LOL: I'm really a professional league player

Chapter 192 The throne is confirmed!They are all the dishes of Brother Suitu!

Chapter 192 The throne is confirmed!They are all the dishes of Brother Suitu! (seeking subscription)
Not to mention, a lot of normal people looked at it as if they were watching a joke, but they didn't expect it to really work. Now that the game is not over, a bunch of people have popped up in the puppy's live broadcast room and Brother Crystal's live broadcast room. Those who claimed to be fans of Brother Soltu launched a frenzied attack.

The speaking style is still very uniform, that is to say, this group of people has no professional ethics, and they are killing Brother Tu to death. How could they lead them to play strangle and kill until one o'clock in the morning the day before the start of the game?This is obviously not a normal routine for Brother Sutu.

The little dog pretended not to see these barrages. If he responded, it would be easy to get into a rhythm, but he is also thinking now, it is best not to mess with Lin Fan the day before the game ...If you really lose a crucial game, you will be smashed.

When a professional player wants to spray, now he is just a small anchor, he really doesn't want to have so much rhythm.

Although Xiaogou thinks so, the fans in the live broadcast room don't think the same way as Xiaogou. Seeing his idol being bullied, how can he accept it?Jump out and start fighting back.

"If you have the ability, go tell your criticizing brother not to play other games, and go to the little anchor's live broadcast room to bring some rhythm?"

"Dine is already outrageous, but everyone hasn't fully understood it in the past six months. It will be revealed from the beginning of the summer split."

The puppy looked at the quarrel in the live broadcast room, and suddenly his head grew dizzy, so he could only turn his attention back to the official live broadcast room.

At this time, the big screen finally appeared as a bp interface.

Suddenly a lot easier.

"Okay, the first game of the opening match begins, Taobo will face the edg team!"

"Today's first game is on the red side. Let's take a look at how the tactical bp of both sides is and how they understand the game."

On the big screen, edg's first-hand hero directly removed the card.

"Cards...well, the heroes of the mid-season version of the card are already very high in priority, and Brother Shutu has used it many times, and his performance is very impressive. The support mid laner in this version feels pretty good. I don’t think it’s a problem to move it directly, because edg has done a lot of research.”

"If you are on the red side, I think it's better to deal with Lucian. Viper Lucian is still very powerful. He will definitely be cut in the next version, but he has to be banned first."

As soon as the little dog finished speaking, Taobo directly removed Lucian.

No matter how you say you are a professional player, your understanding of the game is still here.

Seeing that the barrage quarrels in the live broadcast room were much less, Xiaogou finally felt relieved, and commenting on the game was still useful, and shouting was useless.

"Edg directly removes Syndra in the second hand, um, actually it's okay, Syndra is a hero who is very good at suppressing those developmental heroes, if edg is thinking here to help Scout win the Tsar's clockwork, Syndra will definitely It’s time to move, especially Syndra of Brother Satu.”

"However, if this is the case, Brother Sutu's noodles are still full, and he has to move with both hands when he arrives. Ah Shui is so comfortable on the next road."

After hearing Xiaogou's words, the barrage scrolled wildly in the live broadcast room.

"Hahaha, I heard this sour smell as soon as the puppy opened his mouth."

"It means something, it means something!"

"Xiaohu: Even in spring, I can't beat Brother Sutu. My personal strength is really exaggerated."

"Don't brag, look at the sleepy and blurred state of brother Sutu, today he will be blown up by the elementary school students, and his reputation will be ruined!"

Soon the transfer of both sides is over, edg's first-hand hero directly locks the blind monk, and the mid laner, first out, first out blind monk is likely to play the middle and wild rhythm linkage.

Top Fight took down Gnar and Viego on the first and second floors. In this version, the centaurs were slashed. It was very hurt to clear the jungle in the early stage. If the opponent directly played hunger strike, the rhythm of the centaurs would be easily interrupted. God take a Viego who plays well in the current version.

But this confrontation is definitely not as good as the blind monk.

"Taobo needs to give Brother Shitu a mid laner who is more aggressive and able to get the line right, otherwise the pressure in the wild will be great." Xiaogou analyzed.

When edg saw Gnar, he immediately locked Angel. The version change can also produce late-stage heroes. Angel belongs to the existence of sixteenth-level qualitative change.

However, everyone is still skeptical about giving Saint Gunner an angel.

Since winning the championship, Saint Gun's state has declined so obviously that people have to wonder if he can continue to play next season?It depends on whether today's game has been adjusted.

