LOL: I'm really a professional league player

Chapter 318 Was This Child Stupid?

Chapter 318 Was This Child Stupid? (12)

Everyone in the backstage of g2 was extremely excited.

The hat king directly forgot how hard he was beaten in the first game.

Become Lin Fan's ultimate fan.

Because this game gave them a hand, the next game will not have such a big pressure.

Even if they lose all, the final record is 3-3.

And even if dk wins the game against EG, their record is only 2-4, and the advantage of one more win will allow them to advance to the knockout round as the second place in the group.

It can be said that they lie behind and win.

How does this not make them happy and excited.

I really didn't expect them to be killed in...the terrifying group B.

Not as predicted by others, the two places in Group B to advance are Topball and Big Turtle.

Of course, this has a lot to do with g2's own fighting spirit, being able to double kill dk twice.

This is something that many people do not think of.

Because of this, he held the initiative of promotion in his own hands.

Otherwise, even if Taobao wins this game, g2 will have to play a playoff if they want to advance.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

As the side that lies and wins, in short, I am very happy.

Of course, this is in stark contrast to Tao Fight who is still in the battle seat.

After winning the game, there is no obvious smile on everyone's face.

If it weren't for the big screen showing that the final winner would be Top Fight.

Coupled with the fact that Guan Zeyuan and Miller were shouting non-stop, everyone thought it was Taobo who lost the game.

"Congratulations to the Top Fight team for winning this game, their record in the group stage has reached 5-0, according to the current points situation.

The promotion places have been confirmed, and besides, the dk of 1-4 and the eg of 0-4 have been confirmed to be eliminated. "

When this sentence was finished, Miller couldn't help laughing.

No one expected that on the first day of the second round, the first team to be eliminated would be the lck team.

Just thinking about it... feels a little weird.


Lin Fan took off the earphones at this time, picked up the water glass next to him and drank steadily.

Immediately afterwards, he stood up from his position and led the team towards DK's battle seats.

There is still the last link to win the game, and it is also the most murderous link.

The winning side condescending handshake session.

DK, who had just suffered a disastrous defeat and was eliminated in the group stage, no one had a smile on their faces during this session.

Seeing this scene, countless people became emotional.

At this time, everyone really confirmed that the big tortoise was really eliminated.

The bullet screens in the live broadcast room were brushed up one after another.

"Actually, it's good to be eliminated like this, and it's just torture for the big tortoise to continue fighting, hahahaha..."

"If you upstairs don't show your happy expression, I will recognize your certificate of military excellence."

"I have been away from the game for such a long time, why do you want to come back to Huo Huo teammates?"

"The most normal thing in today's game is the strength of the bones, right?"

"The culprit is actually the mid laner. The showmaker's career in the future... Seeing the ID of dine may cause nightmares, right?"

"I don't dare to judge other things. When DK was sleeping tonight, the one who came out of the bed was Kled who was riding a lizard and scolded them."

"Hahaha, the picture you mentioned, why do I want to laugh so much?"

"Anyway, with just this sentence, Han Za is so dead that the Korean team is so dead! The all-Chinese class is the strongest!"

"After watching today's game, I was not only not happy but sad. We were in this state a few years ago...every time I watched the group stage, I was terrified, afraid that I would not be able to advance."

"My suggestion is to live in the present moment, and be crazy when you should be crazy! Taobao is awesome, lpl is awesome!"

I never thought that we could send an lck team out of the world stage in the group stage.

And today Topbo did it!

The country has long been a sea of ​​joy.

Although it is already past ten o'clock in the evening, not only did everyone not feel sleepy, but they were getting more and more energetic after discussing.

But it's different here in Korea.

Studio for live matches.

The commentator's voice trembled a little.

"Two consecutive fiascos... This is because DK didn't seize the opportunity and ruined his qualifications for the group stage."

"To be honest, I can't believe it."

"However, their games in this series did exceed our expectations, and they played really inexplicably."

"This game also sounded a wake-up call for us, Dine! His dominance is a bit beyond imagination. In the knockout round, the Korean team met Tao Bo. We must pay attention to this. He is worthy of being named the world's number one mid laner by Riot. "

Jin Dongjun on the side nodded in agreement.

