LOL: I'm really a professional league player

Chapter 222 It's Q!It doesn't matter!Brother Sutu will make a move!

Chapter 222 It's Q!It doesn't matter!Brother Sutu will make a move! (seeking subscription)
The coaches of both sides came to the center of the stage to shake hands, and at the same time the game entered the loading interface.

"Brother Shitu did his best in the first game, and Ah Shui got the Q to catch, which probably made Brother Shutu depressed, but Ah Shui is not good at this point. I think the rest are what ADCs should have. Dare to play. If you fight hard, you will feel cursed, if you can get rid of this Q curse, you will definitely be a heavy fireman."

"Very good. Syndra's first win in the middle lane of the league transformation, and then Syndra's first defeat, I feel that there is a saying. Let's do some metaphysics. The probability of this year's global championship is Taobao. A team with a beginning and an end will surely achieve great things.”

"Hehe, today's game is over, Taobo will start a losing streak, Brother Suitu will be liquidated by the water ghost soon!"

"If it wasn't for the fact that the middle lane didn't practice all day, and the state of the other players was affected, how could it be possible to lose the first game of Top Fight? The middle lane has an advantage and I don't know how to help the bottom lane relieve the pressure."

"? Is the water ghost delirious? 9-2's big daddy is actually being tortured by you now? Outrageous."

"One thing to say, if the Top Fight team doesn't want it, I believe that the other 16 teams in the lpl are very interested. Not only the lpl, maybe the North American division is already taking action."

"I don't think it will have much impact on the first game of Taobao. It's better to find one that can be stable, such as Huanfeng, who has a concave spot. If you don't give up, you can lead the team to win."

The barrage in the live broadcast room was noisy, and with the start of the third game, the rhythm began to increase again inexplicably.

In fact, this is quite normal. In the case of losing a game, it is easy to drive a big rhythm with the help of caring people.

Many people have also seen this point, mainly because Lin Fan is the kind of mid laner who doesn't train and plays very few ranks. From their point of view, he is a mid laner who is not doing his job properly after eating this bowl of food and not training hard.

During the Spring Split, water ghosts rushed into Lin Fan's live broadcast room, and the fan groups on both sides had deep-seated grievances, and they were only one chance away from breaking out.

In the battle table of Taobao.

"Xiaotian, come around and grab it later. You chose Foyego in this hand. They will definitely ward in the spot according to the first or second game. As long as doinb doesn't see you, it won't be so Be careful, it made me dizzy until the two of us gave him a second."

"Okay, this time he must be caught and killed." Xiaotian nodded.

When I knew that I was going to fight Li Ning, I thought that today I must do military training doinb.

Just like the Spring Split!The opponent who hit him was delirious, but he was stuck because he didn't have this opportunity today.

After finishing speaking, Lin Fan had already bought the equipment and went out. He controlled Syndra to stand directly beside the bushes of F6, and blocked the opening to prevent the invasion from the other side.

However, the lineups on both sides still have relatively little control at the first level. Generally speaking, Taobao has an advantage. After all, the cat is hanging on the body. If it is soaked by Nami's water bubble, lng is still very good dangerous.

So the two sides began to live in peace and began to return to the line.

Lin Fan controlled Syndra and began to forcibly suppress it at the first level.

Doinb twisted back and forth, trying to avoid Syndra's q skill, raised his hand and gave Syndra a w skill, but unfortunately he failed to dodge, and then was chased by the skill with a basic attack.

Doinb didn't even think about it next, and controlled Ruiz to run backwards.

Lin Fan glanced at the little soldier's damage, and chased after him vigorously to continue a, but due to the deceleration, he only touched it twice afterward, but he pulled out the well-cooled q skill at the limit distance.

Doinb played a w skill and a flat a from the beginning to the end, and the rest of the damage was all done by the soldiers next to him.

Naturally, nearly half of Ryze's HP was knocked out in a smooth manner.

"Xiba, Brother Sutu is so strong..." Doinb looked at his blood volume, and quickly retreated to the back to take drugs.

By the way, he glanced at the mini-map, but he didn't find Fyego's location in the familiar position.

From the look of it, it should be that they didn't plan to fight like this if they didn't catch the opportunity in the first two rounds, so now they just need to wait for the opponent to push the pawn line over.

Xiaotian Ruined King's jungle clearing speed is also very fast.

