LOL: I'm really a professional league player

Chapter 202 The Pain of the Avengers!

Chapter 202 The Pain of the Avengers! (seeking subscription)
The positions of the two sides at the first level were still very cautious, facing each other across the center line, and did not act rashly.

The junglers of both sides opened the field with the help of the bottom duo.

Lin Fan's starting outfit is to choose the very aggressive long sword three reds. Lucian's blood exchange ability in the early stage is already strong, and although Akali's w skill energy has increased by 1 points, it is a big enhancement, but the early stage is weak. Weak, the first piece of equipment is not chosen to be a shy knife, which is very embarrassing to the left hand.

As for the mid laner Lucian, playing Akali must be the first to attack money. You have to quickly roll up the equipment advantage in the middle and early stages, and it is really troublesome to drag it later to face Akali.

In the late stage, even the ultimate move is not needed, Akali eeaq can directly kill Lucian, and the damage as an assassin is so exaggerated.

So if Akali can see a single ADC, she will smile. Isn't this the meat delivered to the door?

Lin Fan's early thinking was very clear, suppress!

Crazy suppression!
Step forward and attack forcibly steal damage.

Akali, who looked at her with her left hand, could only retreat silently. She was beaten by Ping AQA, and her blood volume was directly dropped by more than half of the grid, and she was also stolen by the first attack. She felt extremely uncomfortable.

There was no way to fight against Lucian in the early stage, especially the opponent's Summoner's skill was ignited. After a while, the blood volume was changed too much, and the second level might even be solo killed by the opponent. This was not the situation he wanted to see.

"Endure him for 6 minutes! At level six, you can fight back and kill him alone!"

Watching the film brother glanced at the middle lane, Lucian pressed ahead and had a chance to catch a wave.

So after brushing off the red buff, I started to lean towards the middle, even if I can't catch a skill, it can make the left hand live more comfortably in the middle.

Brother Kanpian saw that Lucian had just pushed the line of soldiers under the defensive tower, and then sent a signal on the map.

The left hand understands. It seems that it was useful to talk to Brother Kanpian yesterday. With the help of the jungler, isn't this an easy way to gain an advantage?

After reaching the sixth level, you will be able to crazily jump over the tower and kill!

This guy Lin Fan is actually eating the version bonus, plus Xiaotian is willing to treat him like a dog, the real level is like that.

So even the artillery soldiers didn't intend to make up, and drove out of the defense tower in the Xia formation.

At this time, Lucian did not retreat but advanced. At the moment Akali showed his head, AQ forcibly hit, pulled out and then moved forward with a w skill AEA to pull into the body.

It can be said that Lucian's burst damage in the early stage is completely full.

Looking at his plummeting blood volume, his left hand was not too nervous, because the blind monk was right behind him, and Lucian surrendered his e skill, this wave was actually a dead man.

But something happened that Jingdong Nakano did not expect. Lucian was not nervous when he saw the blind monk. Instead, he continued to output Akali crazily, and directly forced Akali back into the Xia formation.

As for a pig girl popping up below.

It was right between the blind monk and Lucian.

"Xiba, why is sister Zhu in the lower half?"

In this situation, there is no doubt that Lucian can't be killed. He even has the risk of being killed when he goes up alone. As for Akali, he can only lose blood, and only 1/3 of his HP is left after eating a set of skills.

Brother Kanpian had no choice but to give up, and started to run towards the defense tower with his left hand, but was clicked by Lucian on the way, which put him under a lot of pressure. It looks like this wave of soldiers will go back to the city after eating...

On the commentary seat, Guan Zeyuan shouted loudly: "Xiaotian's anti-squatting is in place, when he comes out, the two sides should pull apart and pretend nothing happened.

I have to say that Xiaotian's wild brushing route is really weird. He didn't choose to play the blue buff, but squatted in the middle for a while, and really protected Brother Sutu, and his left hand was forced to set , a little hurt, but fortunately there is a teleportation, which has little impact on the overall situation. "


"Pig girl Q Flash!"


Before his left hand could straighten out his thoughts, Miss Zhu bumped him in the face with a pig's head.

q flash!
He was under the defense tower, and there was a blind monk beside him. He never thought that Tao Bo Nakano would be so crazy!Lucian flashes to catch up with qa and ignites the set!

After Zhumei's w skill made up for the damage, she walked outside the defense tower without looking back.

Brother Kan Pian also didn't expect Tao Bo to fight so hard and fight so hard.

It was actually too late to turn around and try to save Akali, because Lucian was just outside the defensive tower, and the ignition was constantly burning. Even if he turned back and entered the range of the blind monk's golden bell, he would still be shot to death by Lucian.

