LOL: I'm really a professional league player

Chapter 221 If you don't answer q, you are number one in the world!

Chapter 221 If you don't answer Q, you are number one in the world! (seeking subscription)
The game is like this, which side has the advantage, it will be extremely rampant.

Just like the current situation, Topbo won the lng round strongly and showed a strong dominance.

The entire bullet screen is all about attacking Heizi and refuting Heizi.

When the barrage of disgusting people came out, there were very few pitiful ones.

It seemed like this had never happened before.

But everyone is used to it.

This time it's just hidden.

Waiting for follow-up.

But today's loss in the first game was also a wake-up call for everyone. Although Team Top Fight was strong, it wasn't outrageous enough to go undefeated and win from beginning to end.

As long as the lpl team is well-prepared, they still have a chance to win.

At least not so strong that it is hopeless, and it will lose by default if you hit it.

For example, the next few strong teams, after watching the first game, feel that as long as they can find a point to complete the breakthrough, they will "do it".

After all lng can do it why can't they?

It is impossible for a person to maintain an excellent state all the time. When his teammates are not good enough, Brother Sutu cannot be invincible by himself.

It also makes everyone start to murmur.

The third game may not necessarily be a sure win.

Backstage lounge.

Although lng was killed by Tao Boping in the second game, it also made them sure that there was no problem with the game idea. The main reason for the loss was that dine's ability to find opportunities was too strong.

One or two consecutive waves dealt a fatal blow to Li Ning.

It was supposed to be their advantage, but they failed to bring it into play. They were pressed to death from the beginning to the end. If they want to win, the hero chosen by Dine is very important.

Just like Syndra in the previous game, although her development exploded, she was unable to recover in the middle and late stages. Syndra is a hero like this. If she can't open the situation in the front and center and is held back by her opponent, a single point of damage is terrible. , but there are too many people who need seconds.

"He still has to remove the physics-based single-band heroes. Yongen has played so many famous scenes after being selected, so I really can't give it."

"It's true that I'm under a lot of pressure. He can't match me with Yong En." Doinb continued the coach's words at this time.

"Yes, strictly follow the previous tactics."

"If we can win the first game, it means we can win the second game."

"come on, come on, come on!"

"Break their winning streak, if the mid-season champion is strong, then our performance will be stronger and better!"

After listening to the coach's words, everyone felt as if they had been beaten.

The main thing is that they won the first game, which greatly increased their confidence.

Losing the second game is actually quite normal.

How could it be possible to be taken away by them two to zero?Two to one is reasonable.

If nothing else, it's really today!

The depth of their Li Ning players is really not bad, what is the league championship?Absolutely has the ability to reach the global finals and win the championship!

If you lose in the spring split, you will come back in the summer split.

Similarly, Luo Sheng also saw many things in the background.

Once the opponent is strong in the top lane, he can hold back in the middle lane and not be pierced by Lin Fan. In the mid-term, he let go of some soldiers to find opportunities to help the top lane.

This is also a drawback after the version update.

According to this situation, it is estimated that the version of the global finals will be on the road again.

Judging from this, the intention of the Riot head office is quite obvious.

It is to weaken the influence of the middle lane.

This is a very troublesome thing.

However, the team can only adapt to the changes in the version, but cannot change anything.

Even when Lin Fan didn't get the advantage in the second round, he was a little panicked, afraid that he would go to Suzhou lng's home court and overturn.

Fortunately, Lin Fan withstood the pressure.

Now this team relies too much on the performance of the middle lane.

This is not is even a big problem. Once there is no sound in the middle, the game will become very difficult to play.

But it's only the beginning of the season, so it's good to be able to find out early. If we really wait until the World Championship, it will be troublesome.

Of course, there is definitely no way to change it temporarily during the game.

It can only be adjusted slowly after returning to the club.

"Xiaotian, you should continue to play the middle lane in this game. You can delay the time a little bit, and come back after you get double buffs. It seems that lng should have studied your jungle route a lot.

Tarzan doesn't consider your position at all on the road, which shows that it is very clear about your route. " Luo Sheng said.

Xiaotian nodded.

Lin Fan suddenly said: "It still depends on the situation. I can't move doinb online. If I ward it, it should be inserted in advance. If the hero in the third game is suitable, I can go around and catch it."

Luo Sheng thought for a while.

"Okay, Xiaotian, you still listen to Lin Fan, and you can go there whenever he tells you to."

Lin Fan's judgment on the situation was much clearer than him.

On this point, I still believe that his judgment will be better.

Luo Sheng is still very clear about where his tactical spiritual power is. Most of them are copying homework, and there is no way to make matching tactics according to the players.

In this case, it actually depends entirely on the player's hero pool.

If the hero pool is not deep enough, then painting a tiger will not be an anti-dog.

The output will be very bad.

"Brother Fan, I wasn't in good shape in the first two games. I must have played well in this game." Ah Shui, who was sitting on the seat, said.

