LOL: I'm really a professional league player

Chapter 191 Opening match!Brother Sutu fell ill again!

Chapter 191 Opening match!Brother Sutu fell ill again! (seeking subscription)

I have to say that the schedule for this year's summer split is still very good, after the college entrance examination is over.

Senior three students finally don't have to worry about their studies anymore, they can enjoy watching the game. Many people even spent huge sums of money to buy tickets from scalpers just to watch the game offline.

After all, Taobo had just won the championship not long ago, and when the popularity was extremely high, many people wanted to come to watch the game live at this time, and the opponent was not a rotten fish, the S11 global finals champion edg team.

The battle between the champion of the mid-season and the champion of the global finals.

Just thinking about it is a very interesting picture.

It can only be said that the official will indeed make it, the schedule is really good, the topic is full, and the last match between Taobo and edg is ig and Weibo.

The whole thing is quite interesting, and it really fills up the traffic.

"Tomorrow's elementary school boy vs. rate Tu brother, the match between the world champions, it will be wonderful just thinking about it."

"Top Fight is going all out now, striving for the first victory!"

"I couldn't hold back when I heard this. I didn't expect that Taobo hadn't won his first victory in the entire six seasons. The goal of this year's summer split is to win the game against edg as a victory."

"It depends on how Brother Sutu is adapting to the version. During this period of time, I can see him rank in the morning every day. The pressure is very high. Before I know it, I have rushed to the top [-] on the national server."

"Indeed, when I saw Brother Shutu start training, I suddenly had no idea, and felt that the sky was falling and I was in a panic."

Many people mentioned this point, and it did resonate.

Before, Lin Fan didn't care about anything. He just woke up to play other games every day, and he seemed to be doing nothing. But this way, he can be more confident, and he should be able to play the game without any trouble.

But this 12.10 version... Brother Sutu revealed that he was killed by his opponent in the training match. The situation was not optimistic all of a sudden, and the fans began to become worried.

"You guys are crazy, right? Brother Sutu used to make trouble every day when he wasn't training, but now that he's training, you're not satisfied? I'm sure it's pure sesame seed cake!"

"Hahaha, I'm dying of laughter. Brother Sutu knows what your expression will be if you are so entangled? Will you take care of your psychology and just play it completely and not play?"

"Worrying about this, worrying about that, won't you know when the game is played tomorrow? If you have this kind of skill, it's better to let Tengjing deal with the scalpers who sell tickets."

"What I'm saying is, I haven't gotten a ticket so far and I have to pay a lot of money to buy it."

"Fuck, I didn't get the ticket plus one, are you guys so ruthless? I started waiting at 6 o'clock in the morning, but I didn't expect that I still couldn't grab you."

"It hurts. It only costs 80 yuan for the infield and [-] yuan for the offsite. It's tripled in the hands of these scalpers, Yalei! When will the scalpers die!"

"That is to say, tomorrow's game is too exciting, so I will let you kill it. After that, you will see if you go to grab the tickets. Will there be someone who is taken advantage of?"

"His numb kiss is disgusting, disgusting."

"When will the authorities deal with these scalpers?"

"In the final analysis, there are still interests entangled. Under normal circumstances, how can an account and then go to buy tickets be bought so much by scalpers? In the end, you can earn more by making money through this."

The ups and downs of online discussions, wave after wave of big rhythm.

At this time, it was inside the Taobao base.

Luo Sheng is nervously doing the final work, arranging the tactical layout for tomorrow.

In this version, the rhythm of the middle lane starts slowly, and the details of the players in the middle and early stages need to be better.

So he repeatedly watched edg's previous game videos, even though he had done a lot of this kind of work before, he still had to repeat it during the game.

But this time the version has changed a lot. Tomorrow's game is actually the focus of many teams' research. I want to see what everyone's understanding is.

Especially Team Top Fight, the mid-season champion must have a higher level of understanding than them...

At this time, Lin Fan happily started to fight with Xiaozao and the others.

Many people entered the live broadcast room, and they all fainted.

Didn't you say that Brother Soltu is training hard now?Under what circumstances did the geese and ducks start killing again?
Is it possible that your discussion on Weibo is a lie?
At this time, the barrage in the live broadcast room was rolling wildly.

Originally, I wanted to let Lin Fan take a good rest for a while so that he would not feel so much pressure.