After playing the red buff, go up to two levels, and walk around from the bottom to the top.

In the backstage of lng, the coach looked at Xiaotian's movements with a serious expression.

This time, he didn't choose to come directly after playing wild, but made a big circle!In this way, it is easy to give the players on the stage the illusion that Foyego has gone to the blue.

The deadliest thing about playing games is poor information!

This wave of doinb is afraid that there will be big problems.

Especially when I saw Syndra pushing the pawn line to the corner in front of the defense tower, just when the pawn line was about to come in.

Syndra's position is also leaning downward, which shows that she is afraid of being caught when the pawn line enters the tower.


Doinb saw that he was ready to wait for this wave of soldiers to enter the tower with glee, and then slowly develop the last knife.

Maybe with a higher level, you can also cooperate with a wave of junglers to catch Syndra to death, after all, the opponent is so fierce
And at this moment, Xiaotian's Viego has already touched the corner.

Start accumulating w skills!
doinb didn't realize the danger was coming.

Just keep an eye on Syndra to avoid being drained by Syndra.

Fyego flashed w and directly stunned Ryze, and doinb's expression immediately became horrified.

Why is the Ruined King here?

Before he could figure out what was going on, Syndra's qe second company was in place, and he couldn't move again, and his blood volume dropped crazily. In the blink of an eye, Ryze's blood line was less than one-third.

Even if the flash is handed over after the control is over, it is a pity that it is too late.

After entering the defense tower, Xiaotian forcibly followed up and touched the red buff to slow down. After attracting the hatred of the defense tower, he began to walk towards the rear. At this time, Lin Fan also flashed and continued to follow the basic attack.

Once, twice, with the red buff slowing down, he just took the damage from the tower and played the second Q skill!
Doinb, who has no skills, can only watch Ryze bump into Syndra's q skill.

First blood.

A blood eruption.

"Xiaotian went around in a big circle and caught him suddenly, and stunned Ryze by surprise. Doinb didn't think of this at all."

"Although Taobo Zhongjun handed over two flashes, but doinb also handed in the same. In fact, the jungler switched to the middle lane. The overall situation is acceptable. Forcibly helping the leader to establish a mid-lane advantage. He has already got first blood. I think the mid-lane is right. There will be a lot of pressure, this wave of doinb is really hurting."


Tarzan glanced at the road, and Sion stood obediently behind the pawn line, as long as he was not killed, he could act as a meat shield to take damage in team battles.

And in the early stage to go beyond the tower of Sion, it is only done if the brain is not clear.

But on the opposite side, the jungler didn't hit the blue buff, is there any chance to fight back?Then go on the road to see if you can catch it?
Tarzan thought for a while, then controlled the blind monk to enter Taobo's wild area.

It's a pity that Lin Fan thought of this a long time ago, and immediately went to the blue buff after teleportation, directly caught the blind monk, and Sion also walked in this direction.

Ale could only signal from above, Tarzan looked at the time, Fyego must also be heading this way, and it might collapse if it drags on.

The only choice is to give up the invasion. After all, doinb has stuck the pawn line in front of the defense tower.

"Zoom is too much of a team, isn't it? He feels that he will lose a wave of pawns, but it is also very good to help Xiaotian defend the blue buff." Waffle and 957 said with emotion.

But if you think about it carefully, you are a tool person on the road. As long as you can guarantee the team's advantage, the role will come out.

"What is Xiaotian doing? What is Xiaotian doing!" the doll yelled loudly.

Instantly attracts everyone's attention.

From the big screen, we can see that the ruined king's punishment has reduced the blood volume of the blue buff to around 100. Syndra grabbed it and threw it on the ground, and then used the q skill to take away the blue buff.

"It's like this again... It seems that Brother Sutu is really going to carry the banner!"

Doinb pushed out the pawn line again and saw Syndra with blue glare shining on the soles of her feet, her eyes went dark.

Love you guys so much!

Xiaotian stopped talking about martial arts, right?

But there was no flash on the other side, so it wouldn't be crazy to press yourself, right?
But when the pawn line was stuck in the front, Syndra moved forward and started to release the Q skill. Doinb was highly concentrated, and walked down to avoid the dark ball.

The psychological pressure was not so much in an instant, and he prepared to play a set of qewq with his backhand, wanting to tell Lin Fan that he is really not a vegetarian.