What's more, the left hand was tense and handed over the flash, and the position was stretched to an unknown distance.

First blood!

first drop of blood!

Since the cannon troopers in front had died a long time ago, even if Akali was resurrected and teleported up this wave of soldiers, he still couldn't get it. Kanavi could only reluctantly eat this wave of lines.

"Nice, not bad, Xiaotian."

"Hahaha, I didn't expect them to really not react."

"Wait a while and do your eyes around here. I didn't flash. They should try to find a chance to catch me during this time."

"it is good."

Xiaotian nodded in response.

His wild route in this round is actually very strange. He didn't choose to farm the red buff in the upper half of the area. Instead, he went to farm the stone monster after the red buff, and then went back to farm F6. The time was just right to squat in the middle.

Because the bot lane duo will play very aggressively in the early stage, so Xiaotian decided to observe in the lower half first and then take a look. The blue buff in the upper half was not played at all.

After taking the pig girl, he is still very clear about his position, a top tool man, protecting the development of Calista and Lucian.

As for the top road, Gwen is not afraid of the blind monk at all, it only needs the Duke to develop against 369 on the top road.

In the mid-term, when it is fully exerted, the double AD quickly pushes the tower to suppress the development space of Jingdong.

Hold the thigh firmly in the middle, and you can win!

After winning the mid-season championship, Xiaotian now has other ideas.

He won another global finals championship, but he is the only jungler with two championships in China.

As the director replayed the scene of the violent killing just now, the screams in the country continued to erupt one after another.

Rita gave Guan Zeyuan a thumbs up with a smile on her face.

You still know how to breastfeed.

Guan Zeyuan's face twitched immediately after seeing it.

Don't talk nonsense, really don't do it.

In that situation, who would have imagined that Nakano would do something like this?Highlight three words, off the scale!I don't know why I can't think of a five-character adjective?
"This wave of torrents played very decisively in the middle and wild. They handed in two flashes and ignites in a row. It was very hard work. This wave was really hard work."

"If Akali doesn't die in the laning, she will still perform very well in the future, but now that she has handed in the flash and is killed, the impact will be greater, and the next laning will be a bit uncomfortable."


Looking at his black and white screen with his left hand, it was a kind of torture for him to see the minions under the tower being eaten up one by one by the jungler.

"Sister Zhu really insisted on playing around the middle lane, and she didn't even use his blue buff." Brother Kanpian said.


Hearing what Brother Watcher said, the left hand felt even more uncomfortable.

Little day of the dog day!
When I formed a mid-field combination with him, why didn't I see you squatting in the mid-lane every day?

My status at the time was the No. [-] domestic mid laner!God!I feel more and more disgusted.

"Let's take a look after reaching the sixth level. If he doesn't flash to the sixth level, I will flash and kick him."


In the communication between the left hand and Brother Watching Film, Lin Fan finished his equipment and started to walk towards the blue buff. Since he chose a long sword as his starting outfit, and because the first attack cost more money, this wave was directly made with a pickaxe and a long sword , the attack power directly increased by 45 points.

Taking the opportunity to play a set is half-blood for Akali.

Then with Xiaotian's help, the blue buff was removed.

As for the bot lane, there has actually been a wave of fights in the front. Tobo's bot lane duo has an advantage. Seeing the blind monk appearing in the middle lane, mark took the initiative to attack and flashed up forcibly to use skills, which successfully forced the double call of hope. , so the Jingdong Xialu duo is under a lot of pressure now.

In fact, I also wanted Brother Kan Pian to come to the bottom lane to relieve it, but the situation in the middle lane was even more pessimistic, so I gave up this idea and hid under the defensive tower, waiting for the follow-up opportunity.

But now that the middle and lower lines are under pressure, is not too optimistic about this round.

When Lucian with the blue buff came back online, the already black face on his left hand directly evolved into a black man.

Even if the equipment is so exaggerated, Nima's online also has a blue buff?

Is it too much?

Looking at the murder ring he made up, his breathing became a little short.

Can't be obscene.

So squat directly in front of the defense tower, double row with the defense tower, and when you get to level six, it's time for a comeback!
The current game situation is so similar to myself, stay on the wretched, 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi, stick to level six...

The left hand kept encouraging himself in his heart, men only believe that they can be strong enough.

But seeing the remaining blood, the artillery soldiers couldn't help it, and stepped forward, ready to qa take them away.

However, Lin Fan was already prepared here. Facing the direction Akali was coming from, he threw out the W skill to mark it, and then he slid forward very quickly, and sent out a passive general attack.