But edg dared to play like this when he was playing Taobao, he should have confidence, so he wouldn't know nothing.

The third hero, edg chose Fox, and the first three moves determined the system.

Relying on the push line of the fox, he cooperated with the blind monk to raise Lu Daddy.

However, Taobo was not frightened, and Galio went straight out of the middle!

The hero Galio is not afraid of mages, and the damage of basic skills is higher than that of foxes. With the passive, as long as you don't go crazy with skills, you can easily use blood to change lanes. Days of pressure in the jungle.


"Damn it, Brother Sutu, is he transformed into Teacher Big B?"

"Fucking chicken feathers, why don't you choose to kill the fox?"

"The jungler has already produced the Ruined King. The first level 6 is definitely impossible to do anything. In addition, the risk of jumping towers is high. It is clear that we have to fight after level 6. I think there is no problem with Galio."

The barrage in the live broadcast room went crazy.

EDG also didn't expect that they all had foxes in the middle of Taobo. In this case, shouldn't they use some ruthless online fights?Why is Galio out now?

But seeing the hero Galio, edg directly removed Delevingne and Zeli.

After all, Taobo's lineup must be a big C in the bottom lane, otherwise there will be no harm in the future.

But there are too many big-core ADCs.

In the second round of Taobao, Calista and Cat were banned, and Aphelios was backhanded.

edg was struggling, and finally chose Senagatam's lineup, putting all the pressure on the top laner Holy Gun.

The fifth hand of Taobao was to win Renata.

Although the Alchemy Baron is no longer the dominant force at that time, it is still very good to cooperate with Aphelios.

Seeing this combination EDG, everyone's faces are full of praise.

Senatam's laning is not strong at all, and the only advantage is that it has a relatively high fault tolerance.

After pressing Luciana Mei, Taobo backhanded out the combination of Aphelios and Renata, and the pressure on the bottom lane was directly full...

The bp was completely rotten, and Maokai's face under the camera turned dark, because he didn't expect that he could be completely exploded by the white crescent, and there was no advantage in bp.

When did White Crescent's BP become so fierce?
There are a bunch of macho guys coming out of your team members, and you have also evolved, right?After winning the mid-season championship, the entire tactical arrangement is different.

Just looking at the lineup, it feels half lost.

But the lineup has been determined, so we can only bite the bullet and play.

Blue side edg: top laner angel, jungle blind monk, mid laner Fox, bottom lane duo Senna and Tamm.

Red Fang Tao fights: top laner Gnar, jungler Viego, mid laner Galio, bottom lane duo Aphelios with Renata.

The coaches of the two sides shook hands, and Luo Sheng smiled all over his face.

When the players from both sides entered Summoner's Canyon, the fans on both sides began to roar and cheer for the supporting teams.

But it can be clearly felt that at this stage, Topbo's support is slightly stronger than that of EDG.

Lin Fan chose the Dolan Ring plus two reds for his outfit here. He didn't choose the mainstream Aftershock and Wolf Head as his talent, but Arcane Comet.

This talent really caught everyone's mind.

"However, in this version, when the blood volume and resistance are strengthened, there is no problem with the Arcane Comet. It can increase the ability of the line. The fox is not very good at pushing Galio. Now that it has more damage I feel more pressure." Miller said after thinking about it.

"Then let's look forward to the performance of the leader Galio in this round. Is it as analyzed, and the laning ability has been strengthened."

As for the live broadcast room, most of them are not optimistic about the comet Galio.

"It's swollen. Brother Sutu was swelled a lot before. He won the mid-season championship and doesn't even know who he is."

"It should be a wave. I know that the sky is high and the earth is thick. I don't know why I really want to lose the Taobo opener."

"Add one and add one. I thought Brother Sutu had changed, but I didn't expect that the day before the start of the game, he would show his true colors. He could play goose and duck until 1 o'clock in the morning."

When there was a lot of noise in the live broadcast room, the middle lane was already lined up for a while.

The fox really can't compete with Galio for the second place. The elementary school boy wanted to use his hand to be longer and hit twice more. Instead, he was blown away by the wind of war, and then triggered the arcane comet, deducting more than one block of blood The amount, this damage completely exceeds the standard.

The elementary school boy was so scared that he kept moving backwards, and when he came to his senses, he wanted to exchange his blood volume back, but Lin Fan never gave him this chance.

The elementary school boy looked at his blood volume, thought for a while and didn't take drugs.

The main reason is that it will be upgraded to level two after a while, and after drinking the medicine, it will only return to full capacity.

