LOL: I'm really a professional league player

Chapter 220 Kuroko Says Chapter!

Chapter 220 Heizi Speaks! (seeking subscription)
Taobo lost the first game against lng!This is something that many people have never thought of!

LNG fans were pleasantly surprised one by one.

Sure enough, lng is a team full of miracles.

Shouldn't we really be celebrating with champagne today?

The barrage in the live broadcast room rolled crazily.

And the number of popularity began to soar, from the original 1000 million popularity to 500 million.

Because everyone felt that there was no suspense at the beginning, and in the state of fighting, it must be easy to win the game.

As a result, the start of the game was a big scare.

Brother Sutu had no major problems in the first game. The blood c did give the poisonous coin to the tulle, but the problem lies in the upper and lower lines, and in the later team battle, Ah Shui made a mistake in positioning and got Nami's Q skill, in this case, the team battle is naturally quite difficult when the Taobao is killed first.

"What's the situation? Isn't it easy to win? Why is it such a big problem all of a sudden?"

"Pick up q hot dance, pick up q hot dance, pick up q hot dance!"

"I like to pretend, don't everyone in Taobo like to pretend? Brother Sutu had a great time playing the past two days, and today's blessing has arrived, right?"

"Seeing that Taobao lost a round, you black people are so happy, and finally have the opportunity to type on the keyboard. Regardless of 21, let's spray it first, right?"

"It's meaningless to tell Heizi these things. I'll never wake up these people who are pretending to be asleep. In fact, I think it's okay. After all, I've been winning from the Spring Split to now. I'm a little panicked. Losing a small round first has little impact on the whole. It shouldn’t be a big problem to realize the shame and then bravely let the first chase the second.”

"Jin Xiaozi is happy. Raph lay down for a round, and won the game without any effect. No wonder he is so excited."

"It's still crushing with hard power, and the state of my teammates hasn't recovered yet. I don't worry too much about the performance of the first game of Brother Satu."

At the same time, more than 1 messages were posted on Topbo's official Weibo in an instant.

"The club has to hurry up and urge it, really don't let Brother Sutu not do his job properly."

"These three or four days have been making big news all day long. You won't lose today's game, right?"

"The winning streak has been so long, there is nothing new, and the tactics are still too simple, so it is easy to be targeted and see through!"

"Ah Shui, can you stop answering Q? I don't know how to practice this position, but for no reason, I bumped into other people's skills."


In everyone's anticipation, the second game began.

Compared with the first game, the lineups of both sides were almost the same.

The thinking on lng's side is very simple. Give up the middle lane completely. If you can't beat it, you can't beat it. It doesn't matter. As long as you can act as a tool to get Ah Le up on the road, you can copy the game of the previous round.

He even took another extremely aggressive spider for Tarzan.

It can be seen that this is the zoom of crazy military training on the road.

After all, the spider's ability to jump towers at level [-] is the most terrifying in the league.

Taobo also immediately changed tactics.

Lin Fan did not let Syndra, a hero with strong early oppressive force, choose the mid laner Yongen instead.

The reason why the last one was held back was because Ale's single belt caused a lot of trouble, and Syndra was not a single belt hero in the first place, and it was easy to give opportunities to take the line, so naturally there was no way to deal with it.

And in this round, he got Yongen, he had good combat power in the early stage, and the single belt in the later stage was also not bad, and the damage came much faster than Qinggangying.

Doinb took his Galio and hid under the defense tower. Anyway, he would never come up to eat soldiers who could not eat, and kept his blood volume as much as possible.

Tarzan didn't care about the situation in the middle lane at all, and controlled the spider to run directly to the upper half.

Not to mention other things, if you want to win, you have to rely on the road, and everything else is fake.

Online, Ale played extremely fiercely, easily draining a lot of zoom's HP.

tarzan began to put pressure on the top lane, easily forcing zoom flash and teleportation.

Just for a while, the rhythm is a bit wrong.

Ale only needs to control the pawn line from behind, and zoom doesn't dare to go up to make up the knife at all. As the only tank of the Top Fight team, if it can't develop well, it will not be able to withstand the pressure of team battles.

Xiaotian saw that Tarzan caught a wave in the top lane, and directly responded in the middle lane. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible for Yongen's ult to hit a professional player first, even for an elderly player like Doinb who reacts slowly...

With a flash, he fled back to the defense tower, avoiding the subsequent damage, and with extremely healthy blood, he could continue to develop and eat the line in the middle.

Because Yong En has no big moves!
As soon as the pawn line passed, Qinggangying and Zhizhu began to approach the middle.

If Topball wants to win this round, it is very dependent on Yongen in the middle.

It would be nice to have a chance to target and slow his development.

However, under everyone's horrified gazes, Lin Fan twisted his waist twice sexyly, avoiding Qing Gangying's E skill and the spider's cocoon successively.

In the follow-up, he forcibly relied on the blow of the q skill to knock Qinggang Ying into the air while making a small displacement forward.

Even if it was blocked by Qinggangying's big move later, the position is already close to the defense tower.

In this case, the three of lng could only give up the idea of ​​jumping the tower.

Doinb even cried out what a pity when he saw the flash of himself entering the cooldown.

If he has a flash in this wave, he really kills it, it can only be said that Xiaotian just caught the foreshadowing.

But after Yong En's shield bow was made, when Doinb chose to support the jump on the road, he was finally caught by Lin Fan!
The Q skill quickly swipes the passive, and the big move hits the air and starts to chop.

Hack it all the way from head to tail.

Take the first blood that belongs to Taobo first!

At this moment, the Topbo fans who had been suppressed for a long time began to shout loudly.

