LOL: I'm really a professional league player

Chapter 45 Substitution!Soltu brother reappearing!

Chapter 45 Substitution!Soltu brother reappearing! (monthly ticket plus update)
"Oh my God, the foxes in the toothpaste round are roaming the field, and the hit rate of the E skill is even more scary, helping JD to win the round! I have to say that the state of the toothpaste has been maintained very well recently." Guan Zeyuan explained with his exaggerated tone.

"That's right, Jingdong's tactics were adjusted very quickly. In the first round, they were forced to play the bottom lane and failed. Instead, Taobo found an opportunity. In the second round, they directly changed their tactics and let Kanavi continue to put pressure on the mid lane, helping the toothpaste to liberate The middle radiates sidelines.

We all know that once a fox moves, it is very scary, so the time of this round is very short, and Tao Bo was directly crushed! "Drum said.

"Well, we also saved the suspense of the game until the third game. I wonder if there will be any tactical adjustments on Taobao's side?" Jiu Wuqi finally said.


In fact, as soon as the second game was over, the fans of Topball couldn't sit still, and they all stood up and took out their mobile phones to start spraying.

"Is it because the rebellious period has come? If Ah Shui didn't work hard in the first game, he would definitely lose. The second game is even more problematic. The side effects, let the teammates train with weight, right?"

"Golden left hand? Appreciate hands! The Spring Split is halfway through, and I really don't want to say a word about his performance. It's completely worthy of two words, ÷."

"You don't even know how to be a jerk, and you still want to compete with toothpaste for the first mid laner in Pingxiang? Go eat shit! My evaluation is not as good as Xila."

"Xiye is also able to touch porcelain with his left hand? Anyway, Xiye is now We's thigh. Although We haven't won yet, in all fairness he didn't have any problems in the middle lane, right?"

"One thing to say is that the state of the left hand, I would rather believe that Brother Sutu can C!"

"Dine can hold a hammer. Those two rounds were just a pit match against Ucal. Today we are facing toothpaste. From these two games, it can be seen that toothpaste is in a hot state. How do we fight?"

"I'm laughing so hard that Galaxy Battleship needs a substitute to save the game?"

"When did Ah Shui change into the shape of Uzi?"

"If you don't use leverage, you will win. The current strength of Brother Tutu is absolutely crushing critics."

"It's been a while since I watched the game, when did Taobo get another bastard?"

"Brother Sutu was also a beast before, but for some reason, he switched to mid laner and played two games. In an interview, he revealed that he likes to play Sutuzhihama, so he was called Brother Sutu."


Both teams returned to the waiting room.

Ah Shui didn't say a word in his position, and he could clearly feel that he was a little depressed now.

Even if the team had lost six games in a row before, he was not as depressed as he is today.

The main reason is that the performance of the left hand is too outrageous, so outrageous to the extreme, he has no way to accept it.

Luo Sheng walked slowly to the left hand side: "You have been in a very bad state for more than a month, you should deal with your private affairs first, and then adjust slowly after you have dealt with it."

The hand holding the mobile phone in his left hand tightened immediately. Although he can't speak Mandarin well, he is not stupid.

What this means is that his starting position... is probably gone, at least this month he will have to come off the bench.

Whether there is a chance to completely see Lin Fan's performance.

Although I feel that at most two games will return to the starting position, because of careful observation during this period, this guy has never trained and played those messy games all day long, and he has not regarded him as a competitor for a long time.

It is impossible to pose any threat to his position, but his performance during this period is really not good enough. The coach is indeed right, he should deal with his personal affairs first, and then he can fully devote himself to the game.

But as the top mid laner in the league, he was put on the bench, even if it was only two games, he felt very ashamed.

However, if I strongly object before the start of the next game, I can still return to the starting lineup.

So this game let Dine go up to the third round. With his strength, it is absolutely impossible to beat toothpaste. At that time, his own voice of opposition will be even louder.

In just a few seconds, the left hand has gone through it in his mind.

It doesn't matter, now that the coach's voice is louder, let him be louder, and there are opportunities for him to output.

So the left hand nodded.

"Brother Fan does have this strength. He played very well in the last game, and I'll leave it to you in the third game. Don't let Ah Shui's hard work go to waste."

Hearing this answer, Luo Sheng always made him feel better.

After winning the game last time, he planned to give Lin Fan a chance, but he hadn't played rank for the past two days, and he lost his mind, so today's game that was originally planned to be a one-man-one game forced his left hand to win two consecutive games.

But these two rounds did reveal a huge problem with his left hand, and Luo Sheng didn't regret making this decision.

Then he turned his gaze towards Lin Fan, hoping that today he can give me a surprise like last time.

After the tactics were arranged, the staff knocked on the door of the lounge, and the third game was about to begin!

"Tao Bo made a substitution here, and replaced the left hand in the middle with Brother Sutu."

"Brother Shutu took Syndra and Verus respectively in the last game, and both of them performed brilliantly, helping Taobo to end his losing streak."

"So I was looking forward to letting him play. During the break, I wondered if I would make such a substitution, but I didn't expect it to happen."

"I don't know if you know the big head support that is very popular in Hanbok recently." Brother Guan began to popularize science at this time.

"Is it a big head support? I have encountered a lot of them. I feel that it is useless. It is not very good to cooperate with adc, but it can play an extremely exaggerated performance in the bottom lane. There are indeed a lot of people who use it in the national server and Korean server recently."

"Here I'm going to tell you one thing. The assistant big head was developed by Brother Satu. It was first selected in a round with uzi. At first, I thought it was an actor, but I didn't expect the online oppressive power. Completely full, all kinds of two-on-three-two-on-four, and the three small forts at the back can easily hit the big dragon."

After hearing this, the bullet screen in the live broadcast room started to scroll crazily.

"Fuck, the root of all evil is him!"

"Dine came out and was beaten."

"The big head assistant is really disgusting, but luckily I'm disgusting to others."

"In this way, I have an intuitive impression of Brother Shuitu, that is a great inventor, disgusting!"

"But the left hand can't stand it. What's the use of Taobo even if he replaces Brother Satu? Toothpaste is in a very hot state. After the two games, it feels that the more you play, the better."

"Who did he beat in the Pieshou spring game? Anyone he met was beaten violently, so I think Brother Shuitu should be able to operate. There is a frame-by-frame analysis of him on station B, and his personal strength cannot be underestimated."

"Laughing to death, what can he do if he doesn't train every day, I'll just put it here, he will be killed! If he gets caught, I will stand on my head and shit!"

(End of this chapter)

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