LOL: I'm really a professional league player

Chapter 86 Win v5! 7 consecutive victories!

Chapter 86 Win v5!Seven consecutive victories! (seeking subscription)
"Congratulations to Taobo for the first victory, leading [-]-[-]."

"Brother Sutu's Syndra, once it is taken out, it feels very outrageous. My suggestion is to face Taobo. If she is not used, it is better to remove her."

"I will also choose to give him the MVP of this game. The rhythm is very good. Taobo played very comfortably from the beginning to the end."

"Well, I think I can give it to him too."

After hearing what the doll said, Miller smiled here.

"Rookie didn't play at the corresponding level in this round, but Yao Ji didn't get an advantage in the early and mid-term. That's how it is. The rater Syndra is too experienced and didn't give him a chance.

I hope that v5 will make some adjustments during this period of rest, and think about how to deal with the current situation. "

Unilateral crushing has a program effect, but they still want to watch a fight between dragons and tigers.


The barrage in the live broadcast room is also constantly expressing their own opinions.

"V5 pseudo strong team, a bunch of messy players who have been kicked out by others. The luck of the league has won ten consecutive victories. You still have to kneel when you meet a really strong team."

"If rookie is really good, s11 ig will not be like a toy, and I will start enjoying it after winning the championship."

"Brother Sutu is really outrageous. It feels like anyone who touches him will have to kneel."

"Rookie didn't get single-killed? Doesn't that show strength?"

"Doinb wasn't single-killed either!"

"But he was solo-killed in the next round, and those who can survive a round without being solo-killed, I think they are the top mid laners in the league."

"Rookie is still old."

"What about the left hand?"

"The left hand is even more powerful. Pure Emperor's mid laner is best at one against six. It is estimated that Brother Sutu has nothing to do with him."

"If you don't understand, ask the left hand if there is a chance to play next?"

"Having a hammer opportunity, things like rotten crotch and brother Satu's bravery, unless he leaves Taobo, he will sit on the bench until death."


v5 background.

"I'm sorry, coach, I haven't been able to play laning." Rookie apologized to coach nofe as soon as he returned.

After all, at the beginning of the selection process, he confidently said that he was not afraid of facing Syndra.

But the result was suppressed from beginning to end.

"He is really good. Rookie didn't say these words to help himself, but Syndra's performance in the last game really conquered him.

It's impossible for him to do better.

In the most powerful version of Syndra, it is still easy to fight the enchantress, but even that is impossible to force flash and teleport at the first level.

But there are quite a lot of small tricks for this person to suppress his strength.

The Yue Bing line forcibly pulled Bing Ka Er, and it was precisely because of this that he went up to destroy it.

Unexpectedly, it was this move that wiped out Flash.

It's really passive step by step.

It can only be said that the degree of calculation is not as high as that of the opposite side.

Lose a hand ah!

"Yi Jin doesn't need to feel guilty, I saw it very clearly in the background, Dine's several waves of operations are indeed very good, it is not an exaggeration to say that he has revitalized the whole game by himself.

Seeing that Syndra's damage accounted for 30.00%, it means that she appears in every attack. "Nofe flipped through his notebook while talking, and began to think about the tactics for the second game.

They have already won ten consecutive victories, so they must want to set another record.

"Since the first attempt failed, how about going back to the original style of play, banning Syndra, and using Clockwork or Tsar to develop?"

Both of these are Song Eui Jin's forte heroes.

Especially the clockwork, which can suppress the opponent while ensuring its own development, and has a loud voice in the early, middle and late stages.

"Yeah." Rookie nodded to indicate that he had no problem.

"For Casa, we should focus on map resources in the early stage, and take a jungler who controls the map.

Xiaotian likes to hang out near the middle lane, just to protect the development of the mid laner. We focus on resources and can quickly establish an advantage. "

"Rich is still the same as usual, if you have Jess, you will get Jess, if you don't, then Gnar."

The only thing Rich can do is Jess, the other heroes are a little less interesting, and the insufficient thickness of the hero pool is also a fatal flaw.