But at this moment, from the perspective of God, Foyego silently touched the middle.

The moment Galio rose to level two, he came out of the grass.

Lin Fan flashed decisively, a W taunted him, and Xiao Tian didn't save his skill flash W to stun him.

A war wind triggers the arcane comet to fully maximize the damage, and the passive colossus hits the fox's blood directly to 1/3, and Xiaotian raises his hand with a qa to lower the fox's blood.

The elementary school boy left the keyboard with both hands, he didn't want to hand in this flash, even if he did, he couldn't run away, he was already stuck by the red buff...

First blood.

At 2 minutes and 20 seconds, the first drop of blood broke out.

Lin Fan's Galio easily ate the head.

Xiaotian also got an extra assist here, and Taobo is directly ahead of edg by 600 yuan.

Scout looked at his own black and white screen with chagrin.

If it was a combination of Galio and the prince, he would be very careful, but Foye really didn't expect to catch it in the second level.

If you move forward aggressively, you will give the opponent a chance.

The fox's line push was already unable to push Galio, but this time it was even more troublesome.

On the opposite side, most of the key information has been removed, but Galio's second-level hands-on ability is still retained!
This hand of comet makes up for the extra damage, avoiding insufficient damage to kill people.

"Is the arcane comet used here?"

"Then it looks good when you look at it this way..."

"But what about the frankness in the mid-to-late stage? When Galio enters the field in a team fight, he will be immediately killed."

But the rhythm on Taobo's side hasn't stopped yet, the pawns in the middle line pushed forward, and Galio and Fiego rushed directly to the upper half of the blue side.

The possibility of jumping over the tower without flashing is very low, but Holy Gun still chose to run away.

Jiejie glanced at the blue buff, and left without thinking too much.

Galio is here, and after his mid laner is revived, he has to deal with the pawn line. This mana must be gone.

Sure enough, Tobo didn't choose to attack the Angel on the road, but went into the wild to fight against the blue.

Under everyone's shocked eyes, Galio emptied the blood volume of the blue buff with a fist of justice.

Back in the middle, Scout looked at the blue buff on the bottom of Galio's feet and was confused.

Xiba, the brother opposite.

Galio has a blue buff, and he will go to jail in the middle.

As soon as Galio passed by, he would just throw away his skills, and it didn't mean to save mana at all.

Frantically put pressure on Scout's line, and then leaned towards the wild area.

The damage of the defense tower has increased, it is difficult to catch in the early stage, but the blind monk in the wild is not protected by the defense tower.

If you don't have a line right in your family, you have to accept this kind of bullying!
Jiejie was so dizzy that he couldn't eat any of the two river crabs.

Both the toad and the blue buff in the upper half were reversed.

The growth rhythm of this wave of blind monks has exploded, Jiejie can only look at the empty wild area, not knowing what to do next.

As for the second crab, under Xiaotian's strong suggestion, Lin Fan half-pushed and ate it with a Q skill.


Watching this scene, the audience at the scene all took a breath of air, making an insignificant contribution to global warming.

"Dine is now on the throne!"

"I've never seen anyone eat crabs so early, especially Galio. It's a bit outrageous."

Everyone agreed with Miller's words.

What kind of calamity are you talking about in the middle lane?

But Galio can at most eat a blue buff, right?
Eat all the river crabs, crazy!It can only be said to be insane!

With the experience of killing heroes and the experience of blue buff river crabs, this place is one level ahead of the elementary school students.

Originally, I could reach level six by staying on the middle route for five and a half minutes, but now I can go up to level six after eating four and a half minutes of that wave of soldiers...

Pushing the line of troops under the defensive tower, Lin Fan chose to return to the city in 5 minutes
The tense nerves of the elementary school boy finally relaxed a lot.

But they still keep signaling on the map, mainly because Galio has reached level six.

And there is a lot of money on him, first blood plus time jump money and 50 dollars of supplementary knife... The economy has already exploded, 1771 yuan!
With such a large amount of money, it is natural to go on a shopping spree.

First came the killing ring, followed by buying Xiao Riyan for [-], and then a pair of straw sandals.

This outfit obviously confuses everyone.

"It's not Yongshuang, could it be that he ran to the turbo alchemy pot?"

"It makes up for the problem of movement speed, and increases Galio's frankness. In the laning phase, relying on the arcane comet and basic damage, you can fight very powerfully. This equipment is perfect!" Miller's eyes lit up.

(End of this chapter)

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