At that time, you can rely on passive and phase dash to distance yourself.

But what he didn't expect was that while Syndra was giving him a basic attack, the W skill picked up the magic ball on his feet, and when it hit him, the E skill pushed it out, and he couldn't move for a while and ate it again. A little basic attack.

Just when she was about to fight back, Syndra even retreated to the rear.

He could only turn his head and prepare to pull away, but at this moment Syndra turned around and threw a second Q skill at him.

The special effect produced by the landing of the dark magic ball made a huge sound.

Ryze's blood volume dropped by one notch at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Doinb ate this set of damage and his blood was hit to about half blood, frowning and looking at his own blood line.

Completely pulled numb.

Attack Syndra first... plus this equipment does too much damage!
And there is no flash on the other side, is it really not afraid at all?
Xiba, if tarzan is near the middle lane, I'll arrest you with an ew, aren't you dead?Courage is really big.

But looking at his blood volume and Syndra's move to cross the line, he was a little flustered.

If this position is caught, he will die again. What's more terrible is that the teleportation has been handed over. Brother Suitu will get stuck in the line again. When he returns to the line, he will be at level [-] and level [-]. Then he will play again. Fart, so now you must never die again.

Tarzan originally wanted to lean towards the middle, but seeing Doinb's Ryze retreating backward, he also knew that there was no chance.

Then he took a look at the top road, and decided that it would be better to squat on the top road, at least to ensure that A Le's development would not suffer any problems.

But at this time, the voice in the team rang.

Fiego is on the way!
Mark walked in the front, and the blisters on Chao Zeli's face forced the flash of Lantern Emperor.

There is really no way for the jungler to be on the top road. If you don’t hand in the flash, you will die directly. Only Ryze, after baptism with a set of holy guns, after taking Syndra's big move, people are almost gone.

So I can only hand over Blink. Without Blink, the large wave of soldiers under the natural defense tower dare not eat it, so I hurried back to the city to replenish the wave.

In general, Xiaotian made a lot of money by catching it, which made Lantern Emperor lose one flash and a large wave of pawns that couldn't be eaten. Ah Shui even enjoyed the exclusive coating, which was very comfortable.

The reason why mark and Xiaotian didn't eat was because they were rushing to the middle!
Lin Fan hoarded a large wave of soldiers just for this wave of tower jumping and killing!

Doinb glanced down the lane and immediately realized that something was wrong, and the pawn line was about to enter the tower, and he didn't flash... If he came to the tower, should he eat or not?


"Tarzan quickly come to the middle lane to watch me."

Tarzan actually thought of this and has already leaned towards the middle.

When he came out from the intersection of F6, the three of them actually saw the figure of the blind monk.

According to the normal situation, he would not choose to take the risk of jumping over the tower to kill.

But under Lin Fan's command, he did just that!

Mark flashed blisters, and doinb had no choice, after all, the dark magic ball under his feet was also watching.

No matter where he goes, he has to be controlled, not to mention that the flash of Q has already prevented him from going out.

Bubbled up in front of the defense tower.

Lin Fan immediately qe followed the control and played output, which attracted the hatred of the defensive tower by the way. After all, Syndra's hands were longer, so Xiaotian couldn't let Xiaotian resist the tower.

Under the injury of three people, doinb's monitor turned gray.

And this head just happened to be smashed to death by Syndra's w skill!

Tarzan assessed the combat effectiveness of both sides.

Silently went around in a circle and returned to the first tower, knowing that if he went to take the damage head-on, he would be the second victim.

Lin Fan happily ate another layer of tapioca, although it was eaten with Foyego, it didn't matter.

After all, Syndra took it out to help Xiaotian create a harvesting environment when he was in a group.

The better Xiaotian's equipment is, the easier it is to fight in team battles.

As for the Taobo fans at the scene, they jumped up excitedly from their seats.

The rhythm in the early stage of the third game is the rhythm that Topsports has always been familiar to them.

"Hahaha, it feels like it will be another explosive killing round."

"Xiaotian finally stopped being fascinated, didn't he get up when he was caught like this before?"

"Doinb defended very well in the first two rounds. Why did he get lost in the third round and couldn't play anymore? It's inexplicable."

For the spectators watching the game, it was just that doinb was too stupid to collapse in the middle lane.