The taste is right, it feels so good now!
It's time to start hunting time, Brother Sutu.

When the rest of the team is not in good shape, Brother Soltu will make a move.

Now is the time to act.

I ran all the way just to watch this game, not just to watch Tao fight lose.

To win!

Not only to win but also to play beautifully.

And in the 9-minute Xiaolong Tuan, when Yong En, who was using the e skill, touched the back row of lng from some corner, the expressions of Doinb and Ale were horrified.

Because they jumped into the crowd now.

There is no turning back when the bow is opened, let's see if this wave can turn their back row upside down.

It's a pity that at this stage, two-on-four is to give away.

In the back row, Yongen relied on his e skill to speed up and avoid two key controls in a row.

The W skill has a thick shield, and he started to slash a street under pressure!

"Double Sword Hua Zhan!"

Zhu Fei kept up with the big move and directly hit Li Ning's bot lane duo.

The fans at the scene danced and danced.

"Heizi speak! Heizi speak!"

"Invincible, this is Brother Suitu! Who else? Who else dares to do this in this wave?"

Seeing that the situation was over, tarzan could only run for his life alone.

This time Bo Linfan directly harvested two heads.

And Ah Shui's Lucian also got a head.

Relying on Yong En to cut the back row, Top Fight played a very beautiful wave of zero for four.

Take this key hex dragon.

Interrupted the rhythm of lng's dragon control, and successfully took over the game, and began to speed up.

The main reason is that Yongen's growth exploded, and two heads were collected to make a two-piece suit. The single-belt Qinggang Shadow will definitely not be able to beat Yongen.

In this case, you can easily push three-one points.

After all, Galio's development is too poor, so he can only follow Ale to steal chickens.

Xiaotian was already escorting him by the side.

Lng's first move actually speeded up the progress of the game, and Lin Fan won two more kills!The situation is starting to get overwhelming!
Under this kind of exchange, Topbo frequently gained advantages and began to erode lng resources continuously, pushing two defensive towers in succession, making the snowball bigger and bigger.

With the game came 29 minutes.

Yong En secretly hid behind the corner, while the lng bot lane duo was eating minions in front of the Highland Tower.

But at this moment, Yong En, who had collected the wind, crossed the wall with an E skill, and got a vision from the side, blowing two big moves, and began to slash.

Under the exclamation of the audience, Yong En killed the lng bottom lane duo with only three swords!

The oppressive force is full, and the equipment of Yongen alone is suffocating.

Shield Bow, Mortal Reminder, Infinity Blade, Plus Greatsword and Stopwatch.

Such a developed Yongen can indeed easily kill the bottom duo.

The lng team has nothing to do.

With the bot lane duo falling to the ground, Tobo started the final impact.

In the end, only the two brothers, Qinggangying and Spider, fled back to the defense tower with their own magical powers and blood.

But at this time, everyone in Topbo has already started to push the tower to get some crystals.

After Ah Le and Tarzan regained their blood volume, they could only control their heroes and watch beside the front tooth tower, not daring to step forward.

"Mage heroes... Although the speed of the second person is very fast, it really doesn't have the intuitive burst of damage from warrior heroes."

"What kind of rubbish is Syndra? Dogs don't play with it! A real man should go to Yong En."

"Brothers, you can show your face, don't you like to push Lai Lai in front? Why are people disappearing at this time?"

"It's good for everyone to get used to it. Heizi can only play against the wind. Just now they have succeeded in getting addicted to their mouths. Now it's too late to hide. How dare they take the lead?"

"It's back, it's all back this time!"

The barrage in the live broadcast room scrolled crazily.

The advancing rhythm of Taobao also did not stop.

He rushed towards the front tooth tower.

Lin Fan's Yongen took the lead, entering the arena without any mercy.

Taking advantage of the spider's kaka is two knives.

Triggering the critical strike directly crippled the spider, and then ignored him and turned his head to deal with Qing Gangying.

This is intended to be a direct wave, not to give Li Ning the slightest chance.

Although they were revived later, half of their blood was left immediately after leaving the spring water base.

With a burst of glare, lng's base exploded!
Topbo moved back to Yicheng strongly for the second time!
The two sides fought to a one-to-one tie.

The suspense was left in the third game.

As for the doll who explained the game, he shook his head vigorously.

"Wonderful, exciting, ups and downs, Yong En of Brother Sutu, this suppression is really suffocating."

"Let's take a break and look forward to the third game!"

As for the barrage in the live broadcast room, it was also frantically scrolling.

"Damn it, I feel that Zhanying is a poisonous person. Boiling the old lady won the old lady. Yesterday, he made two chess games, but today he let Brother Shutu lose one."

"Then what you said is still too nonsensical. At least the first game is not a big problem. Blood mother c, Syndra who is 9-2-7 can still be sprayed. I really don't understand?"

"Now we can look forward to the third game."

And in Huya [-].

Gangzi leaned his face towards the camera and shouted loudly: "Speak, Heizi speak!"

"Where's Heizi? Didn't they shout loudly in front? Why did this round disappear?"

"Look at how successful you can go up and fight! Dine's dog."

Gangzi narrowed his eyes.

The right hand continued to manipulate the mouse, directly muting it.

"Theshy's eternal god? Hmm... You're playing a black role, isn't it too fake? How can you directly expose your supporters and players?"

"I didn't expect that after so many years, you people still play this old routine. There is a hammer for this rhythm. How many people can believe it?"

"Okay, get rid of the little blackie with the horns exposed, are there any more in the live broadcast room? If there are any, come out and let me seal the account."

(End of this chapter)

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