LOL: I'm really a professional league player

Chapter 5 Mission Reward: Max Level Heimerdinger

Chapter 5 Mission Reward: Max Level Heimerdinger

As a rookie player who has only played five games in lpl, he doesn't actually get such a lot of attention.

Just a little transparency.

However, Lin Fan's team is Team Top Fighter. Which of the four players in the top lane, middle lane, jungler, and bottom lane is not the top player in the world?
Not to mention that there are two more who have won the global finals.

But the start suffered a five-game losing streak!
Zhizhen Huazi, who was called the Galaxy Battleship by everyone before the game, not to mention five consecutive victories, at least the current record should be more wins than losses.

Therefore, the current results of tes have not met the expectations of fans at all, so some of Lin Fan's operations have been amplified by everyone.

Became the culprit for losing key games.

For example, if the advantage is stolen, the surrounding vision is not done well.

Some marketing accounts also seize this point to arouse the anger of fans, so that there is a topic of traffic.

Not to mention the food is full, but the profit is also quite good.

At least as long as Taobo's losing streak continues, any attack on Lin Fan is correct.

Even in the early hours of the morning, there are endless posts popping up on major forums and Weibo.

The movement is still very large.

Of course, apart from those who attacked Lin Fan, there were also many people who ridiculed him.

"Tes is such a big team. Except for the support, there are big names in the league in every position. Why don't you want to give more money to the support?"

"Yes, to create the most perfect Huazi, the assistants are not willing to give money?"

"What you said is actually all false. Let me see that there is still a problem with the cooperation of the five people. Is it true that the support will be responsible for losing the game?"

"I think jackeylove's problem seems to be bigger than dine's. The bot duo are actually top-notch diners."

"Is there really anyone who thinks that there is no problem with the spirit binding in the middle? I know how to farm from the beginning to the end. Ah Shui at least dares to go out to fight damage during team battles, and dare to fight against the wind. I will put the words here, tes this There is one person in the double C who has not changed, after all, it will not go far."

"If you don't change this support, why keep it? If you don't change this support, why do you keep it?"

"Dine saved Guo Hao's family in his previous life?"

"The live broadcast even uninstalled the game, and Ah Shui asked him to train together, but turned around and went to play PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds?"

"I can tell that this is God Wei's apprentice, what are you doing here to harm Taobo?"


tes manager office.

Guo Hao pushed open the door of the office with small steps and walked in.

As a team manager, he is actually very busy, especially the manager of Team Taobo.

The bad grades during this period have already made him burnt out.

As a result, when I woke up in the morning, I saw the frying pan on Weibo again.

Really, I haven't been praised once this season so far, and Weibo is full of trolls.

Can't help but make him a little exhausted.

This season, the boss has given a lot of funds, and the domestic double cs have cut their salaries and renewed their contracts, just to achieve some results, but the current situation seems to be a bit out of control.

Fortunately, it's not just bad news, there's good news at last.

Mark's signing process has all passed the review, and the official player registration has also been completed.

It also means that mark has officially become a member of Team Taobo.

Thinking of this furrowed brow finally relaxed.

He came so early just to deal with this matter.

Hurry up to appease the anger of the fans and tell them that their team has not been sitting still, but is working hard.

Then just wait for Mark to come to the club, take a picture and post it on Weibo, and announce to everyone that Taobo Club has a new assistant.

As for dine... Guo Hao couldn't help but frowned, what the hell did this guy do last night?Why is there so much movement?
"Luo Sheng, come to my office." He picked up the fixed phone next to him.


"Lin Fan made a lot of noise last night, what's going on?"

As Luo Sheng came to the manager's office, Guo Hao was not polite and asked immediately. He knew that the club held a small meeting yesterday. Although he didn't attend, Lin Fan was able to make such a big scene. It must have something to do with yesterday's meeting.

Luo Sheng also quickly replied.

In the final analysis, the power of life and death of the club is still in the hands of the manager, or as the saying goes, power comes from money.

The coach is very likely to be fired, but the team manager generally does not commit a principled problem and will always stay with the club.

"So much happened yesterday, and I didn't say anything. He has always been like this, and he can't accept any criticism."

"Well... let's deal with it coldly. Mark will come to the club this morning, and he will be transferred to the second team after a while. Dine's strength is still quite good. It is not easy to train a support, and he can be sold for a good price later."

After all, in the professional league, every famous supporter is not for sale at the club.

ming from rng, meiko from edg.

When it is decided to train the support as much as possible, the contract will be very large.

The price of a top support is even higher than the core position of the middle lane.

After all, support is not just the nanny of the adc, but also the team brain and tactical command.

When rng was just established, if the support was not mata, it would not have been able to grow so fast, and even won the championship directly in the spring split.

It's a pity that they didn't get very good results in the mid-season competition.

So Guo Hao also wants to keep it here, cultivate it a little bit, sell it at a good price, and supplement the club's huge expenses.

The current working capital is a bit stretched.

At least during this period of time, he was too embarrassed to go to the boss behind the scenes to get money.

When Luo Sheng heard that Mark would come to the club this morning, his face was immediately filled with a smile, and his heart was full of joy.

It felt like a top student in a bad class.

However, tes is now ranked last in the league for five consecutive kneelings, so it is no problem to say that it is a bad class.

With a first-hand support, it depends on whether mark can connect these problematic players together.

Anyway, there is hope.

"I'll leave these matters to you. The team must improve! Otherwise, the two of us will pack up and leave." Guo Hao's expression became serious.

After spending such a large amount of money, if you continue to lose, it goes without saying that everyone from the manager to the coach will have to leave. The boss’s money is not blown by a strong wind. Everyone is not a fool. Let you spend the money here. The results did not improve at all.

"No problem, our team will definitely do it now."

Lin Fan also woke up, followed everyone to the cafeteria to have breakfast and headed to the team training room

With the sound of ding, the fishing task of the new day also came.

"Issuing a task: As the top fishing master, how can you not touch fish during working hours? Fishing time is eight hours."

"Reward: Fund 10, Heimerdinger has full proficiency."

"Fuck, the rewards are really rich!" Lin Fan drooled as he looked at it. It's definitely not because he has [-] funds. As a professional player, the hero pool must be the main one.

ps: Ask for a recommendation ticket, big brother, little sister, little sister who is rich, and a little hand to vote for.

(End of this chapter)

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