"Let's not put too much pressure on ourselves. The current results are ranked first in the league. There is no problem at all in the playoffs. If we really work hard, we will win the playoffs." Nofe said meaningfully.

"Let's go and win the second game."

The two sides switched sides in the second round.

Fang Taobo in blue and Fang v5 in red.

Taobo banned Jinx, Renata, and Clockwork in the first round.

In v5, Syndra, Card, and Zeli were removed.

We have discussed it before, since Syndra is really stronger than the first line, then he will be removed directly, if he can't beat him, then he won't use it for you.

In this way, the pressure is relatively small, and the fox and the card have to choose one.

The support rhythm of the card after level [-] is more exaggerated than that of the fox. The middle field cannot be slower than the opponent at every step, so he chose to remove the card.

Tao Bo directly locked the released fox in the first hand.

If you dare to let it go, then dare to take it.

V5 is not surprised to see Taobo take the Fox.

Backhanded Aphelios, and Jess.

They are very comfortable to hold in both hands.

zoom is the kind that doesn't know how to be a barbarian king, so don't worry that Taobo will produce a barbarian king on the road.

There is also Jace, a hero who can pretend to be a swing position.

Rich is more likely to get it, but who can be sure that this is definitely the way to go?
Tao Bo didn't think so much, after all, the fox showed his cards.

Then lock Sion and the fist girl in the jungle.

"Isn't Taobo too fierce in the middle and wild? Lock, the living space of Aphelios feels very difficult."

"However, there is Fox in the middle, and the jungler Fist Girl is very good. She can keep up with Fox's entry. There are already two strong openings here. If v5 wants to play poke, you have to give up this plan quickly."

"The Czar came out on the third floor of v5, and Jess is on the top lane. This damage depends on Jess in the early and mid-term."

The Tsar's injuries are still relatively weak, if there are no three or four injuries, then there is no injury at all.

If you switch to other mid laners, you can kill in seconds, and you can just play a team with him.

Of course, the advantages of the extension spring are also obvious, and it will only become stronger in the middle and late stages, and the longer you delay, the greater the chance of winning the game.

Both sides took key positions.

The points targeted by the second round of bp are different.

Taobo is mainly aimed at removing troops from the jungler, Pig Girl.

V5 is aimed at removing Delevingne and Nami from AD.

Then v5 locked Thresh, and the fifth position was reserved for the jungler.

Taobo is the second to choose the wheel mom and the cat.

V5 locked the bear in the last hand.

The bulkiness is a bit bulky but it is really powerful in the wild.

The lineups of the two sides are determined.

Blue Fang Taobo: Top laner Sion, jungler Fist sister, mid laner Fox, bottom lane duo Wheel Mom and Cat.

Red side v5: top laner Jess, play wild bear, mid laner Czar, bottom lane duo Aphelios with Thresh.


Luo Sheng and nofe shook hands again, and the game entered the picture reading stage.

Rookie looked at the fox, and suddenly felt a lot less stressed.

It is very difficult for the fox hero to kill alone in the early stage, and it is very dependent on the control of the E skill. At least the Tsar is not very afraid.

The only thing to worry about is the opponent's jungler. It will still be very troublesome to lock the big move in the sixth level.

However, they have already taken the Tsar, so they should consider the development first. If the fox can't get an advantage in the middle, he will definitely choose to go to the side.

"Rich, you have to be careful on the road."

"Well, I know." Rich heard the reminder from the middle lane and understood what it meant.

The rhythm of Taobo's Nakano-wild linkage is very scary. If you want to find a breakthrough, the top laner, Jess, is very suitable.

As for Luaphelios, Thresh has the protection.

He can only rely on himself completely on the road.

It is easy to catch and die once.

"After controlling the map resources, I try to go up the road as much as possible." Casa said.

Lin Fan's starting outfit for this round was still to choose the corruption potion, this time he didn't have the idea of ​​solo killing the opponent.

It's not easy to kill, too aggressive but easy to give a chance.

