LOL: I'm really a professional league player

Chapter 87 After the game entertainment, geese and ducks kill

Chapter 87 After the game entertainment, geese and ducks kill (for subscription)

"Okay, congratulations Taobo!"

"Congratulations to Taobo for beating v5 [-]-[-], their winning streak has successfully extended to the seventh game."

"The v5 undefeated game has been broken today. It's a pity. I can only say that Taobo players played better today and are in better condition."

"That's right, even though we lost one game, v5 is still number one in the league. Taobo is catching up and has already reached the eighth place in the league."

"The main reason is that there are too many pitfalls ahead, but now I am sure that I will be able to play in the playoffs, and the regular season will soon end. If the state can continue, I am still looking forward to it."


As for the audience at the scene, they also chatted with the friends who came to the scene.

"V5 didn't win? Is this Top Fight team really that strong?"

"Brother Sutu is really too strong. I can't figure out that the mid laner is so strong, and he actually played support for six games? Was he blind at the beginning?"

"It can only be said that the white crescent moon that has turned into a new moon is still as stupid as ever, so trust the stupid left hand."

"If you know your mistakes, you can correct them later. I still admit it. Brother Sutu is a baby now. He has a bunch of gossip about the rotten crotch in his left hand. I'll sell it to him next season. I think it's pretty cool to form a double C with Huanfeng. Appropriate, one likes PC and the other likes dating."

"It's just his two little friends who are good at cooking and love to play."

"But having said that, being able to win v5 is really a boost to morale, and it can be regarded as confirming the place for the playoffs, right?"

"Eight or nine is close to ten. From the previous point of view, seven wins is the playoffs, and eight wins is very stable. Taobo has three regular season games left, Weibo old godfather and ig."

"That feeling is still a bit hanging. Stealing from the rich and giving to the poor old godfather, the shy god ghosts again and again."

"It doesn't matter that Brother Sutu will make a move."

As for those who were waiting to see the excitement, and jumped out to attack Lin Fan after Taobo lost the game, they didn't find this opportunity.

I can only complain that v5 is really imaginary. Rookie won ten consecutive victories in front of him, but he can't even beat Dine who doesn't train all day and has nothing to do every day?

However, Taobo is destined to not go far with such a mid laner.

Sooner or later, he will follow the old path of Tang Sect mid laner.

Wei Shen is going to fight PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, you son of a bitch, Shutu brother, hurry up and fight Eternal Calamity.


In the player's seat, Lin Fan stood up from his seat, and went with his teammates to shake hands with the v5 team.

Losing a game doesn't have a big impact on v5, or even doesn't matter, the good foundation in the early stage is so arrogant.

Of course, the winning streak is gone, and they are still a little bit disappointed.

After all, there are few people who can still laugh after losing the game. If possible, only Big Yellow Dog and Taishou are there.

"I knew you were very strong when I watched your video earlier, but I didn't expect you to be so strong." Rookie whispered while shaking hands with Lin Fan.

"You are not bad, but I am stronger." Lin Fan said with a smile.

"Old Song has teased you face to face, won't you open his ass in the next game?"

"We are still No. [-] now. In the regular season, we are either No. [-] or No. [-]. If you want to meet us in the playoffs, you have to pass at least two hurdles in your ranking."

"Tch, it's more valuable for us to come from behind than you to make efforts in front of us." Ah Shui is not convinced, the relationship between ig[-]C has always been very good, and from time to time, we will go to uzi's house to play mahjong.

Of course, basically they go in during the day and come out during the day, and go in at night or come out during the day.

It seems that if you don't play mahjong all night, you don't play mahjong passionately.

Looking at the Taobo people leaving, Casa suddenly said to Rookie: "Dine never trains?"

"I heard from them that it's really not training..."

"Can this state be maintained so well? The talent is full."

"I guess it's better to win more now, and I feel like I'm going to die when I lose the game. I just hold it in one breath and continue here."

ppgod's analysis made sense, and the others nodded in agreement.

Then such a player is destined not to go very far, and if he meets him next time, he will definitely not lose again.

Tao Bo's team still has to rely on the bottom lane.

It's a pity that there hasn't been a reliable mid laner for so long.

If you have talent, you have to choose to waste it like this. Maybe it is true as he said, League of Legends is a job, and other games are your own life.

The Taobo five came to the center of the stage and bowed to the audience who supported them.

Then go back to the battle seat and start sorting out the equipment.

After arriving in the waiting room, Lin Fan was invited to accept a post-match interview.

