LOL: I'm really a professional league player

Chapter 316 Do You Think I Was Captured?

Chapter 316 Do You Think I Was Captured?


Guan Zeyuan yelled out.

But after realizing something, he didn't continue.

Miller understood what Guan Zeyuan said.

"According to the previous data, the hero Kled has a big advantage against Galio. The win rate of the laning is 50.00%. Four... The probability of solo kill is very high. Brother Shutu is planning to go directly to the laning."

"In this way, if you have the power in the middle lane, the speed of relying on Kled's ultimate move may not be as slow as dk, and it may even be even stronger."

"The only thing I'm worried about is that DK Galio's ult will be used as a second player. Once they gain the advantage, their lineups will collide very scary."

Whether you can take the initiative with the advantage mainly depends on how many groups start.

In the lineup of the big tortoise, except for the adc Xia, other heroes have the means to start a team.

The most ferocious one was Luo who came in with his big move W.

This will give Galio a chance to enter the field. As long as the formation is cut, Qinggangying may kick the key C position to death.

However, there are wine barrels, and there are still ways to fight back.

Simply put, it will be better to play with the advantage there.

But the lineup of the big tortoise can be said to be very lpl...

It was a bit too risky to choose.

It is understandable to think of their current situation.

After all, it was so bad right now, so I bet all my hopes on this game.

If he loses, he can directly abandon the next game, so he can swim back to South Korea earlier with two more hours of swimming time.


When the lineup was determined, the two sides immediately began to exchange hero positions.

Coaches from both sides came to the center of the stage to shake hands.

The difference in mood between the coaches of the two sides can be discerned just from the footage of the live broadcast.

The white crescent is full of smiles, highlighting the word "relaxed".

The current record no longer makes him worry about anything.

Next, we only need to consider who the opponent in the knockout round is.

How to play step by step to advance to the finals and win the global finals.

Just thinking about this process is very exciting.

As for the coach of the big tortoise.

I can't even squeeze a smile out.

If he loses the game, he will not only have to consider the problem of packing up and leaving too many people, but he may be attacked by angry DK fans.

Domestic fanatics are scary enough.

But compared with that group of people in South Korea, it's nothing like a big witch.

After all, there was an incident where sulfuric acid was poured into the celebrity drink in the past.

Although it was discovered, in order to reduce the impact later, it still gave up pursuing criminal responsibility.

This makes the star look bigger...

I want to influence these black fans with love.

Actually dare not at all.

Once this precedent is set, the follow-up incidents of black fans can be said to be endless.

In order to avoid these troubles, we can only give up the investigation of responsibility.

Although t1 submitted a lawyer's letter to many black fans after the mid-season...

But when it came time to pursue responsibility, I still chose to give up.

If it is true, it will be brought to court.

In the end, it was the T1 club that was injured.

Still don't have the guts.

Therefore, he can already imagine what would happen to DK if he didn't make the cut as a coach.

It's a little outrageously stressful.

As the coaches from both sides came to the center of the stage to shake hands.

The big screen has entered the stage of reading pictures, and it also shows the lineups of both sides.

Blue side dk: top laner Qing Gangying, playing wild boar girl, mid laner Galio, bottom lane duo Xialuo combination.

Red Fang Tao fights: top laner Ornn, wild barrel, mid laner Klein, bottom lane duo Kasha Garrel.

Generally speaking, Aoun has a little advantage in playing Qinggangying in the early stage. When Qinggangying has done his best, Aoun can't beat him.

As for the middle lane, it goes without saying that Kled can suppress Galio from the beginning to the end, and it is basically a solo kill when he is caught in the late game.

The bottom lane duo is always stronger as a husband and wife team.

After all, there are not many combinations that can beat this kind of skill linkage.

What's more, Kai'Sa's development period is relatively late.

After entering the game, the players of both sides quickly focused their attention.

One side is not wanting to be eliminated from the group stage.

On the other side, they want to win the first place in the group with a complete victory.

Both sides have reasons not to lose.

"The opponent wanted to take care of the bottom lane in this round. Obviously, Qing Gangying was selected to attract our attention. Don't be fooled in this round. Let him develop if he wants to develop. We will focus on the bottom lane. Can."

Lin Fan marked it on the small map.

"Okay, then I'm a hit in this game."

After a brief communication, Xiaotian already had a wild route in his mind.

After all, the hero of the wine barrel, relying on one hand to dodge, is very intimidating to the lane.

Once hit, relying on the Q skill to slow down and the red buff to stick to it, in most cases, you can't run even if you hand over the flash.

