LOL: I'm really a professional league player

Chapter 201 The evolution of Taobao!Mid laner Lucian!

Chapter 201 The evolution of Taobao!Mid laner Lucian! (seeking subscription)

Guan Zeyuan and Rita are still responsible for the game commentary.

When the camera was shown in the studio, Guan Zeyuan quickly said: "The contestants on both sides are already in place, and the competition is about to start. This is also the most important part of the competition in the second week. It is indeed worthy of the golden time and the golden node. For today I believe everyone has been looking forward to this game for a long time!"

"Listening to the screaming at the scene gave me the feeling that I went back to five years ago. At that time, I just commented on the lpl game. Wow, I also became very nervous."

"Yes, the blue Fang Taobo will start with zoom as the top laner, Xiaotian as the jungler, dine as the mid laner, and jackeylove and mark as the bottom laner duo."

"Red Fang Jingdong, top laner 369, jungler Kanavi, mid laner knight, bottom lane duo hope and missing."

"Recently, the state of the left hand is very good. The previous two games played well. I also went to check the record yesterday. Since I transferred to Jingdong, I have maintained high-intensity training every day. The average number of ranks per day has exceeded 18 innings, this is a very exaggerated statistic."

"Well... for Dine, since the Global Finals of Genting Game, they have played five or six rounds every morning. If you calculate this way, there used to be one round a day on average, right? But Dine is not the kind of player who depends on the number of ranks. If you want to analyze Brother Sutu from this, you will be in the wrong direction.”

"At least judging from Brother Shutu's performance, he still maintains his peak level. I haven't seen the slightest sign of decline. He is really a talented player. He is still working hard. According to the news, he has already advanced to the knockout round." Zeyuan took a look at the director and kept shaking his head, so he didn't continue to discuss this topic in depth. How could Tencent see the host to promote the game of friends during the high-traffic competition.

Colonel Guan also knows about this issue, so he stopped talking about it and stopped talking about it.

Anyway, he had already said what he wanted to express, and most of the audience at the scene and in the live broadcast room knew about it.

"Yes, maybe this is the difference between a real genius and an "ordinary person"."

Is the left hand normal?He is not an ordinary person in the e-sports circle. He is definitely a small group of talented people. In fact, for everyone, these professional players are all geniuses, and those who can play professionally can be regarded as one in a million. exist.

"Every time I see Brother Shuitu operating on the field, I always have a strange contrast. Now Taobao is also leading the league, winning three consecutive victories."

"Jingdong lost one game, and now it still maintains a record of complete victories. It has won two consecutive victories. When I was on stage to comment, I saw the state of my left hand in the lounge. Today's performance is very active. I can't wait to see it like this. Brother fought against each other."

Guan Zeyuan laughed, he also understood what Rita said.

"After all, this is a contest between the former starting mid laner and the substitute mid laner. It's very interesting to think about it."

While talking, the barrage in the live broadcast room has begun to frantically brush up.

"Don't critics really think he can do it? What is the level of those mid laners who played before? Let's not talk about creme. What kind of toy is yeg? If you fight against a weak team, you need to punch hard, right?"

"However, judging by the expression, the fetal hand is indeed a little swollen, and I haven't experienced the beating of brother Sutu."

"Come on, I also watched the solol match between Brother Sutu and the left hand. The left-hand demon girl can be solo killed by a card. I have never seen or heard of it. He is the first among professional players, okay?"

At this time, the interface switched to the bp interface.

"Okay, the BP of the first round of the two sides has officially started, let's see how the lineup choices of both sides are..."

On the Jingdong player bench, he stared at his screen with his left hand. Even though the game hadn’t started yet, he was already highly concentrated. He felt that today’s state was the best since he played the game, but he didn’t participate in the team’s communication. Look serious.

As for the Taobao players, the corners of their mouths were raised wildly, and they kept talking. Judging by their state and appearance, they didn't have any psychological burden for today's game. They were all very happy and didn't feel too much pressure.

"Jingdong likes to fight very much."

"Then fight with them, no matter if they are fighting or not!" Ah Shui yelled.

"Stupid Yu Wenbo."

"Referee, does he want to fine me for scolding me?" Ah Shui quickly turned her head and complained to the referee lady behind, and then pointed at Lin Fan, not to mention listening happily.