After all, he won the MVP in these two games, so it's hard to justify not interviewing him.

Xiao Yu, who was wearing a small yellow dress, asked Lin Fan to introduce herself with a smile on her face.

"It's no wonder that Rookie played so fiercely in the first round. He originally wanted to fight for an MVP, so that he could interview Xiao Yu after the game. It seems that I have ruined the good things of these two people..."

The lights of the interview booth turned on Lin Fan.

"Sure enough, players who have a normal life are different from other professional players. They are radiant and energetic."

"Brother Sutu really looks more and more handsome, and his face is quite charming."

"Come fencing come fencing."

"Your body is not big enough to fight Brother Liutu alone, so you still go to fencing with him?"

"Is it possible that the fencing he's talking about isn't swordsmanship? It's stickmanship?"


Once again standing in this position, Lin Fan is now very relaxed.

Looking towards the audience seats, besides Ah Shui's sign, there are many people holding their own signs.

There are men and women, not bad, not bad. It seems that his performance in the league during this period of time has attracted quite a lot of fans.

"The first question is that after you saw that Rookie chose Enchantress, you later chose Syndra. What kind of mood did you take it at that time?" Xiaoyu stared at Lin Fan, with a feeling that you were not good. Said, I will make you look good later.

"Rookie's Enchantress is notoriously tough, plus he has a champion skin and deepens the pressure on me, so I can only use the most confident hero to fight against him.

So you can see that we took Syndra. Fortunately, v5 didn't remove this hero. Otherwise, I really can't think of any hero to play against. "

"Facts have indeed proved that apart from Syndra, I am not easy to fight against. It puts a lot of pressure on me during the laning stage. Rookie is indeed strong, but it is true that Enchantress is not easy to fight against Syndra in the early stage, so I was slowly snowballed by me."

The answer is very official and formulaic, which makes Rookie fans very satisfied.

If you lose, you lose, but you can't just say that your opponent can't play well, at least you have to sound comfortable.

Xiao Yu was also quite satisfied, her eyes narrowed.

"Taobo has won seven consecutive victories. The playoff spot should be stable. Is there any further goal now? The champion of the spring split represents lpl to participate in the mid-season game?"

With the experience of many people who have been there, I told Lin Fan not to set such a big flag during the interview.

From those who have retired to those who are still fighting in Li Ning, they have all done such stupid things, and they were slapped in the face like crazy.

Even if half a year has passed, many people will still mention that it is pure black history.

"Although we have won seven consecutive victories, our fundamentals are not very good. After all, I was also a player on the field during the previous six consecutive losses, and I can clearly feel the gap with other teams.

In this case, I just want to play every game well, and I don't have any other extra goals. Let's go step by step and keep our feet on the ground. "

The barrage in the live broadcast room scrolled crazily.

"As far as your rank once a month is concerned, it's really not convincing."

"If someone else said that, I would believe it. Brother Sutu spends the rest of his time on any game other than League of Legends."

"One thing to say is that today's wave of interviews is fine."

"Isn't rookie working so hard for this moment? It's just a pity that Brother Shutu can operate it."

"Is rookie watching the interview in the break room right now? What's it called? Husband..."

"Hey, I don't dare to talk nonsense, but if it's Xiaoyu, I think I can do it."

After the interview, Lin Fan returned to the waiting room. As for the rest of the game, he didn't plan to watch it. Everyone picked up good things and took the bus back to the base.

Everyone has smiles on their faces, the seven-game winning streak is very comfortable.

It is basically certain that they will get a place in the playoffs, and the pressure is much less in an instant.

"Today's game was really good. I thought we might have to play three rounds, but I didn't expect to win v5 [-]-[-]." Luo Sheng sighed while sitting on the seat.

"We won the bayonet fight with us, we won the swim fight with us again, they are number one in the league, and after we win against him we will be number one in the league.

So we will continue to work hard in the next competition, and we can no longer give up the title of number one.

The regular season is coming to an end, and we need to slowly change the training rhythm to prepare for the playoffs. "

"Are you confident?"


After losing the game, the coach needs to pour chicken soup into the players, winning streak and this kind of winning streak is even more needed.

The coach at this stage is no longer the role of taking out food at the base. He has a very high voice in the team and belongs to the management.

After returning to the base, everyone went to the cafeteria to have a simple meal, and then devoted themselves to post-match training.

Tao Bo's schedule has never been too tight.

It may be that there are too many star players, and they are afraid of getting tired, and there are no back-to-back games like that.

"Brother Fan in duo?"