Since we need to take care of the bottom road more, it must be brushed from top to bottom.

Regardless of whether there is a chance or not, when the time comes, use an E flash skill.

According to the follow-up practice, it will be easy for Fan Ge to open the situation if he comes to the next lane to catch a wave.

It is still very easy for Galio to resist pressure against mage heroes, but the pressure is still quite high when encountering physical heroes.

Especially Kree.

There are dashes, small controls, and instant bursts of W skills.

The pressure was so great that it was a little scary.

So Lin Fan can play very strong.

This will give Xiaotian an advantage in the wild.

As long as there is a fight, he can immediately support the past.

There is no doubt that this is a kind of torture for canyon.

In the wild, one hits two and goes to jail forever.

As the time reached one minute and 30 seconds, the two sides also took their positions.

canyon, he chose the second half to open the red.

In this way, the junglers of both sides are mirror images.

But with the help of the duo, Canyon is still faster than Xiaotian.

When the upper and lower pawn lines have not yet formed, the camera is mainly given to the middle.

The showmaker learned the q skill at the first level, and when he saw Kled, he stepped forward and wanted to q it.

Galio's Q skill range is 820 five yards.

And Kled, you can see that his Q skill is relatively short, and the actual range is [-] yards.

When throwing Q, Lin Fan can hit Galio as long as he walks forward.

Naturally, it was a trap that hooked Galio.

The first-stage damage is not high, but the second-stage damage that can be pulled back can be considerable.

And leaned towards Galio at the first time.

The speed of 340 five yards in the riding state can be said to be ranked first in the entire League of Legends.

And Galio is only 330 five, which means that if he is hit by the Q skill, he will inevitably be pulled back.

In this way, Xu Xiu was directly slowed down by the second stage Q, and Xu Xiu made a move to maximize the loss.

Go back and hit the passive.

Originally, he would only be hit twice, but in this case, he got hit four times.

One of them is to trigger the conqueror.

What's more terrible is that the outfit of Dolan's ring made Galio's frankness completely insufficient, so he lost almost half of his HP when they met.

The faces of the fans who watched the Korean competition were distorted.

They all complained about what Xu Xiu was doing.

This level of treatment is too rough.

Just like dreaming.

This is the global finals, the battle of life and death, why don't people wake up quickly?

Through this wave, Lin Fan also felt that Xu Xiu was a little anxious now.

It seemed that the team's performance had indeed put him under great pressure.

Seeing that she only had more than half of her health, Xu Xiu grinned and knocked down a bottle of medicine.

A bottle of medicine is missing as soon as we meet... This game is not good for the line.

Lin Fan naturally grabbed the second level without any suspense.

Because I don't know what skills Lin Fan learned.

The showmaker quickly retreated to avoid being hit by a follow-up set.

Otherwise, it would be inevitable to miss the knife.

And he didn't dare to use the q skill indiscriminately. If the situation of the pawn line is changed, the speed of advancing the tower will be delayed, and his loss will be even greater.

The best thing to do now is to wait for the follow-up minion line to advance in front of the defensive tower.

Lin Fan started to wait for the line unhurriedly.

Not having a chance to drain Galio's health is fine.

Just wait for Xiaotian to push a large wave of lines under the defense tower when he is going to control the river crab.

Xu Xiu must be eating the thread, and in this situation, she can't control herself.

And at this time, I can go to the upper half of the district to find sister pig.

Because they know Xiaotian's jungle clearing route, if they appear in the lower half area, those in the lower half area will be more careful about going down the road and jumping over the tower.

On the contrary, I will not worry about going up by myself.

After all, Kled's ability to pass towers passively is still very strong.

In a one-on-one duel, the pig girl is definitely not her opponent.

After all, the summoning skill Lin Fan chose in this round was the aggressive Ignition and Teleportation skills.

The main thing is to play one-handed.

The pressure is full.

Although it has become an igniting dog, the blood volume of beheading is high enough.

After clearing the wild monsters, the pig girl is absolutely impossible to be her opponent at this time.

So after upgrading to level [-], push the pawn line under the defensive tower and disappear directly in the middle.

Seeing Lin Fan's movements, Xiao Tian originally wanted to follow him.

"Don't use it, fight according to the previous tactics, and catch the river crabs directly after brushing."

"it is good."

Xiaotian took the river crab away with a hammer head, and then time went down the road.

Canyon was collecting river crabs in the upper half of the area, but when news came that Kled was gone, he hurriedly sent a signal to the lower half of the area.

