LOL: I'm really a professional league player

Chapter 46 The Art of Poisonous Milk, Control God's Mouth

Chapter 46 The Art of Poisonous Milk, Control God's Mouth (ask for a monthly ticket)

Although there are many fans of Taobo, more of them are a group of spectators who are not too big to watch the excitement. Anyway, the more chaotic they are, the fun people have fun watching every day.

And isn't the demise of the genius boy interesting?
After the ig trident disbanded, they never achieved any results again. After winning the championship, they were just waiting to die, and there was no way out for Chinese e-sports.

However, the barrage didn't remain chaotic for long. As the screen in the live broadcast room switched to the bp interface, everyone began to pay attention to bp.

In the third round, the two sides switched sides.

The blue Fang Tao fighting team, the red Fang jdg team.

Taobo moved the fox, and the toothpaste fox played brilliantly in the last round. There is no doubt that the current feeling is hot, and this round must not be let go.

JDG has been paying attention to Lin Fan since the last training match.

And knowing that he was the one who ended Taobo's losing streak in the last game, he paid more attention to it.

At the beginning, he also gave a hand of respect, and moved Syndra directly.

"Brother Fan was targeted by the opponent as soon as he came up."

Ah Shui smiled and began to liven up the atmosphere again. Although he was very depressed after losing the last game, he couldn't bring his depressed mood to the third game, otherwise the game would be difficult to play.

"It's not a big problem, I have more than one Syndra."

Luo Sheng nodded. Players still need to be confident. If they have a good attitude, they will naturally perform well in the game.

Then the two sides moved out of the plane respectively, Kenan, the policewoman, and Datou.

This big head is mainly just in case. Yesterday mark used the big head for nine consecutive rounds, and with the appearance of Dine, it is very likely that the big head will be selected as a support.

This game is to secure a point, but I don't want to have other accidents.

Datou has not thought of a suitable restriction method yet. has always been unstoppable, and if he can’t beat it, he will move it away!

Taobo didn't hesitate, and directly locked the people on the first floor.

JDG took Jinx and Titan backhanded on the first and second floors.

"Ze Li released this bp, but Jingdong dare not take it first."

"Yes, it's mainly because Top Fight still has Draven and Thresh in hand. If you take Zeli first, it will be difficult to deal with the laning in the bottom lane. It's no problem to choose Jinx, who is more confident in Hope. .”

Luo Sheng nodded slightly when he saw the candidate on the opposite side.

He still won the first wave of games.

On the second and third floors, Zeli and the female tank were backhanded, and the lineup was almost formed. was also not in a hurry, and helped Sanliujiu win the top laner Sion, making sure that the top lane was a tank team.

Then entered the second round of bp.

jdg removed the vampires in this round, mainly because they are afraid of female tanks and centaurs. The strength of these two heroes in the early and mid-term is full. In addition, they choose Sion as their top laner. If Taobao chooses a top laner Strong heroes, vampires are easy to appear in the Taobao lineup.

Once it is delayed to the later stage, there is still a lot of pressure on JD.

The second round of Taobao is mainly aimed at watching movies. A blind monk and a ruined king are all sent to the ban position, trying not to let the opponent bring the rhythm.

jdg's fourth move is to lock Xin Zhao directly. First of all, Xin Zhao is a hero who is relatively stable when facing Zeli, and has a strong ability to catch people.

The count position in the fifth hand can also be reserved for toothpaste. After all, he feels hot in the hand, so he can play an advantage.

"Xin Zhao, the middle lane is under a lot of pressure again, can you hold on in the middle lane?"

After all, the mid laner hasn't been released yet, and Luo Sheng is still a little worried. Although the bp won the first round, he still fell short in the second round.

But there is no way to leave a Kangte position in the middle on the opposite side.

"It's not a big problem."

The steady voice and the fact that bp didn't cut the table casually this time gave Luo Sheng some confidence.

"Okay, so what hero do you take?"



Ah Shui trembled when he heard the hero's face.

He can still vividly remember the heavy-duty Victor. The two games were precisely because there was no game experience in the middle lane.

"I'm fine, Xin Zhao can't catch me!"

The rather confident tone added a little trust to everyone.

And they have already let him go up, just take the heroes he is good at, that can let Zoom go up the road and Nal can help other lanes share the pressure.

Jingdong's last move is to select the enchantress, making it clear that the suppression in the middle and early stages will be fully suppressed. Victor, the hero, has no movement to force a flash to come again, and it will kill!

Brother Kan Pian also showed a smile. It seems that Taobo's mid laner is all the same, and the mid lane is a cash machine.

The left hand in the backstage has a bad face because he, Victor, performed very badly today.

This guy takes Victor as soon as he goes up, what do you mean?Are you ready to teach me?
Heh, on the opposite side, the mid laner Yao Ji and the jungler Xin Zhao, let's see how you live when you are in the lane.

If Lin Fan knew what the left hand was thinking, he would definitely yell that he was wronged. Who said that he just got this reward, and you just happened to play so badly?

How can there be a sharp contrast if you don't take out the same hero?
Both teams are confirmed.

Blue tes: top laner Gnar, jungler, mid laner Victor, bottom lane duo Zeli with female tank.

Red square jdg: top laner Sion, jungler Xin Zhao, mid laner Enchantress, bottom lane duo Jinx with Titans.

The coaches of both sides came to the center of the stage to shake hands, and the big screen entered the picture reading stage.

"What is Brother Fan thinking?"

"I'm thinking...why my swordsman can't beat someone else's Mamei Zuandao."


Ah Shui can't wait to slap her left and right in the face now, and the game is about to start. It's okay to ask why.

"Brother Fan, please concentrate, I feel that you are under a lot of pressure to fight the enchantress in the middle."

"it is good."

Although Toothpaste's Enchantress is very strong, it is still very difficult to make up her mind not to collide with the opponent.

Especially now my understanding of Victor is definitely not comparable to that of their mid laners.

This game only needs to ensure stable development, not being solo killed or caught by the jungler in the lane, the role in team battles can surpass that of the enchantress, and it can take over the game in the mid-term.

Of course, Victor doesn't limit the Enchantress. It can only be said that the hero on the opposite side is well chosen.

Guan Zeyuan seized the time of reading the map and began to analyze the lineups of the two sides.

"Jingdong's Nakano is very confrontational, and they also got the Titans, which can also limit Zeli here." What is said is that Jingdong's lineup is well selected, and it can be played more comfortably.

However, the barrage direction has changed.

"Tao Bo is steady, who can resist Guan Shen's direct exertion?"


"Don't poison the milk, don't poison the milk, Jingdong's lineup is not good at all."

"Right now, I can only say that if Topsport wins, Guan Zeyuan will have a share of the credit."

(End of this chapter)

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