LOL: I'm really a professional league player

Chapter 193 Defeating edg lightly, ending the unbeaten first game of the 6th season!

Chapter 193 Defeating edg lightly, ending the six-season first match invincible! (seeking subscription)
When the Turbo Alchemy Pot is made, it will take about ten minutes. At that time, there is no need to consider the problem of defensive towers, and it also makes up for the problem of slow walking. There is a reason to choose here.

It's really normal for Nakano to get such a big advantage!

Returning to the middle route, Galio relied on the small sun flame and the passive effect to clean up the pawn line very quickly. Even with the Q skill of the cannon pawn to find an angle, the front row of pawns has been cleaned up with a fist The soldiers in the back row were also scraped to pieces, and then they were all scalded to death by the effect of the small sun flame.

The speed of clearing soldiers... the eyes of the elementary school students are about to pop out.

Xiba, why are you always waiting to be pushed when you play Galio?
How come the effect is so outrageous in the hands of Dine?

Silently retreated to the rear.

He is really a fox and can't even get the slightest line right.

Faced with a steady stream of minions entering the tower, the pressure on mana is increasing.

no solution anymore.

From time to time, I have to be scratched by Galio's Q skill.

There is no blue and no blood, which is uncomfortable. In addition, I have not returned to the city before, and the elementary school boy plans to go home to update his equipment.

As for the plating?Then it can only be eaten by Galio.

Xiba, you are so fat, and you still think about eating this and that all day long.

Looking at Galio's updated equipment, Xiao Riyan, Killing Ring, and Straw Sandals, they all cost more than 600 yuan.

And he was only [-] when he came home at this time, and his development speed was already more than two minutes slower than that of his opponent. Even if he wanted to use the killing ring later, it would depend on whether the wave of soldiers could be eaten...

But Fiego, who appeared from behind, directly chilled his heart.

rnm, do you really not give me a way out?
Looking at his mana, and then at the pawn line, he handed over his big move and ran away without saying a word.


Seeing this scene, Baby Miller couldn't help shouting: "It's so miserable!"

Although there is a risk of jumping the tower in Taobao now, as the level rises and Galio pretends to be fleshy, and the fox's blood volume is not healthy, there is a real risk of being forcibly killed.

But this time, although he was not killed, it was no different from being killed. The two waves of soldiers under the defensive tower could not eat.

This inevitably made the baby Miller yell out a miserable sentence.

Although Lin Fan didn't eat the head, he only ate a layer of tapioca. At the same time, Xiaotian was rushing down the road.

edg actually noticed something was wrong here.

After all, the middle road forced the fox away, and there is no rhythm to justify it.

The bottom duo hurriedly retreated to the defense tower.

But this wave of Taobao has already made sufficient preparations. First of all, the teleportation cooldown of the elementary school boy has not been fully recovered, and both sides of the road have already used it.

Even if the jungler is in this wave of four and three, with Galio's big move landing, there is really no pressure. In addition, the summoner skills of the edg bot lane duo are all played, so there is no other interference point.

Jiejie is indeed not in the bottom lane, the main top laner is Angel, he must invest a lot of resources in the top lane.

This game is based on the top lane to win. If the top lane is targeted more than a few times, it will be game over.

So edg put his treasure on the Taobao Club to catch people on the road, so that with the help of Angel's ultimate move and the damage of the defensive tower, there may be a chance to break the rhythm of Galio's ultimate move.

But unexpectedly, Taobo rushed down the road.

It's not to kill your core, but to fatten Ah Shui.

When Foyego entered the tower, there was a shadow of Galio's ultimate move around him.

With Renata around, the jumper can be said to be very calm, with almost no pressure.

As Galio landed on the ground and the control was full, the little crispy Senna fell down directly.

Immediately afterwards, Fiego was pulled back by timely rescue, Xiaotian didn't even hand in the flash, and as for the rest of Tam, he was just procrastinating, wanting to change?No doubt daydreaming.

Double kill.

Ah Shui scored a double kill.

The bottom lane completely opened up the situation.

Zoom saw the blind monk appearing on the road, and jumped backward without saying a word.

Under the pressure of the middle and lower lanes, edg could only forcibly go up to find the rhythm, but the blind monk who has not reached level 6 cooperates with the angel to cross a Gnar's tower is undoubtedly a dream.

In the end, he flashed himself out to play, and also forced Brother Holy Gun's big move.