"No, I have an appointment, and Tuantuan asked me to play goose and duck with them."

"Goose and duck kill?"

"Tuantuan?" Ah Shui is very sensitive to girls' names now.

My mid laner is so strong, what should I do if I go on the road of no return?
"It's just Douyu's anchor, a small group. We are all broadcasting on Douyu. Sometimes it's very interesting to see them playing geese and ducks during ward rounds, so I begged to join."

Hearing this explanation, Ah Shui didn't relax, but became more vigilant.

Because the status of a professional player is here, and Fan Ge's performance has been exaggerated recently, there are many bad women with malicious intentions who will post them.

You can continue to pay attention.

"What is that goose and duck kill? Is it a werewolf kill?" Mark asked as he handed over the milk tea in his hand.

"Almost, almost."

While talking, Lin Fan skillfully hung up the accelerator, and then turned on the game of Goose and Duck Killing.

At this time, Susu also sent the room number to Lin Fan.

"Hey hey, can you hear me?"

"I can hear it, I can hear it, Lin Dahammer has come in, there should be no one else? If there is no one, it will be opened."

Lin Fan also opened the live broadcast room at this time.

After a while, a large group of people poured in.

The end of the game is when popularity is at its highest.

"Fighting, bro, kill rookie today!"

"It's always been that the original partner couldn't beat the mistress, let alone the mistress who kicked away the mistress? Rookie didn't deserve to lose."

"Goose and duck killing? Brother Sutu is playing goose and duck killing with Da Sima and the others tonight."

"Don't be tempted by Da Sima, he just keeps delaying time playing a goose and duck game."

Amidst the noise of the barrage, the round officially began.

In the 11-man game, two wolves and two neutrals.

The voice changed immediately.

Lin Fan's identity in this round was an assassin, and the other assassin was Diao Deyi.

Comfortable, a duck status was given in the first game.

If you play ducks, you can find someone to kill, but you have to be careful not to be discovered, or report a false case as soon as possible to act as a good person.

So Lin Fan walked from the basement to the laboratory.

Walking to the laboratory, a group of people gathered at the door.

Looking at it, I saw Diao Deyi with a red light.

Then I scanned how many people there were at this intersection.

Including myself, there are five in total, and if one is cut off with a knife, there will be one left, so I can't do anything yet.

Da Sima kept sticking to the body of famous detective Ke Tuan with a wretched smile.

A small group tried to avoid it, and warned the big Sima not to post it.

Then go down alone.

Wang Damou from the rear followed, but he was killed twice. In this situation, the police chief undoubtedly killed a good person.

Da Sima hurriedly shouted: "Come here, come here, watch, watch."

With the help of the corpse, he directly deceived two of them.

When Lin Fan saw the knife in his hand, he dropped one first.

There was actually a pelican in it, and it swallowed Lin Fan again in one gulp. Da Sima killed the pelican with a single knife, and had a caesarean section, and rescued Lin Fan.

"Should I call the police?"

"Definitely report it, call them over, say that the sheriff has stabbed a good person and fished in troubled waters, and I will go in and lie to them about their identities."

After Lin Fan finished speaking, he went directly to touch the corpse.

"Four of them died. I just passed by and saw three or three Tuantuan being stabbed. I am the police chief and I definitely can't watch bad guys kill good guys, so I did it for him again. "

"The other two pelicans eat one, and the wolf kills one. The situation on the field is very complicated."

That means six players and two bad cards.

This move directly to the sheriff, no one can jump out and shout to Lin Fan, whether there is a real sheriff or not.

"All the good people follow me, and the remaining two are up to you to analyze."

But after a lot of talking, there was still no way to find anyone.

After all, no one would have guessed that the sheriff had hit a good guy with a knife, and then he had two wolves with two swords.

Under Lin Fan's intention to fish in troubled waters, the situation became very chaotic.

There are only six people left and there is a sheriff who everyone trusts very much, so the speed of killing people is even faster.

It took a minute and a half to kill them all.

"It's cool, from the beginning to the end, Lin Dahammer is amazing."

"Hey, how is Tuantuan the police chief? Four of them died in the first round. I'm completely dumbfounded."

"I'll come here and you'll kill me with one knife."

The barrage rolled wildly in the live broadcast room.

"Brother Sutu's brains are really powerful, and he really played everyone around. The most important thing is that they didn't all get together, and then the two extra dead were brought out on purpose. Everyone doesn't trust each other."

"It can only be said that the weakness of human nature is well understood, and it may be because of such tactics that the game is dirty enough."

(End of this chapter)

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