But in fact, he was fascinated by his own eye position, and mistakenly thought that Xiaotian would not come to catch him. After all, the mainstream gameplay of Fiego is still based on brushing.

But it never occurred to me that Taobo directly made a set of combined punches, and the rhythm was invincible.

The bottom lane is completed and quickly passed to the middle lane.

Doinb watched the little soldiers being taken away one by one by the blind monk, and remained silent, then glanced at the opened store, and silently filled up a little porn book, the poor jingle was talking about him.

Then, looking at Syndra with two heads, she pursed her lips. At the third level, the opposite qawea set had more than 400 blood points, and the one waiting for him after going online is estimated to be instantly killed by the ultimate move.

Lin Fan then ate a wave of minions in the middle, went back to the city and directly updated the Explosive Wand, and added a little yellow book, which was extremely violent.

As soon as he returned to the line, doinb just pushed the pawn line over, and then Ryze disappeared directly in the middle and headed towards the upper half.

This is not intended to force a rhythm to help top lane build a big advantage.

After all, the pressure on Syndra now is too great.

They had to find a strong point to support lng's early confrontation.

It's a pity that Taobo had thought of this a long time ago, and set up a good view of the river, and zoomed away as soon as he saw it.

Ruiz, who has not yet reached level 6, has no way to drive the blind monk to block the road.

After a trip, I had to give up.

Ale ate another layer of tapi, but there was no head to supplement it. Compared with Syndra, he was still relatively backward in development.

When the game came to 6 minutes.

Syndra has reached level 6.

And doinb was killed twice in a row, and he had just been promoted to 5th, and he was a whole level short of experience. One can imagine the pressure on Syndra doinb, who is at level 6.

Tarzan can only start to rely on the middle lane to ensure that doinb will not be overtaken again.

But something happened that he didn't expect. It was obvious that he was in the middle, but Syndra was not afraid at all, and even exaggeratedly went up to Tower A.

All of a sudden, the two kimchi natives couldn't figure out what was going on.

But a level [-], a level [-] facing Syndra, a level [-], really can't make any waves.

Don't be afraid, it's normal.

He even kept using the q skill to deal damage. There is no doubt that if he is caught, the blind monk of level [-] will be forced to death with a set.

Tarzan naturally did not dare to act rashly.

The jungler was locked in the middle lane, and it would be impolite for A Le to overwhelm Sion on the road.

Without saying a word, Xiaotian touched it secretly.

zoom swallowed his anger for so long, seeing that Xiaotian was in place, he even drove off and knocked Jess away at close range.

Then immediately charge up the Q skill, and then knock it up!
This set of damage is still very good, more than one-third of the blood volume is gone.

Xiaotian followed up to keep up with the control, and mixed two assists and Tapi's equipment at this time was also very good.

After being stunned, connected to the basic attack, and then connected to the Q skill, Jess' blood volume dropped crazily.

Even though the desire to survive is very strong, he was still chased to death after handing over Flash.

Some lng fans in the barrage couldn't help seeing this situation.

What the hell is a 3-0 start?

The top lane is the core, so choose Jess and don't hit the top lane!
And how did Ah Le become like theshy?It's really daring to catch and die.

Xiaotian managed to catch someone just by catching him for the first time?
But in the next second, another bad news came from the middle.

When the blind monk was about to leave the middle, he was directly stunned by Syndra, and the five-ball big move completed filling the sky and shot full!

After tarzan was locked, his hands left the keyboard.

The sound of Syndra's killing and killing resounded throughout the Summoner's Canyon.

"It's started, this is Brother Sutu's Syndra, and now it's finally starting to exert its strength."

"Hahaha, lng is inflated, you dare to put it like this, I don't understand it at all."

"The development is so good that the blind monk can't bear the damage at all."

"It's hard to imagine how terrifying the next Syndra will be?"

At the same time, the dolls and [-] in the commentary booth were full of exclamation.

"This is Brother Sutu, you can't give him any chance, as long as you give him a little chance, he won't be able to stop him from being rolled all the way to his death."

"It's too powerful, you can take it with confidence if you let me go."

"This is the self-confidence that belongs to top professional players. They don't start to doubt themselves just because they didn't win a game."

As both the upper and middle lines were killed, lng could only choose to shrink the line and be insignificant, and was forced to give up the first tower in the middle.

In just 9 minutes, a tower in the middle was gone.