At this time, the fans of edg are already panicking, the current rhythm is not right!
But now, it is difficult for the Foxes to develop a rhythm without a big move, and the most important thing is that they have no line power.

"The elementary school boy is really being tricked by Brother Suitu. He was beaten to death by this Galio. The white crescent has changed, and it has become a little strange."

"I really agree with this. I don't know when his bp has been doing very well."

"There is no suspense to make these changes all because of Brother Sutu..."

"I can't play the Asian Games... Let White Crescent become the head coach, right? Damn, it's too dreamy."

While everyone was discussing, the Taobo Yesuke linkage came!

Taking advantage of the period when the fox has no big moves, forcefully catch it!

The plot was exactly the same, Lin Fan flashed to taunt him, followed by successive controls.

The elementary school boy stared blankly at his computer screen.

I was taken aback.

10 minutes 47 seconds.

Zoom knocked the angel against the wall with a slap.

Seeing this scene, Lin Fan yelled "Crow to take the plane", clicked the big move, and sent the angel to fly!
Follow-up control and full damage, Holy Gun brother just didn't even use his ultimate move, he was killed!

A wave of waves has risen again.

Taobo's bottom lane duo has the right to line up. After pushing the line of soldiers, he didn't choose to return to the city. Instead, he walked to the middle lane. He hit the fox with a general attack, and a falling star fixed the fox.

Even if there were three big moves, Lienata pulled her back and couldn't move.

Xiaotian followed up with a big move, and the damage from the three people killed him directly.

Scout's expression is very exciting now, it's fine for you to come up as a jungler support, but why is your adc running up?

Xiba, I almost didn't see Gnar in the mid lane!

Get Gnar over if you can!
For this not too much request, Topbo also satisfied him in 13 minutes.

Although this wave of elementary school boys was not killed, their mentality exploded.

This game is against Galio Fiego Aphelios Renata Nar, with such a long name, it is clear that he is invincible.

As a fox, his laning strength is already low, so it's normal if he can't beat him.

15 minutes 31 seconds.

In front of Galio who opened the turbo alchemy pot, the angel was left abruptly.

Brother Holy Gun has a helpless expression on his face, you Galio runs so fast, isn't that why you don't give him any way to survive?
There was pressure from Galio all the time throughout the entire map, and everyone in EDG was beaten so hard that they could only pant.

Doesn't it mean that the roaming rhythm of this version of Taobao is not good?Who said that?Come out and I won't kill you.

As the time came to 20 minutes, the situation was already one-sided.

"Ah Shui Hongbai Dao walks forward, the damage is terrible! EDG is ready to fight back! But Galio, who entered the alchemy pot, taunted, it's gone, it's all gone!"

It can be seen on the big screen that Aphelios, which is full of flywheels, outputs crazily under the protection of Galio.

The edg people, who were poorly developed themselves, in this case, the blood bar was like paper, and was quickly emptied.

Double kill!

Three kills!

Four kills!

Could it be five kills?

But Galio knocked down with his fist, pocketed the head of the last angel, and snatched Ah Shui's quadruple kill.

It's not that he won't give it, but because the team fight was too chaotic, when he found out that Ah Shui was going to pentakill, it was too late to punch down.

"Fuck, Brother Fan!" Ah Shui was numb, and this wave gave him the feeling that he had returned to ig.

"I can't think of it, I didn't expect that you have killed so many people with such high damage... It just so happened that the angel was on my face."

"You can't hide from Haidilao today!"

"Yes, yes, you must have a Haidilao meal!" The other team members also echoed Ah Shui's words here.

"Okay, Haidilao definitely doesn't have to run away, but the premise is that we don't have to work overtime. If we work overtime, it will be too late to go back."

"Brothers, do you understand what Brother Fan means?"

"Understood, let's just send them a wave in the past. If you lose the first game and the second game, you won't have to work overtime."

"Can't control winning, can't we control losing?"

"Jackeylove's words are inappropriate." Suddenly, the voice of the lady referee behind came from the earphone.


"Hahahaha, this wave is estimated to be fined 2, right? Yu Wenbo? Haven't you been fined once before?"

"Cough, cough, can't it? I just played high, and I didn't mean to play a fake match. The official understands it, it should mean it. I think it's the same if I pay a fine of two thousand." Ah Shui bitterly a face.

