Chapter 6 TES.Mark link (ask for recommendation ticket)
Heimerdinger is also known as the great inventor of the big head.

This hero is believed to be familiar to everyone.

At the beginning, he could summon five turrets, and if he placed them in the middle, they would be the turret formations. No jungler would have the desire to catch him.

Without him, the damage of this small turret is too high, and biubiu often returns to the base with empty blood after a few hits.

As for the heroes who fought against the great inventor, they were even more tortured.

You can't make up the knife, you can't push the pawn line, and when the opposite side is full of forts in front of the defensive tower, you really can't get out even a step.

We can only wait for the opponent to unplug the first tower in the middle.

Riot designers also know how to play games, and being tortured will definitely weaken it...

It slowly became the big head it is now.

Of course, a line bully is still a lane bully. Few heroes can compare with him in terms of lane clearing ability. It’s just that this hero relies too much on his own fortress when fighting, and the current version changes too fast, and the mid laner has long since disappeared. not see.

Nowadays, those who still choose the big head to play the mid laner are often some unique players... The appearance rate is pitifully low.

Taking a [-]-step back, Lin Fan is in the support position, and he should have a headache seeing the big head with full proficiency as a reward, but in fact he is very excited now.

Because the auxiliary head is really too powerful, especially with the ice.

Brother Yuanshen took out this hand to assist the big head, and abruptly helped drx advance to the group stage and advance to the final.

Then they defeated skt [-]-[-].

From here, it is not difficult to see the feasibility of assisting the big head.

And at the end of the season, there are many summoners who can't touch the master, and secretly learn a hand to assist the big head to directly break through the bottleneck and advance to the master.

Even Lin Fan, the old Baiyin of Wanchang, was like this.

Of course, it is still difficult to be elegant, but when the fishing is over today, isn't this the big head full of proficiency?

At that time, just take it out, take the Ice God to block and kill the god, the Buddha to block and kill the Buddha, and smash the opposite side to go down the road!

Well, when you clock in at work, you have to touch the fish.

Lin Fan sat on his seat and started playing the game he downloaded yesterday.

Sitting for eight hours without saying anything is simply not something a human can do.

At this moment, the system also started timing.

As for the League of Legends, it has been uninstalled now, and it depends on when the system will not let you fish when you download it back.

After looking at the [-] reward, even if he hadn't got it yet, he still felt that his pocket was not so empty.

And if you can get a cash reward once, it means that you can get it later. If you think openly, the rewards for subsequent tasks may be more abundant.

You can also enjoy the game of Sato no Hama.

In his previous life, he was a monthly card party for 21 seasons.

Although Bai is a little whiter, he has everything he should have, and he fought side by side with the team in order to pave the way for conquest and to avenge the bullying of his team members. It is very interesting in retrospect.

There is one thing to say, this game is very good if you have enough spare money to play, it is easy to kill time, and a day passes without knowing it.

Thinking of this, without any hesitation, he directly logged into his account.

It's a pity that the account for the entire 21 seasons has disappeared.

After all, it is still a parallel world, and some changes have taken place.

The only Lin Fan who hasn't changed is still an orphan, so he doesn't have to worry about being greeted by his parents if he beats him badly.

"Good guys are already 2806 now?"

At the beginning, I just caught up with Leopard District 666 when I played Suituzhihama, so my memory is still very deep, no matter how forgetful this district is, I will never forget it.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, I came here to pass the time, listen to everyone's voices, and immerse myself in it.

As for the team that wants to touch the previous life, it probably has to wait until the conquest season.

Ah Shui originally wanted to call Lin Fan to double row, but after a whole night, he should have calmed down now.

As a result, when he got closer, he became numb.

The client is still not the League of Legends client, but the land of the land.

He only saw this game in advertisements when watching short videos.

Brother Fan, do you really plan to continue playing professionally?
"Brother Shuizi is here."

"Are you going to play this game today?"

Lin Fan nodded.

"There is still no way to double row with you today."

"It's okay. Mark is here. I heard from the coach that he will be there after ten o'clock. I'll do a solo queue first, and the time will be almost there."

After saying this, Ah Shui still kept her eyes fixed on Lin Fan's face, as if she wanted to see if there would be any change in his expression.

As a result, Ah Shui was disappointed, Lin Fan was still expressionless when he heard the id of mark.

After all, this is a competitive relationship!

But Lin Fan really didn't have too many ideas.

The current self is really not as good as mark, even today I only have a big head, and I told my teammates and coaches that I need to use a big head to support, do you think these people will let you play?
Not at all.

So before that, there was no competition with mark at all, and he didn't need to take himself seriously.

In addition, even if there is no chance to play in the future, Taobo will definitely sell himself at the end of the spring split, or directly transfer to the second team.

At that time, it should not be difficult to kill the Quartet with your own hero pool.

Now is the dormant period, and sooner or later there will be opportunities.

Ah Shui shook his head here, everyone has his own ambitions.

He still envies Lin Fan's relaxed attitude, but he still wants to win another championship. There are not too many championships at all, especially the feeling that a person who has already won a championship wants to return to the top.

Seeing that Ah Shui had nothing else to say, Lin Fan continued to operate his Shutu Zhibin.

After thinking about it, I still use the earliest ID, Xia and Li Xunhuan.

The former group leader liked Gu Long's novels very much, so the whole group used Gu Long's book characters as IDs.

Today's fishing task has not been completed, so I can only use my own private money first.

After landing, I rushed ten 64s and started to draw. The early combat experience is very important.

In the end, I didn't expect to go directly to the soul with one shot, and Ma Chao was born.

"Damn it, is it possible for me to become the Emperor of Europe after my rebirth?"

I originally thought that after the end of the day, I would get all the reward money, but I ended up going super early so early.

Not to mention really cool.

Lin Fan didn't care about so much, and hurriedly started to smoke and finish the land reclamation.

"It's done..." Seeing that I finally finished the basic process, I just let out a sigh of relief.

Look at the time, it's almost time for dinner.

At this time, the door of the training room was pushed open.

It was Luo Sheng who came in, and behind him was naturally today's protagonist Mark Ling Xu.

Mark greeted everyone shyly.

Almost at the same time, Topbo's official Weibo was also updated.

TES.Mark is officially connected.

After pleasant communication between the two parties, we are pleased to announce to you that support player Ling Xu (ID:Mark) will join the League of Legends branch of Topsports E-Sports Club from now on, and start a new journey together.

Player Mark is humble and diligent, with both offense and defense.His strong style of play gives him a unique awareness of the overall situation, and he maintains a good competitive state at all times.He is good at heroes such as the Goddess of Dawn, the Tauren Chief, and the God of the Star World.Looking forward to his joining, he can inject new vitality into the team.

Lingyun goes straight up to Xiaohan, and the rising sun embraces the auspicious clouds.Welcome @markOvO to join the Topsports family and look forward to our success together!

At this moment, Weibo has more than [-] likes!

"Great, Taobo is finally willing to change support!"

"Crotch dine can get out."

"Hahahaha, celebrate the festival with joy."

(End of this chapter)

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