The main thing is to use the fox to push the line fast and have strong mobility. After reaching level [-], go to other roads for support.

1 minutes 30 seconds.

The minions of both sides meet in the middle.

Lin Fan took the position first, Q'd a pawn, Rookie had already prepared a small twist and successfully dodged the Q skill.

But then there was no extra action, and the sand soldiers were summoned to make up the knife.

His task in this game is very simple, develop.

Help the team raise the upper line in the middle and late stages, so you can't do any risky moves in the early stage.

Lin Fan saw it and quickly started to grab the line.

As for the bottom lane duo, they didn't go online immediately, but helped Xiaotian invade directly.

This is something v5 didn't expect, and Casa can only suffer from a dumb loss.

When he swiped down from the upper half, there were only three wolves left in the lower half, and the blue buff and toad were gone.

It was too late to rush to the upper half of the area to grab the blue, and the fox controlled the right of the middle line and could come to support at any time.

The bear's fighting power in the wild is strong, but not to the point of being able to fight two with one.

So Lin Fan went to eat a blue buff comfortably.

The extra Xiaotian still needs to respect the middle lane.

Rookie frowned as he watched the fox coming out of the blue buff.

In the last one, the middle lane became a two-man lane, and this one was given to Lan in 4 minutes.

Horse riding, Xiaotian, you are too licking the dog, right?

The pressure on the middle lane of the fox with the blue buff suddenly increased.

Tsar's line pushing speed in the early stage was originally slower than that of the fox, but now it is even slower.

Rookie can only carefully look for opportunities in the rear.

Walking can't be stopped, it can only consume the fox's blood volume as much as possible, which can also relieve the pressure on the sideline.

"Brother Fan?" Xiaotian clicked on the Tsar.

The river crabs in the upper half of the area have just been collected, and the middle lane is about to enter the tower. This is an opportunity.

"Okay, go to the opposite f6 and pass him directly over the wall."

Lin Fan also used a Q skill to push the pawn line in while speaking, so naturally Rookie would not miss such a good opportunity.

wq controlled the sand soldier to go forward to consume the fox's blood volume, but after the sand soldier made up two general attacks, the fox's blood volume still dropped by nearly [-] points.

Xiaotian was already in position at F6, and saw the Tsar poke out a charged q across the wall to catch up with the flash and knock the Tsar away for a long distance.

When Rookie saw Wei suddenly coming out from the side, his whole back trembled, and all the hairs stood on end.

Fingers tapped frantically on the keyboard.

The short control time of the knock-up passed in an instant, and the czar successfully handed over the flash and entered under the defense tower.

But as soon as it landed, the charm of the fox was in place.

An E skill pulled it out again.

With two bang bang punches and the fox making up for the damage, the Tsar's bloodline was already less than a hundred points.

Xiaotian made an a and then stopped immediately. The fox followed up with a knife to clear the czar's remaining blood volume and get a blood.

First blood!

"Wow! Did Xiaotian choose this way to help build an advantage in the middle lane? It's a bit exaggerated. Before he was sure that he would get the kill, he Q flashed down?"

"The Tsar's power is relatively late. He was caught and killed once in the early stage. It feels like it will take a long time to recover."

"Then the pressure on other roads is greater than what we analyzed at the beginning."


With Xiaotian's help, he ate a layer of tapi and replenished a wave of pawns. Lin Fan chose to deduct b and go home in four and a half minutes.

At this time, he chose to forcefully pass a wave of Sean on the road.

The Duke's corpse could get up and wanted to change another one, but it was a pity that the other side handed in a flash to distance them.

In the early stage, Sion's fight against Jayce was to resist the pressure, and the pressure of going on the road with the help of the jungler was full.

"Mine, I should go back directly. I didn't expect them to come over my tower."

"It's okay, he won't be able to touch you when your armor is made, just keep it steady."

I just ate a layer of tapioca and a human head, and when I got home, I made straw sandals, a killing ring, and a little porn book.

It can be seen that Lin Fan is about to move.

V5 here is also very careful and determined not to give a chance.