"Okay, then wait for you to come to C, don't feel any pressure, as for the comments on the Internet, I don't care at all."

"I even feel that you are under so much pressure that the coach will take the blame."

"Ah? Why am I going to take the blame again?" Luo Sheng looked confused.

"If you hadn't talked so much on the bus about the consequences of losing the game, Ah Shui would have been under pressure all of a sudden, maybe he would have blown up in the next lane."

When Luo Sheng heard this, he felt that there was indeed such a possibility.

If you tell Ah Shui what will happen to you if you lose the game, he will definitely not take it to heart.

But when it comes to other people, my mentality changes all of a sudden.

"Ahem, cough, I didn't think that much at all."

"But to be honest, although the bottom lane was not suppressed, it still didn't play an advantage, which I can't accept.

It is impossible to expect all opponents to be Gumayusi in the World Championship, right? "

"It's true... Skt's adc has something to offer." Lin Fan stroked his chin and nodded.

During the mid-season game, Gumayusi was killed in various ways online.

Losing to a wild card and losing to North America is not the level that the world's number one adc should have.

"As long as you don't answer q, you are the number one ADC in the world in my heart!"

Playing Ah Shui is still very easy to play. If you choose a hero with a high frequency of Q skill release, he will bump into his skills when he is in a group.
When the two teams discussed the tactics in the background.

The staff knocked on the doors of both parties almost at the same time.


"Hello, everyone, welcome back. The third game between Taobao and lng is about to start. I believe that the two teams have already made preparations during that period of time. It can be predicted that the third game will be very exciting." Waffle heard the director Said to cut the camera back, very naturally.

As for 957 on the side, he took the call.

"Yong En, who performed brilliantly in the last round, will definitely not be able to get it in the third round. His performance in the last round was too exaggerated, and he cut the C position several times in key team battles."

"Yes, Dine's Yong En is still very powerful, and the pressure on the lane is also strong enough. It is indeed a good choice to move."

"Well, after all, he's Brother Shutu, the best mid laner in the country..."

"Okay, let's see the third game between the two sides."

"Blue Fang Taobo, red Fang lng."

Taobo's first three moves directly remove the weapon master, spider, and sword girl.

lng's first three moves ban Yongen, Victor, and Enchantress.

Sindra was released on purpose.

This hero was originally not played by doinb.

Lin Fan thought about it for a while and didn't plan to take it in the first round. Since they have this idea, let's see what kind of bp LNG will choose in the second round, so they don't rush to choose Syndra.

How should I put it, the opposite side is really a little swollen.

Help Ah Shui lock Lucian first.

lng thought for a while and took Zeli and the cat with his right hand.

Top fight two or three hands to choose Nami and Viego.

"Lng's third-hand hero locks the blind monk. It seems that we still have to play the early rhythm. The blind monk has to do more things, otherwise lng will not be very comfortable here."

"Torbo directly removed Galio in the fourth move. Does this mean that he wants to take Syndra? Will lng remove Syndra?"

Brother Sutu's Syndra is very strong, but the undefeated golden body just now was broken by lng, which shows that lng should not be very afraid of Syndra.

If this was placed before the start of the game, everyone would not dare to think about it.

But in the end, lng did not choose to move Syndra, and the fourth hand directly helped doinb take Ryze.

Kang Te was left to Ale.

This is also normal, after all, if they want to win, they can only rely on the top lane to open up the situation.

"Then let's see what Taobo will take here?"

"Sion's top be on the road is to resist pressure. It's okay without the sword girl Sion, so can Brother Suitu get Syndra?"

"It's locked! It's just so confident. Although I lost the first game, Brother Suitu has absolutely no problem playing. The early advantage is so big that it's unbelievable."

"So I think it's quite reasonable to win here."

"Look at lng, there is no weapon on the road, Sword Girl, what hero will you choose to fight Sion? Jess or the captain?" Waffle asked.

"The captain is definitely the better choice..." 957.

But A Le's captain knows everything.

Captain Tesseract.

Erlian barrels of hot eyes.

In such a critical game, it will definitely not be selected.

As long as there is someone to protect Jess, the overall problem is still not big, and as expected, Jess got out in the end.

After the hero is determined, the two sides begin to adjust their positions.

Blue Fang Tao fights: top laner Sion, jungler Fiego, mid laner Syndra, bottom lane duo Lucian and Nami.

Red Fang lng: top laner Jess, jungler Lee Sin, mid laner Ryze, bottom lane duo Zeli and Cat.

From the perspective of the lineup, lng's goal is very clear.

The bottom road does not seek merit but seeks no faults, and stabilizes the mid-to-late stage of development and fights in groups.

And Jess, who put all his resources on the road in the early stage, directly broke through with one line and took over the game.

There is no doubt that the pressure of zooming on the road will be particularly great!As long as he can withstand the pressure and let Lin Fan slowly tear through Doinb's defense, this round will be won.

(End of this chapter)

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