Chapter 116 Killing the Son-in-Law (44)

On the way back to Xie's house, Xun Yu kept looking at Jin Yan worriedly.

It seemed that sitting across from him was a fragile glass doll, which would shatter if one was not careful or neglected.

Jin Yan thought of how Xie Xi was like this after she survived from nine deaths in her memory, staying by her side every day, guarding her with great care.

"Xun Yu."

"what happened?"

As soon as Jin Yan called him, he immediately focused on her.

There was unspeakable fear and joy in his eyes.

Maybe it's lucky that they all survived?
Jin Yan stretched out his hand and poked Xun Yu's pale face, and said softly, "Are you scared? That's all in the past, now I'm sitting right in front of you?"

At the end of the world, she "died" countless times, and every time she frightened her father and the others to death.

Although they have all experienced many times of life and death separation, and looked down upon the passing of life, they could not watch a child who was cared for by them when they were still embryos and had been carefully cared for growing up.

Every time she walked through the gate of hell, she would always see the same caring and worried eyes as Xun Yu when she opened her eyes.

Xun Yu nodded slightly, and said softly, "Yes, you will be fine."

It's just that he still has no idea in his heart.

After the Xie family recruited a son-in-law, Jin Yan was safe and sound.

In the end, it was Lin Ao's luck that happened to coincide with the time when Jin Yan was recovering.

Or, is Lin Ao really involved with Jin Yan's safety?
How could Jin Yan's life be tied to Lin Ao?
If you kill Lin Ao.


After the carriage arrived at Xie's house, Xun Yu got out of the carriage first, and half supported and half carried Jin Yan out of the carriage.

"Let's go find daddy." Jin Yan said.

She wanted to know what the eminent monk said.

Xun Yu: "When I came over in the morning, my uncle was out."

Just when the butler heard the news, he came over and said to Jin Yan, "Miss, the Patriarch has indeed gone out and hasn't come back yet."

Jin Yan: "Then let someone tell me immediately when Dad comes back, I have something to ask him."

Xun Yu sent Jinyan back to his room, talked with him for a while, and then left.

Jin Yan called him, "Where are you going?"

Xun Yu: "There are some family matters to deal with."

Jin Yan knew it in his heart, "You have Qi Jiu by your side, do you want help? I'll arrange someone for you or you can hire a few experts from the Ping An Escort Bureau. They have a lot of talents, and you can find any kind of people you want."

Xun Yu chuckled, "Understood."

However, after leaving Xie's house, he didn't go back to Lan Yuan, nor went to Xun's house, but took Qi Jiu out of the city.

After he left, Jin Yan was not idle either.

She ran to Xie Xi's study room, found a few books on the bookshelf and read them.

After an unknown amount of time, the door of the study room was opened.

Sensing the familiar aura, Jin Yan put down his book and ran to the door, "Daddy, you're back."

After she finished speaking, she sniffed.

Why is there such a strong smell of blood?

Jin Yan looked at Xie Xi suspiciously, Xie Xi's face was as usual, except for the slight coldness in his eyes, there was nothing different from usual.

He stroked Jinyan's hair, "The study is cold, don't stay here for too long."

Jin Yan nodded, "Understood, where have you been, Daddy?"

Xie Xi looked at Jinyan and said without changing his face, "I have dealt with some business matters."

Jin Yan was a little skeptical, but didn't delve into it.

Generally, Xie Xi kept things from her and strictly prohibited others from telling her, which he thought was not suitable for her to know.

Then she doesn't have to "know".

"The butler said you have something to do with your father, what's the matter?" Xie Xi asked.

Jin Yan shook his head, "It's a little thing, I'll talk about it later, just now when I came back from outside, Dad should go take a shower and change clothes!"

Xie Xi's expression changed slightly, "Then read the book yourself first."

He went out, saw the butler waiting there anxiously, and asked what was wrong.

The steward said: "Just now I ran in before I finished talking about the Patriarch. You smell bloody all over your body. You should wash it first, otherwise the eldest lady will be suspicious."

Xie Xi: "..."

Jin Yan has a delicate mind, and I'm afraid he has already discovered it.

But this child has always been sensible and knows that everything he doesn't let her know is to protect her.

Protect her safety and life, protect her innocence, protect her kindness...

So I never get to the bottom of it and find out.

When Xie Xi finished taking a shower, Jin Yan had already left the study.

She was eating and basking in the sun in the courtyard, when she saw Xie Xi coming out, she hurriedly pushed the food in front of Xie Xi, "I just bought the pearl, it's still warm, Daddy will eat some too."

Xie Xi didn't have much interest in children's "snacks", but he would eat a few mouthfuls every time.

"What do you want to know." Xie Xi said.

As if he already knew what Jin Yan was going to ask.

Jin Yan: "You chose Lin Ao out of so many people, because he was involved in my fate, isn't it?"

Xie Xi smiled after hearing this, and said to his naive daughter: "How is he worthy? It's simply because Lin Ao was more pleasing to the eye at that time."

Jin Yan couldn't accept it, "Lin Ao is still pleasing to the eye? Did you have some problems with your eyes at that time?"

"Not big or small!" Xie Xi cursed with a smile.

Jin Yan pouted, "Anyway, I don't believe it. If you say that Lin Ao is easy to control, it's fine. If you insist on saying that he is pleasing to the eye, I don't see the slightest bit of pleasing to the eye."

Xie Xi laughed out loud, "Isn't it easy to control?"

Jin Yan: "...Don't change the concept secretly, I'm serious with you."

Xie Xi turned serious, "Why did you suddenly think of asking this?"

Jin Yan then said: "Today Xun Yu came to Qiu's house to apologize to me. He said that he was going to return to Lin'an three years ago, but Yu Yue fell into a coma due to a poisoning attack and walked through the ghost gate. When he woke up , Lin Ao has become the son-in-law of the Xie family."

"He said that?" Xie Xi's expression was normal, but his thoughts had already flown to three years ago.

Jinyan suddenly had a heart attack, and it was extremely dangerous. He invited the best doctors in the entire south of the Yangtze River to Lin'an, and asked them to treat Jinyan together with Sun Lao, who had become a genius doctor.

But there are so many Xinglin masters, but no one knows how to save his daughter.

Even Sun Lao, who had saved Jinyan from danger many times, was helpless.

With nothing to do but no way out, he can only choose the most contemptuous way of praying to gods and worshiping Buddha, and pin his hopes on the high gods.

He knew in his heart that the gods never cared about the suffering in the world, otherwise there would not be so many natural and man-made disasters.

But he just wanted his daughter to live.

So he, like the naive and stupid people in the world, with a pious heart, went to the eminent monk who had attained the Tao, and asked the eminent monk to point out a bright way.

Cause and effect reincarnation.

The cause of the previous life, the fruit of the present life.

The daughter's heart disease is a congenital disease, and it is also a cause and effect.

Eliminate the karmic barriers entangled in her body, she will naturally be safe and sound.

He has tried everything he can think of.

At this time, don't say anything about the illusory reincarnation of karma and the elimination of evil obstacles. Even if the eminent monk says something even more outrageous, he will do it at all costs.

As long as he can save his daughter.

 Good night

(End of this chapter)

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