"Tonight's hot pot trip, I must eat until I am full, and eat back!"

"Okay, you can order whatever you want. If the fine is [-], it will probably be enough for everyone to eat three or four times." Lin Fan directly sprinkled a handful of salt on the wound.

Take the bamboo shoots!
With the end of the team battle just now, the edg team had already lost the high ground, and then fell into garbage time, completely unable to fight against Taobo head-on.

Be safe first, take the big dragon to sort out the status, and advance in a wave.

Although edg was struggling to resist Athena who wanted to defend them, Taobo, who held a huge advantage, didn't give them this chance at all, and the formation was completely messed up under the impact of the turbo alchemy pot Galio.


The wave of annihilation in front of the front tooth tower completely brought the game to an end.

Team Top Fight easily knocked down edg's base.

At this time, the barrage in the live broadcast room was also scrolling crazily.

"Heizi stand up!"

"Didn't you say Brother Sutu can't do it? Isn't this Galio fierce?"

"This slap probably hurts a bit, right?"

"I already said to let the bullets fly for a while, why are you in such a hurry? You are being used as a tool by Xiao Heizi."

"It's only the first game and you guys are so inflated? Sure enough, the imbecile fans are also incompetent, let's inflate together. Let me see how you guys get slapped in the face by EDG!"

"The edg of s11 is about the same, what kind of rotten fish and shrimp is the current version of edg?"


"Yeah, we really shouldn't be like this."

The barrage in the live broadcast room was very chaotic, some jumped out to slap people in the face, some admitted their mistakes, and some people called Lin Fan's fans, don't be arrogant, the next game will definitely not work.

But now there is no rhythm, which makes them feel very uncomfortable.

Why did you play other games all day, and now you have no energy at all, and just blasted and killed the elementary school boy?
With everyone's curiosity and anticipation, the second game between Taobo and edg began.

In this round, the two sides switched sides, and Tao Bo came to the blue side.

The same script as the previous one appeared, and the blue side played the fox first.

Looking at the pupil's confused face, Xiba is disgusting, isn't he?

Then I'll give you a hand here... Tsar.

As for Galio, he didn't have such confidence.

It would be even more embarrassing if it was blown up.

Being taught forehand and backhand, faker has already experienced this feeling. Although he was a substitute before, he doesn't want to be in the same situation as faker.

Now that the Czar is chosen, the pressure on the line is relatively high in the early stage. The tactic of edg is to hold back in the middle and not give a chance.

But Taobo didn't want to use the middle lane in this game, because the substitute rhubarb was used.

So this round is caught frequently.

Bang Shanglu had a huge economic lead, but at 11 minutes, he sent a wave of big tempo, which almost made edg regain all the economic difference.

Fortunately, in the critical little dragon group, Lin Fan's fox entered the arena and successfully kissed the czar!
Instantly killed a C position, and in this case, stabilized the advantage and controlled the key second dragon.

Lin Fan also found out that he couldn't afford to go on the road.

No one will give up the head, and I still have to C.

If it weren't for the white crescent tactical arrangement, he would have gone directly to help the bottom road, how could he have helped the top road?

If Ah Shui had the economy of Rhubarb, the game would have ended long ago.

The good thing is that if you have an advantage, you can operate slowly, and the fox is still very capable of grasping the edge.

In the middle, he successfully caught a wave of viper's Calista, leading the rhythm of advancing on the high ground.

Although the Tsar had a few beautiful big moves in the follow-up, the impact on the situation was not that great, especially at the moment when Aphelios and the fox entered the field on both sides.

Red and white swords rush forward!That aura scared the five of edg to run back.

Watching this scene, the barrage in the live broadcast room was even more frantic.

"Huanfeng: Don't believe in rumors, don't spread rumors."

"Please point out the best ADC in LPL, and explain why it is Phantom Peak."

"Torbo's new top laner is not very good. The Duke is more stable. I suggest that White Crescent should not make trouble. Although it is good to try tactics, but the top laner who is not good enough still can't be on."

In the face of the fox's e-skill, which is almost perfect, edg is under tremendous pressure, and the economy is constantly being expanded.

At 29 minutes, the fox's e skill successfully hit Calista, and the five Taobao players all in directly.

Two to zero!Topsports has finally ended its six seasons of unbeaten first fight!

Many fans burst into tears seeing this scene...

(End of this chapter)

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