave.

The nurse's improvement to the shape changer is huge.

"Trust my judgment."

With the appearance of Samsung Leopard Girl, the popularity in the official live broadcast room began to skyrocket.

The commentators in other divisions also yelled: "I caught it, this wave of Dine's unexpected position change completely captured k3soju's psychology!"

Relying on the Astral Dragon, a card was released, but there were no two Ds in a row after that.

As soon as Shenchao finished speaking, he saw Lin Fan's first-person perspective moving Leopard Girl to the upper left corner!
Did not eat Yulong!

"Have you ever heard of going down first and then going up? Winning at the beginning doesn't mean it's a good thing. On the contrary, it's easy to be targeted. If you are too sharp, you won't end well. You will definitely be targeted by the opponent in the second round."

Especially seeing the blood volume keep dropping, now only 3-4 and only 57 blood, this pressure is quite high.

"It's really a bit of luck today, I can only say that everything is the best arrangement!"

"Dine's performance in the professional league is unbelievable, but he is also a master in Genting Game! Three-star Leopard Girl, his line is infinitely high, whether it is Dragon Girl or Shi Aoyu."

But the fighting power on the field is definitely the strongest now.

And the Korean opponents they encountered were all Astral Dragons, and Lin Fan would definitely win if they were all one-star.

When they saw that Lin Fan started to keep cards, the others more or less started to keep cards.


Naturally, it is necessary to play absolute suppression, and the equipment is also equipped with archangels. In this case, it can create miracles.

"Brother Sutu is really courageous. If this didn't come out, it would feel a bit explosive." Shenchao said.

As for the commentary from South Korea, it has a bitter face.

In the second round, the big stick exploded, and apart from anything else, it was synthesized into a sheep knife.

"The strength of Leopard Girl is not that high. If you want to eat chicken, you have to look at the faces of their lineup behind."

Seeing that Lin Fan decided to go with the Golden Scale Gunner, Shenchao shook his head.

Then the blood volume is relatively healthy, and now I can't even get the equipment. Unless the card is good, otherwise it must be out of the game.

"Then this wave of trouble..."

"It's no wonder that Shenchao can only sit in the commentary booth all the time. Brother Suitu can be the number one seed. How can he win if he doesn't want to bet on it?"

Lin Fan immediately started to get up.

After the fifth press, the effect of the astral world finally appeared again.

rnm!Is it so outrageous?
Not only did the hot bombardment happen, but two planes also came. Even if the probability is 15%, it can't be so outrageous, right?
The seven people forcibly searched for cards, and managed to gather eight small cannons. They picked up a small cannon that was given away, and an airplane that they found, and the strength was full.

Fighting Ninth Five-Year is the most rubbish Ninth Five-Year, it can't hold the scene at all.

It was a win and a loss from start to finish.

Everyone is more than 30 yuan, and he is more than 20 yuan. The only good news is that the blood volume is relatively healthy.

But at this time, a scene that everyone did not expect appeared.

"Come on, keep hitting them in the face! Don't you believe that Brother Sutu can eat chicken? As soon as he comes, he will go to the city first."

"This luck is too good, luck is really good... His subsequent treatment will definitely not work."

In the draft round, she successfully obtained the magic resistance, and the Leopard Girl's second piece of equipment, Mercury, is also available. It will not be easy to lose the game due to accidents. After all, there are more version controls now, and the Samsung Leopard Girl may not be stable.

The intensity also allowed Lin Fan to win straight to 4-1, and the economic benefits brought about continued to increase the population. Now it depends on what genre to follow. A higher upper limit is obviously Yulong Jiuwu.

There were only two rounds in the first round, and even if they had two consecutive chickens, they would only have [-] points.

"I believe Dine is a player who can create miracles..." It's just that he didn't have much confidence in what he said.

As soon as Shenchao said this, there were many rebuttals in the barrage.

Sure enough, at the time of settlement, the damage was just enough to take away k3soju.

Apart from anything else, I bought two Leopard Girls in the card pool, and then sold the exploded card and the ez with the equipment, and got ten yuan in interest.

Everyone was taken aback, Leopard Girl would have a big problem if she didn't eat Yulong.

"Game talent is really good."

Under the viewing angle, Lin Fan directly began to select the d-card!
There are indeed three people in this round, and the six Leopard Girls can't be justified, and there is a high probability that they will have a chance when paired with the Astral Dragon.

The third hit finally produced the eighth one.

"I don't think it's a big problem with eating chicken." Johnson laughed exaggeratedly, and his face was full of smiles.

Coupled with the gold-scaled dragon's money-making equipment, it returned to the economy.

Economic explosion!

This line of thinking is very clear, run to Leopard Girl.

Player k3soju covered his head in pain. If he is not caught, there is a high probability that he will be able to eat chicken.

But in the next round, their No. [-] seed, My Paradise, was slammed by Lin Fan, hurting him.

"The main reason is that the blood volume is too safe. Relying on a winning streak, it is easy to get back the economic supplies. No, it is not raised, but equal to the players on the field! Samsung Leopard Girl, with half of the equipment, is too invincible."

"Hahahaha, I can tell by looking at your gloomy face that you are talking hard, isn't this scene too funny? Audience friends, you can't see so much through the video, but I can see it up close The corners of his mouth are even down."

The upper limit of the gunner is low and it is difficult to lock the blood in the mid-term.

And at this time, three have been eliminated, and the next one will be the top four, but this is still far from enough. If you want to advance, you must be in the top two every time, because the competition system is 32 players compete with each other.

Taunting each other is something that the North American Division often does. This is their culture.

"What did I say, Mike? It looks like you're a donkey!" Johnson laughed arrogantly.

2-2 is indeed 20 yuan, and touched another Leopard Girl on the dd block.

"Maybe he really has some assumptions about the donkey, that's why he made the bet to kiss the donkey's face."

In this case, the interest of two yuan will not be paid, but the six cards are still very smooth.

In the collision with them, the two-star dragon girl and the three-star spider were not found, and the three-star leopard girl still couldn't bear the pressure and was hit with fourteen blood points, and the blood volume dropped to seventy. Everyone became nervous all of a sudden.

Because the rule is that 32 players compete with each other, in this case everyone with the highest score will be targeted.

Two bars, one five Leopard Girls, and the fetters of the Astral Dragon.

It's a pity that the winning streak ended before the draft without a ten-fee card.

The upper limit score is as high as 64 points, and the minimum score is only eight points. In this case, there is still a risk of being eliminated.

Before Shenchao finished speaking, he closed his mouth.

Especially South Korea's No. 3 seed, even missed a round of interest, which is clearly a wave of disgusting people.

Shenchao watched and gasped for breath.

Generally speaking, players from South Korea and Japan will be stronger.

Lock blood and eat chicken!

"Unbelievable, unbelievable is really unbelievable! Today will be dine's lucky day!" Johnson shouted on the official commentary platform.

"Mike, what did you say earlier? I didn't hear you. Can you say it again loudly? Restore your arrogant and domineering look just now!"

After that, he jumped up happily in his position, not listening to the dance.

"***! This can work too!" Mike was numb, something was wrong with this guy, why was he slapped in the face like crazy today!
(End of this chapter)

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