The game was actually lost, and it wasn't their commentator's job to settle these matters.

Naturally there are fans to do it.

As commentators, they should first summarize the game.

Although it has been summed up many times before.

But why can't these teams learn their lessons well?

"From the perspective of the lineup, DK didn't play what they wanted. Qing Gangying combined with Galio's unlockable head control, once the team battle starts, it can easily roll the advantage.

As a result, they didn't take advantage of this advantage, but went to the middle lane and kept targeting Dine. This is really unreasonable. "

"Hey, I can only say that the players here don't have a good execution strategy. Dine has proven in so many games that he is not afraid of being targeted. Targeting him... To some extent, half of the game has been lost. I can only say dk It’s not wrong to lose.”

"I hope they will work hard next year... The players are still young and have won the championship once. I believe they have the opportunity to return to the top."

And the barrage in the lck live broadcast room has long been overwhelming.

"Xiba, I only saw their cowardice in today's game! Cowardly makers! Facing Dine, they don't have any fighting spirit."

"Swim back, you don't need to fight in the next game, just swim back."

"It's ridiculous. As the champion of the global finals, we can't even appear in the group stage now. Our players are still living very comfortably. Are there more door-to-door services from various fans?"

"Our players have long been indulging in luxury and money. How can the players of the Top Fight team be so pure. They train every day to make themselves stronger..."

"Don't talk nonsense, Brother Sutu plays other games every day, but he has no training."

"Shopkeeper, get out and go back to your lpl live broadcast room! If it's a Han traitor...then nmsl!"

Some angry Korean viewers couldn't help breaking their defenses when they saw this sentence.

Bangzi’s classic slurs for Chinese people are all here.

However, in addition to the abacus, the shopkeeper also likes to use sticks.

So sticks have always been played with...

Just like the match just now, although they were very angry, what else could they do besides cheating their own team?

After all, the big tortoise had to leave in despair.

All Topsports staff came to the center of the stage and bowed to the fans at the scene.

Then he walked towards the backstage.

The big screen gave the MVP at this time.

It was given to Kled without any suspense.

After all, in this game, Kled scored a super god's luxurious record.

And the output ratio is as high as 30.00%.

At this moment, audiences from all over the world realized that Dine's performance in the mid-season competition was not a flash in the pan, and now he is really going to sprint for the championship of the global finals.

There is no doubt that with such luxurious results and statistics, the moment he wins the championship of the global finals, he is a veritable legend creator.

Because Tobo...

Since changing the mid laner, he hasn't lost a game.

All the way to the present.

The only game I lost didn't matter too much.

From this, we can better see the gold content of the game that forced the teacher.

Many teams have their own ideas at this moment.

Brother Rateu can't sign, but doinb still has a chance.

Due to doinb's age, lng only signed for one year.

So as long as the team can offer a lineup and price that even doinb can't refuse, there is a good chance to sign doinb.

Especially the Weibo team, which spent a lot of money to buy Suning, ended up with one round for both the spring and summer splits.

Saying it will make people laugh to death.

Became a complete bully.

So in the current situation, they have to continue to strengthen.

Hope to win the championship in s13.

Of course, only fans will pay attention to these.

Especially the shy fans, desperately hope to dig Lin Fan over.

Ah Shui can get this result now, isn't it because of the big brother in the middle?After all, the most wrong thing about the ig trident is the fans of Ah Shui and theshy.

When playing games together, there are small conflicts.

Not to mention after playing games separately.

Both sides want to prove themselves.

In the end, Ah Shui's achievements seemed to be too many, and naturally the fan group directly suppressed the shy fan group.

If you win the global finals again...

Because of this, they began to say that Ah Shui won so many championships all lying down.

There is no gold content on the right.

"Brother Suitu... is only one step away from becoming a legend. He won all the championships in one year, the most valuable Grand Slam, and he dominated the competition all year."

"I don't know what the situation will be next year, but this year I can only say that everyone enjoys it."

After all, winning the domestic championship is also a hurdle.

After many players won the championship, the training started to suck.