After reading Weibo, I found the live broadcast room.

Unexpectedly, the live game was different from what everyone thought.

"Damn, who told you the fake news? Brother Suitu is obviously killing the happy goose, and there is pressure from a hammer."

"Everyone was deceived by his feint."

"But it's really in the top fifty of the national server..."

"But in this state, what should we do tomorrow's game? We won't kneel again in the opening game, right? The Top Fight team hasn't won their first victory in six seasons."

"It's not why you people are in such a hurry? You forgot about being slapped in the face before? And before you all shouted to tell Brother Shutu not to fight the League of Legends, and now you are starting to kill Goose Crows, why are you shouting again?"

6 month 10 number.

Shanghai Hongqiao Tiandi Performing Arts Center.

Although it was a game at five o'clock, people started to go to the stadium before one o'clock, and a large crowd gathered at the gate at 01:30.

In fact, their idea is quite simple. If they happen to meet the bus of Team Top Fight, they can ask the players to take a group photo.

In the past, the Top Fight team would agree and select a few lucky fans to interact with the players and take pictures.

In this case, they want to be the lucky ones, the sooner they come, the fewer people will be selected, and the higher the possibility of being selected, if it can be them, why can't it be me?

Everyone's ideas are relatively simple.

In fact, this is indeed the time for Team Top Fight to go to the competition.

The game at five o'clock, that is, after lunch, take the bus to the stadium, and arrive at almost forty one o'clock.

At this time, fanatical fans surrounded the bus.

Everyone got out of the car without being surprised, and began to greet the fans in this circle.

Many players find it very interesting at first, but they will find it a bit annoying after a lot of times...

Guo Hao is very experienced in this, and he started to evacuate the crowd with a smile, and then let the players walk to the player channel to enter the venue.

Immediately afterwards, they picked two people who looked more pleasing to the eye, and got the autographs and group photos of Lin Fan and Ah Shui.

Under the envious eyes of everyone, the two put their autographs into their bags as if they had found a treasure.


As the time got closer and closer to five o'clock, the audience kept checking tickets and entered the arena, and the number of people on the scene was also increasing, and there were heads wherever you looked.

The popularity in the same official live broadcast room has silently exceeded 2000 million.

This is a terrifying number. In the previous opening games, this kind of thing has never happened.

From this, we can see the terrifying popularity of the Top Fight team, and the traffic team is well-deserved.

But this is indeed what Taobo wants.

The popularity of being able to win the championship will naturally not be low. Of course, they are willing to give bonuses and rewards, especially after winning the mid-season championship, they have more ideas about the global finals.

Five o'clock!

The pictures in the live broadcast room and the big screen at the scene also changed.

The promotional video for the 2022 Summer Split is here!

In order to shoot this, everyone in Topbo spent a day cooperating.

There were 17 uprights at the beginning.

Obviously this represents 17 teams, and in the middle is the summer championship trophy.

Then Ah Shui appeared as the first C position, although it was only for a moment, the representative hero Kai'Sa appeared behind him.

Immediately afterwards, meiko led the edg crowd towards the city.

And in the middle of the city are the owners of the Jingdong team, and the v5 team is watching them from the tall buildings.

Then the 5 members of the rng team put their hands on their chests...

Teams appeared one after another, and finally 16 teams ran forward.

The camera is zoomed out, and the running direction is where Ah Shui is standing.

At this time, Xiaotian pulled the zoom, and Mark slowly approached Ah Shui's position.

"Where's Brother Suitu?"

This is the doubt of many people.

But the director did not disappoint everyone.

A cool picture appears!
Accompanied by the glare, Lin Fan appeared under the camera.

Heroes emerge one by one, Syndra, Vampire, Akali...

to the end.

At this moment, the audience in the live broadcast room talked a lot.

The barrage popped up one after another.

"Damn it, Brother Sutu is the final boss!"

"What the hell is Brother Suitu doing?"

"Arranging noodles, arranging noodles!"

"I originally thought that this row of noodles should be given to Ah Shui. After all, he still has a champion in the global finals, but I didn't expect to give it to Brother Suitu."

"The main reason is that the popularity is high and there are many topics. I think it's quite normal to arrange this."

With the end of the promotional screen, Yu Shuang stepped onto the stage, raised the microphone and announced loudly on the stage spewing white flames.

