LOL: I'm really a professional league player

Chapter 29 Supervising the mid laner for making up damage?

Chapter 29 Supervising the mid laner for making up damage? (ask for a recommendation ticket)
After playing the red buff, Beichuan moved the camera down, ready to catch a wave of Ah Shui.

As a result, the person looked stupid. Since the other side let go of the line, they didn't plan to grab the second one first.Did you make a mistake, when you got the advantage, you didn't choose to press it, but let go of the line instead.

Is this still Ah Shui?

Could it be that people have changed after losing so many games?

"The bot duo on the opposite side should be vigilant. I probably guessed that you were popular in the bot lane and then grabbed it directly. If this is the case, there is no chance to catch it. You should develop first."

"Okay, I'll get through it first and then come down. When the level rises, the opponent will definitely not be able to bear it. They will want to expand their advantage."


Commentary seat.

"Tao Bo's bot lane duo actually didn't choose to take the second place."

"The sense of smell is still sharp enough. It is a bit difficult for Beichuan to go to the second level to catch it."

Seeing that there would be no rhythm in the bottom lane, the director also moved the camera to the middle lane.

The situation in the middle lane should be that Dine was unilaterally beaten, right?
Sure enough, this blood line is not very healthy.

The doll just opened her mouth to say something, but upon closer inspection, Syndra's blood line is ahead!

On the contrary, Jie was beaten to half blood.

Immediately afterwards, he looked at the recovery product. Ucal's starting outfit was a very inflated Dolan sword plus a red, and he had already drank a bottle of red medicine.

Syndra also drank a bottle of medicine here, but the consumables for two bottles of blood are ahead.

So in this case, dine not only has the advantage of recovery items, but also has the advantage of blood volume...

This is only level one, which shows that the early matchup is very good.

only the guy drinking water knows it's cold or hot.

At the beginning, Ucal felt that the middle lane was a casual matchup, and there was no pressure.

When the hero Zed started his solo show.

But when he was facing the line online, he realized that he had made a big mistake!
The oppressive force on the opposite side was actually full.

No less than when he faced those top mid laners in lck.

Covering the ID makes him feel like a faker.

This may sound exaggerated, but it is true.

Obviously he was already moving wildly, but he just couldn't get rid of his Q skill, and the Q skill he was about to hit backhanded was twisted by his opponent time and time again.

Not only that, but he kept stealing some basic attacks on the way to release his skills, which meant that the damage was completely full.

With one set, he kept triggering the arcane comet, and it would cause an extra ten points of damage if he smashed it. He really couldn't bear it.

The blood exchange did not win, and the consumables were gone.

The opposite side has fully displayed the power of Syndra, which can be regarded as an existence of the line bully level.

Take a deep breath, don't get confused, just be careful next time.

If the blood volume continues to be consumed and you go home before the sixth level, then it will be difficult to fight, and it is very likely that Syndra will snatch the sixth level and take it away.

The main reason is that there is no teleportation, so I have to hold on for a while.

Seeing that Jie was walking on thin ice on the middle route, he immediately retreated at the slightest sign of trouble.

The audience in the arena discussed with their friends in low voices.

"dine...Sindra seems to be doing pretty well this way."

"Indeed, at least the two or three levels of laning in the early stage did not give any chances and instead played an advantage. It gives me the feeling that it is a bit stronger than the left hand."

"What kind of score is this? The left hand has already hanged up under the defensive tower at this time in the last round."

"Looking at it this way...White Crescent is still a good substitute, but I think it's still a bit dreamy. Last week, this guy played as a support."

"It is estimated that Mark came and directly chose to transform into a mid laner."

"It's good to transform into a mid laner. Isn't he playing very well? In the previous game, I felt that my left hand was a class-A war criminal. It was too outrageous."


Seeing that the other side couldn't come up, Lin Fan cut the screen left and right. This has become his habit. When it's time to sneak fish, he will sneak fish.

After all, it can't consume his blood volume.

Yes, the tower knife of zoom is really nothing to say, it is stable enough.

It is not difficult for Aoun to fight Rambo, after all, both sides have similar skills.

So the top lane is basically you push me a wave and I push you a wave, there is not much possibility of solo killing.

The top lane will always maintain a balanced state, unless there is interference from the jungler, it will get ahead.

The alignment in the middle was different from what everyone thought, so the director put the camera in the middle.

It turned out that Zed was watching from behind, and Syndra was making up the knife after a pause.

It feels weird, like a robot.

The director switched to the first perspective.

Immediately afterwards, he called him a good guy.

The dine player is actually cutting the screen non-stop, but he does not cut the screen quickly like faker, but has to stay on each road for four or five seconds, so Syndra feels very stupid, like a robot Same.

"Dine what is this doing?"

"Do you see that his mouse is counting up hits?" Miller was still observing quickly.

"It seems to be yes, one knife and two swords... Zoom's skills in making up swords are really solid, and I have eaten all the tower swords."

"No, isn't he playing a game? He's still laning in the middle. Why did he shift his perspective to his teammates?"

"Could it be that we didn't notice this when we were playing support before, but now the four to five seconds of pause in the mid laner position can be easily spotted."

"One thing to say is that this approach is a bit exaggerated."

In the laning stage, if you switch to the screen and switch back immediately, there is no big problem, but it is not right to stay like this frequently.

The barrage is also rolling crazily.

"Is this a fake match?"

"I thought it was good, but I didn't expect him to be more outrageous than the left hand, and he can be distracted during the laning phase."

As for Luo Sheng in the background, he held his forehead and took a deep breath.

In the professional arena, the computer does not have any other software. Didn't expect him to be able to fish in this situation?

In the past, according to the training match, now should be the time to cut outside to play other games, right?

Ancestor, can you finish this game well?

If you want to touch the fish, go back and let you touch it slowly, and make sure that you don't say anything at that time.

But at this moment, Syndra's battle interface suddenly switched back.

And handed over the flash forward.

QE pushed towards Jie under the defense tower, not only stunned, but also ate a small soldier with little blood, and was bathed in a golden light.

Syndra is six!
In fact, Ucal spent more than three minutes in a daze.

But anyway, the blood volume didn't continue to drop, since the opponent didn't intend to suppress him, so he didn't bother to provoke him.

Eat up this wave of soldiers and upgrade to level [-], go back to update the equipment and fight again.

Knowing that Syndra was going to be six soon, his position became more insignificant, and he retreated directly to the front of the defense tower.

The distance is definitely not enough for the opposite side to do it.

But she never expected that Syndra, who was in a class like a machine, suddenly had a flash qe that stunned herself.

What's more terrible is the sixth level!

(End of this chapter)

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