"Dine, please pay attention."

"Hahahaha..." Hearing what the referee said, Ah Shui was like a successful primary school student.

"You were fined [-] yuan before."

Ah Shui couldn't laugh anymore after hearing this.

Lin Fan was only warned by the referee here, but he actually paid the fine.

"Come on, don't be kidding. Jingdong gives me the feeling that it is a bit strong. We still have to pay attention. Fighting belongs to fighting. Skills must be paid attention to. If you don't have skills, it's best not to fight. You don't want to lose to Jingdong, right?" Luo Sheng picked up his hands notebook and start arranging tactics.

In the first three moves, Taobo removed Senna first. After this period of time, the Tam Senna combination has become very popular. Now the version is called t0 bottom lane. If you get it and you can’t beat your opponent, it’s purely dishes, moved Syndra.

Taobo removed Silas with the second hand, and he was a little upset when he saw Silas gone with his left hand. After all, this hero is simple and rough in his hands. If he gets the advantage, he will kill randomly. Use this hero to perform and win. The competition is very easy and simple. It seems that during this period of time, Taobao has been thinking about how to deal with him.

Knowing that you are strong, are you starting to regret it?’s second move is to move Fox.

"There's nothing wrong with the fox. Brother Sutu's fox has long been famous. If you don't want to remove this hero in Taobao, the pressure on the upper and lower lanes is too great. After all, it's not easy to fight. This is dine. Every season has a hero that must be moved, Syndra in the spring split, and Fox in the summer split."

"Torbo removed Viego in the third move. This hero has been an evergreen tree since the Spring Split. He is a strong jungler in the version."

With moving away Galio, it's not surprising that everyone has seen the mid laner playing Taobao's three bans.

Toss and snatch Lucian.

Jingdong thought about it for a while, and did not choose to grab Nami as an agent, but went directly to the bot lane duo Zeli Jiamao. Facing Luciana Mei, it is not a big problem to resist pressure, so I will fight in the middle and late stages I played well, hope still has this confidence, and won't be suppressed too much online.

"Zeri and the cat, although they will be a little weaker in the early stage, but in the later stage, Zeli with cats can be lawless! However, there is a high probability that Taobao will produce Nami, and the Luna combination is good in the early stage. The combat power in the middle and late stages is also very strong." As soon as Rita finished speaking, Tobo locked Thresh and Gwen on the second and third floors.

"Thresh? If it wasn't Nami...Thresh is actually okay, the bottom hook is just for Zeri."

"But I didn't think of this choice, it was a bit too unexpected for me."

The barrage in the live broadcast room kept scrolling.

"What do you mean? Has the white crescent started? I thought he was doing pretty well in bp before, why did he start making trouble after two or three rounds?"

"Luciana doesn't want to take any beauty? Thresh is a fart! Isn't this well blown up? There is almost no pressure in the bottom lane."

"Fart, Zeli can only bring purification here. If there is no purification, Thresh will be caught by a hook. With Lucian's damage, it can be done in seconds. It is much tougher than Nami, so you don't have to spend time on development."

"Thresh can be, it doesn't feel so interesting."

Redmi on Jingdong is also confused.

What the hell is White Crescent doing? He's playing a very novel bp.

But this still won't affect his train of thought, let's help 369 get the crocodile first.

Since it's Thresh coming out from the opposite side, sister Fist definitely can't give it. If Zeli is locked, there will be nowhere to run.

As for the three mid laners who have been removed from the middle lane, the follow-up pressure is not that great.

His left hand is still very good for him, and he feels that his laning strength is much stronger than toothpaste.

For this kind of player with strong laning ability, Hongmi still appreciates it very much. Coupled with Kan Pian's early suppression, his midfielder is definitely the strongest in the league.

To fight the team, in his opinion, it is all about the strength of the middle lane.

In this version, the strength of the mid lane has dropped so much. In the previous few games, Taobo's mid lane has always chosen a roaming mid laner, which shows that they have recognized the problem.

The current general environment in the middle lane is like this. The version cannot gain strength, and no matter how strong it is, it is useless.

The red side is still holding the counter position. If the opponent is going to fight for the line, the backhand will take Victor with the left hand and drag it to the later stage. After all, Syndra is gone. No matter how strong they fight, they will not be able to threaten the left hand. defeated.

