LOL: I'm really a professional league player

Chapter 28 Brother Fan doesn't seem to be good?

Chapter 28 Brother Fan doesn't seem to be good? (ask for a recommendation ticket)

The coaches on both sides explained the precautions, and then came to the center of the stage to shake hands.

"You startled me by changing hands. Is there some secret tactic?"

"Don't you know it after reading it?" Luo Sheng didn't admit defeat, facing the coach's question, he knew it as soon as he looked down.

Coach TT obviously didn't expect Luo Sheng to be so light-hearted. It seemed that there was something real, and he was immediately bluffed.

"Is there really any hidden card on Taobo's side that hasn't been played yet?"

If it is true, the middle lane may be a cocoon.

Because this hero's fault tolerance is too low, it is basically a jungler in the professional arena, and few players will use it as a mid laner.

And a year ago, there was a game where the mid laner Jie was taken out, but Jie really didn't have much advantage against Daomei, and his performance was mediocre.

Ucal can also be regarded as a famous mid laner. Although he doesn't have a good reputation, he still has strength.

It shouldn't be a big problem to play a support who hasn't played a mid laner in the professional arena for a long time.

The old fox probably wanted to lie to himself and make him fearful while watching the game in the background.

Although thinking about this, it is still difficult to accept that the main mid laner will be replaced directly in the second game.

Especially when Taobao is in such a difficult situation.

I have to say that White Crescent is really courageous, or should he be called Crescent now.

Also because of this one-handed robbery, there were many discussions on the scene.

"Actually, I already had a lot of assumptions about today's game, and I didn't expect Taobo to lose the first game so cleanly.

Immediately afterwards, the direction of this game also changed dramatically, and the middle lane actually directly robbed! Ucal is really confident. "

"Yes, this game has Jie, I think it will be exciting directly, and I am looking forward to the performance of UCal Jie."

"Other than that, I want to know how dine can perform after switching to the mid lane and pulling out Syndra.

In fact, Syndra is not very easy to rob. Syndra's skills are not directional, and it is easy to be dodged by the flexible rob. In this way, Syndra has no way to line up in the middle. "

"That's right, it's not just a small skill, but you can also use Miller's words to avoid Syndra's big moves." Hitomi continued to explain after Miller's words.

Regardless of the hype mentioned here, there will be high-level confrontation in the middle lane, but everyone's attention is not in the middle lane.

After all, dine played as a support before, and he didn't have any outstanding performances. Everyone even thought that he was the reason for losing the game.

Can't raise too high expectations in this situation.

Fans of Taobo are still more inclined to carry the game in the bottom lane, but TT chose this lineup to target the bottom lane crazily, and did not give Ah Shui any chance to operate in team battles.

As long as the middle lane can send a few less to relieve the pressure on the bottom lane, thank God.

As the big screen at the scene turned, the two sides had already entered Summoner's Canyon.

The game officially begins!
As for Syndra, if you are more stable, you can choose to take the corruption potion to the lane.

However, Lin Fan himself was very confident, and he didn't choose teleportation as his summoner skill, but ignited it. It was obvious that this was for laning, so he directly chose Dolan's Ring as his equipment.

In this regard, Ucal is also thinking the same as Lin Fan, and did not choose to bring teleportation but to ignite. The main reason is that he played confidently in the first game.

Although Zed is more flexible and easy to avoid Syndra's skills as everyone thinks, but the cooldown time of a W in the early stage is more than 20 seconds.

And Syndra's Q skill is four seconds at full level, and Syndra's suppressive power in the early stage is still stronger.

Reaching level six is ​​a watershed, but even reaching level six like this is not very easy to kill Syndra who is pinching her skills.

However, the main task of selecting the mid laner Jie in this round is to target Lucian, and the team battle can be done by breaking out and killing Lucian in seconds.

With the help of the bot lane duo, Bei Chuan became popular.

During this period of time, he thought about it. The Luna combination is not very strong at the first level, and it can fully exert its suppressing power at the second level.

However, the team's bot lane combination is even weaker at the first level.

With Taobo's bot lane duo character, even if he knew he was going to catch him, he would still choose to grab the second one.

"At the first level, you can fight with him. There is no need to release the line as soon as he comes. Maybe he will fight with you to the end after seducing him. Then I can come directly to catch him."

"Okay, then let's find a chance to fight."

"Don't be too obvious. After all, we are on the blue side. They should consider my redness and grab it directly."

In fact, Ah Shui is still quite entangled in the laning at the bottom level.

Because they are stronger in the bottom lane and can chase the opponent.

But the pressure is more fierce. It would be very dangerous for Jiaoyue to choose the second level to catch.

Under normal circumstances, after clearing a group of wild monsters in the jungle, the solo lane has not yet reached level two, let alone the duo lane in the bottom lane.

It will be very dangerous to play aggressively if the blood volume is low.

However, it was found that the opponent did not intend to give way, which was a bit like grabbing second.

The Japanese girl and Jinx have three controls, and the second-level force hits a wave, which has a chance to kill.

Ah Shui couldn't accept that an advantage turned into a disadvantage.

"Fight, fight with them, the jungler should not come to catch them."

"Okay, then fight them." Mark nodded.

"Let's play it safe. It's really possible that the bright moon is red. He looks a bit like seducing you. If they want to grab the second place, they will definitely not be able to grab you. Isn't this a white beating?" Xiaotian slapped on the small map. Signal.

He chose to swipe from top to bottom, but the speed of coming down must not be that fast. After all, the hero Fiego also needs to be developed.

Although it is said that the strategy is to ensure the development of the bottom lane, it can't help much in the first and second levels.

So just play steadily in the bottom lane and don't give it a chance.

Ah Shui also felt very reasonable after hearing this.

Forget about the opening route on the opposite side and didn't catch it. If it's really red and catches at the second level, even if there is a flash, it won't be able to run.

It's better to be safe now.

Especially in this game... I was under a lot of pressure.

Brother Fan will definitely not be able to beat ucal in the middle lane, so he can't give the opponent a chance.

Now that he made up his mind not to grab, he then moved the camera to the middle for a look.

Seeing this, he almost popped his eyes out.

Are you reading that right?
Zed in the middle has less than half of his blood left, while Syndra's blood is still at 3/4.

From this amount of blood, it can be seen that not only was Brother Fan not beaten in the lane, but he was also suppressed in the lane.

If you look at it this way, Syndra will definitely be able to stabilize the middle lane, at least until level six.

If ucal is not well developed, the pressure on me in this round can be reduced.

(End of this chapter)

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