LOL: I'm really a professional league player

Chapter 317 omg! dine is my god!

Chapter 317 omg! dine is my god!
"Sutuge Kret has now received first blood, and now he can't stop him and is about to take off again!"

"I really didn't expect him to appear in this corner. He just caught Miss Zhu. I feel like Canyon's mentality is going to explode." Guan Zeyuan couldn't help laughing after saying this.

According to this opening method, dk is afraid that he will be eliminated.

If they are really eliminated, they will be the first team in the lck division to fall in the group stage.

This is a milestone for the league.

This was something that would have been unimaginable two or three years ago.

And now it's about to happen.

Doesn't this mean that the competition area is dying...

After all, this era is still the era of LPL.

After waiting for such a long time, waiting for this moment is still quite emotional.

The DK coach in the background clenched his fist tightly watching the scene in front of him, and knocked his fist on the table.

Although his hands were already in great pain, his heart hurt even more.

After such a bad start, the game is going in a bit of a bad direction.

"Xiba... Dine is really strange. Why does he always make such unexpected moves? Why is his way of thinking different from ordinary people?"

Others in the background looked at the coach in silence.

The atmosphere did not dare to make a sound.

Fearing that the angry coach would take his anger out on them.

After all, their country is strictly hierarchical.

The player's assistant coach did not dare to have any conflicts with the coach at all.

If you get beaten, you will be beaten in vain.

But this is just the beginning of their nightmare.

Lin Fan got the head here, and returned to the middle lane aggressively with double buffs.

Even if it didn't ignite, the showmaker didn't dare to stop it in this situation.

He could only push to the back of the defense tower honestly, waiting for Lin Fan to push the line of troops in.

Naturally, it is very easy to push this wave of artillery vehicles under the defense tower, and return to the city to update the equipment.

With an extra 400 yuan, this trip back to the city is an iron spike.

This piece of equipment can only be regarded as a substitute for the effect of Tiamat.

However, synthesizing the bloodthirsty battle ax is smoother.

Kled still has a relatively large demand for coughing up blood. With the passive and blood recovery of coughing up blood, it is quite capable.

The development beyond the timeline at this time has long been beyond Galio's ability to withstand.

If you are pulled back and do the same thing directly, you used to have half health but now you have more than half health. It is very easy to sprint and jump the tower with the ultimate move.

The most important point is that there is not much pressure on Kled and passive tower jumping.

During this free time, the director gave the camera to the road.

On the road, there is no scene of messing around, and they are making up for each other.

Because of the characteristics of the hero here, the strength of the bull bone must be able to play with great concentration, and the goal of zoom is to develop steadily on the road.

When you are in a group, follow the group, just bring this and hand it over to Brother Sutu.

As for not being able to beat this?
It was not in the Duke's mind at all.

Just at this time, there was another wave of duels in the next lane.

Because Xiaotian helped destroy a summoner skill.

This time there is still an advantage for fighting hard.

Directly hit Xialuo's flash.

Although there was no outbreak of heads, it still beat people back to the city and ate a layer of tapestry.

Then the perspective is given to the middle.

Lin Fan inserted his real eyes in the lower half of the river at the first time.

From the beginning, I planned to lay down the road. This motto can determine whether the river in the lower half of the big turtle will be an eye.

When the time is up, get ready to attack the bottom lane.

As long as the next duo does not reach six, basically kill them casually.

But before making a move on the bottom lane, an opportunity appeared in the middle lane.

5 minutes 37 seconds.

Maybe it's because Kled didn't flash, and the wild area was caught and killed once.

Canyon wanted to get this field back, so he cooperated with Galio to prepare to attack the middle lane.

Lin Fan was fearless at all, and the team's Galio just slashed.

In an instant, the conqueror was played.

This hit damage is already quite outrageous.

Although the control of Galio and Pig Girl is sufficient, the damage is lacking a lot.

It was at this point that Kled was dismounted.

But the wine barrel has already been killed from the side.

With a bump in the belly, a barrel bomb took Galio's head.

"Dead! Galio is dead!"

"Hahaha, this wave of DK Nakano lost his wife and lost his army...Huh? Is the pig girl still chasing after it?"

Seeing this scene, Miller couldn't help shouting.

Because he found that Kled's anger value had already reached 60 points.

In this case, you only need a small pistol and a basic attack to get on the horse.

And now with this amount of blood, the damage of Pig Girl is simply not enough to clear Kled's remaining blood volume.

There is no doubt that the canyon is on the top.

"Pig girl is still chasing here! I didn't even notice that Satu Ge Kelei was going to mount soon."

