LOL: I'm really a professional league player

Chapter 73 Doinb's Last Obsession

Chapter 73 Doinb's Last Obsession
The director focused the camera on Jess, who had only five blood points left.


"My gosh, did this tower succeed?"

"I watched the game of Suitu Gedo, and what impressed me the most was his boldness. The boldness of Yigao people is really true. Then the doinb feels uncomfortable. It's fine if you don't get a pawn when you send it up. , not even six."

As one of the top top laners in China, 957 understands how exaggerated the picture just now is: "Luck and strength are inseparable. Few players can accurately bear the damage to single digits. The details of Brother Suitu It's really good, he took drugs as soon as he started fighting, and his blood volume recovered at least [-] points during the fighting, so he was locked directly.

The more I watch his games, the more I think he is strong!He still doesn't have enough blood to go, so he wants to push the pawn line in forcibly, it's really greedy!But the more greedy you are in League of Legends, the more things you get! "

"Doinb is feeling uncomfortable now. After handing in the teleportation line, the level is still five, and the large wave of soldiers under the tower can't get it..." Looking at the distorted face of Doinb, Tong Xi whispered.

"That's right... lng is in trouble now."


"Brother, don't worry, I'll come to the middle lane later, Jess is very fragile, the two of us can take a second." Tarzan quickly comforted.

The loss of the pawn line in the middle is really easy to collapse.

Doinb was speechless for a long time, he was about to make a mistake just now, but he didn't make any dangerous moves during the whole process.

The only problem may be the timing of W release. It may be better if you can catch the cannon and release it, but the opponent can't resist it if you hold it all the time.

If you want to avoid the situation just now, unless you are not online.

"Be careful, I'm afraid he will move."

Knowing from previous game videos that this guy likes to roam after gaining an advantage, especially to catch, doinb hurriedly reminded his teammates.

When Lumao heard what Doinb said, coupled with the fact that the opposite duo was fighting so fiercely, he was taken aback and rushed to the back to insert wards to prevent Jess from getting around.

If the middle lane collapses, the bottom lane cannot collapse, once the pressure of the whole game will be very high.

But in fact, at 8 minutes into the game, the CS of the bottom lane was already 15 knives behind, and one layer of plating was eaten, which was not very optimistic compared with the middle lane.



Xiaotian successfully reached six after brushing the toad in the first half.

"There are no eyes here." Zoom excitedly signaled on the map.

"It doesn't matter, even if you have eyes, you have to get ahead." Lin Fan's tone was very firm, and he switched to the hammer form and jumped into the sky, clearing all the soldiers in the back row.

"Xiaotian go."

"Okay." After the pig girl finished beating the toad, she had already headed up the road, jumped to the river with the explosive fruit, circled around and came to the grass under the first tower on the red side's top road.

This position is already behind Sword Fairy, but he and Jiu Keg are still a little bit less injured, and they are likely to be shown off. Now we just need to wait for Jess to come over.

At 9 minutes and 14 seconds, Jess disappeared in the middle.

Doinb didn't dare to be careless, and quickly signaled the situation to his teammates.

But when the middle line entered the tower, he couldn't go to support.

The bottom lane duo is like a frightened bird, evacuating the defense tower immediately.

If Jace comes down, 100% something will happen.

Tarzan is the first to lean on the top lane. Once Zhumei and Jess appear in the bottom lane, he can directly activate the Canyon Herald to make up for some losses.

The sword girl who was pressing in front of the first tower also started to walk back.

And the wine barrel under the defense tower abandoned a large wave of soldiers and followed out, and Ah Le realized something was wrong.

"Jess might be coming!"

The speed of Taobo's attack was quite fast, and as soon as Ah Le's voice fell, the pig girl behind him blocked his retreat route.

The W skill is connected to the basic attack, and the first choice is to hang the passive first.

Jian Ji's movement speed dropped suddenly, and Zhu Mei's passive quickly stacked up to three layers.

The wine barrel followed behind, and although Jace was nowhere to be seen, his cannon had already arrived.

The giant cannon bombarded Jian Ji's body, and her blood volume plummeted.

This is the super high damage of Jess at this stage, and no one on lng can withstand it.

Jian Ji only has one W skill, but Tao Bo has four controls, and there is no flash, and she is just powerless in the face of the combined output of the three.

Lin Fan took the sword girl's head by virtue of the high damage caused by the form switch triggered by the leap of the sky.

"It hurts, Taobo moves very fast here, and the middle field catches it, and there is no time to react. The canyon pioneer must be gone."

Starting from this wave of catching up, Taobo's rhythm has obviously accelerated a lot.

At 11 minutes and 47 seconds, Xiaotian shot out directly behind the first tower in the middle, and successfully hit Daomei who was staying under the defensive tower with a big sniper move.

Lin Fan even clicked on the keyboard, and the 1 keys were fully output in 7 second.

Doinb has an extremely strong desire to survive, but he can't bear the lethality of Xiaotian wearing a helmet.

In the end, he was lightly tapped by the pig girl's pendulum and turned into a corpse, and then the canyon herald was summoned to let Jess eat a blood tower alone.

Less than 12 minutes later, the line-up in the middle was over.

The middle door is wide open, which means Taobo can invade more wantonly.

An extremely luxuriously equipped Jess began to torment the sidelines frantically.

In the second half, Jinx was hit with a single shot, and his blood volume was not very healthy, so he left one-fifth of it.


Ah Shui yelled that seeing the opportunity is a big move, and Draven's double axes flew out of his palms and rolled towards Jinx.

Lumao wanted to make a big move amidst the urging voice of the Lantern Emperor, but the reaction speed obviously couldn't keep up.

Delevingne took Jinx directly with a big move.

Mark saw the opportunity and flashed his Q skill to pull Lulu back.

Lin Fan from behind hit Lulu, the little fool, with a leap of the sky, took the head off, harvested the fourth head of the game, and began to take over the game.

A tower in the bottom lane was pushed, and the fire dragon fell by the way. After a wave of rhythm, lng wanted to come back, but he was powerless.

Even if doinb took the jungler and successfully crossed the zoom, he also paid the price of Daomei's head.

Pushing down the first tower on the road made up for some economy, but the current disadvantage is not so easy to move back.

Then came the most suffocating big dragon rhythm of Taobao.

The sword girl with a single belt was intercepted by Jess.

Jess's equipment is far ahead of Jian Ji, Lin Fan is not afraid of Jian Ji at all, and is even looking for a chance to kill her one-on-one.

Ale is not content with mediocrity.

It's a pity that although he was full of operations in this wave, Lin Fan stuck to the wall and held the last line of defense, preventing Jian Ji from succeeding.

If the sword formation failed, this wave of confrontation had already come to an end.

Jess's second set of skills has cooled down well, and a cannon shot sent Jian Ji back to the spring.

As soon as the result of the bot lane duel came out, Tao Bo directly chose to move the dragon.

Huge pressure was put on Tarzan, he tried his best to punish him, but failed to create a miracle.

Doinb looked at Renata, who had unhealthy blood volume, and his own record, gritted his teeth and stomped his feet and flashed to Xialongkeng.

"Ionia is calling!"

This wave of lng lost the upper middle field, and Tao fought to win the big dragon!

Doinb looked at his black and white screen and showed a smile after a long absence.

The record above has finally changed from zero to one, which is also the last obsession of doinb in this game.

Light death didn't contribute anything, even if his skin was as thick as the city wall, he still couldn't bear it.

The game time came to 28 minutes and 00 seconds, and lng's base exploded.

ps: Brothers, drink more water, alas.

(End of this chapter)

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