LOL: I'm really a professional league player

Chapter 74 Still Underestimating Brother Suitu

Chapter 74 Still Underestimating Brother Suitu
Backstage at Taobo, Luo Sheng clapped his hands vigorously, and he could feel his excitement.

Judging from the whole game, doinb was suppressed from the beginning to the end, and he was beaten and couldn't find the southeast, north, east, and west.

This is doinb, you can see that he can't beat the lane, but you can't see his collapse in the lane at all.

But I really saw this game, not only the data was bad, but the whole game didn't have any sense of presence.

"Handsome, Lin Fan's Jess can directly pull over to play tactics."

In the first round of Jess in the professional arena, Luo Sheng gave a high evaluation.

And Xiaotian finally found his position, unlike the previous competitions where he was like a headless chicken, completely ignorant of what he should do.

Such a change just shows that Lin Fan is definitely the most suitable mid laner for the current team.

How Nakano can connect well has always been the club's research.

After all, not everyone is born with a tacit understanding with their teammates.

Need to keep exploring...

But the former rookie combination Xiao Tian and Zuo Shou have no chemistry at all after working together for such a long time.

Both of them are doing their own things, there is no linkage at all.

It still depends on the individual.

Luo Sheng knew that his left hand was strong, and if he could not integrate into the team, he would have to sit on the bench without any chance to play.

The left hand sat aside and made no sound.

He knew that there was no chance for him to play again today.

Judging from Lin Fan's state just now, it was impossible to pull his hips in the second game.

But at this moment, Luo Sheng called him suddenly.Shocked, he looked at Luo Sheng with hope on his face. Could it be that he won the first round and it was his turn for the second round?
"Lin Fan's current state is very good. As for the two waves of laning just now, he is definitely a Jess swordsman at the textbook level. You can also ask about it in private. You are younger, and the future of Taobao It's still you after all."


The left hand lowered his head. He was a starter before and now he is a substitute. At the beginning, he was brilliant, but now he can't find a shadow. This change in mentality is very difficult.

And I feel that there are no trivial matters that can affect him, so I can maintain the current state and slowly look for opportunities.

I don't believe that a mid laner who doesn't know how to play foxes can not give the opponent a chance in the follow-up battle. ""

"It's cool, my Draven is one knife at a time. It's really different to take it out and cut people. Brothers are really awesome."

"You guys are cool, look at me being beaten like crazy, with a record of 0-3-7, I was overtaken by the opponent from the beginning to the end." After getting along with zoom during this period of time, although not 100% integrated into the group, and everyone It's okay to joke around.

After all, during this period of winning streak, the team atmosphere is quite good.

"It doesn't matter, zoom-type top laner, you don't need to take damage from the team." Mark grinned.

"If this is the case, it will be comfortable. The opposite side has been training on the road."

"After all, Ale, you have successfully resisted the pressure against Ale's sword girl with a barrel of wine. Let me tell you that you have knocked off Ale's worth by at least 50 yuan. Tonight, he will lose money. .” Lin Fan smiled slightly.

"In the last round, he trained you, and in the next round, we will come back from military training."

On the way back to the lounge, everyone communicated with each other and discussed what happened in the game just now.

Everyone is quite happy.

Of course, this is winning. If you lose, you will not discuss what happened before, which will affect your mentality in the second game.

At the scene, the three commentators on the commentary booth and the referee all gave their tickets to Lin Fan.

Naturally, he became the MVP of the first game.

Jess' game data was presented in front of everyone.

Although it has not completed super god, it is still quite luxurious.


Damage accounted for 37.7%
A large number of people swiped the barrage again.

"The god of support ×, the god of mid laner."

"The lineup of lng is actually not weak, but in this game, it feels like all lanes are suppressed except for the top lane."

"Brother Sutu's state is really beyond my expectation. This is really a bit exaggerated."

"Withdraw my previous judgment... This is the first time I've seen such a player who doesn't need training."

"Brother Sutu has always been an existence that is difficult for everyone to judge. It's right if you don't understand it."


The short break ended soon, and the two teams returned to the battle seats.

Doinb is worthy of being an old fritter, and he immediately adjusted his mentality in such a short time, and he could clearly see the smile on his face.

The two sides switched sides in the second round.

In the case of preparation, the bp on both sides was very fast, and then the lineup of both sides was finalized.

Blue square lng: top laner weapon, jungle blind monk, mid laner Ryze, bottom lane duo Zeli with Cat.

Red side tes: top laner Ornn, jungler, mid laner Fox, bottom lane duo Draven with Titans.

As in the past, Taobo chose not to move Zeli on the red side, because Ah Shui has Draven in his hand, and can suppress Zeli very well in the early and mid-term.

The first level doinb is a good learner here. When you see someone, you choose to retreat immediately. What do you like? Anyway, Ryze is selected in this round, so I will definitely not play against you online. Look for opportunities to catch others The road is fine.

On the contrary, zoom on the road may be a bit uncomfortable to be caught in the first round. Seeing that the weapon master did not retreat but advanced, he went up and forced a fight with the weapon master. Ale was so scared that he thought there were a bunch of people behind him, so he hurriedly ran towards his defense tower.

This wave of zoom not only won the momentum, but also made it immortal.

The soldiers met in the middle, and Lin Fan controlled Ari to stand behind.

There is a single nine-tailed demon fox in this hand, which no one has thought of.

Because in previous games, they were directly removed instead of selected.

The only ranking records are big-headed vampires, Syndra, robots...

Unexpectedly, today's game directly took out two heroes.

Jess and Fox.

How deep is Brother Sutu's hero pool?
"We're still underestimating Brother Soltu!" Miller yelled.

But the fox is indeed Lin Fan's best choice in this round, and Doinb's Ryze is really troublesome to move.

Of course, the current version of the fox has no equipment and damage is still very weak. If you want to kill solo, you can't do it unless the opponent gives you a chance.

So this game didn't mean to play laning, just wanted to use the mobility of the fox to play support, and snowballed to end the game quickly.

Taobo's game lineup is destined not to be delayed beyond 35 minutes, and the weapons on the road will be very difficult to deal with by then.

Xiaotian still walked according to his old rhythm, the bottom lane was red, and after hitting the blue buff, he touched the middle lane, and first came to the middle lane to defend.

Although the fox's damage in the early stage is not very high, it must be tough enough to fight Ryze.

Quickly advance the line of soldiers, and the whole person is pressed in front of the defense tower.

In this case, it is very likely to give the blind monk a chance to catch it.

Xiaotian wants to see if tarzan will come, as long as he squats to the rhythm, he will come?

This squat is really squatting to the blind monk.

Of course, this has something to do with Lin Fan playing too aggressively.

Just in front of the defense tower, doinb is still Ryze, and the blind monk can catch 100% of them to death.

The mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind.

Xiaotian immediately pressed Destroy Charge and started sprinting.

Tarzan felt a chill when he saw the men and horses rushing out.

He purposely waited until the river crab spawned before making a move, but he didn't expect this guy to be still in the middle.


He even kicked the fox in the face...

In front of the people with sprint and red buff, Tarzan was powerless to walk.

First blood, a blood outbreak.

(End of this chapter)

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