"The long offseason is over, and the 2022 LPL Summer Split has officially started! All major teams have also readjusted to welcome the latest season. Let us look forward to their performance in the follow-up games!"

The field controller pressed the fire button appropriately.

The white flame on the stage was so high that it almost touched the ceiling.

"The next team to play is Team Top Fight!" Yu Shuang took the microphone in his hand and began to announce.

"Top lane zoom, jungler Tian, ​​mid laner dine, adc jackeylove assist mark!"

The screams and shouts at the scene were mixed together, and it felt that the atmosphere at the scene had been pulled to a very high level.

"Top fight! Top fight! Top fight!"

"Brother Sutu! Brother Sutu! Brother Sutu!"

Hearing Yu Shuang's voice, under the guidance of zoom, everyone came to the scene and stood beside Aunt Yu Shuang.

"The next team to play is the EDG team!"

"Top laner Flandre, jungler jiejie, mid laner scout, ad viper, support meiko!"

The number of fans of edg is also quite large, shouting loudly in the arena, the volume is not even inferior to Taobao, and the feeling of evenness is revealed.

With the players on both sides settling down.

The director gave the camera to the commentary booth.

Baby Miller sat on the seat with a smile on his face, and there was a pupil beside him.

"Hi everyone, I'm a doll."

"Hi, my name is Miller."

"Hi everyone, I'm Hitomi."

"The players from both sides have already appeared on the stage. I believe that the two teams are old faces and old acquaintances to everyone."

"The changes in the summer version are still relatively large, especially the increase in tank speed and defensive tower damage. In this case, the risk of jumping towers in the early stage has become extremely high. We all know that the Top Fight team is the main early stage. This rhythm may be more Or less affected."

"That's right, just won the mid-season championship, Team Top Fight is about to start a new round of adaptation."

"Hahaha, but this is also a must for a professional player. Being able to adapt to the version is the real powerhouse, instead of waiting for the version to be updated and waiting for opportunities."

"So today I'm still looking forward to Dine's performance, to see what kind of heroes he will bring out to make our eyes shine? In fact, there are several heroes in this version who are like ducks to water, foxes, rock sparrows, cards, everyone says to fight The tempo cannot be changed in the early stage, but I think the tempo when reaching the sixth level is also very important.

Offensiveness has dropped, but it hasn't dropped too much. On the contrary, edg has not been able to adjust its state in the spring split. I don't know what the situation will be in the summer split. "Tony Xi said.

As soon as these are mentioned, Miller comes to mind.

"What you said is indeed that during the offseason, Brother Shotu conducted crazy extra training, and even directly rushed to the top [-] in the national server. It can be seen how much Brother Shotu attaches importance to the game. It’s not like everyone’s talking about investing in other games.”

"Aware of his shortcomings, he began to train immediately. It should be this mid-season championship that made him make a relatively big change... Knowing that he must continue to work hard to sprint for higher honors, the frequency and time of playing other games have been significantly reduced. .”

The baby couldn't help laughing when she heard this.

Miller looked over curiously, what are you laughing at?
"Miller, you definitely didn't watch the live broadcast of Brother Sutu yesterday. All day yesterday... Brother Sutu played goose and duck killing all night, and he didn't download it until 01:30 in the morning."

"Ah?" Miller was stunned. Is Brother Sutu pulling me back and forth?
And at this time, the director showed the camera to the red side's Top Fight team.

As soon as he came, he saw Lin Fan who was yawning, his eyes narrowed slightly, obviously not energetic.

Playing the game in this state, everyone is inexplicably worried. After all, the juniors are champion mid laners. There is no problem with their competitive state.

In this case, the version is not suitable, and in addition to playing other games before the game, whether this first victory can be won will be a question mark.

"g! One word only because!"

"It is recommended to blast uzi, Brother Crystal and the others. After a wave of rushing, you will not be able to find someone to play games with."

"This is really a good suggestion. If you scold me more harshly, these people will definitely not seek to kill Brother Suitu in the future."

"Don't worry, as soon as the game is lost, we'll go straight ahead!"

Seeing all this being said in the live broadcast room, some sunspots finally couldn't bear it anymore and jumped up one after another.

Brother Shutu is very popular, but if he converts these fans into GSL, he looks for people to scold and offend other big anchors and other players. I believe that Dine's reputation will become bad sooner or later.

(End of this chapter)

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