"This wave of big tortoises will send two heads out! We won the confrontation between the middle and the wild."

Miller's side predicted in advance what would happen next.

I didn't think so much and yelled out loud.

The next second after shouting, everyone saw that Kled was full of anger with a Q skill followed by a basic attack.

Get on the horse!

Canyon listened to the voice in his ear.

I feel my eyes go black.

Of course it's not hypoglycemia, it's mainly because the two brothers gave a big one this time.

In the situation just now, if he didn't try his best to see if he could replace Kled, he wouldn't be able to escape.

The moment the wine barrel appeared in the middle, the ending was already doomed.

Follow Clay on horseback.

Canyon could only weakly hit the general worker on Kled.

Nothing works.

It hurts like scratching an itch.

On the contrary, it was Ke Lie who directly beat the pig girl with the help of the wine barrel.

Follow up with a general attack to take the head away.

The big tortoise perfectly demonstrated a wave of Nakano linkage... One dies, one gets away.

If you want to find a good news in this wave.

That is, the barrel took a head.

If Kret took two heads, the game would be completely over.

And now Kled has only two heads...

The game still has a chance.

But after this wave, the voice of the dk team has been silent.

Encourage each other before the start of the game, I believe everyone can win this crucial game.

But right now I don't know what to say.

A general worker A is on the artillery cart soldier.

Just missed the cannon carriage.

I'm confused, and I can't even hold the mouse steadily.

No way, the pressure on him in the past few minutes was too great.

Except for him on the road, other roads can't even develop peacefully.

What should I do?

I took a year off, but I still have to be a thigh in the global finals.

You really don't have the strength to do so.

Xu Xiu, who was killed in advance, stared blankly at the countdown to the resurrection time.

Am I about to be eliminated?
Now I am really doubting my life...

The barrage in the live broadcast room of the lck competition area was full of wailing, venting their emotions angrily.

Didn't expect it to turn out like this.

too baffling.

You are the world champions.

Although it was the champion of the global finals two years ago.

But it is certain that it has this strength.

But... isn't this a crime?

The first team in the lck division to be eliminated in the group stage.

This is to be recorded on the road of shame.

It is unimaginable and incomprehensible.

But the live broadcast room in the lpl competition area is a sea of ​​joy.

"At the end of the first round of the season, I joked that the big tortoise would be eliminated, but I didn't expect the joke to become reality! DK is really going to be eliminated."

"DK, the middle and wild brothers, are probably a little delirious. How dare you attack Kret, the leader of the country? I was thinking about how to find the rhythm at the time, but I didn't expect the rhythm to come."

"The King of Caps is completely whitewashed. Caps can shout loudly in Group B. Stand up, everyone here is rubbish."

"I didn't expect Group B to be so dramatic. How can the champions of the global finals not qualify in the group stage?"

"Xiu Shen was mainly pitted by the jungler. Canyon is really a little delirious in this game. I don't know what he is doing."

"After all, Galio has been chosen... What more can you ask him to do? After all, not everyone is a bastard."

"Actually, last night, I saw Brother Sutu staying up all night, so I knew I had won today's game."

"After all, the champion members left, and the big tortoise is no longer the big tortoise. If Brother Yuanshen was here, today's game would be very interesting. We can exchange game experience with each other."

"Hahahaha, are you sure you don't want to share your illness?"

Taking two heads in the middle, the advantage at this time is unimaginably large.

Next, just wait for Brother Satu to take the rhythm and slowly roll the snowball bigger.

What follows is a visual feast.

It's enough to watch Tao Bo beat the big turtle violently.

There is one thing to say, I thought that the teams in the lck division wanted to advance to the knockout rounds, but we stopped them.

It's so cool just thinking about it.


"Axi! Are all of you in the late stages of cancer? Why do you dare to go, are the others dead? Can't you notice that there is a problem with Nakano's decision-making?"

"You guys should all be fired! Didn't you just lose a few games earlier? Why don't you know the most basic things?"

In fact, when he heard that Nakano decided to attack the middle lane, he knew it was over.

The main reason is that the byd wine barrels are swaying near the middle road.

I don't know why this wine barrel doesn't go wild?
If the wine barrel is not in the middle, this wave really has a chance, relying on the damage of two people to fight to the end and kill Kled.

These two idiots didn't even think about it before they did it, why didn't Kled run away?
Doesn't it show that there is someone behind him?

Relying on Kled's passivity, it is conceivable that it is difficult to be caught to death on such a short line in the middle.