Redmi is very satisfied with the current candidate.

"Will we play too hard like this?"

"Actually, it's okay. The bottom lane has a huge advantage, and there may be line kills in the second and third levels."

"Sure, I won't smash his head with this hand?" Ah Shui looked extremely confident when he heard Lin Fan's words.

After Jingdong's fourth-hand hero took down the blind monk, Taobo directly locked in Calista and Zhumei.

After Calista won, both the commentary in the commentary booth and the audience were stunned for a long time, and they didn't react for a while.

What is this lineup?Why didn't you understand it all of a sudden?
"Is Kalista a mid laner? Brother Sutu used it before, but Kalista was used by Czar Conte, but Jingdong's fifth-hand hero is reserved for the left-hander, so he directly chooses it before the middle lane is out. Calista? I don't think so."

"Or Lucian mid laner?" Rita said.

"Because Lucian is the mid laner, so I didn't choose Nami? Is it because Thresh was replenished, and the Shadow Island combination was formed in the bottom lane? It was all planned before, and the choice of Lucian was deliberately cheating and letting them grab Nami, but Jingdong did not take it, but chose Zeli and Mao, and in this case, Calista is also very suitable to play."

Guan Zeyuan thought for a while, and said to everyone very seriously.

Upon hearing this, everyone felt that it was very reasonable.

Everyone knows that Calista Conteseri is even more aggressive after being strengthened. If she catches an opportunity in the early stage, she can't even run. Generally speaking, has been tricked.

Hongmi realized this right away, but he smiled instead.

Dual adc...

Don't you let your left hand play?

"If you hit Lucian in the middle, there is no pressure to take an assassin, right? Enchantress, Akali..."

At first, the left hand wanted to choose the Enchantress, but suddenly thought of a post from yesterday.

Some people say that Lin Fan's Akali is an absolute unique skill, and he practiced Akali when he participated in the eternal calamity and used Canaan. In this situation, he didn't even think about it, so he said: "Akali, take Akali, I will There is smoke bomb on the line and he can do nothing against me, as the level increases and touches him, he will die!"


After listening to the conversation between the coach and the mid laner on the fifth floor, Missing found Akali and locked her directly.

"Akali! This hand is locked, and the deterrence against Taobo's back row is full. Once he develops, Taobao is a bit difficult to deal with. Except for Gwen, who is easy to defend, other heroes feel like targets."

"Playing later, I feel that the pressure on Taobao's lineup will be greater, but it still depends on the performance of the players and how the two sides are in this game."

As the two sides exchanged heroes, Lucian did switch to the middle.

The lineups of both sides are officially determined.

Blue Fang Tao fights: top laner Gwen, fight against Wild Boar Girl, mid laner Lucian, bottom duo Kalista with Thresh.

Red Fang Jingdong: Crocodile in the top lane, blind monk in the jungle, Akali in the mid lane, Zeli and the cat in the bottom lane duo.

As the coaches of both sides came to the center of the stage to shake hands, the game officially began.

Guan Zeyuan was very excited in the picture reading interface: "This is Lu Xian, the leader of the Tutu. There is a saying that no one has played the mid laner Lu Xi'an for a long time, and after the version change, he took out the mid laner Lu Xi'an again. , there is definitely a different understanding in this situation, so let us look forward to the performance of Soltu in this game."

Rita on the side kept nodding.

"Syndra, Fox, these traditional mid lane mages are all Dine's unique heroes, and sometimes the rate of the earth will come out with one or two unpopular heroes, such as the mid laner Crocodile and the mid laner Kalista. The effect is very good, and in those two situations, Conte was selected by the second player, and today's Lucian was selected first, I believe it will not let us down."

The audience at the scene also talked a lot.

But can Lucian really be comfortable facing Akali?
I'm afraid it's not so easy to inject, right?

Shouldn't it be really upset?The traditional mid laner must be Akali who kills the left hand, but Lucian is really hard to say.

Among the concerns of many fans, the two sides have entered Summoner's Canyon.

Under the official encouragement, fans on both sides began to cheer for the teams they supported.

"Come on, Taobo!"

"Tao Bo~Come on!"

"jdg! Come on!"

But it can be clearly felt that there is still a gap between the cheers of the two sides.

(End of this chapter)

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