After updating to Luden, Lin Fan began to wander around to give pressure to help Xiaotian control resources.

With such explosive development of Syndra, lng can only choose to avoid its edge, and naturally Topbo won the canyon and Xiaolong without any pressure.

Then Xiaotian, who led the canyon pioneer, cooperated with the bottom lane duo to push down the bottom lane tower in twelve minutes.

During this time, Jess who was on the road was caught by Lin Fan once, and Syndra's injury was far beyond what Jess could bear.

Ah Le originally wanted to go back and play a set to see if he could take away the Terminator's head.

Because he is also very confident in his own damage.

However, this action directly brought the audience back to the scene where Abin's Jess jumped face two months ago, and was immediately killed by a set of skills.

Ale's Jess is also the same, qe pushes the big move and immediately seconds!

Immediately after that, the first tower on the road was also pushed down 4 minutes ago.

Topsport's economic lead came to [-].

At 16 minutes, Syndra's second piece of equipment, Shadow Flame, came out.

The damage at this stage is completely full!

Lin Fan saw Ryze full of blood in the middle, and made a super-long push from the extreme distance to stun him.

There is no way, when the rhythm of the game is not controlled by them, the whole person is dizzy and prone to autism.

Otherwise, according to the normal situation, doinb can react and then move to avoid.

Lin Fan was also quite surprised, he didn't expect that he could faint, but if you give him the chance, he will give you a ride.

Picking up the ball on the ground and throwing it at Ryze's face, he poured in a big move, killing him instantly.

When seeing this scene, countless people yelled in their hearts that Syndra, who is the son of Tutu, is completely unstoppable.

As for the tarzan next to him, he was dizzy, he gave a golden bell cover but no hammer.

But in the next second, he wanted to seize this opportunity to kick Syndra in.

But as soon as he opened a Q skill forward, Foyego came out from the side, scaring him back quickly.

doinb didn't have so many weird thoughts, he just closed his eyes.

Why did today's game give hope first and then despair?

At this moment, doinb no longer has the idea of ​​killing gods.

Looking at the explosive development of Syndra, he didn't know how to win.

Ah Le is still insisting on leading the line.

It's a pity that with Sion pretending to zoom out, he is really not afraid of Jess.

This is how Jess is positioned as a hero. He is not as good as a super soldier when he has no advantage, which is embarrassing.

Taking it out is a double-edged sword. Either kill the opponent or make no sound. It is almost impossible to win.

The game time came to 20 minutes.

Tobo controls the field of vision in the upper half and directly chooses to open the dragon.

Tarzan just kicked tentatively, but he didn't expect to hit Lucian.

After looking at the blood volume of the dragon, after thinking for a while to enter the second-stage Q skill, an r flash kicked Lucian out!
lng The others hurriedly followed the control.

If doinb collapses again, it will know that ew can control it.

Everyone else's injuries are all to blame, so get rid of Lucian first.

Seeing this scene, the lng fans at the scene shouted excitedly, opportunity, this is an opportunity, it will be safer if you can snatch the big dragon, can a miracle be created at this time.

And Zeli rushed into the dragon pit with a big move by the cat.

But the absolute dominance belonging to Syndra is displayed at this moment.

Four balls locked!
Then he pushed in the direction of the blind monk and Zeli.

Ze Li, who had only a trace of blood left, was instantly killed, and the blind monk had only half blood left.

Sion followed up with a big move to connect to control, and Viego waved his sword and dropped to complete the kill, and then a punishment in the air easily took the dragon away.

As for Jess and Ryze who came down, they were taken away one by one.

The lng fans staged a wave of face-changing at the speed of light, as happy as they were just now, their expressions are now distorted.

Seeing the completion of Super God Syndra, it is only at this moment that I know that the situation is over.

With the big dragon buff advancing, Taobo pushed down the base easily.

Ah Shui's Q just now did not affect the outcome of the final game.

The miracle that Heizi and lng fans expected did not happen after all.

"Congratulations to Taobo for defeating lng 2:1. This round of the match was extremely exciting. Both teams had their own games. In the end, Taobo, who had adjusted back, had the last laugh."

"Syndra of Brother Sutu...I think everyone should think about it again."

957 looked at the final settlement interface, and said, once again completed Chaoshen and hit the highest damage in the game.

Winning lng means that Topbo has won the league's 5 consecutive victories!
(End of this chapter)

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