It is always because of this that the skills of the summoner on the opposite side will be ignited.

In the case of similar equipment, it has an advantage against Qinggangying, not to mention having an ignition.

This move is to restrain Qing Gangying with a single belt in the middle and late stages.

In the end, I didn't expect that there was no battle between dragons and tigers, but such a big advantage was easily obtained.

With the absolute leading equipment, there is no pressure to deal with Qinggang Ying.

After a long time to react, the big tortoise's coach sighed.

Maybe this is fate. Sitting slumped on the seat, she was not as angry as before.

Maybe it was because of acceptance, and the players on the field also accepted it.

After a while, Kung Fu Tao Bo established a huge advantage.

7 minutes 39 seconds.

Lin Fan took Xiaotian to grab the opposite duo and the duo hadn't reached six yet.

Directly choose to attack the bottom lane.

The bottom lane duo has no double moves yet.

In this case, there is really no good way to deal with it.

Kled started charging and everyone followed behind.

In fact, even reaching level six has a big move.

Damn or have to die.

Although Luo stood in front of Xia at the first time.

But in the face of Kret's super high explosion.

The blood volume was evaporated in an instant.

More like the legendary Porcelain...

Seeing his support being taken by a second, as an adc, he was numb.

What can he do if he hasn't reached the sixth level?

I can only watch Kai'Sa come up to point out the passive, and kill it...

Of course, I also reserved a special move, waiting for Galio's big move.

This clearly means fishing.

So the showmaker is paralyzed next.

As for this head, I will definitely give it to Ah Shui.

After winning the double kill, Ah Shui was all smiles, taking every bite of Brother Fan.

Because of this wave, Ah Shui's direct economic income was as high as 900 yuan.

There is no way for two heads to assist two layers of tapi.

It directly opened up the matchup gap.

The hero Kai'Sa is gaining an advantage, and it is no exaggeration to say that she can be an assassin.

So in this round, Ah Shui has a lot of room to play.

In such a situation, the middle and lower lines of the big tortoise could not be aligned at all.

Especially in the middle lane, basically as soon as they exited the tower, their blood volume was hit below half health, and they had to go home due to pressure.

Once the middle laner is gone, the jungler has no choice but to come and defend the tower.

Lin Fan didn't plan to play with this pig in the middle lane either.

Go straight to the lower half.

The tactics arranged before the game will now be used continuously, so let the bottom lane bloom!
So, deokdam's little expression didn't change from the beginning to the end.


The adc on the opposite side always has someone to help, what about my teammates?
Where are the teammates, come and save me!

But in the current situation, everyone is unable to protect themselves, how can they come to help him?

Once again organized and captured, Lin Fan got a double kill, and the number of heads changed from the original three to five.

Kled, who has no way to develop at this stage, is the spokesperson of the undead god of war after thirsting for blood.

The next tower can be regarded as being pushed down.

Others could only watch from afar.

Don't dare to move, really don't dare to move.

But the rhythm of Taobao continued.

Turn around and take down Xiaolong again, and start to close.

When Niu Bao was doing his best to show off his skills on the road, he was sad to find that Ao En had gone with the group...

And what he has to deal with now is a Kled who has exploded in development.

This kind of despair is not humane.

Of course, the big tortoise did not choose to sit still.

Relying on Qing Gangying's big move, a wave of three catches came.

But the amount of blood that was finally knocked down was brought back by coughing up blood.

He hacked Qing Gangying to death before playing the passive, and then began to pull with the help of the pistol, and mounted the horse again.

Back and forth...a wave of double kills.

Only Zhumei ran away with her Q skill.

Everyone in DK is also quite helpless, what should I do if I can't kill them if I try my best?
In the next 6 minutes, the multiple frontal collisions with DK were all broken at the touch of a touch.

Tao Bo easily snowballed.

In 10 minutes, the economic lead came to Baqianqi.

Without the slightest hesitation, the dragon moved directly as soon as the dragon was born.

As for Dalong ruining his life?
does not exist at all.

As soon as the big tortoise reached the big dragon pit, the dragon was instantly dropped.

Then Lin Fan started charging immediately.

Facing Kled who rushed in.

There is no way to deal with it, even if all the damage is used to it, it will not be lost in seconds.

Instead, three were left behind.

In this case, three dead means the game is over.

Excited screams from the fans have already been heard in the arena.

"tes! tes! tes!"

"Let's go g2!"

Backstage lounge.

Everyone in g2 jumped up from their spectator positions.

"omg! Tobo is my god! Dine yyds!"

(End of this chapter)

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