LOL: I'm really a professional league player

Chapter 44 I want to play mid laner

Chapter 44 I want to play mid laner
Although the game was at [-] o'clock in the evening, Taobo got on the bus to the game at [-] o'clock in the afternoon.

Mark and jackeylove sat very excitedly in their seats, looking eager to try something new. They really wanted to try something new.

Ever since I tried a round of big head support the night before, coupled with Lin Fan's hands-on teaching, it directly opened the door to a new world.

It turns out that the auxiliary boss is far stronger than he imagined. There is no combination that can compete with him at the first level, and he can play a dominant level of suppression with just an adc.

So in the past two days, it was as if it was a hang-up. Rank only lost one game in the eighteen rounds, and both of them added nearly [-] points. It was another two days of high points!The Hanbok rankings have reached the top fifty.

I also mentioned it to the coach just now, hoping to be selected in the game.

Luo Sheng is also very happy about this. The support hero pool has expanded, and it is still a non-mainstream support like Datou, so there are more tactics that can be formulated, so he agrees to choose according to the situation.

After all, this combination mark has not been used in the training match. If it was Lin Fan, he would definitely agree without saying a word. After all, he had seen Lin Fan's exaggerated performance in the training match. He has never been free, and can complete the counter-kill every time he is in the line.

It can perfectly connect the rhythm of the team.

Hey, if you can show your big head at the beginning of the spring split, how could you buy mark.

However, things are impermanent, and now Lin Fan seems to have returned to his original position.

But the problem at this time made him even more headache, what should he do with his left hand?
At this time, his left hand was constantly fiddling with the phone.


The first two games ended pretty quickly.

we played steadily, and were taken away by omg without bloodshed. So far, we have an eight-game losing streak.

The microblog released by blg before the game hinted that everyone was going to get stained.

But there seemed to be some accidents. After the two rounds, uzi was not even seen in the waiting room, and he was not in the roster at all.

It is obvious that BLG played everyone like monkeys, no matter whether it is black or white, they were all deceived.

"God" did not usher in his first appearance since his comeback.

The fanatical gsl didn't wait for his true god to come, black fans have nothing to say, and fun people have no fun to watch.

So even if BLG took al away with a clean [-]-[-], the official Weibo was still flushed.

Fortunately, these two games ended [-]-[-], so at [-]:[-], the Top Fight team was ready to enter the field.

And today sitting in the commentary booth is Wang Duoduo, Nine Five Seven, Gu Gu.

Under the auspices of the host Yu Shuang, the starting players of both sides appeared on the scene one after another.

As the two teams entered the preparation seats, the game was about to begin.

"The schedule has reached the fourth week and is about to end. Topbo now seems to have figured out a starting lineup that is more suitable for them. Top laner zoom, jungler Xiaotian, mid laner left-hander, and bottom lane duo jackeylove and mark."

"Well, Dine, who performed quite well in the last round, was not included in the starting list." Gu Gu whispered beside him.

"Indeed, I originally thought he would be the starter today, but considering the current situation of Topball, the coach should have more ideas. After all, Xinyue's coaching level has always been at the forefront of the league." Jiu Wuqi said After saying this, he also showed a silly smile.

As a former professional player, he is qualified to say such a thing.

"Yes, one win and six losses is really not a good result. Compared with Brother Sutu, his left hand is indeed more trustworthy. After all, he has been in the league for so long."

"And the mid laner in this game is still the old opponent Toothpaste. After this game, it will be determined who is the number one mid laner in Pingxiang."

"The match between [-] and zoom on the top road is also very interesting. There are still many things to watch about the effect of the two sides swapping top laners." Guan Zeyuan has gone through five seasons of commentary career, and the commentary game is very important to him. It was considered a small scene, but it easily mobilized everyone's emotions to watch the game.

So amidst the sound of cheering on the scene, this week's focus battle officially started.

As for Lin Fan in the background, wearing a headset, he was already listening to Guo Degang's cross talk collection.

It wasn't his trouble or dissatisfaction that he was not the first starter at all, but he was very happy to shake his head.

Luo Sheng observed it and nodded in satisfaction.

As a professional player, it is good to have this mentality. If the hero pool is deeper, there will definitely be a place for him in the mid laner.

Of course, his professional attitude needs to be changed, and he doesn't go to training at all, that is, himself. If he were replaced by other coaches, he would have told him to leave.

After a little distraction, looking back, Xiaotian had successfully caught jdg to the bottom of the road once, allowing Ah Shui to take a head, and the rhythm was still good.

After the rain finally cleared, Taobo, the galaxy warship, began to exert its strength.

But Brother Kanpian doesn't engage in those hypocrisy, and cooperates with toothpaste to complete the tower jump and kill the left hand to get back a city.

This made Luo Sheng's heart skip a beat, why did the condition of his left hand fluctuate?A man will always move up and down, but how can he go all the way down?

However, Ah Shui did not waste Xiaotian's help. With the help of poor equipment and level difference in 8 minutes, he completed the line kill in the matchup, and then successfully got the fire dragon with the help of the bottom lane.

Brother Kanpian here is also successful in the middle lane, and he also got the canyon vanguard with color, and then pushed the Taobao middle lane and the rhythm immediately took off!

As the game reached 27 minutes, the head ratio between the two sides has reached seven to four.

In the crucial wave of small dragons, the left-handed Viktor accidentally moved and was directly killed. Ashui Zeli played a god-level performance, evading the deadly control of, and abruptly completed the harvest. A wave of three kills resounded throughout The entire Summoner's Rift.

Turning his head and directly controlling Dalong turned the situation around.

Then, with the help of the operation of the dragon pawn line, they successfully broke the Jingdong base in 35 minutes and won the first round of the game.


The left hand forced the audience to sleepwalk, and the side effect of Bobo's team battle was to hit the tmd club hammer.

Fortunately, Ah Shui successfully won it, just win the game...

Before they had time to experience the joy of victory, the fans were thrown cold water at the beginning of the second game.

The middle road is a breakthrough, and Brother Kanpian also discovered this wealth code.

Brush once every 4 minutes, and again every 8 minutes.

In the round of Toothpaste, the fox with strong rhythm ability was chosen. After gaining the advantage, he directly radiated to the side, and pressed Ah Shui's Zeli to death in advance.

So Taobo's economy fell behind by 10 in [-] minutes!

There is no turning point to speak of.

After 22 minutes, Ah Shui put down the hand holding the mouse and took a sip of water.

"I want to play mid laner! Your numb kiss!"

ps: There is another chapter to be updated in the afternoon, continue to ask for monthly tickets.

(End of this chapter)

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