But Lin Fan was still a bit confused.

The main thing is not to see how he trains.

But in the game, it was killing randomly.

Amidst the discussion, the game between g2 and eg officially started.

This game is a formality for everyone.

Because the situation has been determined.

The big guys are not that enthusiastic about the game.

It's just that during the competition stage, you can post barrage and chat with each other in the live broadcast room.

Similarly, the two teams of g2 and eg played a whole job in this game.

what bp?

Do you have these things when playing games?
The selected heroes are very interesting for everyone to see.

EG's next road, Galenga Cat, belongs to the Renaissance.

g2 also took out the Bomberman in color...

The main thing on both sides is a retro.

But don't say it, the game was still very exciting.

Demacia's team fight is a big sword, stabilizing K's head.

What both sides focus on is a joy.

Compared with the game that has been developing before, it is different.

10 heads were produced in 23 minutes.

The audience at the scene were hooked.

Maybe it's because of the sophistication of the world, or maybe it's because Bomberman is too weak to fight meat in the middle and late stages.

Galen ran wildly among the crowd with the cat.

In the last wave of team battles, they won three kills and led EG to win the game.

The North American fans at the scene were also very excited.

Although EG failed to advance, but won G2 once, that is not too complete a loss.

There are no unbeaten teams in Group B.

If g2 loses like this, they will not be eligible to sprint for the first place in Group B.

Even if he wins Top Fight in the next match, his final record will be four bars and two, and he cannot challenge Top Fight's five wins.

The situation is very clear.

Then came the big tortoise and eg's game with only one game left.

Looking at the lck competition area, they are already exhausted.

There are basically only black fans left in the live broadcast room.

As for most true fans, they are already lying in bed and resting.

What's the use of seeing the end of a meaningless game?
It just adds to the troubles.

In case the big tortoise kills randomly in this game, what kind of mentality will they use to face the big tortoise?

Happy or distressed?

Really don't say...

The story is so dramatic.

In the first two games of dk, they lost to g2 and Taobao respectively.

Hit eg to reverse the arrival state.

Pushed down a tower in 7 minutes in the bottom lane...the super god was completed in [-] minutes in the middle lane.

This made the Korean fans very angry.

"Xiba, why did you go early?"

"People like DK are too disgusting. They won't win the game? Are you sure you're eliminated and start killing?"

"What a European prisoner! Shame on the South Korean division!"

"Captive of Europe, captive of Europe!"

After really watching this round, winning the game is worse than losing the game.

It serves no purpose other than to make everyone feel miserable.

Just thinking about it makes me sick.

As for the game between Taobao and g2 in the final battle.

G2 has no desires, no desires, no ideas.

They have already qualified in the group stage, and the game just now has another round of work.

The group stage was perfect.

So the last game decided to play seriously.

If nothing else, try to see where the gap is.

The Hat King pulled out his Yasuo again.

Lin Fan thought for a while, this game seemed to be played more easily, and he backhanded the crocodile.

When the crocodile hits Yasuo, it is a father beating his son.

You can't make up for the restraint in the early stage with operations.

Especially Lin Fan's operation has stabilized more than a dozen heads of the hat emperor.

So there is not much difference from the first game.

In 10 minutes, the crocodile had five heads in its hands, and it was broken and half a dark claw.

Cooperate with the talent of storming.

It is no exaggeration to say who comes and who dies.

The only thing worth mentioning is that the King of Hats did not die so badly in this game.

It wasn't until the end of the 24-minute game that he was killed to zero.

Finally, he persisted for a long time, and did not break his own record.

Coupled with the record of three bars and three, he still advanced, with a smile on his face.

So when the handshake was over at the end of the game, Lin Fan looked at the smiling hat emperor with a dazed expression.

what's the situation?
Can you be so happy when you lose the game?

Is this kid out of his mind?

ps: md had a power outage for a day yesterday, can you imagine what it would be like without power at 38 degrees?
The call came at about 1 in the morning, and I fell asleep after turning on the air conditioner. When I woke up, I quickly updated it.

There is another chapter in the afternoon.

(End of this chapter)

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