Especially the effect of the first attack will cause 9% extra damage, and 15 gold coins will be converted. You will know how terrifying this set is, and it will lose nearly 170 points of Akali's blood!Although a passive W skill was wasted, this set is still worth playing.
And the fourth-level Akali and Dolan Shield's blood volume just broke through a thousand, and just these two hits knocked out 1/5 of the blood volume.

The good news is that you ate the cannon cart and now you just have to go back.

He hurriedly ran towards the back, but how could Lin Fan make him happy?
Rely on the movement speed of the hit and continue to press forward.

Under the pressure, he didn't dare to move his left hand all of a sudden, and was stuck in the haze.

Lin Fan was not in a hurry, Akali's glow array only lasted 5 seconds, he didn't choose to pull back at this time, and walked back after it disappeared, not only his e skills and w skills were only ten seconds away from cooldown , when the q skill appears, trigger the passive and then reduce the cooldown of the e skill, maybe it can kill Akali who has no flash.

The left hand also knew this, after all, he couldn't help handing over the e skill towards the rear to pull away.

But Lin Fan's speed is extremely fast, and he raised his hand to penetrate the body with the holy light to lock on. The base damage of the third-level Q skill is 165 points, not to mention it also comes with 90% AD. Lucian's current attack power has reached 117 points. In this situation The next q skill kills Akali's 214 points of blood!Not to mention the subsequent passive damage.

In an instant, Akali's HP dropped below half HP.

On the Jingdong player bench, the face of the left hand suddenly changed.

What the hell, I just eat a cannon...

But now I have no skills at all, so I can only forcefully raise my Q skill to slow down a wave. When out of the attack range, Lucian's we two skills have been cooled down.

Raise your e skill to chase forward, a real ruthless pursuit.

Biubiu hit twice again!

"It's over, the left hand is going to die again!"

"I went up to eat a cannon cart with my left hand and was chased and beaten all the way by Brother Satu. Can I run? The cold pursuit has been cooled down! Then I can't run now, but here the blind monk is rushing to the middle. Brother Satu has no skills, kanavi Can you seize this opportunity?" Guan Zeyuan shouted.

The big screen displayed the scene just now in real time.

Lucian relentlessly pursued and stepped forward, raising his hand with two shots, and W fired two more shots.

The damage was just right, the bullet shot out directly shot the left hand to death!
The blind monk near the middle road couldn't bear to see this scene.

Lucian didn't dodge, he didn't have e skills, and he had only one chance to kill him.

Watching the film brother gritted his teeth and flashed across the wall, W touched the soldier and stuck it to Lucian's face and slapped the floor.

It is necessary to kill a wave, and only a successful kill can cut off Lucian's development. There is still an advantage in the lineup, and it is easy to fight in the later stage.

Slowing down and wanting to use the Q skill, Lin Fan calmly leaned towards the lower half. Akali's HP was almost full for the solo kill in front, and the blind monk had to use two sets of skills if he wanted to kill himself.

He made no threat to himself...

And Flash handed it over and still want to leave?

Glancing at the location of the pig girl, she didn't leave and raised her hand to start a blind monk.

Watching the film brother suddenly felt bad.

Could it be that the pig girl has arrived?

As soon as this idea came out, the pig girl on the side put her head on the blind monk's waist.

Make its follow-up damage impossible to hit at all.

Watching the movie, my heart tightened, it's over, it's over.

With the help of the pig girl, Lin Fan's output was even less pressured, he easily took the head of the blind monk, and completed the achievement of killing and killing in 5 minutes.


"Fuck, mid laner Lucian has something to say."

"How strange? Akali and the blind monk, this can make Lucian play so well?"

"It can only be said that Brother Sutu is too strong, and he can't bear the pressure at all. Kang Tewei was confident in taking Akali, but he was beaten like this."

"Xiaotian is too clear. He knows that Jingdong will definitely target brother Sutu, so he has been staying near the middle road and is absolutely a bodyguard."

Jingdong battle seats.

Watching the film stared at his screen, his expression was exactly the same as that of his left hand.

He was actually in a hurry this time, but it was indeed the best opportunity at that time. At that time, Lucian did not flash and had no e skills. In that case, as long as the pig girl is not around, he will definitely be able to kill.

But this pig girl really doesn't go anywhere and stays in the middle, and doesn't play wild anymore, right?
But the pig girl doesn't seem to need to clear the wild, so there is no problem in playing like this.

The process of the Avengers' revenge seems not to be so smooth...

(End of this chapter)

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