After all, the lower half fought fiercely in the early stage, and the pawn line has already pushed past the center line.

I didn't see the wine barrel on the road, so they probably caught it.

Four packs of two is still very dangerous for them.

At such a long distance, being caught would be fatal.

The bottom lane duo is clearly aware of this.

Hastily ran towards the rear.

At this time, the wine barrel appeared on the side.

Everyone in dk was shocked.

With the wine barrels in place, will Kret be far behind?
Canyon also became anxious at this time, and the opponents started to make moves, so no matter whether there is a chance on the road or not, they have to try it.

But now the river crab is near the middle road.

It's a bit troublesome if there is a trace of blood.

So I want to clean up the river crabs as soon as possible.

But before a basic attack came over, a hook at the opening was thrown towards it!

The river crab is gone!
Turned into the center of the red glare runway.

The hook rope directly hooked it...

not good!

Clay didn't go down.

After all, the middle lane has such a big advantage.

The wine barrel went down the road again.

In this case, it is normal to feel that the opponent's mid laner goes to the bottom lane with four packs and two packs.

But the situation on the field was completely different from what was expected.

Without the q skill in hand, the pressure instantly became enormous.

Facing Kled, who was facing him, he could only flash immediately.

If you don't pay, you feel like you're going to die!

And ran in the direction of his own wild area.

Aoun suppressed Qing Gangying when he hit the road and laned.

As soon as he came into contact with Dao, he immediately leaned towards this direction.

As long as they fight and don't drag their teammates over, it will be Calabash Baby saving Grandpa.

It is not impossible to send three heads.

So the best way to deal with it is to run.

But if you want to run this distance, the difficulty is beyond imagination.

Coupled with the acceleration of the river, the activation of the second Q skill pulled him back.

It's a slash that triggers the conqueror instantly.

Two-thirds of the pig girl's blood volume was reduced to a hundred or so in an instant.

Lin Fanfan ignited the sleeve and put on another knife.

At this time, the Q skill has cooled down and quickly used a Q skill to cross the wall.

Then watching the ignition on the top of his head made his blood continue to drop.

My heart also sank to the bottom.

It’s over.

It is indeed over.

Accompanied by igniting and burning, the last bit of blood remaining was emptied.

First blood.

The first blood erupted directly.

In fact, everyone's attention is also on the bottom lane.

I didn't expect to get a blood on the route.

The main reason is that as soon as the wine barrel in the bottom lane comes out, an e flashes directly.

This gives the feeling of being ready to grab something by force.

However, the DK bottom lane duo is much better in handling.

Luo has been waiting for this move, so he stands in the front.

He and Xia opened up a little bit.

In this case, E Flash just knocked Luo into the air.

Afterwards Riel went up to lift it.

Kai'Sa doesn't have a big move now, and the follow-up output is a little slower.

In this case, Luo was not dropped immediately.

Let him use the e skill to run away.

This wave can only be said to be handled very beautifully by lellin.

No chance was given.

Of course, Xiaotian's handling is a bit rough.

It's taken for granted.

Originally, I waited for the mark to flash to control, and then waited.

It was a pity to see the other side running away so easily.

It didn't force Xia's flash away, and the opposite side only taught a treatment and easily avoided this wave.

Without the flash of the wine barrel, the deterrence that can be given in the follow-up is much smaller.

But I didn't expect that there will be another village in the dark and bright.

Down the road, Xiaotian didn't catch the opportunity.

Failed to open the situation in the first place.

But at this moment, I suddenly remembered Yi Xue's voice.

Didn't the big tortoise run away?
But the director handed over the camera to the road.

I saw the pig girl who fell in her wild area.

Immediately afterwards, move the perspective to Kled, and double buffs are displayed when moving.

Obviously, it was Kret who killed the pig girl.

"Brother Sutu!"

"I just said why Brother Shutu didn't go down the road. He has his own ideas here."

"Nice! I actually caught a pig girl here, what a canyon to give me a chance."


The director also produced the scene just now in the first time.

"When everyone's attention is on the bottom lane, Brother Sutu has secretly started to do big things!"

"Here I caught the pig girl who was brushing river crabs on the road... ah, I snatched the river line and used the Q skill to hit it."

"There is no way that Kled, who can't be ignited, has suppressed it by one level. The pig girl can't bear the damage at all."

"Brother Sutu is too sensitive, and his ability to seize opportunities is really good. It is because he has control of the line that he can get this advantage."


(End of this chapter)

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