After more than eight minutes, there was still no head change.

It looks like v5 should be stable.

Less than half a minute later, Tao Bo's rhythm came.

Don't look for online, just focus on junglers!

The fist sister who reached level six, followed by the eldest sister Touhu, plunged into the upper half of the v5 field.

Earlier, Lin Fan asked Xiaotian to touch the route of Casa, mainly for this wave.

Seeing the bear, Xiaotian didn't talk about Wude's big move and locked his head.

Raise it high and punch it down again, smashing the bear into the deep pit.

Seeing the fox behind Sister Fist, Kasa didn't dare to stay, and prepared to run with a big move.

But the fox kept up for a while, and a taunt pulled him back.

Kasa couldn't retreat, so he hit all the damage on Sister Quan, trying to see if he could change it, but unfortunately it was still a lot worse.

As for when rookie arrived, the bear's blood volume was less than two hundred.

It's a little tangled, if you go in and push people away and get stuck, then it's over.

Because he didn't flash, he couldn't bear the price of dying again.

With this hesitation, the blood volume of the bear was emptied.

Only half a minute has passed from the previous balance of power to the current v5 disadvantage.

Next, Miss Fist's big move is good, and she can copy the scene just now.

At 9 minutes and 57 seconds, Lin Fan sent a signal towards the top lane.

Xiaotian immediately followed, and Zoom didn't even hesitate, and slammed towards Jess with a big move.

I told you to bully me before, now that my elder brother is here, it's time for you to pay the price.

The moment the fox and Miss Fist came out.

Rich was even more frightened to fight.

The head was given to the fox again, and the rings were silently stacked six times.

The Duke stood next to Jace's corpse and enjoyed two waves of soldiers.

Seeing this scene, the group of coaches in the v5 lounge panicked.

Unexpectedly, after nine years in S3, the domineering Nakano combination began to shine again.

In the current situation, the entire map is the hunting ground of this middle field, and all members of V5 are prey.

But at this moment, another bad news came from the lower road.

Aphelios was killed by Wheel Mom.

Nofe stared at the boss with two eyes, what the hell?

The combination of Aphelios and Thresh, even if they can't beat the wheel mom and cat, but they won't be killed by the line, right?
Nofe stomped her feet madly like a little daughter-in-law.

No wonder he could only be used as a substitute before, but he couldn't beat the main player.

But during the period when the fox was roaming, the Tsar could grow steadily.

One hope remains for v5.

In 11 minutes, Lin Fan has replenished Yongshuang, his damage has been increased, and more importantly, his control has been maximized, and the person in the middle of the fox has no chance to run away.

In 13 minutes, the middle road once again attacked the czar who was living comfortably.

The fox cooperates with Sister Fist's half set of skills to send the Tsar back to the spring, and pushes down a tower in the middle by the way.

By this time, the hopes of the v5 fans have been shattered, and there is no turning point.

The top lane was caught, the middle lane was overrun, the bottom lane couldn't beat, and the wild area was caught.

All four collapsed!

With such a great advantage, Lin Fan started the scholar mode as soon as the economy was enough.

You must study hard to play League of Legends, how can you do it without reading?

As soon as 20 minutes came, Taobo began to rush Dalong.

This time v5 is on the red side, and there is still a chance to grab the Baron when they are at a disadvantage.

So Kasa was going to give it a try, and jumped into the dragon pit with a big move.

But Tao Bo stopped immediately and didn't give him this chance at all. He turned his head to focus on the fire bear, and instantly emptied his blood volume.

Then Taobo took the big dragon again.

Use the big dragon buff to add body, and break down the middle and lower highlands in a row.

23 minutes v5 Highland.

The exploding fox staged what is called continuous big moves in front of the audience.

"Want to play with me? Don't blame my ruthless tail."

This beautiful figure shuttled back and forth among the crowd, and every time it turned around, a victim fell down.


Such an amazing performance also caused the audience to scream and shout.

"Tobo, Tobo!"

At 24 minutes and 22 seconds, the v5 base exploded.

(End of this chapter)

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